The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-09, Page 10n
pap 10_Tb* Ad%ante Times, May 9, 1979
Whitechurch Personals uien s anis
Ab& ftemboIfs m u n' worker, Visitors on the We *=Ei with
Active co � / b1r and Mrs. Bill Pardon were apart trl}e weekend with Bethany,
Anna and Laura Osborne while
ism in hospital p (MII)
daughter Barbara of Kitchener, their parents wereat a retreat.
A dative of England and � � Tieffien passes Miss Beatrice McQuillial and MW community, congratulates
rsaident of Canada for more than • • Charles McQuillan of St. Helens. Mr, and Bin. Joe Tiffin who
■yearo, Mrs. Elizabeth Augusta The community extends celebrated their 36th 'weddingI ROM
iUeoumboais of 66 Diagonal Road. A longtime resident of Doug Nlartlyn Keene' of sympathy to Tom McInnes and anniversary at Teeswater
Wingham, passed away Monday. Wingham, active for many years Campbellfurd. Sandra of Guelph Sun Elgin of Oshawa in the Complex on Friday evening. A s t► 9988 April 30, at the Wingham and to church and community ac- and Mark. presently attending passing of Mrs. McInnes, wife large crowd attended the dance. 7/ 1/
District Hospital She was in her tivities, George Victor Wilber- a «, wllfrid Laurier University. One and mother, last Thursday in her The village extends a warm
Z;7th year. force Tiffin of 595 Josephine grandson also survives, Paul 811th year. welcome to We new residents of
Mrs. Droumbolis was •the Street, Wingham, passed away Douglas Keene, as well as two Mr and Mrs. Clarence Moffat North Street, Mr at.1 Mrs.
former Elizabeth Augusta Thursday, May 3, at the swters. Mrs Wallace (Vivian) of Sombra and Mrs. Larr nthony �t:_. ei
Barnes and was born and Wingham and District Hospital in Nilson. Auburn. and Mrs. Harry Biggins, of Clinton were Thursd�., %h►t'e, r ,, r �, .i: n _, In- BROKEN
his 69th year.
G. W Olive) Bovd. Emeryville. Bill %rsitors with Mrs. Ben Ac- stitute rt.. $4 it
educated in Hastings, England. (Bill) Tiffin was born s o �k its predeceased by his elder Clenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl c� avass for the C an r
She came to Fort William, On ember 18, 1910, in Kinloss gun. Paul Victor. in 1974 and by %IcClenaghan. ociety. This as an ;r of $75
tario, in 1913 and one year later Township, a son of the late ale brother, Joe, in 1977 Helping Stephen Tiffin over last year. 'fie bi. -u is
married Mr. Droumbolis in that Friends called at the Currie- celebrate his birthday, besides as follows: North Street S59•
city. He predeceased her on
George Tiffin and Annie Jane
Sherritf. . He received his \1 siker Funeral Home Friday his brother Dean and parents Mr. Solomons, Highway 86, io the ► �
December 22, 1952. elementaryand secondary school afternoon and evening. Funeral and Mrs Bevin Tiffin, were Mrs.
y g bridge, $81; Highway 86 the
Mrs. Droumbolis had been education in Wingham and was service Aas conducted Saturday Jean McInnes, Mrs. Stewart of village, $70; second concession, Main
living retired since August of employed by Western Foundry at two o'clock at the Wingham Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. 544; River Sideroad, $48; Turn
Co.Ltd. on December 1
b7, 1928• L noted Church by Mr. Tifin's Raymond Leddy and Elizabeth of berry, $122. Listowel
1960. She came to Wingham on
December 18, 1977. She was a one day before his 18th birthday minister, Rev. K. Barry Pass- Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
me.nber of St. Paul's Anglican Except for a few months at more. Interment followed in Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of
Church; the Women of the Huron Motors. he remained in Wingham Cemetery. Wi iglram, Barry Tiffin, London,
Moose, No. he London; and was the company's employ until Pallbearers were John P. Me- and Mrs. Orville Tiffin.
