The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-02, Page 14POM It—T% Ira1ELam Advance -Times, May 21 IM
Editor: Adson Roberts
Sports Editor: Joanne Sanderson
Feaitures Editor: Rachel Wallace
Executive Editor: Kathy Underwood
„•�M`.,•=rte_ `^� `'?„^ ! , Jy
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Su morhM% old htt.e lu igno^ !w rays Four mDihnq bats, lu disl. « ren ori d fwr ,pr. WNr lu ,urrismb ten
and Oasts , go •e,y --ch bar ,olk"G -a&" rte t0.0*1 dianpts Nhe rio:iu a ,batghbo„rlhood Dior
Is. 13 15. 13 IS. 13
4, It.e ,u,%,i,,y In the I,vvrhg roan d tis houw rte s Ioc.nq nq h0 " across ,the scree,
Paper cuts outs 60, Dili the tron.e e0 sK31D sec
losK Vow Nigh pitch W,r rr voice -kw
Vacs . A/nVh Sound effects gbs sham,.rr Sow,d affects yea. Weng
Sound effecft n1n40 o rattling .
.,w., ..; av�s.�.wro .,,.........-a..rnw+....e ..e.�..-.+•s'. .r.:.:xagek..,... ...... "'4iR :a.
ill- mirror
' �yF.,. � • ....._....._.. ,....�^°"' mss, k.:Aii.' Iw ..,�, �•4.
al / �.•,
'K� ...
itv« Yom+ bl•r u 1M•IIY turns Inco
lh.« low h• sir% Ytso daft"" +_ two years bier M turn inb o hippy,
awd p tY, ` i and pw slots b IMnk that hell nevisr tum :, • IS x 13 I^Y You w•nhd. t .
15.13 out cite v.ay you wont.
35 sac- I S . 1+V
On the loolboM heW t ° 1S UK. M lib verr own •Mks.
Van hoe heel ) On Ms motorcycle sound well
Ifi • slly d t•IlI
' Vow � cool mon Voke well I finally noel• It.
r,« Monks Sandy -. -"--•- —•--- -'-'--'-- ' 11
Madill business
-skills to s
w�ns awer en contestp
Shor t sto
Kevin hetterfield, in Grade 11 he was. He surveyed the small very true and warming smile, fountain with my own two hands, -'That's right," he agreed. This week 'Rte Mirror has the
Pleasure of acoolading a group
at Madill, distinguished our park beside him a moment thanking his friend for [ravelling Timmy. It is built over a natural "So if they want to develop,
t been
school by winning an honourable longer. Then, just when he was over 200 miles to be with him be- spring, the most beautiful one they should go to the edge of from no area n Madill life which
has nopreviously re-
mention in the province -wide going to move on, realizing per- fore he passed away. Timmy's I've ever seen." town. That way, the town would
contest held recently. haps he was only hearing things, grandfather once told him that a Timmy's face was now expand and develop into some- cognized: It is a particular
Kevin was honored last Friday the voice rang out a second time. person smiles two ways. They lightened with a smile of interest. thing different." pleasure because, The Mirror de
for the achievement. A tour of the This time, "over here" was smile simply with their face; or "why did you make the water pends heavily on the talents
London Free Press and the Uni added to the end of Timmy's else they smile with their heart come up through the boat that is Mr. Harland saw that Timmy which result from such studies.
The results the Huron County
versity of Western Ontario and name. He turned to look farther and soul with friendship. That in the centre of the fountain?" was sincere in what he ''said,
contests sponsored • the -
carie Business Education dinner at the University Club of up the road. There he noticed Mr. was the way his grandfatheF "That is a question that many showing that he also believed t ion so
London were accorded to the Harland in his doorway. A smiled, and so did Mr. Harland. people in this town should be able that the planning board should
winners and their teachers. waving hand was inviting Timmy "I will tell you in a minute why to answer, but couldn't if they leave nature as it sits. ciation Typing Contest, in which
Kevin's short stn "Natural to come in from the cold and sit they think I'm stopping their de- were asked. You see, the man "If they keep bothering you for Madill so distinguished itself,
Beauty", shows philosophical by a warming fire. velopment. First, I shall go and that I carved in the boat was tra- your park, Mr. Harland, I'll help were published last week.
