The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-28, Page 4• 1q
_ .
How much is it worth?
Of all the overvalued exercises we tax-
payers are annually obliged to fund for
government, a royal commission has to be
one of the worst bargains. In terms of results
gained for dollars spent we can perhaps be
excused tot au��1i„y ,e,-, many
cases, merely a convenient institution for
cooling off political hot potatoes with a mini-
mum of risk to the party in power.
Tossing a matter to a royal commission
enables a government to: a) appear to be
acting without committing itself to any spe-
cific, and possibly unpopular, course of
action; b) ..., .. possibly indefinitely,
the need to take action on an issue. Another
convenient feature of such commissions is
that, by making their terms of reference suf-
ficiently narrow, they can be prevented from
making any but the most general of recom-
mendations, thus enabling a government to
proceed on whatever course it intended in
the first place.
The Royal Commission on Electric
Power Planning which recently conducted
hearings here is a case in point. Ostensibly
hearing on the need for additional bulk
power facilities in southwestern Ontario, the
commission apparently is to be prevented
from making any recommendations at all on
the subjects of greatest concern: the location
since this area, which already produces
most of the province's food, is apparently
being asked to provide mah of its power
supply as well, without consideration for how
this will affect food production either now or
in the future. If, as appears possible from the
proposed power y1 1uw, _ ,..��„ ...P
pared for large-scale urban and industrial
development, it is reasonable to ask where
the food will come from. imports, which
already account for 40 cents of every food
dollar spent, are unreliable in the long run as
the world food supply comes under increas-
ing pressure.
Agriculture is Canada's largest industry
and right now it is the only one keeping the
country's balance of trade respectable. It
makes no sense to jeopardize the future by
locating power stations or transmission lines
on the land best suited for farming when
there are millions of acres unsuitable for
Clearly more planning needs to be done
on the need . for power generally and the
►sem -4 -4i". 4i". ^4 ciinnliPe 11n
fortunately it seems impossibly optimistic to
expect answers to these questions from this
royal commission. A previous commission
on violence in the media, while it may have
had a beneficial effect on the personal fin-
$ its members had absolutely no
A page of editorial opinion Wednesday
1949-50 SPITFIRES -This team, WOAA Intermediate A
Champions in 1949-50, will be teaming up with a couple of
other old-timers' clubs to take on the Wingham Jokers April
7. In front from left are: Bill Gatenby, Bill Lockridge, Roy
r1o,��h Ail, ""`-rt, Jack Sleman, Jack Pym, Roy
Wilson, John Crewson and Ted English. In the rear: Percy
;,w _.
March ' Z8
New =ks
in the ary
Hugh WilWamson Ross
When the famed Princess of
Eboli 'the one -eyed one' who
according to court gossip Was the
mistress of Philip II at Spain
announced her intention of
joining a convent, the Prioress
exclaimed in alarm: - 'The
... W'• .•.^_1l!. -'�.'; .oaysM.?�IGlSt'JBMwfia-.91L4.k&A9dA[.t:
Princess a Nun! That WHI be the
.. fdh+6S/::Dt'1NbdtM.' .,v .. .. ;i-a'w-.,..:.. -,
,.. .. w.pC,.•-,:. ... .'�.^r'.:
��V V► VW .,,v r. -v
NORTHWEST from the coming
of the white man to the present
day by Vine Delgria
The Puget Sound area Inas one
of the most heavily populated
regions north of Mexico City
before the coming of the white
man and the Indiana who lived
there were prosperous. By 1852
however, over 2,000 American
settlers had moved into the
Pacific Northwest and more
were soon to follow. The author, a
Stainton (sponsor -manager), Fred Templeman, George
foremost expert on current In-
Fowler,(executive), Len Huff, George Westlake, Bill
dian affairs, combines sad -
toward tbo
Young, Murray Stainton, Scotty Jackson, Ray Bonner,
ness and outrage
events of the past with his hope
coach and Harold poster. The Ilttle guy is team Mascot J I m
for the future in a moving ac-
count of this fight for survival -
a struggle that began with the
coming of the white man and
continues to the present days
and impacts,of specific generating stations antes o ,
or power corridors. noticeable effect on violence, in the media or %0% MENTS IN PHYSICS by Fran-
farmers are concerned anywhere else.I & 6,ft e Is AD 411
cogs Cherrler
Dear Editor: as they affect others when we
Could that Joker reporting on RDOP explained Huron County Planning Police want break them and, of course, the
Throw the axe, a w a the upcoming old timer hockey Department with public par- pride involved in admitting a
y game be mistaken? Only time Dear Sir: ticipation in the secondary mistake or misjudgment.
