The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-02, Page 4Plaw 4—TW Wingham Advance-"1'1111ca, luta} c, iyry
NEW EXECUTIVE—The Wingham Voice for Life chose a new board of dir- Kirkland and Monica Jolie. Back row; Flora Nabrotsky, Joan Van Den
ectors at its annual meeting April 25. Front row, from left: Hinka Bakelaar, Assem, Colleen Schenk, Richard Campeau and George Brophy. Absent was
Janet Sterenberg, Betty O'Donnell, Sally Campeau, Joanne Plas, JoAnn Herman Plas.
Voice for Life annual, speaker
attract a capacity attendance derwood, Mrs. Mary Lee and
P � Weekend visitors with Mrs.
A capacity crowd at the an effort underwa to set u a George Thompson were Dr. and Mrs'. Jack Day. They sang
P Y arguments," Mrs. Osborn said. Y P Mrs. MDonald Watt of Vancouver, "Showers of Blessing" and
Wingham Legion attended the She, brought with her some Birthright group in the Wingham Mrs. G. Lines and Mrs. N. Good would It
annual meeting of the Wingham photo "Someone". Rev. Dr. Robert H.
photographs of an abortion and area. wouprovide pregnancy
g P of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong chose as his sermon
Voice for Life April 25 to hear the said the ugliness of the procedure counselling service, free legal aidDr. title, "The Name Which Is Above
national resident of the Alliance is so striking it is enough to and free medical aid. If needed, Millan Moore, Whitechurch. rte
P g g Watt was speaker at the Gerrie Every Name"..
for Life and to choose a new motivate many people to work housing would also be provided. Harr Browne and Mr. and
board of directors. hard against abortion. The local group is described by United Church on Sunday Y
The talk by Connie Osborn, The alliance has asked fora Alliance for Life as "one of the evening. Mrs. Ken Saxton Jr. of Wingham
and Mrs. John Aveson of were guests when Nellie
president of the Alliance for Life, royal commission on the status of jewels in Canada" in its fight �. East Detroit, Michigan, spent the Barney Browne of elle and
which is made up of 125 pro-life children and local groups are against abortion, Mrs. Campeau weekend with her brother, celebrated their golden wedding
groups, highlighted the dinner calling on municipal govern- said, but warned members not to Harold Herdt Wingham. anniversary ei Sunday, April 22.
meeting. mems to designate May 6-13 he complacent about that. A family luncheon at the home of
Pro-life supporters shouldn't national respect for life week, There are about 1,000 abortions Mrs. Norman Deyell and her their daughter and son-in-law,
apologize for their efforts, Mrs. with Mother's Day at the end of a week in Canada and it has been sister, Mrs. Mel Riehl of Alice and Willie Hynd of
Osborn said and they should be the week. 10 years since the abortion laws Tobermory returned from a visit Islington, was followed by a
willing to strongly support their Sally Campeau, president of were amended, so there is a lot of with their father, Frank Ortlieb, reception at St. George's Golf
beliefs. Voice for Life, reported there is fighting to do before abortion is and other relatives in the Kenora and Country Club. A large and
"It's not enough to say we're outlawed again, she said. and Keewatin area. Mr. and Mrs. happy group of relatives and
against abortion and sit back John Ortlieb of Keewatin are friends contributed to a
complacently and do nothing visiting with relatives in pleasurable day and memorable
about it." Wingham, Bluevale, London, occasion. Some out-of-town,
Supporters of groups like the Mrs. Leonard James heads Amherstburg and Tobermory. guests were attended were Mr.
Wingham Voice for Life should and Mrs. Lance Browne of Kit -
watch their language when at- Belgrave Institute far 1979 A ladies' quintette provided chener, Mrs. Jack MacGibbon
tempting to get their messages special music at the Sunday (Ruby Browne) .of Guelph, Mr.
across to people who condone morning worship service at St.., and Mrs. Walter Cochrane of
abortion, she. said. People BELGRAVE — The Women's Norman Coultes and Mrs. Andrew's Presbyterian ChurchBancroft, also former Wingham
shouldn't be fooled by phrases Institute held .their annual Clarence Hanna; Family and
like `termination of pregnancy' meeting recently in the Belgiave Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Ross Members of the quintette were residents, ,Edna Ellacott, Mrs.