merit as well as creative writing Timmy possessed a very shy make a nice cup of hot chocolate selling down the river about 110 you fight them." Our es skills teaching
team deserves further con -
ability. We would welcome future personality. Normally he didn't, for the two of us." years ago. When he was down
contributions to the Mirror from talk to people unless they began a Mr. Harland returned a few ardw re the feed mill sits The old gentleman chuckled. gratulation this week, adding
Kevin, and congratulate him on conversation first. For that rea- minutes later with their drinks. todSy, the bull of his boat was "Don't worry, Timmy, there will the top two papers in 80 words per
his achievement. son he had trouble meeting and They sat to front of the fire and broken open by a jagged rock. be no more fighting. You see, I'll minute shorthand to Elie three
AWARD WINNING making friends. Mr. -Harland sipped slowly on them, while Mr. Naturally the boat had to be re- simply never sell my land to teamchampionships and many
SHORT STORY • called again for Timmy to come Harland began his story. The Paired, so he landed it on shore them. I am grateful for your sup- individual awards which were so
by Kevin Neitterfield and share some hot chocolate floorboards under his chair before enough water could seep Port just the same." handily won to typing.
NATURAL BEAUTY with him by the fire. The man's creaked when he leaned back. in to pull him under. He sel up "It's alright. I like helping Movita Bradley claimed first
The wind whistled down voice was ve friend) and cis- "You know that Timm cam and t two days re others if I can." Prize, with the excellent mark of
�' Y Park y P eco y Pau 103 out of 110, Karen Doleman
through the tall, leaning pines tinct. Thinking Mr. Harland He pointed out the window to the ing his boat. While doing so, he
and bit the tip of Timmy's nose. would maybe become his friend, park next to them. Timmy did his hunting here instead of
Mr•Harland � and offer- achieved 99 out of 110 to gain a
He tucked his head snuglyinto he headed towards the h ed Timm more hot chocolate. second place finish, 30 rots
ager well nodded and looked out the win- farther downstream, as he had Y Po
the hood of his parka and pulled kept house. cow to see a gentle snow settling planned. He liked the land in this Timmy lo5ked over and saw the ahead of her nearest rival.
true, warming smile that had As a result our 11 (out of a �, M
his scarf up a little higher so that "Thank -you for inviting me down on the tall pines boughs. "I area and returned two years .. ..: .
it would give his reddening nose into your house, Mr. Harland, own that park, and the town later with eight other families made lum feel at ease.' possible 12) papers will be sub-
ub warmth and protection. The said Timmy as he stepped inside. Planning board wants to buy it." and his awn, to begin -settle "Yes please,' replied Timmy, mitted to the provincial contest.�.>:
holding out the cup to his new and we extend our best wishes for
jabbed snow shovel was deep in "Oh, so you do know my name, He shook his head with disgust- meet. Just over 150 people lived
friend. further. success. CARY.N MANN doing splits in her floor routine
the snow bank and then he turned "said the elderly man, while "You know, I would sell it to them here four years later when it was
around. A pmW feeling of ac- took the snow covered coat if they weren't so destrtictive. proclaimed ca town. This very
complishmenttushed through his hat, and hung them over the beat. They want to take. my little piece town that we live in today."
mind while he looked down the "I thought 1 would have to intro- of land, which only occupies "Your fountain is to show
long well -cut path he Had just duce myself." three-quarters of this block, and everyone how this town was
completed. Then he glanced up to "I saw your name in the paper destroy it. started right?"
the house and saw his aunt look- last week; it said that you lived "Destroy it?" asked Timmy. "')bat's right Timmy.
ing out through the kitchen win- beside the park-" He looked "That is right. They want to "Our country has a lot of
dow. He raised his hand and questioningly at the gentleman. take their bulldozers and saw and beauty. some_. of it is hidden
waved goodbye; she did the same "rhe story said that you were cut most of the pines down, re- though, and people don't see it.
in return. holding back town development placing them with senior citizen "However, there is only so
With the snow shovel now rest- ' plan." homes. They call it structured much of it at our fingertips. Up to _
ing over his shoulder, he started "Oh yes." he recalled. "I re- beauty. Well, I don't think that the northern tips of our country.
off home. His teacher didn't member that article:" His their structural beauty can re- where there isn't a lot of settle
assign any homework that day sofriendly smile widened and en- place that natural beauty out ment, is where the best of our re-
he wasn't burdened with a load of hanced Timmy's hope for there, that I have proudly pre- maining beauty is being pushed.
boons in his hands as usual. making a new friend. served for nearly 35 years," said Hidden or not." °
Timmy had stopped and looked It was the kind of smile that he Mr. Harland with obvious dig- "I agree with you, Mr. Har-
te this left. Someone called him, had once seen his grandfather nity. land." said Timmy. "I also think .
but he couldn't determine where give to a dear friend. It was a ' "That's a long time." the planning board should' know .. .
