The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-11, Page 2er�1r�-` err
tar !—new r -Advance -Times, April 11, 1879
Counce a r�construs a e ec on
Ma i"eDuildi the council$16,000
:$16,000 for a 1979 to cover
al land costs move�A rs 'Aire iii road is #,f the to ttio s. which must a road s e its okay Filsingers A. letter stating that Marritt's nomination, saying she
ng Y legal Par uper•inuperinten- council sympathizes with their has considerable experience in
Btti1411 at bis 15 and 16. Cons. 9 and the cost of soil testing at the tendent will be hired and council dent, said the ministry wotl111d situation but won't help.,
dit Council made the bridge site. is look' for someone with prefer a road superintendent who health care field.
Yom• � n8 Pre P� •'It would be too hard to en- A ministry of the environment
dadaien after viewing six Council decided at its April Willa g vial nnt� WkleepiAg wig ofbem available full-time in force. but 1 don't think I'd want it report which stated the ministry
4106 o wing proposals, some of meet' that the road su ng erg anyway," Mr. Fortune said of the
foundtheTlrnberr cum
tlsifi)$crate machinery as needed. Council gave final approval to Filsi er proposal. y P with
A called for a diversion of the Lendent's
job, now a full-time � 1g P Pte• insufficient ground cover of
McNiand River. position, will be split into a full- TrkiuKn ini .rriginai nt. lwt a new buildipl; bylaw designed to Florence Kennedy has been refuse and insufficient refuse
Tw now the township will table time road grader's job and a didn t ,et " d.itt to, I1ir h,.ii�,•, conform to the Ontario Building haying flooding and lawn compaction didn't woe council
the proposals, ranging from part-time road superintendent's council members later agreed Code and will send a copy of the problems at her 'home north of much. ry
$394,300 to $604,400 but has aan Superintendent Council Doff red Road the by had intended Mthe i w•ito to bylaw of the o the buildingrcode branch Wingham and told council its "h'at's the best report we've
Plied to the mini y ng• snow clearing methods are to hada" Mr. Fortune observed.
sportation and commupications full-time road grader position. Fiiiss la, kani of the tnnu.!rc 44 A suggestion that all summer blame When snow plows clear Clerk Dorothy Kelly said the
for a supplementary allowance of In a recorded vote all council transportation and cum mum' fires without a permit be banned snow from North Street the plow township might even get a grant
in the township was rejected by" wings gouge into her lawn, of ;1,000 to correct the situation
council on the grounds that the turtung the sod. at the dump.
Physicist,e e move was too restrictive and Because there is no gravel or Council gave its approval to a
chaser of atoms sod barrier a the a of thewould be impossible to enforce. severance application to John W.
paved road, water running off the McBurney. It was described as a
Doug and Hilda Filsinger wrote street snakes its way into the technical severance because the
a letter to council. complaining Kennedy basement and the property had previously been
The following news story the &wns have won him a spot as that a neighbor had burned some basement of a neighboring house,
Palmers Jim Forster, native of taxed as two separate properties.
Palmerston whose mother is the percussionist with the Deep of the crops at the Filsinger farm Council agreed to take a look at Mr. McBurney intends to retain
River Symphony Orchestra. with careless use of fire. The the situation.
former Agnes Scott, sister of 200 acres and sell an unneeded
Andrew Scott of Wingham. a But the exquisite world of syn Filsingers said the local fire Louise Merritt was nominated tome to his wife.
phony will have to do without department and police couldn't at last Tuesday's council meeting The township will apply for
DEEP RIVEERR — "You really
0 Forster for a year while he takes take measures to stop the neigh- to represent Turnberry on the more funds to distribute under
don't push the frontiers back his jumping enthusiasm abroad bor from using fire carelessly Wingham and District Hospital the Ontario Home Renewal
every day. It's slow, plodding ,, again in the exotic world of tan- because little damage had been Board. replacing Deputy -reeve Program and in other business
work, but it's fun. You choosedarn accelerators, fission, nuclei, done so far Harold Elliott, who has served on gave $25 donations to the
' protons and all that super -heavy Coun: Doug Fortune suggested the board for about six years, Mr. Cs•^•t3disn Ca e,,,,roe ,�d
what you do."C"—c-clety an
Jim Forster, a Palmerston
elemental stuff. the township should write the Fortune brought up Mrs. Easter Seals.
boy, is today a member of Atomic
elementary education and F. E.
