The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-14, Page 61 .. ;
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WftjUm Advance -Times, March 14. 19:9}
Owner s s dry cleaning hexplain
Donaldson stops off at Brussels, Blyth,
Walton, Lucknow, St. Helena, Teeswater,
Blusvale, Belgrave and Belmore to pick up
AW return garments.
John and his wife, Marie, do all the
cleaning, drying and pressing at the shop and
the volume of business makes the average
person's washing load look pretty. small.
Spring and fall are the busiest times of the
year for the McInneses, when people are
getting the past season's clothes cleaned or
getting the clothes cleaned for the coming
All types of clothes are dry cleaned,
especially coats and formal wear. Each
garment gets the same individual treatment
And Lr-spection and though hee isn't b"
nosey when he does it, Mr. McInnes goes
through the pockets of every piece of clotidng
that comes into. the shop. He is looking for
foreign articles which might be damaged in
the cleaning process.
People who have had their garments come
back from the dry cleaners with a grey tinge
all, over may have had their clothes dry
cleaned in a cleaner laden with dirt from
other garments, he says.
There shouldn't be similar problems at
Wingham Drive In Cleaners because Mr.
McInnes distills his cleaning solution to keep
it pure and discards the distasteful wastes.
While other people may work hard to
spruce up Wingham in its centennial year by
cleaning up the town, painting and trimming,
John and Marie McInnes are doing their part
by helping Wingham and area people look
their best.
JOHN AND MARIE McINNES have been operating their own dry cleaning business for
14 years, though they have dry cleaning experience in Wingham for the last 30 years. The
processes they use at Wingham Drive -In Cleaners are hard to explain to people, John
says, but they like the business.
People don't understand John Mclnnes's
business and he finds it tough to describe how
area clothes are cleaned at Wingham Drive In
Everyone but the uninitiated knows how to
wash most modern clothes with lauo&y-,
detergent and water, but few understand how
garments are dry cleaned.
He has been in the dry cleaning business in
Wingham for about 30,years, the last 14 as his
own boss, and in that time the dry cleaning
process has changed quite a bit.
It is almost hopeless explaining to people
the modern dry cleaning process at a per-
chlorethylene dry cleaning plant, Mc.
McInnes says.
Clothes cleaned at the 11 Diagonal Rd. shop
do get wet, but with the jierc', which is 14
times heavier than water. Some garments
with stubborn stains may be steamed and
special spot removing agents applied.
Instead of pounding dirt from clothes like
water does, the 'We' acts as a poultice,
drawing dirt, grease and starches from the
After a run through the washer and dryer
every piece of clothing is scrutinized for
remaining stains and these are dealt with by
steam, spotting agents or a second run
through the dry cleaning process. The result
is that about 99 per cent of the garments
brm" ick far cleaning go out clean.
To have their clothes dry cleaned at
Wingham Drive In Cleaners people don't have
to stop off at the shop. Twice a week Jim
Wingham .. .
In its 100th year
Fisher Insufa
RR 3, Wingham 3
* Sprayed in place Urethane Foam
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* Sprayed Thennol and Accousticai Ceatiegs '
on taxes at meeting Farmers get advice g of Huron federation
By Alice Gibb order to have a legal partnership meeting dealt with the transfer meeting. Mr. McEachern said decided to withdraw an earlier a similar request for information
Getting a good accountant, one the farmer must prove his wife or "rollover" of property and Revenue Canada can examine all resolution on binder twine and on foreign ownership since it I
who is knowledgeable about contributes both capital and assets from a father to a son. of a farmer's records, so long as support the resolution made by would involve too much work for
farming and familiar with labor to the farm operation. The Mr. McEachern advised the it is done at the farm. the Canadian Federation of the township clerk to research 1
and federal legislation labor contribution is the most audience to consider profit "They aren't allowed to take. Agriculture. The national body the information on the tax roll.
covering farm transfers or important aspect of the part- sharing arrangements rather them. out without your per- has asked the government to end Jim McIntosh, a Seaforth area
partnerships, is the best way nership to prove, he said. than a , full partnership, since mission unless they havespecial the investigation by Revenue farmer and former clerk of
farmers can deal with tax Bev Brown, a federation accounting costs are way out of identification to seize your Canada into the countervailing T u c k e r s m i t h Township,
problems, according to a Grand member, said an eastern Ontario line when a father and son go to records. If they do, that's when duties for twine because of suggested federation members �
Bend tax consultant. farm women's organization has divide the farm assets. In a' profit you're in trouble," he noted. . _.....A subsidies in countries could' gain access to the in -
Bill McEachern, who worked recommended that women in sharing arrangement each He said the threat: Well, if you such as Brazil, Mexico and formation if they were prepared
for Revenue Canada for 30 years Partnership arrangements keep partner would have his own don't want to give them we'll take Tanzania. to go through the tax rolls
and now operates his own firm, a daily schedule of their labor on issets and "a son could buy a them,' has been used by auditors, The resolution said these themselves.