"Longer, in fact, than half the that developing twice isn't
members of the planning board right."
have even been alive. That park "I don't see exactly what you
is the only completely natural mean Timmy." Mr. Harland °
setting around here. unless you leaned forward to catch the boy's
go into the bush. of course. Then, words. �.
You see, it's not the same some- "You're not holding back de -
how. The people can't see the velopment. That land is yours
pines and see the migrating and you already developed it, the
Canadian geese that stop each way you wished it to be, right'"
year. The geese enjoy swimming Timmy smiled knowing'that Mr. s ,
around the fountain, and people Harland was interested in what
like watching them. I made that he was saying. If you .y r : _..: a business or farm and create new jobs .
between April 30 and October 21,1979, you may apply to
the Ontario Youth )Employment Program for a grant of
' SL25 an hour (up to a maximum of S50.00 a week) towards
- the wages of each eligible youth you hire for those jobs
Aepply early. Program Duration: i.ring of Employees:
Get fhivads are limited. The program is in cffsct tor 1; weeks lieforc v ou hire an employee under
THE OTHER SIDE If you wish to employ a young person trorrjApnl 330 through October 21. ' the progrfm Vol] must first receive
OF THE MOUNTAIN your feet and right into the story anv time during ehc programs dura- 19'9 An empl0VCT is not required to wnttcn apprgval from the Province
Part One by E. G. Valens She makes you feel as if you are -tion submit your application as soon hire a vouch for clic hill 2; wretr penod
If you were a great American one of the characters in the story as possible Applications are processed Last year the program approved
B •30.0(x1 new )ohs for young people •
The description is superb y'ou as they are received Deadline date fir Terms of Employment: throughout the province. if you think
skier and then suddenly ,you
changed to a uadru I can almost smell the flowers. -application is.ialy 3 19'9 or earlier, To�c eligible for fundin a position you would be eligible for funding
q P egn be- touch the grass, and feel the wind should all funds he allocated funding
cause of a seriosu skiing injure-. created must he in addition to regular' under clic engram we invite you to
could you cope with this- Jill on your face. r and seasonal employment normally- appiv
Kinmont did' pro%idcd during the program period it For further information on the
E. G Valens. the author of The The author has shown certain Eligt-lb]e>r
„Employes must provide a minimum of 2; hours Ontario Youth Employment Program
Oilier Side n the Mountain. has prejudices against handicapped are those who have been actively of supervised employment per week and application forms, please contact.
people in her novel, but she also for at least six weeks Minis" of goy
shown people just what it is like shows Jill fighting and beak engaged in business or farming for at Ministry inter ern mental Affairs,
to by handicapped There are these ,leapt one vcar prior to April 30, 199 at Suhsidics Branch, Queen's Park,
manyhappy times., but there areeach Ontario business location for Grants: Toronto M 7 A 2R8. Telephone 1-800-
This book was one of the•most2W7S92 (toll-free) In Metro Toronto,
many sad times She has shown which grant application is made Emplot-ers may qualify for grants for
people that you canstimulating, books i haye read up to I;O manw•ecks of employment at telephone 965-0;70 in Northern
anything Try it A each eligible busincss location For Ontario ( Area Code 807) call Toronto
to you want when you putt your mind B_: Carol wheeler exam ie, if you wished to make usC of collect at 96;-0570. Please call between
wit and also that you can accept Eligible Em 1 p 8 a m and ; p m Monde to Friday.
what you are but not let it beat Employees the maximum grant available you Y
you must beat least I; but not yet 2; years could hire 10 young people for 1;
Jill KirimorK was once a very LOST AND FOUND old on Apnl 30 19'9 Thev must weeks each, or 6 for 2; week,, each or Note:
active skier and then. because of Lost reside and be clighhie to work in 1; for 10 weeks each Approved if you participated in a previous OYEP
her accident. had to change her lost in time and space Ontario They must not he related to emplovers will receive a grant of Si 2; program an application form and
11fe and fight for everything she among wild spring flowers the empiover as defined in the Ontario an hour up to a maximum of S;n a guidelines booklet have been mailed
had and an unknown face Youth Empkn•ment Act week (30 hours) for each young to you
in 1964 Jill was the subject for a person hired under the program
Floa t i
feature article in Life magaziri� n8 �
E G Valens -A-rote the book but it floating on a star OV�V Y I,aril kwM of is.
was called A Long Way Up it the entire universe
-as turned into the motion locked within my jar
picture in 1974 and was followed William Dovish
by the paperback by the same Found Prren14W
name, The Other Side of the found out at last .
