The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-28, Page 6Itar B—nw wingbaim %i.e....slr.... ,i0"1►11i. a"
Gorrie Women's Institute
told of first aid methods
GORRIE—The Women's Inti-
Current events regarding
brie met on Wednesday evening,
health were led by Mrs. Taylor
Match 21, at the home of Mrs.
and resulted in a number of
Glenn Johnston. President Mrs.
ladies giving items about health.
Alvin Grainger opened the
The roil call was 'a modern
meeting with the Ode and Collect.
medical aid I appreciate' or 'a
Secretary -treasurer Mrs. Robert
recycling hint I practise'.
Gibson read the minutes and
The 4-H Achievement Day will
lenc:e and reminded
be held May 12 at the Howick
the members of the East Huron
Community Centre. The Junior
District Annual to be held May 8
Institute is holding an evening
in Fordwich with that Institute
fashion show on May 18 at the
nuwica k;entral 5clool. Mrs.
Plan when donations are made to
Gibson reported on the
Mr- Schwartzentruber of the
smorgasbord lunch served
i ia.1n.....1 inti- A...A..len...•
honor friends and relatives who
celebrate 1Neclai e%ents th ;
Corps, assisted by Mrs. Hickson,
curling bonspid at the Howick
also of the Corps, gave a talk and
Community Centre. The
demonstration on first aid and
president thanked those who
used a mannequin to show the
method of mouth-to-mouth re-
Following the Institute Grine,
suscitation. Mrs. Melvin Taylor
the hostess was assisted in
thanked them and presented a
sing lunch by Mrs. Cecil
cbeque on behalf of the Institute
Win, Mrs. Wayne Johnson and
in appreciation.
Mrs. Morley Johnson.
Executive plop:
upcoming events
GORRiE—The executive of the
United Church Worsen held its
Mardi meeting in the church
with Mrs. William Nay in charge.
Since the annual bazaar is
being held earlier than usual, on
October 27, it was agreed that the
theme should be changed to
"Wonderland Bazaar". A bale of
good used will be packed
in May, the 'date for shipping to
be announced later.
Members were reminded of the
spring Thankoffering service on
thevveining of April 25 when Mrs.
Harbottle, missionary on
.ua ivaa�la is vW ilia ia:a, wau Spiv
guest speaker. A special mission
night will be held April 29. On this
occasion, Dr. Donald Watt,
missions for the United Chtutt�eh,
will speak. Dr. Watt is a brother
of a former Gorrie pastor, Rev.
Robert Watt, and it will be a
great privilege to have him as
guest speaker.
Donations for
Belgrave WI holds
arthritis fund
are needed
education meeting �\ \\ \� If that early morning stiffness,
�a that dull aching pain and that
BELGRAVE — The March steps to health. Lite 'then showed \;� tired -allover feeling is leading to
meeting of the Belgrave two films entitled "Sense in the suspicions that you may have
Women's Institute was held on Sun" and "Decision". `�
�`� � arthritis, contact the Arthritis -
Tuesday, March 20, in the Bel- The president, Mrs. Leonard Society. It will supply in
grave WI Hall. The theme for the James, conducted the business " formationi free of charge, to
meeting was education. part of the meeting. Summary anyone requesting it. Although
Mrs. Norman Coultes, con- day for the needlepoint course there are well over 100 different
vener for the meeting, gave a will be held May 24 at 7:30 p.m. at types of arthritis, many are quite
most interesting talk on the F. E. Madill Secondary School, INDIAN CUSTOMS—Lawrence and Myrna Beaton of the Six Nations Indian Reserve rare and too complex to describe
motto, "Even a mosquito doesn't Wingham. The Institute will be taught the Wingham Brownies Indian customs at their Monday meeting. The Brownies easily.
get a pat on the back until he catering to the East Wawanosh got a chance to see native artifacts and taste Indian food.
starts working". Federation of Agriculture ban- The society urges that if ar-
Guest speaker for the evening quet on April 10 in the WI Hall. thritis is suspected, early
was Ross Procter. Mr. Procter is The committee will be Mrs. Jdiagnosis and treatment are
head of canvassing in the rural Hunter, Mrs- Norman Coulter e r is ttheme from They can save a sufferer
areas around Wingham imra for the and Mrs. Clarence Hanna. from the crippling effect of
Canadian Cancer Society. He re- Following a lengthy discussion, rheumatoid arthritis and
ported that last year over $7,500 meal pricesfor the coming year prescribed drugs can often
was raised for the Cancer Society were set as follows: beef �, for forth Lenten meeti n control the disease and arrest its
in the 14 rural communities in his turkey $4.25 and ham coldpld plate '� Progress.
area. Over half of this money $3.75- g The public is urged to fight the
goes directly into cancer re- The meeting closed with lunch "Prayer" was the theme of the companied by Mrs. Hugh Following the singing of a on-going struggle against the
search. The remainder goes to being served by, the committee many forms of arthritis.
monthly meeting of the Goforth Clugston, pianist. hymn, Mrs. Dave Eadie closed
tient services 1 ecu- cassis of Mrs. Ivan Wight- Donations may be sent to the
the meeting with prayer. Arthritis Society, Box 999,
cation and administration. man Miss DorothyHiggins and Evening .Auxiliary of St. An- An article, "How Shall I Keep g P Y Mrs.