a Silver Star Mother of the November 23, 1967. Though he Kibbon, Stewart Beattie, Emery The May meeting of Available Now in This Area
Salvation Army, London served in various capacities Stuckey, Dick LeVan, W. A. Whitechurch Women's Limited Number of '
there he was secretary -treasurer (Bill) Tiffin and W. B. (Bill) Missionary Society will be held
Surviving are five daughters, fur most of those :19 years, then Cruikshank. Honorary bearers May 16 at 2 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Harold ( Victoria) Wild of acted as honorary consultant �kere Harold Wild and DeWitt Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Leaders will be
Wingham, Mrs. Stan (Sylvia) from 1967 until 1977. Though poor Miller Floral tributes were Mrs. E. Laidlaw and Mrs. W.
Peckham, London, '
n on Mrs. Mary health precipitated his carried by Russell 7.urbrigg and Elliott; helper, Mrs. B. Versteeg; SAM the RECORD MAN
Biggar of Delaware, Captain retirement, he remained active, I.rc Vance. roll call, a mother of the Bible; '
Viola Droumbolis, Gananoque, despite many illnesses, until In Wingham United Church he Friends wishing to remember topic, "Mother"; courtesy, Mrs. '
and Mrs. Allan (Kathleen) Hick, February of this year. �%as serving as secretary of the 11r '[ iffin in a tangible way may W. Tiffin.
children and ten great -
Toronto. There are ten grand- Official Board for his 40th vcar rt„nale to the Ntemorial Fund of Little Stephen Tiffin celebrated
Mr. Tiffin was very active Ile had served as lay delegate to the Wingham United Church. his birthday on Tuesday with a '
the life of the community and the Iluron Perth Presbytery party attended by six to friends.
grandchildren. She was prede Wingham United Church where London Conference and to the
ceased by two sons, one daugh- he was a member. He was a Sgt rant Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin moved '
general Council of the l'nited on the weekend to their home in "YOU CAN BE IN THE RECORD BUSINESS TOMORROW"
ter, four sisters and one brother. member of the Wingham Lions L.B.• • '
Club for more than 35 years Church For many vears he sang Wingham.
The late Mrs. Elizabeth tenor in the choir and for over 40 served with Mrs. Dave Orholtzer, Jeffery With a minimum investment you can add to your in -
during which time he held all y '
l�ronrnbohs rested al the Currin vears he was Sunday School and Julie of terloo and Mrs. come if you already own a retail business or have a
cxr cutive offices and attended
Walker Funeral Home, Wing librarian. He was instrumental in Wingham po ice Gordon Campbell and Heather of y y
many conventions. He was
ham, where funeral and commit- organizing the reunion of the Kitchener visited Thursday with location with at least 200 square ret. '
treasurer of the Wingham Horse t Lloyd B. Brant of the
tai service was conducted Wed- 'IYiple �' Bible ('lass in 197:1. in Sgt. Y Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rantoul. Friday
Show for many years; a director visitors at the same hoMe were
nesday, May 2, at two o'clock by 1477, the directors of the Ontario Provincial Police died
of an active Wingham Badminton Aril 24 in the McMaster Medical A SAM that RECORD MAN Complete Dealership Package
Rev. J. T. M. Swan of St. Paul's television program. "Singtime'. p Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glttoskie and p p 9
Club,. -a noted shortstop for the Centre, Hamilton. He was in his '
Anglican Church. Final resting honored him for serving as family. All visited with Mrs. ' includes:
place will be Wingham Ceme- Wingham Baseball teams of the treasurer for several vears 51st year. Leonard Robinson and baby
tery. 1930s; and more recently, a On September 17. 1947. he He had been a member of the daughter at Belgrave. i. SAM $ newly developed record and tape m@r-
Wingham representative on the married the former Audrey OPP for the past 26 years and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Miss chandiser [ which is all chrome- framed, self stand- '
Honorary pallbearers were Huron -Perth Advisory Board of Isobel Boe at St. James -Bond prior to that had served for a Winnifred Farrier of Toronto i
Ross Doll, Hugh Mundell, the Canadian National Institute time on the Wingham lice Ing and can be assembled in /s a day.)