will tell, but I don't think the In response to Mrs. George Planning Process are some of the understanding Citizens should not fear law
Dodgers and Spitfires will be Merkley's letter to the editor on projects that the RDOP has been • enforcement people or the laws
..Let's try this one on for size. The provin used only for emergencies; he will analyze Dodg P they are
tial government gets the message from the the paper work being done in each hospital to completely humiliated as he March 14 referring to a solution involved with over the past year. Dear Editor, unless, of course,
make sure that i titian and duplication suggests. In fact I am wondering to transportation difficulties, A Transportation Committee Police is a word that makes breaking them or evading them.
taxpayers that spending of public funds has if all their brash confidence is there seems to be a misun- made up of local area residents some people cringe because of They , should fear the Ion-
to be drasfically reduced. So ... the premier are eliminated. nothing more than nervous derstanding about the role of the was formed after an open past involvement or just plain sequences, of what could happen
calls in aWhis senior advisors and tells them The minister will also examine the ef- whistling. Their recruiting of yet Rural Development Outreach meeting held in Wingham in hate for any type of authority. to them if they don't abide by our
what must be done. festiveness of the inspection services in his another half dozen 35 -year-olds Project in the community. January to look at transportation safety rules which in fact are our
Obviously somebody is bound to suffer department, once again eliminating dupla I believe people have an at- laws Their own nal safety
cation and unneccessar time and travel just shows the kind of courage The project has been working problems and possible solutions. titude toward police in general
8O Y
and since it is politically expedient to get re- Y and confidence they have. Have in Huron County for over a year. The committee made a decision that represents a cowboy and is jeopardized when they breaks
Sults fast the premier makes It simple. He costs. He will take a close look at licensed they forgotten that their op- It is funded by the University of to support an already existing Indian show where the police are rule (law) causing bodily injury
iells each cabinet minister to reduce the nursing homes and insist that services are are 15 years Guelph ponents in this game1ph and a Kellogg Foundation transportation service offered by the Indians or death, not considering legal
operating costs of his deparent by 28 per .not denied or delayed to any patients be- their senior? grant. The taxpayers are not the Town and Country penalties.
cent - , not over the next two years or the cause he or she is incontinent or senile. If liable for any bills or mileage Homemakers to people who People seem to be looking over I personally, as a citizen and_a
next two months; but by tomorrow. There necessary he will spend some of his budget The fans who remember our charges. The major objective of otherwise would not be able to go their shoulder for police, ex- peace officer, would like peopte
will be .no immediate cuts in the funds al- on new programs for home services such as three championship teams, the the RDOP is to encourage ac- to the doctor or grocery shopping petting an attack at any time, to understand this philosop%t
loafed for services to the public: The savings delivery of hot meals, in horse physio Dodgers of 1959-60 and the 4vities which will enrich the without additional assistance. , when in. fact policq,'are :looking rather than the cowboy and lb-
must be effected by reducing the number of therapy and- homemaker services. Spitfires of 1949 50, 195x51, will q joy p j for to who arm breaking laws than line and realize that 6#1
overall quality of life enjoyed by These are a few of the ro ects PeoP
employees on the public payroll; by closing The minister and his staff will also be interested to know that we will all rural residents. The resources that the RDOP has been involved that could actually hurt innocent laws are actually safety rules to
up surplus office space; by slashing the sal- recognize the fact that centralizing health have a full squad of 21 players for of the university are available to with in Huron County. We invite people criminally or affect their follow and if we don't we know we
cries of cabinet ministers and their senior services in the big city hospitals is totally
this game. There will be 10 the community and have been the community to contact the safety. will suffer personally. It's like
uneconomic. They will look at the figures
Dodgers and nine Spitfires, plus used in a variety of ways. project through our field coor- Because police have the job of touching a hot stove: we know we
staff members. two players who played on all the Mapping the municipal drains of dinator, Mrs. Louise Marritt, in protecting people, the people who will suffer a burn if we do, so we
and note that the per day cost for a patient in teams. None have lost their sense Turnberry Township, cataloging Wingham to discuss and work on are a hazard to the safety of don't touch it. Then again, we are
No, the premier doesn't know how many the Wingham hospital is $95.72, but daily cost others, including to the criminal human and there will alwa s be
will lose their obs. He Just says, ” of humor. the historical documents of the other projects where the ng Y
Jobs. i Y Cut your in University Hospital in London is $220.05. sense, find it hard to understand le with burnt ringers.
