The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-14, Page 13WINGHAM
Automobiles, Light Trucks,
Form Tractors
New Rod Cores
Cleaning A Flushing
14 North St. 357-1102
J Brownie Corner
Group A is learning how to knit,
Group B discumadbow to wash a
simple garment, fold clothes and
bow to keep drawers tidy and
Grouo C is working 9n the native
lore badge under the guidance of
Mrs. I. Trainor with the help of
Mrs. B. Farnell. Group learned
bow to clean shoes.
Joanne Taylor talked about
Brownies in China.
Those receiving skaters badges
were Tammy Cleghorn, Shelly
Trainor and Christina and Dawn
Brownies were told that
membership fees are to be six
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
The W tugham Adva000-Tiw**. Marek 14, IM—Parpe -13
By Grades 1 and 2 Country Home For Senior Citizens and Retirees
We went to the W Police
station. It was a losttnalit. We �"'� Private and Semi -Private Rooms
met Mrs. Angus and Constable A Homo Atmosphere with Loving Care
Daer. They showed us the cells Our Rates are Very Reasonable
for the prisoners. We went in -
them. We saw the kitchen and Eileen Monts
recreation room. Some of us had 5 Louisa St.
our fidgerprints taken. We Ayton, Ont. 65PhOnt
listened to the radio. We went +, NOG 1 519-6-7825
outside to see the cruiser and
unmarked car. The policeman let X... I
us hear the siren. Some of us
jumped! r
We got candy canes. We sang, .
"The Policeman's Standing on N
the Corner". We also saw an OPP
car and policeman. We had fun at ', 7t
the police station.
GRADES 3-4—Lent started this
past week and it is going to be a
busy period for Grades 3 and 4 as -J
Grade 4 is going to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation for
the first time. During Lent we are
receiving instructions con- F .
cerning the sacrament in
preparation to receive it during m f e
Holy Week, just before Easter. ;
GRADES 5.6—We completed our k .,
second cycle of the Impact
program. We enjoy working at
the centres: math, creative
writing, language, current HARDEST WORKING—The Wingham and District Snowmobile Association was He Road a
events, games and handwriting.
The day's leader assists the awarded a trophy as the hardest working club in the Bruce Region during the regional
teacher in keeping the centres mini -convention held here Inst weekend. Club President Bill Crump accepts the trophy
running smoothly and on time. from Ray Foster of Mildmay. The CopQ. of the
On Ash WednesdayFather
Sonderup conducted a short Township of'Hawick
service for the school lon
e grantprospects bdighter .
meaning of Lent and the blessing
of ashes. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Council of the Corporation of the Town -
GRADES 7-8—Mrs. O'Malley and ship of Howick, proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the pro -
the Grade 7 and 8 girls attendedvisions of the Municipal Act, R. S. O., 1970, Chapter 284, Sec -
the World Day of Prayer service tion 443 for stopping up, closing and selling part of a roadway
on Friday at Sacred Heart for tr* a i i development and being a portion of lots 21 and 22, Concession 16, in the said
Church. Sister Gerardo theTownship of Howick, more particularly described in Schedule
guest speaker, stressed that a Snowmobile clubs unhappy things are looking up. tenth of the sum requested for "A" attached hereto.
Christian is a happy person and with the minimal grants for trail "You're going to be pleasantly trail work.
joy is found in one's work and development and maintenance surprised this year," guest As a result a. number of clubs AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Reeve and Clerk will be
communications with others. offered last year by the ministry i speaker Carl Cowden of Bom- decided to post their trails as authorized to sign and execute the necessary documents in
Congratulations to Natalie of natural resources have the • bardier Ltd. told the group. private property, for use only by order to effect the closing thereof.
Campeau, who spoke at the prospect of a better winter "Proposals are going to be put club members, gifests and Ian -
Legion public speaking contest in ahead. forward and you'll be very downers. Several persons at the AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear in per -
Brussels March 3. This is the . Although no precise figures pleased. A lot of people have been meeting suggested clubs should son, or by his counsel, solicitor, agent or any person who
second level and Natalie placed were quoted, several speakers at '.working for you in the continue working in this direc- claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law
first in the Grade 7-8 division. the annual meeting of the Bruce background." tion, possibly selling guest and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council
Grade 7-8 handed in book Regional Snowmobi1e He did not elaborate, but in- memberships or charging a user on the 5th day of April, 1979.
reports as well as "A Diary of a Association held here last dicated the proposals he expects fee to non-members who wish to
Jesuit" this week. We are also weekend told the gathered club will "settle the problems use the trails. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be
watching and discussing Tom members that work has been regarding the trails". In other business at the examined by all persons interested, at the Office of the Clerk,
Grattan's War in literature. going on behind the scenes and Later in the day Chuck Mann, meeting the group elected its of the Township of Howick, during business hours at any time,
an executive member of the executive for 1979 and awarded before the some is finally passed.