Mountain by a shadowy mind
SHELLEY LETTEAU ccwnpleting a hip circle on the E G Valens' style is very easy that breaks the glass Province Of Ont Iari0
uneven bars. to understand She hurtles you off Marr#w'alsh 13B It
cow rwrs WrK a turns ,rib o ktde
low lu saaldt« M t�t
Sr. yeonttey
dev I and goes hahu 9 every boy
stoge and he Soft a firay dun.
He s on Ho9W s Gab N
20 sec
20 .K
In rhe ba*%roote -
Sound eltKrl hogs and cr,ck•41MOnp
vo * ouch ;
_. •,. y. ,,,"rets :iSt_
' �yF.,. � • ....._....._.. ,....�^°"' mss, k.:Aii.' Iw ..,�, �•4.
al / �.•,
'K� ...
itv« Yom+ bl•r u 1M•IIY turns Inco
lh.« low h• sir% Ytso daft"" +_ two years bier M turn inb o hippy,
awd p tY, ` i and pw slots b IMnk that hell nevisr tum :, • IS x 13 I^Y You w•nhd. t .
15.13 out cite v.ay you wont.
35 sac- I S . 1+V
On the loolboM heW t ° 1S UK. M lib verr own •Mks.
Van hoe heel ) On Ms motorcycle sound well
Ifi • slly d t•IlI
' Vow � cool mon Voke well I finally noel• It.
r,« Monks Sandy -. -"--•- —•--- -'-'--'-- ' 11
Madill business
-skills to s
w�ns awer en contestp
Shor t sto
Kevin hetterfield, in Grade 11 he was. He surveyed the small very true and warming smile, fountain with my own two hands, -'That's right," he agreed. This week 'Rte Mirror has the
Pleasure of acoolading a group
at Madill, distinguished our park beside him a moment thanking his friend for [ravelling Timmy. It is built over a natural "So if they want to develop,
t been
school by winning an honourable longer. Then, just when he was over 200 miles to be with him be- spring, the most beautiful one they should go to the edge of from no area n Madill life which
has nopreviously re-
mention in the province -wide going to move on, realizing per- fore he passed away. Timmy's I've ever seen." town. That way, the town would
contest held recently. haps he was only hearing things, grandfather once told him that a Timmy's face was now expand and develop into some- cognized: It is a particular
Kevin was honored last Friday the voice rang out a second time. person smiles two ways. They lightened with a smile of interest. thing different." pleasure because, The Mirror de
for the achievement. A tour of the This time, "over here" was smile simply with their face; or "why did you make the water pends heavily on the talents
London Free Press and the Uni added to the end of Timmy's else they smile with their heart come up through the boat that is Mr. Harland saw that Timmy which result from such studies.
The results the Huron County
versity of Western Ontario and name. He turned to look farther and soul with friendship. That in the centre of the fountain?" was sincere in what he ''said,
contests sponsored • the -
carie Business Education dinner at the University Club of up the road. There he noticed Mr. was the way his grandfatheF "That is a question that many showing that he also believed t ion so
London were accorded to the Harland in his doorway. A smiled, and so did Mr. Harland. people in this town should be able that the planning board should
winners and their teachers. waving hand was inviting Timmy "I will tell you in a minute why to answer, but couldn't if they leave nature as it sits. ciation Typing Contest, in which
Kevin's short stn "Natural to come in from the cold and sit they think I'm stopping their de- were asked. You see, the man "If they keep bothering you for Madill so distinguished itself,
Beauty", shows philosophical by a warming fire. velopment. First, I shall go and that I carved in the boat was tra- your park, Mr. Harland, I'll help were published last week.
merit as well as creative writing Timmy possessed a very shy make a nice cup of hot chocolate selling down the river about 110 you fight them." Our es skills teaching
team deserves further con -
ability. We would welcome future personality. Normally he didn't, for the two of us." years ago. When he was down
contributions to the Mirror from talk to people unless they began a Mr. Harland returned a few ardw re the feed mill sits The old gentleman chuckled. gratulation this week, adding
Kevin, and congratulate him on conversation first. For that rea- minutes later with their drinks. todSy, the bull of his boat was "Don't worry, Timmy, there will the top two papers in 80 words per
his achievement. son he had trouble meeting and They sat to front of the fire and broken open by a jagged rock. be no more fighting. You see, I'll minute shorthand to Elie three
AWARD WINNING making friends. Mr. -Harland sipped slowly on them, while Mr. Naturally the boat had to be re- simply never sell my land to teamchampionships and many
SHORT STORY • called again for Timmy to come Harland began his story. The Paired, so he landed it on shore them. I am grateful for your sup- individual awards which were so
by Kevin Neitterfield and share some hot chocolate floorboards under his chair before enough water could seep Port just the same." handily won to typing.