Van Egmond Foundation in university could be of assistance PeoP �
admistrative expenses by 28 per cent and Well, all this is dreaming we must For example, Roy Wilson Seaforth, holding a drama to individuals or groups in Huron. why they are a,target for police. I R. W. Wilson, P.C.
then we'll start phase two." admit. The last thing we will ever hear about wants us to get him a crutch. and Ph.D. believe this is mainly due to a Community Services Officer
is a' thorou h housecleans right where the mount it to a bob -skate. He plans workshop for the Wingham Anthony M. Fuller, failure of understanding our laws Goderich Detachment OPP
Phase two is to be carried out over a g � g Towne Players and assisting the Director
two-year period during which each depart- costs start, at head office: It's the same in to use it as an outrigger in case he
ost will pay Close attention to expendjtures Ontario as it was in California. Down there leans too far in any direction.
mthe voters dictated by ballot that state taxes Another says he hasn't skated for
on public services. For example the minister
of health will develop an assessment system must be sharply reduced. As in our own case Years but was willing to play if he
would be allowed to wear snow bed'dos mfor each hospital In the province. He will the axe fell on personal services nt another ffers on hospitalwa of saying. "OK, so you want to save shoes. I replied that it was just More leg
ascertain which doctors are abusing their Y fine with us. The 'Big Train'
admitting privileges; he will re-examine all money. Now see how much it will hurt you Elwood Irwin says he will of -
tient services and insist that they be personally." ficiall announce his retirement ter, but With all the respect that proven .its efficiency in past at its lowest point in this decade.
of -
outpatient Y Dear Mr. Timbrell,
after this game, so this will be your recent decision to close your office commands, that such years and its active beds are These figures are from the On-
tario Hospital Association — if
• your last chance to see this some 14 active treatment beds at ministerial edicts — viz. the greatly needed. you are not familiar with them,
popular Dodger in action. I know the Wingham and District Hospi- closing of beds, lessening of serv- We strongly urge you to recon reads the ren of our
of three old Spitfires who plan to tal is in our judgment poorly ices - tend to destroy small sider and rescind your decision. own ElgiegSelect Committee on
New threat to V n I ty attend but won't be playing. They taken and grossly out of touch social units; tend to destroy William Walden, Mayor Health Care Costs. The number
are Scotty Jackson. Johnnie with the consensus of community "Man's group relationships", in Corporation of of available beds for active treat
Crewson and Roy Dewbury. opinion. which lies the greatest sense of the Town of Wingham ment patients in this province
There could be more; watch for personal and community res n
The landslide re-election of Peter Ontario who endured the lean years of Such a decision on your part Pe Y p° 0-0-0 went down from 76; per lis e
them. seems in essence to contradict a sibility. 1960 to 4.5 in 1976; that is the
Lougheed and his Conservative party in Al- pioneering in the Canadian West. And since most laudable and praiseworthy Our request is, in this instance, Hon. Dennis R. Timbrell,
berta poses a threat to Canadian unity which those,years Ontario's wealth has been need- So from here it looks like it's lowest ration any province y?
