The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-11, Page 15of Mrs. Huth on Monday of last
The girls and their leaders
to= discussed gloves sad Mrs.
71 N11i1"1'Y -1- ) TLIII Hallman slowed how to properly
LAll ZL1l.T—The girls an- measure for gloves. Mrs. Huth
swered ale roll call by describing spoke of the construction of
their favorite pieces of jewellery gloves and described inseams,
and telling why they admire outwAms, pique and French
them when they met at the home seams.
Britain, Europe
Rhine Cruise
22 days. Roundtrip air. Escorted from Toronto
Touring by private motorcoach and cruise ship.
Departure Dates
Fridays June 15, 29
July 13, 27
August 17
Sunday September 9
Cost Per Parson/Cdn, $
Escorted Toronto/Toronto $2997
Cost Includes: Travel by economy class air cruise
ship and private motorcoach Hotel rooms with private
bathroom Sightseeing and admissions Horizon
overnight case Local taxes (Note Airport taxes
not included.)
Included Meals: All dinners. 5 lunches, all breakfasts
(incl 10 continental) Meals on aircraft
Tipping: Included for meals and services provided
while with group, including drivers, ship's crew and
Horizon escort
Luggage: Handling of one suitcase per person
included Extra suitcase $25
For Reservations Call:
Wingham 357-2701
The wiagl►ao Advaaee-Times, Al 11. 11r'1'�-P'� ]i
Board beg'i*nswork on newpolicy
Upcoming events at
for handling controver
gal material
public E. EWaw. school
By Jeff Seddoa Mr. Cochrane indicated !6e approved materials study It, noting the decision is BELGRAVE — The East school coed.
If teachers in Huron County policy should help prevtl;W the Chairman John Elliott ex important enough that any Wswanosh Public School Science April 23 — Kindwillartm rq011i-
want to use controversial problems the board had last year plalned that material for doubts trustees have should be Fair is presently tatting place. tration. Any ehitid that rive
material in the classrooms they over English literature novels classroom use is sent to a c•om- clarified. This Science Fair is to the
should be prepared to defend it. used in the county schools. mittee of the board which then He said one problem is un -public on Thursdayopen S and Y m lf7! u
At a meeting April 2 the Huron His suggestion would require tt makes recommendations back to derstanding what materials the April hotare 1-4 and
Count Board of Education Friday April 6, any time during April M —Open
Y parent or ratepayer with s the board. Approvals must be board approves and what is school hours 7-9, parents invited,
agreed in principle to a policy complaint about classroom rnade by the whole board, giving approved by the ministry of Next week the North Huron April 27 — Professional
that will make teachers, material to take the complaint to all trustees a chance to comment. education. Science Fair will be held at East Development Day. Students de
department heads and principals the school. It would be handled by he added. Mr. - Cochrane explained the Wawanosh Public School. Stu- not attend school this day•
responsible for handling com- the teacher, department head or Goderich Trustee Dave Gower ministry .approves textbooks in dents from Howick Central 6
plaints and criticisms of material principal and, if no suitable said he Hadn't had an opportunity subjects such as mathema4ies. School Wingham Public School, May 11 r Mm photos will be
used in county classrooms. arrangement could be worked to stud,, the implications of the science and history, leaving Grey Central School, Turnberry men' ThA Whed N' Dealer
The board endorsed the policy out, it could be sent to the board policy and asked that it be tabled. decisions on English literature Central School, Brussels Public Square Dance Club tmntes you to
after Director of .Education John to be handled discreetly. lie said he had not received the novels up to individual boards. School as well as East Wawanosh a fun rd&, in Clinton Public
Cochrane gave an example of the Mr. Cochrane said he hopes the material provided on the policy Material approved by the Public School will be competing. School, Wednesday' April 11 at
policy designed to handle com- policy would help keep individual until lust before the meeting and ministry is usually not too con 8:30 p.m. This is to itntredum you
taints. Entries will be arriving on
P concerns of ratepayers low-key. had not had an opportunity to troversial, he noted. Y °gWednesday morn A 11 to the Joys and fellowship all
Mr. Cochrane said he had rather than having them become ' modern square dancing. There is
drafted a policy to be presented count wide issues. and the judging will take place on no HBe and lunch is provided -
to the board and had taken it to y Wednesday, afternoon' The ills For further information Seaforth Trustee John Hen t ��` plays will be open to the public on please
the teachers and department derson complained the system contact Ross Higgins or Gerald
hea4for their comments. The for approving classroom r a Thursday April 12, 1-4 and 7-9. McDowellIf interest is
teachers agreed with the intent of material has . been taken away COMING EVENTS shown cis will0
the policy, he said, but felt some from trustees. He said it seems April 13 —Good Friday.