United Church, Toronto. She g P° attended the Hudson -Clipperton
for the Blind and on the executive 2. Record and- Tape Inventory
Wallace Nixon, Dennis Rheault, of the Association for the Men- survives, along with a family of force. wedding on Friday in London.
Richard Prestage, Jack Nevery two daughters and one son, Mrs Sgt. Brant was born in Bruce Miss Karen Currie, Reg. N., 3. Record and Tape Accessories
tally Retarded. County and moved to Port has been accepted on the staff of
and Jim Wild. P [includes needles) ,
Colborne 13 years ago. He is St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
survived. by his wife, Doris and began her duties last week. 4. Information - SAM'S famous Request and Supply
Biernes Brant; two daughters, Mrs. Debbie Allen of Holyrood Centre
Debbie and Lori; and two sons,
Stephen and Jeffrey, all at home;GORRIE 5. Service and Supply from SAM the RECORD MAN
also by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
n Harold Brant of Owen Sound; two Mrs. Earl Cudmore, Brussels, FREE BROCHURE WRITE or PHONE:
min ve sisters, Mrs. Alton (Elaine) visited at the home of Mr. andHunter of Lion's Head and Mrs. Mrs. Bill Nay. ATTENTION DEALERSHIPS
Robert (Delores) Hamilton of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown SAM the RECORD MAN Puslinch; a brother, Larry Brant Were at Simcoe on Saturday. '
of London; and his grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar 274 CHURCH ST.
Mrs. Stanley Porter of accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ken TORONTO; ONTARIO
WOAA 1979 DONKEY BASEBALL GAME Southampton. Edgar of Wroxeter to the Lions M56 1 Z5 '
CENTENNIAL duta>er to Teeswater on Saturday ' t
(POLICE CONCERT UMPIRE CLINICS Don't forget to see the exciting Funeral services were held in Y [416] 363-2437
At F. E. Madill ' Secondary Sunday, May 13, Moorefield game of Donkey Baseball in the the First Presbyterian Church, evening.
School, May 16, 8 p.m. Waterloo Town Hall, 1- 5 p.m. softball only. Teeswater Ball Park on Wednes- Port Colborne, April 27. Mrs. Sheldon Mann visited a
Regional Police Choir, OPP Pape OBA Umpire clinic, Sunday, May day, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. The few days with Ms. Marilyn
Band and Hamilton -Wentworth 20, Wingham town hall, 1 - 5 p.m. Lion's Club vs. the Jr. Farmers. Mrs. Thos. McInnes Connell of Clinton.
Regional Police Choir will ap- Baseball only. Instructor, Dick Thrills and spills for everyone.
pear. Free admission. Sponsored Willis, OBA Supervisor of Um- Fun for the entire family. dies In hospital
by the Wingham Police Depart- pires. • •
` ment. BINGO The death occurred in
CHILD HEALTH CLINIC Teeswater Lions Club will hold a Wingham and District Hospital
FASHION SHOW The Huron County Health Unit regular bingo this Friday, May 11 on Friday, May 4, of Mrs.
invites you to attend the Child at 8 p.m. in Teeswater Town Hall. Thomas McInnes of Turnberry Service Directo ry
Stormer fashion show sponsored Health Clinic, -held at Health Unit 15 regular games for $10; 3 Estates, Wingham. She was in
by Howick Junior Women's Insti- office, Wingham Hospital on specials for $25; Jackpot of $190 her 88th year.
