The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-11, Page 13mow
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. The Wingham Aivanoe-Times. A.gril 11, 1>i?'Y—P�•,
Easter scene,�is e -e
w First prize of SM, by Ms.ltMy Leader, MUSINGSbymembers ofKnoxWMS
240 Waterloo St., AAounf forest Some early memories Of a woniderful pianist until I was ?;, Johnston nw
Second and third prises totalling SSW have been split between Mrs. Wingham: told it was a player piano. BELGRAVE — The sprint ' Whd Is A Nati . by Mss. Coelia Gesitge
Edna Trafford, 56 Kincordine St., Durham; Mrs. Leonard slack. RR 1. I can rememberCarried
beiSaturday night was family general_ meeting of the UCW of bait, followed by the singing of mu noel Preys god
ng sho ve, the hymn, "Were You There?" music �� �presentation
_ Proton Station and Mrs. David Aljw, 10 Queen St. N., Durham. by my father over the %Otbridge pping night, the night the Knox United Church, Belgra and a Belt the worship, c Sp
across the Maitland, enroute to stores were open for the working was held in the schoolroom of the Pr Y by music was lire
man who toiled at least 6o hours a church on April 3, at 8:15P.M.Several scripture selections
CONGRATULATIONS t the horse races on tlae P P from the gospels of Mark and Mrs. Donald Varir, who h>�
tIMA61t FUN week. The streets would be
r.,...�.,.. . K ...,« ...... south of town. Even tbtxtl�t I crowded with farmers and town The meeting opened with a Luke, were read by Mrs. Law- diced their musical nuJeow
- - - afraid to walk across then, mbelff
a ew hymn and the minutes were read rer-ce Taylor and Mrs. Sean with a commentary an Jetsus'
ears later I would o on People. Even iiuugii ii,e stores ' death, resurrection and salvak
LYEEUM Tho Durham Kinsman would Ilk• to thank everyone for y g were open until midnight my and adopted. Mrs. Helen Martin Pletch. Each reading was
rlto my own when the brifte was rents always tried to have gave the treasurer's report and followed by a presentation of the tion. They � " T� Old
supporting our bingo again this year. considered unsafe. their shopping done in time to the correspondence was read. views and feelings of the people Cross "Jesus Covets iLe" aalll
The pipe carrying the The members were reminded involved in Jesus' trial and "J� will Walk with w,- Uri.
EINE catch the 10 o'clock delivery.
from the salt well in Wawaoosh Beattie Livery operated a that the UCW weekend at West- death. Mrs. Dorothy Logan Belt thanked the Vaiss for their
came across the
footbridge to the salt river
black the g wagon with is large message of Ewer was the
general deli service. minter College would begin on represented Judas Iscariot, Mrs eomtributi
5 consisted of a th Friday, May 27 The "Cotntry Janina Coupes, Peter Mra
����E north side of Victoria Strad. I c chosen by lfn. Alice Scott,
rectangular body covered with Fayre" will be held on June 23 Glenn Coultas, Caraphas, Mrs.
till ember the for the program and she pre -
cans rem fireuaan write canvas and drawn by a and it was suggested that me=n- , Jim Coultas, Pilate, Mrs- Wrllard
shovelling coal into the four team of horses, a regular prairie rairie bers think about preparing ar- Armstrong, the criminal on the mated excerpt from Pate!