changes should be made before it the trustees "don't have anything y April 16 — Easter Monday, held starting in October, 1971.
was adopted. to say anymore", pointing out
He described the suggestions that books coming to the board
as "housekeeping suggestions" for approval get there only a'
to Clear Lin vaoue areas and --i,4
Recreation Report
rr76iitir uefure saluui biarts and ltilll., '
he hopes to have the changes the board has little opportunity to
made by the May meeting of the make any changes to the list of y;x:
board, but first he wanted the Rec. Director �—
board to indicate whether it
supported the idea of having y
teachers defend the material "4 During the past weekend there Simpson at 357-2098. The classes
they use. �c�Y „ " was a great deal of hockey at the are two-hour sessions and will
"Which route does the board Belmore if Wingham Arena for the old and continue for eight weeks.
want to take' "he asked. "Do you young alike. Saturday there was The summer recreation
want complaints to go back to the A curling party was held an Oldtimers hockey game program is currently being
source or do you'want to deal Tuesday, April 3, for the curlers f ` f y„� between the Wingham Jokers planned. If you have any
with them right off the top”" and their spouses. An enjoyable 2 ; r, s (1959-60 WOAA Juvenile champs) suggestions for a summer
The policy is aimed at evening resulted, with a large y and a combined team of the program please contact the
preventing further headaches for crowd in attendance:Crawford Dodgers and Stainton recreation department at 357- .
trustees trying to defend Mr' and Mrs. Brian Marston,Spitfires (1950-51). This was a 1208.
classroom material the board Mr. and Mrs. Murray Garnissvery exciting game and lots of Although there is still lots of
has approved for use. Under the and Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat fun to watch, with the final score snow around, now is the time to
present system teachers have departed for a vacation in
6-6. start planning Your summer
recommend material to their Hawaii. On Sunday the WOAA Grand activities. If you missed baseball
department heads, the depart Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Scott held t Championship started with the registration please contact the
ment heads and principals for- Open House at the McIntosh following scores: Wingham 0, recreation department for an
ward the recommendation to the United Church for their 45th t;"' Arthur 3; Goderich 4, Lucknow 2; application, 357-1208.
board and it is then approved for wedding anniversary. Seaforth 2, Brussels 1. In the The Wingham Centennial Pool
use. In most cases the board The Belmore Library will be semi-finals Arthur defeated will soon be opened, however
'takes the teacher's word that the closed on Saturday, April 14, and Goderich 6-4. The championship before this happens the
material is suitable and does not will reopen Monday, April 16, game was played Monday night recreation department will have
screen it. from 24 p.m. SHORTY BROOKS TROPHY -Lynne Nicholson was between Arthur and,Seaforth. the pool painted by a local pod
."Me uft'imatem" care
has Imust arrnted
INKE Electric STD.
Electrical Supplies - Service Wingham
Concept One Cleaning System by Hoover
*QUADRAFLEX AGITATOR ... deep cleans with double tate
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Cleans carpetsbare floors,
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(Optional tool s*t
`AL B U R K E Electric LTD
Electrical Supplies - Service
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awarded the Shorty Brooks trophy last week by Mr. Brooks Any Person interested in taking business. Summer 1979 will be
for her interpretative figure skating skills in the past Junior or Senior tennis lessons, very busy at the pod with
season. Along with the big trophy she was presented with a comrribncing April 18 or 19, programs running almost, daily
keeper trophy made by Mr. Brooks. should contact Mrs. Diane from 9 a.m. to 8 p -m. To operate
such a program the anticipated
expenditures for this year will be
�00009900090e040*09 eeeeee.eeeee 1$2978 budget00increa. However t;ver e
this increase will be for the
Bl*' O painting of the pool. The an-
ticipated revenue from the pod
this summer will be $9,300, which
will not quite cover half of the
e�'► 40e 0 00 00000000 000000000000000 operating costs.