when abortion is the topic.- In- WI Fall. It was decided to give a Higgins; Resolutions, Mrs. Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Wallace Hugh Carmichael and Mrs. Don
P Richardson, Mrs. Murray Un- Hawthorne.
stead of -talking about a fetus, as donation of money to the Bel- Lawrence Taylor; Convener of
pro -abortion people do, Mrs. Brave Cemetery Committee. programs, Mrs. James Hunter;
Osborn urged those present to Delegates to the Institute District Institute representative on East
talk about unborn babies. Instead Annual at Holme sville United Wawanosh Park and Recreation nners
isn't half so
When it is
followed by a
Welcome Wagon
Phone 357-1963
D & M Comins.,
. We will be at
.The Elm Park Motel
in Room 7
Saturday, May 5
9:30 to 3:00
Saturday only we will PAY THE HIGHEST
PRICE EVER PAID for 1967 and before.
Silver dollars, 1%7 and before
$3.00 each
Half dollars, 1%7 and before
=1.10 each
Quarters, 1966 and before
$1.00 each
Dimes, 1966 and before
.30 each
WANTED - large pennies before 111", paying Sk.
We will pick up if you call.
- Featuring
Canadian -Made:
1 /
Infant to
size 14
O7o The Comer Cottage for
Children's Weer
_ I
of talking about deformed �m'Cn on May 28 will be Mrs. Board, Mrs. Glenn Coultes. Ve re W5 , .
children, use the word `han- John Anderson, Mrs. Walter Following the election of of Wingham Kinsmen n
dicapped', she said. Scott, Mrs. Leonard James and ficers a short program was held. BELGRAVE — Five tables of
euchre were played at the weekly
Mrs. Glenn Coultes. Mrs. Graham McNee discussed
Education is the key to our
Conveners of all standing com- an interesting article entitled ' in the WI Hall. euchre last Wednesday evening
mittees gave their reports. Mrs. "Signs of the Times". Mrs. Hi lady, Mrs. Nettie Ross;
Benny H i n n Graham McNee of Dungannon Thomas played some delightful ,
conducted the election of officers selections on her autoharp and high man, George Johnston;C,
Evan elist for the coming year 1979-1980 lunch was served by the com- novelty lady, Mrs. Agnes Bic -
resulting of Mrs. Clarence Hanna, man; novelty man, Leslie Short; Sppjn 4FJAP.DEn
resulting as follows: low 1 d M s Le S
- Past president, Mrs. John Mrs. Carl Procter and Mrs. Earl a y, r . was of
SC oo , Frances Street,
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
low man, Sam Fear.
curators, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Oscar
Sat. May 5
William Fenton and Mrs. Sara
Anderson; president, Mrs.
Heart euchre party last week.
nominating committee, Mrs.
Anderson; Citizenship and World
Leonard James; 1st vice presi-
hour followed.
Dougall, Mrs. Adams.
7:30 pm
Affairs, Mrs. Ross Taylor and
dent, Mrs. Ross Anderson; 2nd
Conveners of standing com-
• Junipers
Everyone Welcome
Miss Lillian Potter; Education
vice president, Mrs. James
Hunter; secretary -treasurer,
New officers nstalled
and Activities, Mrs.
Mrs. James Hunter; assistant
Mrs. deVries, Mrs. McDougall;
Free admission
secretary, Mrs. Glenn Coultes;
district director, Mrs. John
for Maitland Institute
• C bb
The Three Ms of St. Andrew's
Brown; Family and Consumer
Anderson; alternate district,
Affairs, Mrs. Allen, Mrs.
bowling alley for an evening of
Belanger; public relations. Mrs.
fun and entertainment.
director, Mrs. Norman Coultes;
public relation officer, Mrs.
District President Mrs. G. Sisters banquet.
resolutions, Mrs. deVries, Mrs.
the Upper Room of the church
Glenn Coultes; branch director,
McNee of Dungannon installed Mrs. McDougall read the
was held, followed by a brief
charge of the Christmas
business session.