' drew's Presbyterian Church, Lent?", written b Mrs. Ninette Robert Campbell, president,
Mr. F?t•octer went over the 7 Mrs. Garner Nicholson, held March 20. Mrs. Harry Di Gangi, was read. She told how announced the meetings of the Wingham.
Bateman, convener, spoke of the Lent is meant to correspond with Synodical of Hamilton and
effect of prayer in each person's the 40 days of fasting that Jesus Landon to be held in Goderich
Knox UnIted Church
life. - endured in the wilderness prior to Presbyterian Church on April 10 MORE BOOKS ARRIVE
Mrs. Bateman told the His temptation. It is a time of and 11. The speaker at both af-
members that prayer is a natural abstinence, almsgiving and acts ternoon sessions will be Miss The Wingham Kinette Club has
holds Intal lati on service function of people of all faiths and of devotion intended to serve as a Margaret Kennedy, retired announced that the second
even le with no faith, pray- missionary from India. All in- printing of its centennial book,
PeOP P Y preparation for Holy Week.
BEiGRAVE —All members of, Rev. John G. Roberts used The form by which people pray Mrs. Di Gangi stressed the
the session and the board of ste- Romans: 1, verse 5, We are one terested women will be )ne Hundred Years of Memories, welcomed and are urged to at- . The books are
may be different but the desire to importance of withdrawing tend. available has arrived.
Lego Jackson's
wards occupied the centre front body in Christ and . .,,i , , . pray springs from a heart in need periodically from a world of y
pews Y Pe incessant noise and activity to A social hour concluded the Plumbing and Hes or from
of Knox United Church Bel- members of one another,,' to in- and inability to co with that �
grave on Sunday, March 25, for troduce Paul's charismatic idea need- She spoke of prayer as `a spend time in contemplation and evening- any member of the Kinette Club.
the Installation Service of the of the chord►. Each of us depends great responsibility and great prayer, realizing afresh the
newly appointed elders and on others, he said. Success today Privilege' and said, that through wonder of Good Friday and _
stewards. does not guarantee success to- prayer, one is shown his Easter which were the
Those installed to the session morrow. Authority is vested in responsibility toward his culmination of all of God's ac-
were GlennCoulter, Cliford Coul- the church as in the new officers. fellowman and brought into close tivity throughout the history of
tes and George Michie. John We, though many, are one body. fellowship with God. Israel.
McIntosh, Murray Vincent and The whole church is involved. The speaker said the three key The writer urged that
Lorne Jamieson will serve as the This communityour church. words of prayer are 'ask, seek,
� is Christians use the Lenten season
newly installed members of the We can't escape; can't remove knock'. "Prayer is not only to 'give up' prejudices, ift- Hansel & Gretel
board of stewards. ourselves out from under our re- asking and receiving; it is also consistencies, lukewarmness, a ,
nsibilities. ' listening to God and knocking at comfortable but _
sego perhaps lifeless The Corner Cottage for Children's Wear
The "gift of the spirit" is given His door until we hear what God religion, and use the time
McIntosh meati to th>s church— �� church"will say to us," Mrs. Bateman positively to grow in faith, hope
ng everywhere. Every member, explained. and love to be able to appreciate
from the most important to the In conclusion, she listed the the mystery of what God did for •
hn Lenten theme least, is a "charismatic". One important ingredients of prayer, us through His Son between Palm
t life animates, but the parts are adoration, confession, thanks, Sunday and Easter Day.
t BELMORE—The Lenten only alive so long as each is a supplication and intercession, A singsong of old gospel hymns
season and spring formed the part of the body. Only as we and encouraged spontaneous was enjoyed and Mrs. Raymond
theme around which the March participate in the church are we prayer. Passages of scripture Neill was then introduced,
meeting of McIntosh United charismatic of the Spirit of God concerning prayer were in speaking on behalf of Gideon
Church Women was planned_ It given to us. Paul's diversity of terspersed throughout the International. She told how the
was held in the church basement gifts: prophecy, ministering, meditation. organization came into being and
on Wednesday of last week. teaching etc., are expressions of The offering was dedicated by that its main objective is to place
The president opened the charismatic gifts. - Miss Merle Wilson. Mrs. John Bibles in every hotel. motel,
meeting with a poem entitled Joanne Coultes presided at the Ostrom witnessed to her hospital and nursing home in the
"Springtime Renewal". Mrs. organ for the service. Christian faith singing "He area. New Testaments are given •
Oliver Dustow led devotions with Touched Me". She was ac- to each Grade 5 student and
a hymn and a meditation on
•ic,.+.Lir •. � .:
Register now for fall classes which will be offered both in
the ohernoom ut W evenings.
