The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-11, Page 9St. Paul's Church..
John Street at Centre Street
The Rest m The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
7:30 p.m.—The Solemnity of the lord's Supper followed by the
Stripping and Washing of the Altars
8:30 a.m.—Mottins and The litany
11:00 a.m.—The Ante -Communion, Meditation and The
4:30 p.m. —Evensong and the Way of the Cross
7:30 p.m.—Compline
8:30 a.m.—Mattins and the Ante -Communion
4:30 p.m.—Evensong and Preparation for Easter Communion
8:00 a.m.—Mattins
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:30 p.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Procession, the Blessing of the Easter Gordon,
Solemn Eucharist and Sermon
4:30 p.m.—Holy Eucharist followed by Evensong at 5:15 p.m.
Smiles & Chuckles - 4 oz.
Easter Egg
Nutcho's - 300 gr. Boxed
Hershey Giant
Chocolate Bars 3 1. S 9
Aoi6p6.44sl;t -4w 44i'1`.
Toothpaste .99
Body on Tap
J&J -250 m1.
Baby Oil
See our large Selection of Easter Novelties
at' Discount Prices
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RINGETTE JUNIORS ended their season Sunday. Front
row from left are: Kaley Beggs, Ellen Rodger, Vicki executive Anne Balser, Christine Cerson, Angela Walker,
Belanger, Lori Gavreluk, Kerrie Bray, Carrie Taylor and Carol Belanger, Maureen Beattie, Pam Passmore, Debbie
Gloria Cayley. In the rear are: executive Ruth Nethery, Scott and Tharon Riley, coach.
D 8 to O U NT RINGETTE SENIORS included man unior players this Collyer, Maureen Beattie and Rita Brophy. In rear are Ruth
i D �.� :i�ri. isaei ia,>r�e,�r �si�e i,.: _,ee,.�t� Y I P Y Y P Y•
year and ended their season Sunday. Front from left: Lori Nethery, Paula Strong, Andrea Walker, Sandra Morrison,
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six Gavreluk, Vicki Belanger, Karen Reid, Leesa Cook, Sharon Kim McGregor, Cheryl Beattie and Anne Balser.
Official Opening
Thursday, 19
Open for appointments Monday, April 16. Call Mike at 357-2812
Mike McDonagh
Perms and Haircuts
Men's and Ladies'
Operated by
Debra Lynn Thompson Mike McDonagh
Graduotes of Marvel School of Beauty London,
and Advanced Hair Cutting in Toronto. Debra Lynn Thompson
Free coffee. Gifts for the fir'
50 customers.
Located beside the Wingham Post Office.
(Formerly Clayton Hogg Real Estate)
Afternoon unit
UCW members
of UCW holds
welcomed to
Easter meeting
general meeting
The afternoon unit of the
BLUEVAI.E -The president,
United Church Women met April
Mrs. Charles Mathers welcomed
3 "in the Sunday School room.
all to the April 4 meeting of the
Mrs. Jardine and Miss R. Taylor
United Church Women of Knox
welcomed the ladies to this
Church. Members of Unit Two
Thankoffering meeting. After
conducted the worship service.
quiet music by Mrs. Passmore, a
Mrs. Bert Garniss presented an
short poem by Helen Steiner Rice
informative Easter message.
was read by Mrs. Mary Arm-
Mrs. Walter Willits read a
strong. A hymn was sung and
report for the stewardship and
Mrs. Pennington read scripture
finance committee and Mrs. Ed
from the 28th chapter of St.
Stewart reported for the
Matthew's Gospel. Mrs. Arm-
Christian development com-
strong led in prayer, followed by
mittee.- Rev Wilena Brown led
the Lord's Prayer.
discussion on topics pertaining to
Mrs. Albert Rintoul sang an
these committees.
inspiring solo, "Alone". Mrs.
The roll call was answered by
Kelly read an article on holidays
naming a book of the Bible.
and Mrs. Armstrong told about
it was announced that the cold
"Planting a Garden". Following
meat supper will he held May 30.
a hymn, the offering was
beginning at 5 p m The price will
received and dedicated.
be set by the committee in
Mrs. Armstrong introduced the
guest speaker; Mrs. lain Trainor
Lunch was served by members
of the Salvation Army. She spoke
"f ['not Four
of the crucifixion of Jesus and
showed how the prophecy of
earlier years was being fulfilled
at this time. Jesus in His human
way was willing to accept His
The'Mothers' Club will meet in
Father's divine plan of sacrifice
the Bluevale United Church at 10
for man, redemption.
a in on Tuesday.' April 17
Following the singing of a
Representatives from the
hymn, Mrs. Underwood presided
Wingham and District Hospital
for the business portion of the
ambulance service will speak on
meeting. Twenty-eight ladies
first aid with children. All
were, present and 71 visits had
mothers of pre-school children
been made during the past
are welcome
month. The Friendship Club pot
congratulations to Mr. and
luck luncheon will be held April
Mrs Rick Timm on the arrival of
their son. Michael Gerald, born
A sociaWrour followed the close
in Wingham and District Hospital
of the meeting.