NATURAL BEAUTY with him by the fire. The man's creaked when he leaned back. in to pull him under. He sel up "It's alright. I like helping Movita Bradley claimed first
The wind whistled down voice was ve friend) and cis- "You know that Timm cam and t two days re others if I can." Prize, with the excellent mark of
�' Y Park y P eco y Pau 103 out of 110, Karen Doleman
through the tall, leaning pines tinct. Thinking Mr. Harland He pointed out the window to the ing his boat. While doing so, he
and bit the tip of Timmy's nose. would maybe become his friend, park next to them. Timmy did his hunting here instead of
Mr•Harland � and offer- achieved 99 out of 110 to gain a
He tucked his head snuglyinto he headed towards the h ed Timm more hot chocolate. second place finish, 30 rots
ager well nodded and looked out the win- farther downstream, as he had Y Po
the hood of his parka and pulled kept house. cow to see a gentle snow settling planned. He liked the land in this Timmy lo5ked over and saw the ahead of her nearest rival.
true, warming smile that had As a result our 11 (out of a �, M
his scarf up a little higher so that "Thank -you for inviting me down on the tall pines boughs. "I area and returned two years .. ..: .
it would give his reddening nose into your house, Mr. Harland, own that park, and the town later with eight other families made lum feel at ease.' possible 12) papers will be sub-
ub warmth and protection. The said Timmy as he stepped inside. Planning board wants to buy it." and his awn, to begin -settle "Yes please,' replied Timmy, mitted to the provincial contest.�.>:
holding out the cup to his new and we extend our best wishes for
jabbed snow shovel was deep in "Oh, so you do know my name, He shook his head with disgust- meet. Just over 150 people lived
friend. further. success. CARY.N MANN doing splits in her floor routine
the snow bank and then he turned "said the elderly man, while "You know, I would sell it to them here four years later when it was
around. A pmW feeling of ac- took the snow covered coat if they weren't so destrtictive. proclaimed ca town. This very
complishmenttushed through his hat, and hung them over the beat. They want to take. my little piece town that we live in today."
mind while he looked down the "I thought 1 would have to intro- of land, which only occupies "Your fountain is to show
long well -cut path he Had just duce myself." three-quarters of this block, and everyone how this town was
completed. Then he glanced up to "I saw your name in the paper destroy it. started right?"
the house and saw his aunt look- last week; it said that you lived "Destroy it?" asked Timmy. "')bat's right Timmy.
ing out through the kitchen win- beside the park-" He looked "That is right. They want to "Our country has a lot of
dow. He raised his hand and questioningly at the gentleman. take their bulldozers and saw and beauty. some_. of it is hidden
waved goodbye; she did the same "rhe story said that you were cut most of the pines down, re- though, and people don't see it.
in return. holding back town development placing them with senior citizen "However, there is only so
With the snow shovel now rest- ' plan." homes. They call it structured much of it at our fingertips. Up to _
ing over his shoulder, he started "Oh yes." he recalled. "I re- beauty. Well, I don't think that the northern tips of our country.
off home. His teacher didn't member that article:" His their structural beauty can re- where there isn't a lot of settle
assign any homework that day sofriendly smile widened and en- place that natural beauty out ment, is where the best of our re-
he wasn't burdened with a load of hanced Timmy's hope for there, that I have proudly pre- maining beauty is being pushed.
boons in his hands as usual. making a new friend. served for nearly 35 years," said Hidden or not." °
Timmy had stopped and looked It was the kind of smile that he Mr. Harland with obvious dig- "I agree with you, Mr. Har-
te this left. Someone called him, had once seen his grandfather nity. land." said Timmy. "I also think .
but he couldn't determine where give to a dear friend. It was a ' "That's a long time." the planning board should' know .. .
"Longer, in fact, than half the that developing twice isn't
members of the planning board right."
have even been alive. That park "I don't see exactly what you
is the only completely natural mean Timmy." Mr. Harland °
setting around here. unless you leaned forward to catch the boy's
go into the bush. of course. Then, words. �.