Energy of Canada Ltd.'s elite
Madill Secondary School.
pure research team. He is an ex-
The Impact program is con -
perimentalist who has devoted
timing. In this cycle the centres
his life to probing the atom.
are library, art, math, creative
"It is basic research in nuclear
' u\. 71,
structure physics," he said re-
Education Week, April23-27
cently, on the eve of his depar-
ture for Aarhus University in
Week Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 have
Denmark, where he will spend a
begun . preparations for a
one-year sabbatical working with
Program to be presented to
Danish scientists.
parents and friends. Grades 5
He is involved in breaking up
and 6 are practising several
protons to see what they are
national songs and Grades 7 and
made of and in measuring their
- - - also known as Crickets
"Jim was always taking things
science fair: dress and checkers
apart to see what made them
nuclear physics until 1968. Then
work," Mrs. Cec Forster recalls
he returned to Canada and
of her son. She has her apprehen-
sions about his work.
"We don't look for practical
She told him she was afraid he
applications," Forster says of his
was going to create another
team's work. "All the material I
bomb, she says, but he assured
publish is of no use to mankind."
her "it's nothing like that".
However, he points out, things
Before he earned his doctorate
such as the transistor were de -
of nuclear physics at the Univer-
veloped out of basic research.
sity of Liverpool, Forster was
"We're really trying to under -
known as Crickets, a nickname
stand the forces of nature," he
that sprang from his boyish en-
thusiasm. He used to jump up
Sometimes he returns, highly
and down in his excitement at
excited, to the woodlot home by
watching a bicycle being re-
the Ottawa River built for wife,
paired, his mother says.
the former Jenny Kricfalusi of
After high school, Forster took
Blenheim, and their twin daugh-
electronics at Ryerson Poly-
technical Institute, then took a
His latest project has been
job in the nuclear physics branch
going on for five years. Forster's
of AECL at Deep River.
excitement over experimentation
His thirst for knowledge and
with the unknown is bolstered by
experiment took him to England
his appreciation of the known, the
in September, 1961. He stayed at
familiar and the sentimental. His
the university in Liverpool as a
long-standing love of music and
r.,.i :.i.. .i. student in low-energy
his vouthful preoccupation with
James Cross and family were
work crews. We are looking
forward to more seasonal
stock, son Tim and fiancee Susan
elementary education and F. E.
had perfect attendance during
Madill Secondary School.
the months of February and
The Impact program is con -
timing. In this cycle the centres
GRADES 3-4—We have Com-
are library, art, math, creative
pleted our first week back at
writing and language.
school. It has been rather a busy
Education Week, April23-27
In anticipation of Education
As Holy Week draws closer we
Week Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 have
are becoming closer to receiving
begun . preparations for a
the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Program to be presented to
for the first time. Our
parents and friends. Grades 5
preparation is nearly complete.
and 6 are practising several
In social studies we have begun
national songs and Grades 7 and
Projects on Thompson, Manitoba,
8, a play, "A jretter to the Boss".
the city "built to order". We have
They are also preparing for a
seven groups working out dif-
science fair: dress and checkers
ferret topics about the town.
tournaments began on Monday.
GRADES 54—We have been
Professional Activity Day
::v with two schools.
Monday. April 2. was a System
Orae is Satoo Lake School in
Professional Activity Day.
FAlm nton and the otber is at
Various workshops were held for
Watson Lake, Northwest
the teachers. The primary and
Temtories. The latter is of
Nmor teachers were in Kinkora
particular interest as the teacher
and the intermediate teachers St.
is Mr. Gary Hauer, son of Mr. and
Cohumban. The workshops were
Mrs. Ed Haver of Wingham.
in science. English, geography
Gary attended this sdooi for his
and history.
A successful auction sale was
functions and did considerable
held for the estate of the late Jack
damage to power lines, trees.
Gnffth on Thursday. April 5,
antennae. etc. A tree fell across
with a good crowd attending.
Mac Wylie's parking lot.
Mrs. Morley McMichael ac-
crushing the rear of one of his
companied Mr. and. Robert
trucks. another on the premises
Breaer and Karen a Mr. and
of Miss Marion Gibson. Bruce
Mrs. Andrew Bremn4r, all of
Chambers and Harvey Reidt.
Ethel. to London on Sunday
doing considerable damage
where they were guests of the
Power was off for approximately
former'sgranddaughter. Mr. and
47 hours. Several families
Mrs. John Morgan and baby
congregated where heat was
daughter. Gillian Noelle.
available and Mrs Bruce
Chambers kindly supplied hot
Guests with Mr. and Mrs
coffee to the cold and tired hydro
James Cross and family were
work crews. We are looking
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baver-
forward to more seasonal
stock, son Tim and fiancee Susan
weather now after this freak
Of Campbeilville.
storm and cold weather. it is
The severe snow and wind
exactly four years ago to the date
Lw �ichaoolss
when we had a imilar freak
cancelled and other
storm with blockedroads
Jim Armstrong Sprays of Winghom is now
being operated by Aart de Vos R.R. X1 Bluevaie
We offer the some personal service and advice
to select the right herbicide for your weed
problems whatever crops you grow.
We stock a complete selection of products as
well as Calso Sprayer and Parts.
This spring CHECK OUR PRfCES Before you buy.