on Fridav
The_Winfbatu Advance -Times, Apeg 11, IM—For9
Mrs. Jean Aitchison spent last Close to 30 women tram this
week ie London with Mr. and area attended the Women Alive
Mrs. Robert Rae. conference at Alumni H&H,
Visitors during last week with L Am, on Saturday. Zvalyttr
Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Christenson, gifted evangellat
Catherine Street,, were Jack and author from Minneapolis,
Johnston and friend of St. Pauls was the guest speaker for the
and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and day4ong seminar, lectming as
Mrs. Ritchie Sr. of Lucknow. her latest book, .'Lord, Change'
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland BallaEh Me". She spoke of many ways
quietly celebrated their 56th one can be changed though Bible
wedding anniversary at their study and prayer and urged her
home on Catherine Street last listeners to ask God to rid them Of
Tyy, all the feelings and attitudes that
Mr. and Mrs Oscar Kieffer I keep them from living a
RR 1, Bluevale, attended the Christian life. More than 2,900
christening of their grandson, women attended the . ..3., .. - ,
Eric Groat, infant son of Mr. and from several centres of Western
Mrs. Peter Groot of Hensall,en Ontario.
Palm Sunday at St. Boniface Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker of
Church, Zurich. Rev. Paul Oren Sound opt their hams
Mooney officiated at the bap- Sunday for an At Home in honor
tismal ceremony. Godparents of Mr. and Mm- Edward E.
were Mrs Margaret Munn of Walker's 60th wedding an-
Hensall and Ralph Weishar of mversary. Despite The stormy
Stratford. A buffet diaper was weather, Venal friends tram
enjoyed by relatives in Eric's this area attended to offer their
honor, at the home of his parents. best wishes to this fine Couple -
Mrs. Alvin Mundell
speaker at WM's
Easter was the theme of the
Thankoffering meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church. It was held in the upper
room of the church on Tuesday of
last week.
President Mrs. Robert Arm-
strong opened the meeting with a
poem, "Let the Heavens Be
Joyful", followed by prayer.
Following the singing of a hymn,
Mrs. Roy Hastings read scripture
from the 20th chapter of St.
John's Gospel. She also gave a
brief meditation based on that
On behalf of the Society, .Mrs.
T. Currie presented Miss MyFtle
Deans with a life membership
certificate. Mrs. G. Fisher and
Mrs. G. Wall received the of-
fering which was dedicated by
Mrs. D. Ritchie.
Mrs. Armstrong introduced
Mrs. Alvin Mundell who was
guest speaker for the meeting.
She chose as her topic, "A
Garden in the Spring", and. said
that the sftme care and attention
is required in one's life if he is to
have a ,..6 , " , ,is and produc-
tive life for Christ.
Mrs. 0. Holmes thanked the
speaker and presented her with a
gift. Following the singing of a
hymn, secretary Mrs. Roy
McKay read the minutes and
correspondence and called the
roll. Treasurer Mrs. Wall then
gave her report.
The meeting closed by swgft
a hymn &rid a closing prayer by
Mrs. Wall. Mrs. J. Conn presided
at the piano throughout the
Story of Easterls
Belgrave ASW theme,
BELGRAVE — The11 April pel according to St. Matthew
meeting of the Belgrave ACW taken from chapters 10 to .16.
was held at the home of Mrs. Plans were made for a parish
Clare Van Camp and opened with social evening at which Rev. Dan
the singing of the hymn "When I Sargent will show slides of the
Survey the Wondrous Cross". Yukon.
Miss Mary Isabel Nethery read Miss Lillian Potter continued
the meditation and prayer taken the history of the early. Christian
from the.Living Message.rtiaga- church in England. Mrs. Harold
zine. The Lord's prayer was re- Jardin read about St. Cuthbert, a.
peated in unison and Miss monk who ministered mostly to
Nethery read the scripture. the poor people and who was able
The minutes of the last meeting to communicate with wild ani -
were read by the secretary, Mrs. mals. He spent his last years in
Clare Van Camp and the treas- solitude on a small island. Dur-
urer's report was given by Mrs' haul Cathedral was built to com-
Alec Nethery. The roll call was memorate St. Cuthbert.
answered by 13 members reading Mrs. Jardin read a poem en -
a verse of scripture from the gos- titled "Spring" and two articles
pertaining to Easter, "New Life"
and "Easter Is More than Eggs".
BELGRAVE — The fifth meet-
ing of the Mad Hatters was held
on March 26 at the home of Mrs.
Marlene Jamieson. Each an-
swered the roll call which was
"Tell three ways you can look
after shoes to make them last
Each read a paragraph out of
the manuals about jewelry. A
selection of earrings, pins, neck-
laces, bracelets and rings was on
display and their care was dis-
cussed. Each member wrapped a
piece of jewelry and described
the person who wore it. The girls
then worked on the projects and
the meeting was closed.
The meeting closed with
prayer, grace was sung and
lunch served by the hostess.
More than 50
play euchre
Fourteen tables of euchre were
in play at the regular card party
sponsored by the Catholic
Women's League which was held
April 3.
Prizes for high scores were
awarded to Mary McGlynn and
Bill Tiffin. Low scores were held
by Phyllis Baker and Jirr1 Wilson.
Wes Underwood won a special
door prize.,
Members of the committee in
charge were Agnes Caskanette
and Anne Morrison, assisted by
Anita Mahe and Sally Campeau.
Mississauga, Ontario
Teaching on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
APRIL 17 to 20 at 8:00 p.m.
Everyone Welcome