You see, it's not the same some- "You're not holding back de -
how. The people can't see the velopment. That land is yours
pines and see the migrating and you already developed it, the
Canadian geese that stop each way you wished it to be, right'"
year. The geese enjoy swimming Timmy smiled knowing'that Mr. s ,
around the fountain, and people Harland was interested in what
like watching them. I made that he was saying. If you .y r : _..: a business or farm and create new jobs .
between April 30 and October 21,1979, you may apply to
the Ontario Youth )Employment Program for a grant of
' SL25 an hour (up to a maximum of S50.00 a week) towards
- the wages of each eligible youth you hire for those jobs
Aepply early. Program Duration: i.ring of Employees:
Get fhivads are limited. The program is in cffsct tor 1; weeks lieforc v ou hire an employee under
THE OTHER SIDE If you wish to employ a young person trorrjApnl 330 through October 21. ' the progrfm Vol] must first receive
OF THE MOUNTAIN your feet and right into the story anv time during ehc programs dura- 19'9 An empl0VCT is not required to wnttcn apprgval from the Province
Part One by E. G. Valens She makes you feel as if you are -tion submit your application as soon hire a vouch for clic hill 2; wretr penod
If you were a great American one of the characters in the story as possible Applications are processed Last year the program approved
B •30.0(x1 new )ohs for young people •
The description is superb y'ou as they are received Deadline date fir Terms of Employment: throughout the province. if you think
skier and then suddenly ,you
changed to a uadru I can almost smell the flowers. -application is.ialy 3 19'9 or earlier, To�c eligible for fundin a position you would be eligible for funding
q P egn be- touch the grass, and feel the wind should all funds he allocated funding
cause of a seriosu skiing injure-. created must he in addition to regular' under clic engram we invite you to
could you cope with this- Jill on your face. r and seasonal employment normally- appiv
Kinmont did' pro%idcd during the program period it For further information on the
E. G Valens. the author of The The author has shown certain Eligt-lb]e>r
„Employes must provide a minimum of 2; hours Ontario Youth Employment Program
Oilier Side n the Mountain. has prejudices against handicapped are those who have been actively of supervised employment per week and application forms, please contact.
people in her novel, but she also for at least six weeks Minis" of goy
shown people just what it is like shows Jill fighting and beak engaged in business or farming for at Ministry inter ern mental Affairs,
to by handicapped There are these ,leapt one vcar prior to April 30, 199 at Suhsidics Branch, Queen's Park,
manyhappy times., but there areeach Ontario business location for Grants: Toronto M 7 A 2R8. Telephone 1-800-
This book was one of the•most2W7S92 (toll-free) In Metro Toronto,
many sad times She has shown which grant application is made Emplot-ers may qualify for grants for
people that you canstimulating, books i haye read up to I;O manw•ecks of employment at telephone 965-0;70 in Northern
anything Try it A each eligible busincss location For Ontario ( Area Code 807) call Toronto
to you want when you putt your mind B_: Carol wheeler exam ie, if you wished to make usC of collect at 96;-0570. Please call between
wit and also that you can accept Eligible Em 1 p 8 a m and ; p m Monde to Friday.
what you are but not let it beat Employees the maximum grant available you Y
you must beat least I; but not yet 2; years could hire 10 young people for 1;
Jill KirimorK was once a very LOST AND FOUND old on Apnl 30 19'9 Thev must weeks each, or 6 for 2; week,, each or Note:
active skier and then. because of Lost reside and be clighhie to work in 1; for 10 weeks each Approved if you participated in a previous OYEP
her accident. had to change her lost in time and space Ontario They must not he related to emplovers will receive a grant of Si 2; program an application form and
11fe and fight for everything she among wild spring flowers the empiover as defined in the Ontario an hour up to a maximum of S;n a guidelines booklet have been mailed
had and an unknown face Youth Empkn•ment Act week (30 hours) for each young to you
in 1964 Jill was the subject for a person hired under the program
Floa t i
feature article in Life magaziri� n8 �
E G Valens -A-rote the book but it floating on a star OV�V Y I,aril kwM of is.
was called A Long Way Up it the entire universe
-as turned into the motion locked within my jar
picture in 1974 and was followed William Dovish
by the paperback by the same Found Prren14W
name, The Other Side of the found out at last .
Mountain by a shadowy mind
SHELLEY LETTEAU ccwnpleting a hip circle on the E G Valens' style is very easy that breaks the glass Province Of Ont Iari0
uneven bars. to understand She hurtles you off Marr#w'alsh 13B It