The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-02, Page 6ft'at�i a 6—ne Wiwham Advance -Tunes, May 2,19'M
Cost of # disci lesh i
stressed at service
GORRiE—Rev. Werley B. Ball
scribed desk pen set, together
took as his tbeme, "Discipleship -
with the affection of the people
What Does it �y Mean?" at
she has served and the prayers of
the Sunday marting worship
the entire congregation, marked
service in Garvie United Church.
her retirement as organist and
Mr. Ball MW there is a cost at
choir leader at Gorrie United.
stake if one Must be a faithful
now have a base in Newfoun-
disciple. A person must deny
dland, as well as many in British
himself. While many have come
to the' cross and found
forgiveness and received
At the 4-H Achievement Night
deansittg, few will take the extra
step of true discipleship.
Walls lead A division with 3,426
'urbere is a cross to take," Mr
points, while Haughs are close
Ball said. '"Ibis means assuming
behind with 3,396 and Hear(b
the responsibility which Christ
aren't far behind with 3,373.
invites us to take as His
In B division Hickeys have
3,551 points, Hoffes have 3,454
"there is also a commitment
and Ruttans have 3,120.
to make," he continued. Jesus
requested His disciples to follow
Elmer McFarlane bowled both
Him, not just when it suits them
or when the circumstances are
the men's high scores with a 255
right but regardless of the cir-
game and 730 triple. Linda
cumstances. Commitment is not
Henderson's 262 game was the
to a denomination nor a par-
ladies' high and Edna Mae Arm -
ticular fellowship, but to Christ
strong bowled the 664 ladies high
In closing, he assured tu
people that Amm
"As we coit
Edna Mae Armstrong actually
ourselves to Jesus so He commits
bowled both the ladies' high
Himself to us and promises 'I will
scores last week wiht a 269 game
never forsake you'."
and 735 triple, not as reported
At the altar call a group of
last week.
people came forward to make
that commitment to Christ.
During the service Mr. Ball
presented the organist, Mrs.
John Freeman, with a gift on
behalf of the congregation she
has served so well in the ministry
of music. Mrs. Freeman has
given outstanding leadership as
I `_ - PHONE
organist and choir leader and as
a mark of their appreciation,
members of the congregation
5 L
applauded her effort and her
work. The gift of a suitably in-
ra-e.toae Dealer
We have a m . Nile tir°A-a! repair
unit for on-roc.d or off-road
work with chloride equipment.
All tractor, truck and car sizes
" ' in stock.
Call Lucknow
KINETTE DONATION—Mary Lou. Cameron and Evonne Carter last week presented
Norman Hayes, executive director of Wingham and District Hospital with a cheque for
$2,000 for the purchase of a laparoscope. The money is a donation from the Wingham
Kinette Club to the hospital and was raised through sales of the centennial book, One Hun-
dred Years of memories, as well as through club members' work at the International
Plowing Match last year. Mrs. Carter is Kinette president while Mrs. Cameron chaired
the book project. A laparoscope is used In diagnosis of gynecological problems.
Whitechurch Personals
Last Tuesday, Mrs. Garnet Rintoul, Carol, Kimberley and
Farrier, Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. Debbie of St. Helens.
Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison of they never know their own
Mowbray and Mrs. Victor Little Current were Sunday strength until they get into hot
Emerson went to Pinecrest visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor water". The 4-H girls will present
Manor where they presented a Emerson. a skit on Essential Edibles and an
program on behalf of the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne exhibit of hats from their club,
Whitechurch Women's Institute. and family held Open House "Accessories: The Final Touch".
They presented treats to Dr. 'Sunday from 2 until 5 p.m. at the
FITp^ss Now
Flums is a national issue.
%* call it Body Politim
ti Q..-4lrwll/1�.
Snap up the opportunities
in the
The Advance -T Imes 357-2320
Return effective Parl0
control to Government
IF irs
In Huron -Bruce and
in Parliament
Your Man
On May 22
McKINLEY, Robert E.
Published by the Huron -Bruce K Association
Anna Wright, Ellen Gardner and manse. Approximately 30 people t
Elizabeth . Scott who were called.
celebrating birthdays. The Word was received here on
program consisted of songs, Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Fred
piano instrumentals, spring Tiffin that Mrs. Russell Proctor NE,MOst-IMPOIUMIT
readings and a story, "A Handful of Livonia, Michigan, passed
of Trouble". away Thursday evening as the
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, result of a heart attack. Mrs.
Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of Proctor and her husband had MINOYOUSHOU KNON
St. Catharines spent the weekend spent the weekend here and
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor returned Monday to Livonia,
Emerson. apparently in good health.
Fred Davis of LaSalle visited Sympathy i:• extended to the ABOUT RENOVAING YOUR
on the weekend with Mrs. Garnet many friends and relatives here.
Farrier and with his parents at . The funeral service was held AW
Lucan. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corey of HOME -WITH
Clinton were Sunday•visitorswith A number of United Church �� f• ��
Mr.. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul and
members from here attended
Gorrie United Church Sunday for
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
an evening service when Dr.
Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Brian
Donald Watt told of his medical
were Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
Fork with the United Church of
Speiran, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs.
Canada mission hospitals. They
Gary Rintoul and Kevin, East
now have a base in Newfoun-
Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Corey
dland, as well as many in British
of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Columbia. Dr. Watt resides in
Whitechurch Women's Ih.
stitute will meet in the hall
At the 4-H Achievement Night
May 9 1 at 8:15. Mrs. Garnet
Nay• 86 Em Farrier is hostess: roll call, show
or tell about something in
in Lucknow United Church on
Thursday evening, Karen
Beecroft received her first two-
i�7�/� Dw
project certificate and Mrs.
Walter Elliott received a ten-
year leader's certificate.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Des
at Roches and Stephen of South
Lancaster have been transferred
BERRY TAVERN to London. They spent the
1. weekend with their friends, Mr.
Opening at 12 Noon for Mother's Day and Mrs. Carl Mccienaghan and
You'll need a dealer with a full line of You'll need a dealer who can help You with
aluminum home improvement products. And styles and colours.
the expertise to install them.
D�tar Moan: „a6•,o,,. `
Little James and Christopher
We've decided to talke you out to dinner on Mother's Humphrey of Bluevale are �
Day. Txm4wry Taaem u opewiiirg at Prover tho day and their visiting a few days with Mr. and
Motber's Dray menu sows& terrific ... roast beef and roast Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family
txrhey, plus owr wsad me", complimentary glass of Wine, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. �':: •90
for yow, Mother, with all the yummy trimmiergs, and lots Keith Osborne, are on vacation.
of othergood food. We're already ,~rade reservations. Dad A shoot party was held Monday
thinks this is agreat idea 'cause he knows it'll be nue for evening in Whitechurch Com -
0 -t tial da be skit hes t M
yon ge cwt oft c on yoxrspe y. mum y emonal Hall. High .. .... I.....
scores were held by Mary Hehn
You'll need a dealer of proven experience Vou'll need a dealer who's easy to get In
and Alex Sproal ; second high
and reliability. touch with. Now and In the future. You'll need
Love, The Kids prizes were awarded to Mrs.
a dealer like an Alcan Authorized Dealer.
Charles Bosman and Johnston
An Alcan Authorized Dealer not only carries Your nearest Alcan Authorized Dealer is listed in
Conn. In travelling shoot, there
our products, but our name and the reputation the Yellow pages under'S'for siding
which goes with it That's why you'll find him to be if you want a beautiful, minimum-mainte-
were eight to cut for it and Mrs.
Bosman was the
everything a dealer should bb He'll offer you nance home, he's the man you should talk to You'll
winner. The
his advice on the exterior renovation you have in find he lives up to his reputation And ours
lucky cup was held by Mrs. Mel
mind He'll give you a free written estimate He'll
Morrison. There were 17 tables in
do the job professionally and as quickly as possible
Alcan Authorized Dealers are independent busi- Alcan Building Products Af CAN''
Whitechurch Women's Ih.
stitute will meet in the hall
nessmen appointed by Alcan, and they carry a full Nvilinn M Allan f anxia Pro iwtt i im.tF f
selection of Alcan home improvement products 'Aran r Anarla Pr ri„rtc I irnifwj m a r,,,,,ttr,rnn
May 9 1 at 8:15. Mrs. Garnet
Nay• 86 Em Farrier is hostess: roll call, show
or tell about something in
jjpf rd tri,,, trarlo mart
L— your
Wingham Phone 357-3114 home that can be recycled;
;idinq soffit fascia, eavestrough systems decoritivF shutters, storm doors and windows
motto, "People are like tea bagr;
replacement prime windows and path Storm doors