Ontario Federation of trophies.
Snowmobile Clubs, echoed the Bertha McCann was returned DATED this 5th day of .North, A.D., 1979,
That's right, us! Remember, Bride to be, beautiful flowers are so important. -And so is your choice of
florist. We are confident that every wish will be carefully followed and that our designers will
provide exactly the effect you want. Won't you place your plans in our care?
If you want fresh flowers, we have them. Dried flowers? We have them too. SELK FLOWERS, of course,
are truly an unforgettable memento.
ALL at guaranteed competitive prices -
Invite us to your wedding, we know you will be pleased. We have four designers on our staff and
have been established for 43 years at the same location - 135 Frances St. Wingham, Ontario.
iv--axTii` I :1H t
135 Frances St. Wingham, Ont. Tel. 357-3880
"Flowers by Wire"
11/2 Blocks South of the Wingham Public School
Entertaining Irish program
optimism that the trails situation
as president for another year,:
Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs.
will improve. He said the
is doing its best to get
with Dennis O'Malley replacing
Randy McCann as vice president.
meeting of the senior citizens on
by Mrs. Wray Cooper, Mrs. Dietz
Wednesday of last week at .one
Recommend Fi
problems sorted out and next
winter should be better.
He also said there is a
Betty Whitehead is the new
treasurer, Judy Sauder is
treasurer and Lawrence Gregg
Harold Robinson, Reeve
Wesley Ball, Jr., Clerk
a ne
Murphys, the O'Briens and the
called the meeting to order and
Flannigans. Several com-
conducted a brief business
possibility provincial parks will
continues as trails coordinator.
the three families, the Flan -
Retail Florist Just'more
be opened up for snowmobile use
than they are now. A plan is
During the awards presen-
tation, held during the banquet
several members who had been
underway to get the roads which
Saturday evening, the Wingham
The Corner.
are unused in the winter for use
as snowmobile trails.
and District Snowmobile Club
received trophies as the hardest
217 Josephine Street
Win ham Ontario
Last year the 14 clubs in the
working club and as the club with
g ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes
Bruce region refused to accept
the most members attending the
US -1
the grant offered by the ministry.
The clubs, which have a total of
about 700 miles of trails, were
banquet. The award for the best
marked trails went to � the
Hanover club while Mr. Gregg
The Corporation of the Township of Howick
BrilydPn and *Rigs Brenda dgar
offered a total grant of only
was awarded the trophy for the
called on Sunday evening on their
$5,000, half what they received
hardest working member of the
All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and pre
Lewis Stonehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
the previous year and only a
mises situate, lying and being in the Township of Howick, in the
and Mrs. Robert Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Walker of
Erica visited with Mr. and Mrs.
County of Huron and in the Province of Ontario, and being com-
That's right, us! Remember, Bride to be, beautiful flowers are so important. -And so is your choice of
florist. We are confident that every wish will be carefully followed and that our designers will
provide exactly the effect you want. Won't you place your plans in our care?
If you want fresh flowers, we have them. Dried flowers? We have them too. SELK FLOWERS, of course,
are truly an unforgettable memento.
ALL at guaranteed competitive prices -
Invite us to your wedding, we know you will be pleased. We have four designers on our staff and
have been established for 43 years at the same location - 135 Frances St. Wingham, Ontario.
iv--axTii` I :1H t
135 Frances St. Wingham, Ont. Tel. 357-3880
"Flowers by Wire"
11/2 Blocks South of the Wingham Public School
Entertaining Irish program
enjoyed by senior citizens
FORDWICH—A pot luck
Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs.
dinner, served smorgasbord
Les Halliday sang two duets and
style, preceded the March
a St. Patrick's reading was given
meeting of the senior citizens on
by Mrs. Wray Cooper, Mrs. Dietz
Wednesday of last week at .one
conducted a Barnyard Bingo.