history and tradition of local that you leave the decision Qo us Dear Hon. Sir: c t Newfoundland. So, why?
may, in the long run, make Levesque and his ed on many occasions to assist the western going to be a lively evening, a decision-making relative to at the local level, in co-operation T>iis is to advise that the coun- eYour proposed "formula"
PQ party in Quebec look like traditional provinces, long before they had discovered mixture of good and old- health needs of the area served with your assistance, we being til of the Village of Brussehs P P
pussycats• their own rich resources._ fashioned hock Now if would reduce the number of beds
b the Wingham and District fully conscious of the grave re- whole-heartedly supports the
Lougheed was elected on a straight When the prairie soil,piled
sled into arid someone could just calm down Y in one local hospital ( f 71 to 43.
9 P P � Hospital, since the time of its sponsibility that is ours. Let me movement to prevent the phasing
p from the resent level of 71 to 43.
Alberta -first ticket ... selfish isolationism drifts during the dirty thirties Albertans by the young Jokers. They're inception. assure you that reason again will out of any hospital beds in the P
which has been building in the oil -rich prov- the hundreds came back to Ontario and none sounding awfully nervous. Relax This institution has continued prevail, as it always has in the Wingham hospital as proposed by Over the last few months the
ince for several years. You may recall that it were refused our hospitality. Indeed many of 'boys', it's going to be quite a to present a grand example of past; reason tempered by under- the ministry of health in the near level been
of these beds
was in the same province an infamous them probablylived on Ontario's welfare game' See you there. has been 90 per cent (I agree that
leadership, progress and con- standing, sympathy and fidelity future. this is already above the level of
bumper sticker originated, bearing the payments, meagre though they were at the A Spitfire tinued dedication to a common to humanity at large. One of the main reasons that Y
"Let Ontario freeze in the time. purpose g safety and means maxi
friendly slogan, se - viz. servicing the Let us not forget that human the council felt it should oppose Y � Your
mak•• The Alberta government, insisting on health needs of the community. rights and, by extension, institu- the bed closings is that weather and old patients, clean and in-
fected cases etc., but these
Such an altitude places the entire payment for its oil at close to the Arabs' �t�S no hoax! Tangible and concrete tional rights, are not reducible to conditions in this area, especially in support of our con numbers, percentagesesti in the winter, are such that it is measures have been [arced upon
formula of nationhood in serious question. price, is rolling in wealth. The provincial evidence , ,
Why did Canadians decide to unite as one income from petro -dollars is all but embar- tention-viz. hospital building, mates, but rather are fostered impossible for several days ata by previous reductions in the
Pe Dear Editor, hospital's budge-0.
in the first place? Surely the fathers rassing. When Ontario's income from Until i read the article you services, staffing, economic effi and promoted thereby. time for the residents to get out of P -6 i�us iiieans
„ Whig' that
tient in addition to the realisti- Concern for the physical. mPn- the area. ..,,,x11 is r,.,►y ; ; ,a� y your proposals me
of - ,, looked to a future in which mineral wealth was the envy of the "poor" printed in your March 7 issue I call formed opinion of the com- tal, and emnt_nal .,c'.l b --...g and miies'and quite convenient and reality we shall be forced to turn
the people of British North America would provinces out west we can't recall any truly believed that the invitation y happiness of the le reaches close for our man elderly to o away a number of people re-
ed their slogans about letting them starve in the cold. i received to participate in an munity at large attests to this, people Y Y g uirin acute hospital care.
be infinitely better off if they Pool 09 g ,C„ ,p,�Key game was ar�d such evidence is available far beyond such finite concepts to. q g P
problems and their resources. The idea was Little as we may like it, the separatist Old T;----' and are not reducible to such con We ask our consideration on Where shall we send them Mr.
not a new one. It was simply the application movement in Quebec is a` leasi base-' 0, � notnin more than a hoax. I had for your a re elsewhere and it y Timbrell? When our "allocation"
g ce ts. behalf of the residents of the
need not be repeated here. P is full, what shall I say to the
of the well-known United we stand: divided ;,r olocnind difierenqRs in language and my reasons: Since when did May I suggest that you care In Anticipation of a reasoned Village of Brussels.