COMMI~ERC AL i:E-161JE BLUEVALE MIXED runner-up single with a 190.
Gene's Mean Mach a holds a Nancy Corrigan bowled the top Marie Merkley bowled the 365
slim lead over Frances Dancers single of the week with a 280 high double. Other high doubles
and is in first place rfter the game in Bluevale Mixed play. were bowled by: Margaret
second week of leaguepl., rfs.It Marry« a lker's 662 triple was the Robertson, 350; Elizabeth Bus Service
has 6,043 and th- Dance. ave ladies' high. Robertson, 314; Winnifred Lock -
6,040. Bruce Ortlieb bowled the men's wood, 321; Jessie France, 308 and
Leon's Lions are in third place high scores. He had a 232 game Amy Edwards, 327. announced
with 5,746, Bob's Boozers h ive and 624 triple. LADIES' LEAGUE
5,677, Roy's Rattlers.have 5,479 Bowling 200 and over were: Clark's Cougars won the third A new bus service for the
and Larry's Leapers are last with Bruce ortlieb, 232, 216; Sue series and the season. They people of Wingham and area has
5,476. Johnson, 203; Ken Murray, 209; ended the series with 46 points. been announced by Nicholson
Ruth Ann Steffen was top lady Colleen Robertson, 218; Darlene Lee's Lions ended the series Bus Lines.
bowler with a 300 single and 721 Murray, 263; Nancy Corrigan, with 37 points, Welwood's A bus is leaving Wingham and
triple. Rod Hickey bowled the 280; Reta Ross, 218, 221; Harold Weasels were next with 34 and Post offices at Bluevale,
men's high single with a 306 Johnston, 214; George Fischer, Elston's Elks were close behind Wroxeter, Gorrie and Fordwicb
game. Gene Kruse had the men's 225; Carol Shaw, 232; Grace with 33. Skinn's Seals gained five for Listowel each Tuesday af-
high triple with a 742 score. Thompson, 211; Sharon Day, 237; points in the final week to end the ternoon. In Listowel there are
The Commercial Bowling Jim Shaw, 200 and Milton Boyd, series with 32 points and Tervit's stops at the medical centre,
League will be holding a 25th 218. Tigers finished d with 28. optometrist, 'dentist, sales barn
anniversary dance April 21 at the LEGION LADIES Mary Lee bowled the high and any shopping locations. „
Wingham Legion. The ladies ended their season single of the week with a 262 In addition to the Listowel bus
last week with Wunderbars in game. Susan Tolton bowled the service a bus will travel to Kit-
WROXETER MIXED first place with 105 points, Kit 703 high triple. chener, Toronto or London the
Joe Craig bowled the men's Kats with 96 points, Mars Bars Bowling 200 and over were: second Monday of each month for
high scores of the week with a 256 with 86 points and Sweet Maries Mary Lee, 262; Phyllis Bain, 243; a full day outing, leaving at 8
game and 597 triple. Agnes with 77 points. Shirley Sallows, 226; Betty a.m. and returning at 6 p.m.
Haasnoot had the ladies' high Jean King bowled the high Darling, 202; Elda Nethery, 200, If a group wishes to go to one of
single with a 290 single and also single of the week with a 327 201; Edna Mae Armstrong, 210; the cities the bus will go there, as
had the 657 ladies' high triple. game and Doris Remington had Susan Tolton, 238, 248, 217; the majority of riders choose to
Bowling over 200 were: the runner-up single of 272. Jean Brenda Ritchie, 206; Beth Skinn, which city the bus will travel.