Mrs. Cooper divided the group
Following the dinner Mrs
into three Irish families; the
Marion Dinsmore, president,
Murphys, the O'Briens and the
called the meeting to order and
Flannigans. Several com-
conducted a brief business
petitions were arranged among
session. "happy Birthday" was
the three families, the Flan -
sung to four members and
nigans and O'Briens tying to with -.
gratitude was expressed by
the competitions.
several members who had been
ill and received remembrances
from the flub.
Mrs. Edwin Dietz and her
Be' rave
group were in charge of the
I g
program. A piano duet by Mrs.
John Freeman and Wilbert was
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes
greatly appreciated. Mrs.
of Ingersoll visited last Tuesday
Freeman also played a medley of
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt.
Irish songs. Mrs. Kaufman gave
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edgar of
two readings, "Gossip" and
BrilydPn and *Rigs Brenda dgar
"w~y `."c ::'ill ivot hive Out Our
of the University of Waterloo
called on Sunday evening on their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Coultes, Mrs. George Martin, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Walker of
Erica visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Street returned home on
Don Rae and Jamie at Guelph on
the weekend after an enjoyable
Sunday, celebrating Jamie's
two-week vacation in Florida.
fourth birthday and Erica's
Mr. and Mrs. Hai 1,ey Edgar
visited on Sunday with their cou-
sins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgar of
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm are
presently vacationing in Florida.
The March meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs..Jim Renwick and
Women's institute will be held in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas spent
the Wi Hall at 8:15 p.m. on March
the weekend in North Bay at a fur
20 with Mrs. Norman Coultes as
convener. There will be a film
The benefit dance for Mr. and
and a speaker from the Cancer
Mrs. Len Baird will be held
Society. Everyone in the corn -
Friday, March 18, beginning at 9
munity is invited to attend.
p.m. in the Belmore Arena, not
Lunch committee is Mrs. Ivan
Thursday evening as appeared in
Wightman, Mise Dorothy Higgins
last edition of Belmore News.
and Mrs. Garner Nicholson.
posed of Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession XVI, being more
particularly described as follows:
PREMISING that the Southerly limit of the road allowance be-
tween Concessions XVI and XVII has a bearing of N 78 de-
grees 42' 45" E as shown on a reference plan deposited as
Plan 22R-458 for the Registry Division of Huron, and relating
all bearings herein thereto.
BEGINNING at the North East corner of Lot 22, Concession
THENCE S 78 degrees 42' 45" W along the Southerly limit of
the road allowance between concessions XVI and XVII a dis-
tance of 1,089 Feet to o point, said point being the Point of
Commencement of the herein described parcel;
THENCE S 45 degrees 00' 50" W a distance of 40.0 Feet to a
point on the Deviation Road across Lots 21 and 22 shown as
Part 5 on Plan 22R-458;
THENCE South Westerly and aiong the iimii of How Deviu.ion
Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 868.51 Feet, an
arc distance of 157.80 Feet, the chord equivalent being
157.58 Feet measured S 45 degrees 00' 50" W, to a point;
THENCE S 45 degrees 00' 50" W a distance of 1,223.24 Feet
to a point on the aforementioned Deviation Road;
THENCE N 21 degrees 19' 15" W and along the limit of the Do-
viation Road a distance of 7.81 Feet to an iron bar;
THENCE South Westerly along the limit of the Deviation Road
on a curve to the left having o rodius of 878.51 Feet, an arc
distance of 166.71 Feet, the chord equivalent being 166.46
Feet measured S 63 degrees 15' 14" W, to a point;
THENCE S 78 degrees 42' 45" W a distance of 223.20 Feet to a
point on the Westerly limit of Lot 21, Concession XVI, said
point being 825.0 Feet measured S 10 degrees 49'40'* E from
the North West corner of Lot 21, Concession XVI;
THENCE N 10 degrees 49' 40" W along the said West limit a
distance of 66.0 Feet to a point;
THENCE N 78 degrees 42' 45" E a distance of 309.48 Feet to a
THENCE N 45 degrees 00'50" E a distance of 1,367.97 Feet to
a point in the Northerly limit of lot 22, Concession XVI;
THENCE N 78 degrees 42' 45" E along the North limit a dis-
tance of 118.96 Feet, more or less, to the P61nt of Commence-
m•nf of the herein described parcet, said parcel containing
by admeasurement 2.569 acres and being further shown on
the plan hereto attached.