we �aii'" slogan. culture. Personally we do not believe that Wingham have ice after April 1. reply we remain yours res t rents of the child with acute
fully review and study this avail P Y respect -
we Reeve J. Calvin Kreuter
According to some of the other provinces Quebec has a promising future outside of Who were the Stainton Spitfires . full Village of Brussels. appendicitis - take your child
Ontario is supposed to be rich, fat and happy. confederation, but at least we can under- Who world dare take on the able data, and with the
unbiased Y. g home, its chances of surviving
mind assess it from the point of P. J. Leahy M.D.
And, over the years, the wealth of Ontario stand the problem. If Albertans are indeed Jokers. even 19 years later' view of the democratic process0-0-0 any resultant peritonitis is 1 in
has contributed in no small way to the wel- dedicated to enriching themselves and to works at its best, decisions 0-0-0 10? Certainly that is an emotional
Anyway. the article has con The Hon. Dennis Timbrell, Provincial Minister of Health, argument and advisedly so.
fare of its less fortunate fellow - in hell with the rest of us, then we have serious vinced me that the mentioned being made by and for the local Some a actually care about
the confederation pact. In the first plate the reason to doubt the value of the entire Murray Stainton, whom I community in the field of health Dear Sir: Mr. Dennis Timbrell, happens
West was largely Bated by people from concept of nationhood. vaguely recall from my PeeWee care. We, the councillors of the Dear Sir: what happens to their families.
Y P g ys. Could it be, Mr. Minister, that Corporation of the Town of Wing- I am writing to you with regard Yeo think that by legislation
bodies to ice a team find
though Your dount of
ecision infringes on local ham, are in complete accordance to recent "directives" from your dicosease in can osociet '► Welntrol the l, history
institutional rights . Could it be with and support strongly the ministry pertaining to the pro- Y
the 'guts' they show this time will reran of fthe Board of Cover vision of health care in this no- is full of examples of a little
THE WING 4AM ADVANCE -TIMES be considerably different from that the right to make decisions mors of the 4h ham and District visions hospitals. P power going to the heads of little
the 'guts' the showed 30 ears relative to the numbers of beds,mets -remember Ki Canute
• K g Y Y services, and practical details Hospital in fighting the closure of You are suggesting that exist
PrbNsbee at V1inglam. Ontario. by lkenger Bros. Limited ago and the were old timers active beds at the Wingham i hospital beds be left un- and his advisors? 1 am told that
thereof, were born with, and re ng ng P
then Hospital occupied in order to reduce the ids Amin, in Uganda, has at -
• e Barry W er. President Robert O. Wenger, Sec -Treas main with the local institutional P uP
We firmly believe that an tempted to abolish certain antes
As goaltender for the Jokers jurisdiction, and that your role is Y y numbers available to an arbi- tioua diseases b maks them
Member Audit i9lrreau of Circulations and having never missed a game primarily one of assistance? closure of beds at the hospital trary level of 3.5 beds per 1,000 Y ng
will result in a deterioration of lotion. Why? Please don't illegal - an intellectual feat on a
• ) i rind no alternative but to show Could it be that these rights are PoW Y
Arc. Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc. up with the rest of the 1969450 not necessarily an edict of the health services for people in this trot out the hoary myth of run- Par with your own.
Member -Canadian Community Newspaper area. This hospital was built b You are also proposing that if a
champs. See you on the ice, `Old law, but rather precede law, and P y away health costa - health P Pas ng
Six months $7 50 Timers'. in the final analysis command to this community and our residents care's percentage of the GPP has hospital provided services to sick
Subscription $14.00 per year John Merkley be protected by iaw? have a right to expect the beat in been declining for the last three People beyond the guidelines that
Second Class Mail R ..;
Return postage guaranteed Chicago, Illinois May we remind you Mr. Minis- health care. Our hospital has years and is now, at 4.19 per cent, Please turn to Page 5
No. 0621