Ethelene Smith, 215; Joe Craig, King's 809 triple was the high of 226, 223 and Janet Storey, 216. The Listowel bus will leave the
256; Agnes Haasnoot, 290; Willa the week. Also bowling 200 and over Wingham Armouries at 12:30
Harris, 226; Ted Smith, 237. 'Bowling over 200 were: Lila were: Lyla Hickey, 200; Jean p.m. each Tuesday, proceed to
Mary Beth Riley, 211 ; Bob Hickey, 212: Betty Burley. 211; King, 206, 232; Louise Welwood, Bluevale for 12:45, go to
Harris, 253; Wes Ball, 222; Dick Muriel Irvine. 207; Graham 211; Catherine Campbell, 203; Wroxeter for 1 p.m. and from
de Boer, 213 and Eunice Gaus, Adams. 212: Florence Thompson, Barb Stainton, 237; Peggy Tervit, there to Gorrie at 1:15 and to
225. 208; Doris Remington, 215, 253, 251; Cathy Carson, 204; Rose Fordwich at 1:25.
272: Jean King. 276, 327, 206 and Grove, 225; Mary Campbell, 230; The bus will return from
Gladys Yeo. 209 Shirley Storey, 239, 223 and Listowel at about 5 p.m.
THURSDAY MIXED Florence Thompson, 217. For more information on the
The three top teams are run- st NDA,, lis aMIXED Bowlingas a spare was Janet new bus service phone Nicholson
ping a close race after the second Heard$ and Walls are tied in Storey P Bus Lines at 357-3014 after 4 p.m.
week of bowling playoffs. f t w th 39 Dints each Hoffer
Monty's Monsters are ahead
with 6,736 points, but just nine
points behind are Smith's
Marauders with 6.729 points
Moffatt's Muppets aren't far
behind those two teams and have
In the B group Gord's Gophers
have 6,425 points. Tervit's
Trihards have 6,,3,56 and Skinn's
Divers have 5,918.
Monty's Monsters were the
season's champs.
Sylvia Pewtress had' a good
night, bowling the ladies' high
single of 268 and a 719 ladies' high
.terry Smith bowled an ex
cellent game and had a 305 men's
high single. Don Montgomery
bowled the 766 men's high triple
Bowling over 200 were (',urge
Skinn, 217, 201; Hap Swatridge,
204, 239; Verna Haugh, 218; Jerry
Smith, 230,305: Marian Watcher.
227; Gail Holmes, 230, 202; Don
Montgomery, 2.3.5, 23A, 243; Sylvia
Pewtress, 26R, 265; Dianne
English, 212; Gord Daugherty,
a1 202 and Jean Tervit, 203.
Ars i , , p
have 34 points. Haughs have 33,
Hickeys have 26 points and
Ruttans have 18 points
.lean King was top tnlwler of
the week She had a 305 single
and 788 triple. Rod Hickey
txtwled the men's high scores
with a 297 single and 708 triple.
Bowling over 200 were Bonnie
Cleghorn. 207 Jean King, 236,
247, 305; Mary Campbell, 224,
27:1. Linda Wall. 203, Doug
Findley. 208, 215, Betty Heard,
219. 205. Daryl Holmes, 206, 211
Ron Thompson. 215: .lean'
Thompson. 222. Grant Wall. 217,
209. F,lmer McFarlane. 254, 233;
Muriel McFarlane. 204 Kevin
Ifrckey. 227, Rod Hickey. 297. 220
and Ivan Harkness, 260.
sF1s'I 1R LADiES
Novas are in first place with RS
points. Cougars have 79 and
cadillacs are well back with 62.
Thunderbirds have 47 points,
Wildcats have 46 and Toyotas
have 41
Margaret Robertson bowled
the high single of the week with a
197 game Marie Merklev had the
M}� Q��.�o� clinics
Fres �� .aw.�� _ -
for Dogs and Cats
FREE ANTI -RABIES CLINICS conducted by the Canada
Department of Agriculture, Health of Animals Branch,
in co-operation with the Bruce County Health Unit and
municipal governments are being held at the following
locations in this area:
RIPLEY - Township Hall - Wed., April 18
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
HOLYROOD - Township Hall - Wed., April 18
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
LUCKNOW - Bosement of Town Hall
Wed., April 18 - 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
TEESWATER - Culross Twp. Garage
Thurs., April 19 - 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.