furnaces. Upstairs the steam schooner. There were sliding ss
ticles for the fair. crow, Miss Dorothy Higgins rep- Marshall's sermon, "The fret rose from the brine in the large, doors on the sides and a window resented the Twentieth Century Easter"'
pan. Men with long -handled in front, shelves inside to It was decided to pack a bale and mentioned several of its- The president, )hors. LAWS
rakes drew the salt up the in- , wves
hold the parcels. A coal oil Lan- and contributions are to be left paradoxes.Johnston, thanked everyone who
clined sides of the pan. Barrels tern lit the interior as it made its with Miss Annie Cook and Mrs. The readings were inter- had mem Part m the Easter pro -
were assembled in the Cooper rounds at night. At times the Ross Higgins. Mrs. Dorothy spersed with the singing of ap- gram, and closed the meaft
shop, filled with salt and shipped driver would have a boy with him Logan reported a good response propriate Easter hymns. Mrs• with the Mrzpah benediction -
out on the trains. to help. 1 always wanted to be to the needlework course and an
I heard my first radio broad- able to make that trip around inquiry sheet was circulated to
cast in the Flannagan Music town to right. That was another ascertain what would be popular
Store. Good's Restaurant is is one of my boyhood wishes that for another course, later in the Former township treasurer,
that location now. The radio was was not fulfilled. Tom Saint's yew'
a small set with earphones. They dray was not nearly as is The Easter worship service
used the horn ut a phonograph n teresting. was introduced with a p� Alexander McBurney passes
amplify the voice of a man
coming, I was told, from a city
hundreds of miles away. I was A well-known resident of East Tuesday when Rev. Dan Sargent
young P Wawanosh and treasurer of the conducted funeral service at two
too The first time >< saw Huron bd.W'll not township for several years, o'clock. Final resting place win
anyone skating on ire was in Alexander McBurney passed be Brandon Cemetery, BeIgrave.
anyonens skating
Skati g Rink away at his home in Belgrave on Honorary pallbearers were
StephSaturday, April 7, following a Simon Hallahan and Qarence
(Crawford. Motors). buildinglengthy illness. Hanna. Active pallbearers were
was much wider in those dayshold ratepayers"Alex was a son of the late Ed Marsh, Gordon McBurney,
and the front wall extended out to
the street. William McBurney and Mary Ross Nicholson, Murray Vincent,
One of the attrac the Meetings on budget Jane Johnston and received his Douglas Walker and Jack Van
Hanna store used to promotk the elementary education at SS No. 7, Camp -
East Wawanosh- He later
annual winter sale was to have a By Jeff Seddon in the past have been poorly graduated from Wingham High
young clerk by the name of The Huron County Board of attended. School and Stratford Normal
Gordon Buchanan go to the roof Education refused to take, its Mr. Gower suggested the drop School. He farmed in East Mrs. J.J. McGee
of the store and throw hundreds budget cin the road April 2 when in attendance might be due to Wawanosh for many years. He •
of pennies into the street on a no one would endorse a . restrictions placed on those was a rpember of Trinity dies In London
Saturday afternoon. Traffic suggestion that the board should meetings by the board. He said lican'thurch, Belgrave.
would be stopped while kids from hold ratepayers' meetings to the board concentrated on Surviving are two sisters, Miss Passed away at University
town and country were on their explain thr (cdiwatinn 1mdv,•1 municipal officials and Lauretta McBurney of Calgary, Hospital, London, following a
hands and knees hunting for u1, t'ru tq.t ),,c,. politicians setting up budget Alberta, and Mrs. Arthur brief illness, Mrs. John James
coppers in the spoor and horse could not even get a seconder for meetings in the past, pointing out (Catherine) Nicholson, Seaforth. McGee of Minnie Street,
manure. When the excitement his motion that the board hold it isn't fair to "choose or . The late Alex McBurney rested Wuigham. Her death occurred
waned more pennies would public meetings in the four cor- eliminate" who can come to the at The Currie -Walker Funeral Sunday, April 8, at the age of W
descend from heaven. ners of the county to explain edu- meetings. He added that the Home, Patrick Street, until Years -
After the show was over we cation costs to the taxpayers. board has a "total respon- Mrs. McGee was the former
would retire to the McKay Mr. Gower wanted the board to sibility" to the people who want Margena Jessie Gordon and was
Restaurant (Lee's) to buy candy sponsor four meetings, in • the to know about and understand the Brussels roan born in Kinloss Township. on
bars, gum or other goodies with north, south, east and west parts budget. April 16, 1889. Her parents were
our found money. . ' of the county. He said such Mr. Elliott commented that all dies suddenly the late Archibald Gordan and
Speaking of shows, another meetings would provide the board meetings are open to the Isabella McKenzie. A talented
spot for young kids was rd with a good opportunity to public and said the board had • musician, she was, the EW
e -at his residence organist to serve Lan shoe
picture show. No `felldes'hr thd0e lain its budget and might Help sent out letters to councils in- g g
days, just plain black and white develop a better rapport with the viting them to attend budget Richard Joseph Jacklin, 76, of Presbyterian Church and was
moving pictures with the sound of taxpayers- - session. He said the letters are Thomas Street, Brussels, died also the youngest person to play
piano music. The theatre was "There are a lot of people that simply reminders and not suddenly at his residence on the organ there. She also served
shorter at that time and was don't understand how the budget restrictions. Thursday, March 29 as organist at Blyth,
heated by a stove down at the is formulated," he said, adding "I get the feeling these letters He was born in Grey Township, Whitechurch and Calvin
front between the seats and the that the board has some specify limited attendance," Mr. a son of the late Richard and Presbyterian Churches and
screen. I always thought they had obligation to explain its complex Gower responded. Elizabeth Jacklin, and farmed taught music in the area for
budget. The board sends letters to there until he retired to Brussels. many years.