tute will be held on Wednesday, Wednesday, May 16, 1979 from on 59 calls or $25 consolation. Mrs. McInnes was born in ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE FUELS FLOWERS
May 16 at 8 p.m. in Howick 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: Erin, Ontario, on July 23, 1891,
Central School. Fashions for all 1. Health Surveillance RECEPTION AND DANCE and was the former Elizabeth • Wedding
ages. Lunch provided. Door 2. Anaemia Screening For Donna and Allan Snowden, Jane McCaig, a daughter of the Lynn Hoy BILL TIFFIN
prizes. Tickets available by call- 3. Immunization (nee Dawson) at Bel ave WI g
late James McCaig and Ma Arrangements
ing 335.6109 or 335-3962. Ladies 4. Hearin Screening Hall on Friday, May 11. Ladies g Mary Burke -McLeod Enterprises Imperial Esso Agent s�
$2.50; persons"under 10, 50 cents; g g Y' Y Austin. She attended Brisbain Electrical •Cut flowers
5. Vision Screening please bring lunch. Everyone School in Erin and worked as a fSSO •
Contractors Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Plants
students ;1.50; gentlemen free. 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to welcome. seamstress. Following her � -
Proceeds towards agricultural 5 years. marriage to Mr. McInnes, they Sales 8 Service For all your Home and • Flowers by
building at Hawick Arena and RUMMAGE SALE Electrical Contracting Farm Fuel and
other club activities. lived , Sil the
to 1 Saskat H 86 east of Win ham Lubricating Needs Wire Service
SPRING CONCERT Will be held at the armouries chewan, until the late 1930s when Motor Sales, Repairs WY• 9
Belmore Spring Concert featur- June 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsored they moved to Conn, near Mount and Rewind Phone 519-357-3435 357-1032 ; LEWIS
ANNUAL MEETING ing Mount Forest Harmonaires, by the Mental Health Centre, Forest. They later moved to ' !t
The annual meeting of the Wing- the Belmore Mari Belles and' Wingham, Ont. Corrie where they resided for
ham and District Hospital As other local talent on Thursday, 9-16-23-30 about 30 years before retiring to Wingham 357-1380 ` PLUMBING yy, FLOWERS
sociation will be held on nuns -May 17 at 8 p.m. in Belmore Turnberry Estates. WINGHAM ate`
day, Jane 20 at 8 p.m. in the Community Centre. Tickets at SPRING FESTIVAL Mrs. McInnes is survived by *"I 135 Frances
Nurses' Training School building the door. Adults $2, public school Blyth Centre for the Arts pre- her husband; one son, James SEWING CENTRE Phone
$1. Bents a Spring Festival of an Elgin McInnes of Oshawa; three„ PLETCH Dealer for
on Catherine Street in Wingham. - = 357.3880
All matters of business pertain- 9-16 tiques and crafts on Saturday, grandsons and one great grand- OMEGA AND BERNINA
in to the W' and District May 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in son. There is one surviving ELECTRIC
gm the Blyth Community Centre, brother, John McCaig of Repairs to All Makes PRINTING
Hospital Association will be ANNUAL MEETING Y Y g Wingham ,
transacted, including the election The Town and Country Home- Blyth, Ont. Admission 50 cents. Shaunavon, Saskatchewan. dustrial, Commercial, Scissor Sharpening
of directors and other officers. makers annual meeting will be Special advance tickets now The late Mrs. McInnes rested InPLUMBING REPAIRS
Changes in hospital bylaws will held Wednesday, May 16at8p.m. available. at the Currie -Walker Funeral Farming, Domestic PHONE 357-25� WINGHAM
be considered. In order to cast a in the Wesley -Willis United 9-16 Home, Wingham, where service PHONE RENOVATIONS
ballot in the election of directors Church basement, Clinton, Ont. was conducted Monday at two S New Installations, call PRINTING
a person must be a member of the There will be a slide presentation CLAN HARKNESS REUNION o'clock by Rev. K. Barry BACKHOE Terry Deyell of SERVICE