Amb s Cerw*s
Wingham 357.1912
r+wn►sl�e l * wJh
• • .. �i`i• a v.. ,
John Street of Centre Street
The Rector: The Nov. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.—Church School and Confirmation Class
11 a.m.—Martins, The Litany and Sermon
x3:00 p.m.—The &mrd of
2:00 p.m.— The ACW in the Parish Room
Fruit Market
Schneiders Regular, Red Hot, All Beef
1 Ib. pkg.
Wieners 1.3 S
Savarin Chicken - Beef - Turkey
TV Dinners
U.S. No. 1 Head
Schneiders Ind. Wrapped 1 Ib. pkg
Cheese Slices
$1 *79
WINM1WW �" UNTIL 7:00 of
Silt Digs Per W"k
up graduate of schools of nursing. / —
spring. Mrs. Everett Dustow• yi�,pR EMERSON •' The Gideon organization is
read scripture from the 15th Irish music composed of a group of business _
chapter of St. Mark's Gospel. She ;N ITECHURCH • and professional men who have
closed the worship service with enjoyed by professed Christ as their Savior.
dyer- • Th - tt th 1
The study period featured a
Murray Gibb, while working
Brusse s seniors
e}pa ern eir nes after that ,
of Gideon who was a man of faith
Lenten theme and was conducted
for Tom Day last week, had the
misfortune to receive a lacerated
BRUSSELS—Irish music high -God's
and humility, villin to obey
g y
by Ruth Bailey. Fifteen ladies
answered the roll with
ringer on a saw. He is wished a
lighted the March meeting of the
call a
thought on Lent.
s recovery.
PAY ry
Senior Friendship Club held
bars. Neill also explained the
Many thank -you notes were
Mrs. George Fisher of
Monday of last week at the
Brussels Legion President
'Gideon Memorial Plan when
Bibles are dedicated in memory
read and after several items
business, the meeting closed with
Wingham is spending a few days
with her daughter. Mrs. Bill
Mrs. H. Thomas was in charge.
of loved ones, and also the Honor
Featuring Canadian Made:
a prayer. Lunch was served and
Gibson, Mr. Gibson and sons.
Following the opening exec-
g pe ng
Plan when donations are made to
a social time enjoyed.
�- -J >n:„
. reg arR, n"'.
cises. Donald McDonald
del "-A h
honor friends and relatives who
celebrate 1Neclai e%ents th ;
Have you chocked the webbing on your lawn chairs
this year? At the Jack Reavis Opportunity Workshop in
Wingham, Ontario for Mentally Retarded Adults, r•web-
bing of sitting town chairs is being done. This lawn chair
webbing is:
*Fiberglass reinforced for strength.
*Florida tested for sun exposure, resists fading.
*Won't sag, snag, unravel, or stick to skin.
*Mildew and fungus proof.
*Easy to dean.
*Solt resistant.
Available in green, yellow, blue and red.
IQ t t e audience with his
renditions of 1"Galwgy Bay",
in eir
in -es. The donations go toward
'Danny Bo and' "Irish
the Gideon work of placement of
Lullaby". He ws accompanied
Bibles At the present time.
by Mrs. Lulu Kerr at the piano.
Bibles are distributed in 12
'- 1 ""
The secretary, Mrs. Gertrude
countries and printed in 50
Bolger, gave her report, followed
by correspondence from Belmore
regarding the Maple Syrup
Festival. Special rates will be
offered for senior citizens who
Infant Size 14Biu
attend in groups of ten or more. A
number of Brussels seniors plan
a vale
to attend. A letter from Atwood
Senior Citizens invited Brussels
to visit them at their meeting
The Easter Thankofferin o
g f
Tuesday night, May 15, at 8 p.m.
the Presbyterian Women's
This invitation was also accepted
blissi°nary Society will be. held at
and as many as possible will visit
the church on Sunday. April 1, at
8 15 p.m. Mrs Wilson Thornton
The remainder of the afternoon
will show slides of Spain and
was spent playing euchre. Prize
Africa Everyone is welcome.
winners for high scores were
Mr and Mrs Ken Henn• and
Mrs. Mary Blake and Mrs. Annie
family of Parry Sound spent a
Engel; law scorers, Mrs. Jessie
few days last week with Mrs
Call now and ploee your order between F•flgel and Ernest Stevens. Mrs. Lolo Mann and other Bluevale Open Monday to Saturday 9-6
0:30 o.m and 3.00 p.m. Monday to Friday John Simpson had a lucky friend.
scupClosed Wednesdays
��� The next meeting of the Mr. and Mrs Larry Elliott
Brussels Senior FYI ndahip Club spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs.
will he held Wednesday. April la. Joe Walker and family