The motion came on the heels mayors, reeves, deputy reeves, He was a member of Brussels Mrs. McGee retired a years
of a letter from the Goderich members of councils, finance United Church. fo>F the past few years had
• . town council suggesting that the chairmen and clerks inviting Surviving are his wife, the resided at Brookhaven Nursing
board be encouraged to "for- them to a special meeting called former Susan Margaret Goll; two Home. She was a member of St.
mulate a system of public to pass the board's budget. daughters, Mrs. John (Mary) Andrew's Presbyterian Church.
meetings to explain its financial Seaforth Trustee John Hen ry She was married to Mr. McGee
Service ir c � p Craig of Harriston and Mrs. Eric on June 4, 1919, in Teeswater and
requirements to taxpavers". derson said he felt the ex- (Joyce) O'Connell, Kitchener;
ry Board Chairman John Elliott planation of the budget is the rive sons, Ken of St. Jacobs, Les he predeceased her in 1980.
replied that the board had taken responsibility of individual of Wingham, Donnie of St. Surviving is one son, Fred McGee
ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE FUELS FLOWERS the initiative in past years to trustees, and if they feel specialClements, Leonard of Regina, of Wingham; three grand -
invite council members to budget meetings are necessary they can Saskatchewan, and Glen', children, Bob McGee of
meetings. He agreed it would be arrange them on their own. Goderich, Mrs. Ken (Janet)
• Wedding g g Listowel. Also surviving are two
Lynn Hoy BILL TIFFIN good public relations to set up Shirley Hazlitt, trustee forsisters, Mrs. Pearl Maburry y rry of MacAdam and Ron McGee, both
Arrangements budget meetings in each Goderich and Colborne town- of Wingham; and one sister, Mrs.
Burke -McLeod Enter
Enterprises Imperial Esso Agent • Britain and Katie May of Errol (Belle) Duncan of Outlook,
llectru al p Cut flowers municipality, but argued there is ships, said all budget meetings Australia; one brother, Harvey
a time factor the board must 'are open to ratepayers, members of Brussels; and 14 grand- Saskatchewan.
Cor+tra(tor,, I td Honda and Skidoo fSfO rr • Plants render. He also said budget of council and the press in the The late Mrs. McGee rested at
Sales 8 Service • children. The Currie Walker Funeral
Electrical ContractingFor all your Home and Flowers by meetings the board has promoted county. He was predeceased by three
Farm Fuel and
Home, Wingham, where service
Motor Sales, Repairs Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Lubricating Needs Wire Service infant children and two brothers,
p Phone 519-357-3435 � , Carl, formerly of Trowbridge, Y s conducted Tuesdayat
and Rewind 357 -IM and Harold (Brussels). b Rev. Dr. Robert H. Arms
LEWIS Handyman help available of St. , Andrew's. Interment
,� Complete funeral and cam- followed in Wingham Cemetery.