association. One year member- on the services provided by the This is a reminder to family Passmore and Rev. T. J. Rees, a 357-2808 or 357-1229
ship may be obtained for the sum agency. An informal get together members that the annual Hark- lifetime friend who has known SIGNS* PRINTING
of $1 at'the hospital office. These over refreshments will wind up ness Reunion is being held in the Mr. and Mrs. McInnes since they Backhoe • PHOTO COPIES
memberships must be purchased the evening. Teeswater Community Complex lived in Saskatchewan. Final PLUMBING HEATING •REGISTER FORMS
at !east ]n ,aloe ..�:or to the an on. at.urday. May 12 at 5 p.m. Pot resting place will be Winghamjr T Work
nual meeting'. Everyone wel- GARDEN PARTY luck dinner at approximately 6 Cemetery. SiGNWRI 1 INC •RUBBER STAMPS
come. Wroxeter United Church Women p.m. Pallbearers were her three "Leroy Jackson 'WEDDING
will hold a Garden Party on Wed- 2-9 grandsons, James McInnes, Dunn By Tom" STATIONERY
Jack Hodgins Pres., Hugh McBurney --Plumbin
John Strong, Sec. nesday, May 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. Thomas McInnes and William 9
Adults $4, children $2. For McInnes: two nephews, John Thomas E. Dunn 314 JOSEPHINE STREET
M9 -J20 WINGHAM WOMEN'S - Heating
take-out meals call 335-3145. INSTITUTE, MEETING, Mcinnes and Douglas McCaig, Rat iBluevale WINGHAM WINGHAM
9-16 and a cousin of the deceased, -Tinsmithing
DANCE The regular meeting of the Wing- ham Women's institute will be Calhert Falconer. Flower .2 335-6395 357-3819 357-3800.
Will be held in Ethel Community ROTH BIRTHDAY held in the Council Chambers on bearers were Bill McInnes and 191 Josophino St. �
Hall on Friday, May iL Music by Open House in honor of LeslieBud Mcinnes. Wingham 357-2901
D. J. Country and Western. Free Bolt's 80th birthday will be held Thursday, May t7 at nd p.m.
coffee. Ladies please Firing lunch. Theme "Agriculture and Can- GRAVEL 8 TOPSOIL CONSTRUCTION
Everyone welcome. on Sunday, May 13 in Knox adian Industries". Program Con- Fordwieh -
United Church, schoolroom, Be]-veners, Mrs. M. Bradburn, Mrs. Cox T.
grave from 2 to 5 p.m. No gifts. D Ritchie. Roll call, Name a 11r and Mrs Jack Gibson ofJohn T. M. A T.
BUS TRIP You are welcome. Canadian industry. Motto, Kleinhurg visited Sunday with . ADVANCE -TIMES
Enjoy a day in London, Monday, People who are not scared to roll Mr and Mrs. Doug Holt CONSTRUCTION
May 14. Bus leaves Wingham PLANT DEMONSTRATIONS up their sleeves seldom loose Mrs. Phebe Haverfield of
Armouries at 8:15 a.m., $5 each. Living gifts parties now in this their shirts. Hostesses: Mrs. W. Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Brian General Contractors INsuRANes
Picone 357-3014. area. Call now for information. Jardine, Mrs Lockwood, Mrs. C. .Jefferson of Woodstock. Mr and Gravel and All types of concroto, ^rk
2-9 Repregentatives required also. Sewers. Visitors welcome. Mrs Don Gibson. Thunder Bay, Pit Silos All Types of / `,
Phone 887 9577. 9 16 were Quests recently with Mr Topso i I Home and farm building Insurance 3 7-2320
DANCE and Mrs, Bill Haverfield
Festival Sin les' dance Friday, VACATION RETREAT ANNUAL MEETING Larry Montoux of Toronto CALL BOB THOMPSON ` �—_�
g Y. 335-3525 357-2636
May 11 in Victorian inn, Strat- Fish, hunt, relax at Pagwachuan The Howick Athletic Association visited Sunday with his parents. ~�� BLt EVALE, ONTARIO
Camp Resort. Wilderness area, will hold their annual meeting on Mr. and Mrs Don Montoux 1111-:1491 GORRIE WINGHAM
ford. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. g
Welcome all singles over 25 N) miles west of Hearts. Cabins May 1.4 at 8:30 p.m. in the Howick Mr. and Mrs Lyle Simmons -
yean and trailer park. Box 365, Long- Community Centre. Everyone and Mrs Carl Stewart spent
2-9 lac, Ont Phone 706-362^5500. welcome Saturday in Kitchener