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, Mrs.
the new officers when the correspondence and s
in charge of the annual meeting
closed the meeting with prayer
in April; and members of the
Camp and Mrs. Sara
members of Maitland Women's the bills. The members we re
during lunch.
Ander onn
Institute held their annual reminded of a bus trip to
meeting in the council chamber Dominion Textiles in Cambridge
Curator of the Tweedsmuir
on Tuesday evening of last week. and a craft festival on June 8.
History, Mrs. Walter Scott;
committee, Mrs. Lawrence Tay-
The meeting opened with the Ode Roll call was answered by
and Mary Stewart Collect.
vvt a
Miracle Service
lor, Mrs. Gordon McBurney,
Mrs. Garner Nicholson, Mrs.
payment of fees and Mrs. Jacklin
gave a detailed report for the
Mrs. Sid Adams was installed District Annual. The conveners
Featuring an excellent supply of
shrubs and trees.
Ivan Wightman,
as president, succeeding Mrs. of standing committees then
garden plants,
Mitchell & District High
Conveners of standing com-
Gerald Belanger. Other officers gave their reports.
mittees are • Agriculture and
are • first vice -;A__# M
SC oo , Frances Street,
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
p s rs.
Bevan Brown; secretary, Mrs.
Following the installation of
officers, the members held
curators, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Oscar
Sat. May 5
William Fenton and Mrs. Sara
Tipton; assistant secretary and
exchange of plants and a social
Heart euchre party last week.
nominating committee, Mrs.
Anderson; Citizenship and World
Good Cheer, Mrs. Morley
hour followed.
Dougall, Mrs. Adams.
7:30 pm
Affairs, Mrs. Ross Taylor and
Bushell; district director, Mrs.
Conveners of standing com-
• Junipers
Everyone Welcome
Miss Lillian Potter; Education
Belanger; alternate, Mrs. Allen;
Cherry Trees
and Activities, Mrs.
director, Mrs. Carl
Mrs. deVries, Mrs. McDougall;
Free admission
Casemore Mrs Kees deVries
• C bb
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
The Third Sunday After Easter
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.—Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and Sermon
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
2:00 p.m.— A.C.W. at the Church
Mrs. Don Cameron; public
Euchre party
relations, Mrs. Les Jacklin;
curators, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Oscar
There were 12 tables of card
Holmes; auditors, Mrs. Art
players at the weekly Sacred
Hubbard, Mrs. Casemore;
Heart euchre party last week.
nominating committee, Mrs.
High lady was Kay Mc -
Stan Orien, Mrs. Harry Mc-
Cormick, high man was John
Dougall, Mrs. Adams.
Finnigan, low lady was Reta
Drehmann and Nora Finnigan,
Conveners of standing com-
Playing as a man, was low man,
mittees are: Agriculture and
Nettie Ross won the door prize.
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Bushell, Mrs. Casemore;
Citizenship and World Affairs,
Mrs. deVries, Mrs. McDougall;
curators, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.
Walsh; Education and Cultural
Activities, Mrs. Tipton, Mrs.
The Three Ms of St. Andrew's
Brown; Family and Consumer
Presbyterian Church met at the
Affairs, Mrs. Allen, Mrs.
bowling alley for an evening of
Belanger; public relations. Mrs.
fun and entertainment.
Jacklin, Mrs. Hutchison;
After the howling they met in
resolutions, Mrs. deVries, Mrs.
the Upper Room of the church
where a short devotional time
The branch directors will be in
was held, followed by a brief
charge of the Christmas
business session.
meeting; nominating Committee
Rev. Dr. Robert H. Armstrong'
in charge of the annual meeting
closed the meeting with prayer
in April; and members of the
and a social time was enjoyed
executive in charge of the Secret
during lunch.
a ages
• Peppers
• Petunias
• Begonias
•Maple Trees
•Globe Cedars
• Tomatoes
• Cauliflower
• Geraniums
• Snapdragons
The above stock is supplied by:
Bruce MacDonald Art's
Greenhouse AND Landscaping
Wingham, Ontario Godwich, Ontario
We will also have a large selection of vegetable and flower seeds.
.%__hurday, May 26 10 a.m. to 5p.m.
At the Armouries (behind the Town Hall) Free Delivery
All profits to be returned to community services. Your support will be appreciated.