told a meeting of the Huron the farm and get witnesses suchractor without his father's but records can't be removed countries produce the only sisal
County Federation of Agriculture as vets or others who might visit permission". from a farmer's home except for twine available because it can be
that any farm transfers between the farm to witness their con- a special investigation. He added grown only under certain
family members or any farm tributions to the operation. He told members he doesn't that if auditors used any of the climatic conditions. Many
sales are being carefully checked Mr. McEachern said while the recommend incorporating a information contained in the Canadian farmers prefer the
I+ today when capital gains taxes taxation department recognizes farm operation unless partners records outside the audit sisal to plastic twine manufac
are filed. the wife as a partner in the are making between $20,000 and procedure they could lose their tured in Canada since the sisal is
He said although husband -and operation, the Farm Credit $30,000 a year, since in- jobs. biodegradable.
a corporation brings accounting
wife partnerships might provide Corporation doesn't take the I Po mpg He also advised the audience The federation said it doesn't
I' = a slight tax credit and mesion wife's labor.into account. fees and troubles to farmers. He people have a right to go into a feel the present situation is
advantages there are pitfalls. In Many of the questions at the advised that if family members Revenue Canada office and view harming the Canadian binder
do incorporate an operation the their file under new government twine industry since only the
_ farmer shouldn't include the legislation. And if farmers are plastic twine is produced in this
Attend a free farm in it, since this can create a
unhappy about the audit there country.
problem if one member of the are various appeal ,,, ...:L_ ;... Andy,Durand, a Zurich area
family wants out at some future meg can follow once it is cam- farmer, reported he has been
Sam le Session �8 a familY The tax consultant told the degree of foreign land date. ply. ...:,ful in investi the
p He said transfer tm�B
farm from father to son can cost audience he feels the Canfarm in Hay Township. He said both
of the as much as $100,000 in avoidable accountingstem is an excellent the township clerk and the
income taxes unless the farmer one so long ys information is fed regional taxation office in
Dale Carnegie Course can get someone who really into the system correctly. Godarich refused to give him
knows the tax laws to assist in the information.
transfer. By handling a rollover TWINE INVESTIGATION Doug Fortune said his township
properly the capital gains tax can In other business the federation council (Turnberry) turned down
starting soon be passed down -four or five
This class is specially designed to fulfill the generations; the taxes won't
p Y 9 have to be paid
for 30 or 40 years,
needs of those individuals not able to attend an he said.
p, evening class- At this seicsio", le rn ,kow to The problem with rollovers,
,� 1 inspire
your leadership, memofypnfidence. however, is that many ac-
1,4,4 countants aren't sufficiently
�; f familiar with provincial and •
Sample session to be held at they.,,
federal legislation on property The Howick Grapevine
Watterbo Mot6r" Inn transfer. "I know only three '.r
�� accountants who can do a roll-
over properly," he told the
audience. BE KIND TO OTHERS These report cards are the
The right of federal auditors to WEEK second term's reports; Each
For further information, call Kitchener 744-1861 demand access to farm records At Howick Central, this week is child will have their term marks
was also questioned at the "Be Kind to Others Week". listed and any teacher s CO
During the winter, older people menta on work or behaviour.
get tired and lonely from staying Interviews with teachers are
inside.' What can we do? We can available if desired.
make a phone call or even drop Mr. Robertson hopes these te re-
DRAM A around to say hello. Shovelling port carclearly reveal the pro -
their walks or getting their mail gress made by each student up to
also can be helpful. So this week the end of the second term.
IBL DRAM something kind or for Peggy Lynne Strong
an y
another, person and you'll feel SPORTSATHON
very happy as well. On Friday, March 2, the grade
Kendra Robertson seven and eight students partici-
SALES pated in an indoor sportsathon.
Last week there were two Everyone was in a category of
We've got the White Elephant sales. The first either blue, orange, green, red or
mortgage money �� one, which was on Tuesday, was staff. There were 21 events in all.
and the time to in Room 11, Mr. Fisher's class. The first four events done by
about ■■ Their proceeds are going to help each person contributed to the
tall( Bpay for a trip to Niagara Falls. team score and the rest counted
your boutdreams. ME The second one was in Mr. Far- for the individual total. The
nell's roomy Their proceeds are teams placed in the order of, blue
going to pay for trips that the first, orange second, red third,
class will be going on. staff fourih and green fifth. Top
They also had a draw but at the individual winners in the boys'
time of the writing the winners category were Danny Strome
were not known. first, Brian Schnieder second and
We hope the children are en- tied for third was Wayne Bott and
joying the things they bought at Arthur Versteeg. For the girls
these sales. first place was a tie between
Wendy Langendoen Helen Morrison and Sandra Mon -
KINDERGARTEN TO tour. In second place was Shelley
' GRADE s REPORTS Moffat. We would like to thank all
On Wednesday, March 14, the the parents, high school students
Kindergarten to Grade R report and staff for helping to make the
cards go home aportsathon a big success
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