INSURANCE PLUMBING mitral service was held Satur
Wingham 357-1380 • • Pallbearers were Alex
FLOWER for seniors handicapped day, March m , the M L. Watts Robertson, George McGee,
��, / Funeral Home, Brussels, with Gordon McBurne Nelson Dow,
135 Frances Rev. Eric Ledrew officiatin Y'
Senior Iitizens and han- help pay for handymen and g Ernest Beecroft and Charlie
PLETCH IN•NRANCE _ Phone dicapped adults in Huron Count cleaners. Temporary entombment took
357-3880 y lace at Brussels Cemetery Campbell. Flora) tributes were
ELECTRIC All Types Of can get financial assistance to Community and social services P y carried by Farish Moffat and
in Goderich now has a contract Chapel. Gordon Wall.
Wingham Insurance PRINTING with Town and Country
Industrial, Commercial, PLUMBING REPAIRS / Homemakers to help do chores
335-3525 357-26361 which will allow people to stay in
Farming, Domestic GORRIE WINGHAM RENOVATIONS Y1 INGHAMtheir own homes longer. g
New Installations, call Jobs like cleaning, putting on Business
3 5 7 . S $ 3 BACKHOE Terry Deye11 of PRINTING THE STYLETTFS storm windows, shovelling snow MEMORIALS
357-2808 or 357-1229 SERVICE Whitechurch—Mrs. Archie or digging flower beds can be And
Purdon hosted Saturday's performed by home help people M GUARANTEED GRANITES
SIGN$• PRINTING meeting of the club. Lori Ann from the homemakers' agency. CEMETERY LETTERING
Backhoe • PHOTO COPIES Jamieson opened the meeting Linda Young, project manager Professional REASONABLE PRICES
• REGISTER FORMS and the minutes were read by of home help service for the Town Buy Direct and Save
SIGNWRITING Work Leroy Jackson • RUBBER STAMPS Janet Laidlaw. and Country Homemakers, says Directory
The members worked on their it is important that Huron Jeople Bis Ph W-1910es.
�. - Plumbing WEDDING hat exhibit for Achievement Day use the service to show 't Bos Ph. 3'371016
Dunn By Tom STATIONERY provincial government th
Hugh McBurney -Heating which is to be held Wednesday, P
Thomas E. Dunn 314 IOSEPHINE STREET April 25, at 7:30 at the Lucknow need for it.
--Tinsmithing United Church. They also did A single person with no Frederick F. Homuth
RR 1 Blueval• WINGHAM WINGHAM some craft work, worked on a than $1,500 or a couple w L C. LENTZ Phm.B.. R.O.
191 Josephine St. puzzle and a match game'. more than $2.500 a year in li Carol E. Homuth, o.p.
335-6395 357-3819 Winghom 357-2904 357-3800 It was decided to have a work assets ma,y be eligible Chartered Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D.
t / meeting on April 23 at 7 p.m. at financial assistance.
the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott. The homemaking agency, Accountant
GRAVEL a TOPSOIL CONSTRUCTION The books are to be in the hands registered as a charitable Wingham, Ontario Optometrists
of the leaders by Thursday. organization, presently sub
- J THE WiTH-iT WOMEN sidizes the cost of home help Telephone HARRISTON Ontario
John COX 1 f Your BELMORE-- The 4-H girls at services to the elderly who do not (51957-1087 338-2712
T. M. B T. Belmore will make candy to sell qualify for provincial help but
o at the Maple Syrup Festival on who find it hard to maintain their
CONSTRUCTION Saturday. own homes
General ('onh-ar•tors Business Is S The girls have been discussing The home help services are not R E I D AND �
Gravel and All types of concrete work accessories that complement a only available to the elderly end
wardrobe. headers Mrs Murray handicapped, but are available to
Pit Silos Mulvey and Mrs. George Un- every Huron resident.
,.Topsoil Home and farm building THE derwood have been very helpful if interested in the financial Chartered Accountants
1 %I.1. H0H Tll0N11'S0Nn with the accessories which the assistance program, contact
Rl.l l:l A1. E.0N'TAIt10 ADVANCE -TIMES W 357-2320 girls Must complete by John McKinnon, Huron County 218 Josephine St., Wingham
�� 357-3193- Achievement Day, May 12 Community and Social Services Ph: 357-1522
1, Purses and hats have been the administrator at 524-2186 or the
• most popular items made by the Town and Country Homemakers J.A. Peterson, C.A. B.W. Reid, C.A.
girls. at 357-3222