00*0 1 Uftsid
'WelbaM' Coniej 11th. U
Aart de Vos
R.R. 1 Bluevale
d -
...for dairy, hog
and poultry -�
ventilation C�
113 98
Ea. Farm Price
18'" Single Speed
fan w/control
9 44 CW.
Ea. Farm Price
18" Single Speed
• Totally enclosed motor with
thermal overload protection
• Aluminum shutters angle mounted
for positive closing
18" single speed fan: '41 hp motor, 1725
rpm, 115 volts Framing size 21 x 21
507-023 Farm Price $95.44 Ea.
18" single speed fan with control:
507-023 and 507-026
Farm Price $113.88 Ea.
12" single speed: '41 hp motor, 1725 rpm.
115 volts Framing size 15 x 15
507-025 Farm Price $82.44 Ea.
• Steel welded housing box
• Balanced fan blades for less
vibration and noise
12" single speed fan with control:
507-025 and 507-026
Farm Price. ..... $100.88 Ea.
24" single speed fan: '2 hp motor, 1725
rpm. 115 volts. Framing size 27 x 27
507-065. Farm Price . S159.44 Ea.
24" single speed fan with control:
506-065 and 507-026
Farm Price. .. . $177.88 Ea.
Located 1'/4 miles North of No. 87 Hwy. between
Wroxeter and Bluevole
General ��44 Light- ss
Purpose Duty15
Wheelbarrow Ea. Barrow Ea
Capacity 4 Cu if dry. 3 cu n wet 31 x 2314 drawn seamless tray with
Wood frame with no -seam. one-piece 2' 2 cu If capacity Steel frame has x
steel tray Has 2 -ply pneumatic lire type steel leg -assembly for strength
with tube Comes unassembled 10 x 1 75 semi -pneumatic tyre
591-000 591-021
��. i
Universal 88
Farrowing 1066 Ea Farm Price
Crate 94 Each Farm PriceUnico Little Pig Bowl
A. Designed for top sow comfort and piglet D. Approved non -siphon bowl
safety. 1 vertical plus 23, 25 and 27' lateral has wear and corrosion -
adjustments possible Rugged construction resistant valve, self-locking
Comes w/rear door and sow bumper guard valve adjustment screw. Valve
. .. .577-071 can be replaced or serviced
B. Front door. 577-072. Farm Price: .. $17.44 without disconnecting waterer.
C. Feeder/Waterer with float valve. Can be Designed for both pressure and
Installed in front door of crate. 577-081 gravity water systems Stainless
Farm Price. $29.88 Ea. steel hinge pin. Capacity 20-35
hogs 532-064
60" Apron 988
Cattle Oiler Ea Farm Price
Effective insecticide .ontrol Automa-
tic action - ods only when used
Painted steel far* Heavy-duty ap-
rons Hang chains included 579-103
Mineral and 9488
Salt Feeder Ea. Farm Price
Wind vane turns metal roof in wind to
protect mineral from rain. Rustproof
galvanized roof. non -corrosive tub
approximately 100 Ib. capacity. Will
not by 577-037
Logging Chains Slow Moving 24 {; —� Forged Hitch Pins
High test 3/s" x 16' chain with grab hook Vehicle Sign 3 Ea �. _� C. A. Hitch pins withand Lift Arm lockpin
and slip hook Lighter in weight but Tnnagular metal with Red reflective tape "..
, Rust -resistant Farm MCI
approx 1 ' 2 times stronger tfaan ' , proof border Fluorescent Orange centre Ap 'ie" x 5' 561-313 $2.24 Ea.
chain' Heat treated to withiland impact prox 14 H 577-266 < '/4" x 5'ii 561-314 52.33 Ea.
loads Safe working load 4600 lb S,@'x 7'17' 561-315 $2.64 Ea.
561-046 Farm Pnce $32.88 Ea. Q, 14.1
4 x 71'7" 561-316. 52.77 Ea.
Not shown: 3/a" x 14' chain with swivel - LHI Arm pins forged for strength
has grab hook and slip hook Safe A S. 'a" x 5"2'561-445 $2 54 Ea
workin load 2050 Ib 561-072 C. ' a x 5' a 561-440 $2.47 Ea.
Farm rice S/9. 19 Ea. O. Lunch pins forged for strength.
FARM PRICE These P•,cPs a•e Soer.a or ces a. &.lanae orwy W „hose fanners auar.ned urhder me
W,,• 561-415 214 Five for $1.00
Federal Sales and E■ Tar taws !o o,rchase 'ems used for agr.cuNurai purposes or, fair and; or
duty ex•rr+bt baso this r*+uxt t» s„ppnne•; hr,rhe frawhq of a raF•A •nit usef of the time of
BELGRAVE BRAN�tmftflmlFrF,aNic
W..F pl (�
.�...p, 1 Wingham Brussels
1 I
40 357-2711., Belgrave, Ont. 887 6453 -^-