The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-21, Page 10amical Eve
Bellmore Personals is topic for
Three curling rinks from Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Gorrie WMS
Belmore competed last week at and Mrs. Murray Mulvey were
Howick and some participated at Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mulvey and GORRIE—"Eve, the Mother of
Mildmay. However, they failed to family. Us All" was the topic of a study
win draws. The Huron County Cattlemen conducted by Mrs. James
Belmore and McIntosh held a bonspiel on Monday of last Robinson when the Women's
congregations acquired new week. The winner of the nine Missionary Society of Knox
church officers on Sunday. The o'clock draw was a rink skipped Presbyterian Church met at the
new trustee at McIntosh is Alan by Doug Inglis. home of Mrs. Harvey Adams.
Darling. Sunday School The Juvenile Girls' hockey Mrs. Robinson was continuing
superintendent is Mac Inglis and team played their first playoff the series of studies on women of
stewards are Roy Douglas; Mrs. game with Wingham and won 5-4. the Bible.
Everett Dustow and Graham In other play last week, the Tykes The meeting was opened by
Wright. Belmore trustee is Harry were defeated 6-2 by Belgrave; president Miss Louise Matthews
Mulvey and stewards are Murray the Squirts lost to Clifford 5-4 in a who read a poem, "Thou Shalt
Mulvey and John Rutherford. close game; the Pee Wees Know", and led in the singing of a
Organist and choirleader is Ruth defeated Belgrave 5-2 and the hymn. The Lord's Prayer and
Bailey and Sunday School Midgets lost to Kurtzville in WMS aim and purpose were
organist is Caroline Mulvey. another 54 game. , repeated in unison. Roll call was
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick At the Chamber of Commerce answered by a verse from the
celebrated their 57th wedding meeting held latt Wednesday, it Bible symbolizing `beginning'.
anniversary on February 16. was decided that there will not be Mrs. William A. Smith received
Weekend visitors of Mr. and a skate-a-thon this year. On the offering which was dedicated
Mrs. Walter Renwick were Mr. March 7, Murray Elston, a by the president.
and Mrs. Brian Carroll, London. Wingham lawyer, will be the During the business of the
guest speaker. Each member is meeting, a discussion was held on
asked to bring a friend. The repairs and decorations in the
meeting will commence at 8 p.m. church. The ladies were
M\ /' NG
, ^ and the guest will speak at 9. reminded of the World Day of
�/ ' V `] Prayer service on March 2 in the
Hydro is cutting back on
new construction program
Ontario Hydro will mothball vaned to have much effect on
the Wesleyville generating the overall situation. The board
r station now under construction reconfirmed its December
near Port Hope as the first step in decision that expenditures on
isn't half so an attempt to balance the con- these stations be held to, a
tinuing effects of a weak minimum until a final decision is
NEC I C .. economy on electricity demands, reached.
the board of directors announced The decision to take these steps
last week. reflects the latest electrical load
When it is The board is also looking at forecast accepted by the board of
followed by a other projects, including the directors Feb. 12. The forecast
Bruce B nuclear plant, in a predicts an average growth of 4.7
Welcome Wagon review of its construction per cent annually to 1990 and 4.2
Call! program. The review will look at per cent from then until the turn
Janet stretching out construction or of the century. Last year the
Jet Little
ancancelling the coal -burning forecast growth rate was 5.5 per
Phone e1 �3 Atikokan generating station in cent to 1987, gradually dropping
northwestern Ontario and ,to 4.5 per cent by the )Hear 2000.
stretching out the construction of "When the basic shape of the
(� the Darlington and Bruce B expansion program was deter
'T� /prrpmp On nuclear stations. mined in the late 1960s for the
yy yyGlW���C / l These four plants were selected period up to the nid-1980s the
LTD. n _ i
because all other plants under economy was in good shape sell.
EEO construction are too far ad- there were few signs of the
economic problems which this
' country has had to face in recent
years," Hydro Chairman Robert
Taylor said.
At that time, Mr. Taylor said,
Hydro was in serious difficulty
with thin reserve margins and
was looking for ways to diversify
sources of fuel to generate
ANNUAL MEETING electricity because of
certainties about future supplies.
Surplus capacity will be
reduced by more than one million
Howiek Farmers' Mutual kilowatts as a result of the
decision to stop and store
Fide Insurance Company, Wesleyville until the early 19908.
Because oil -fired stations are the
Wroxeter, Ontario. most expensive to operate it was
decided this is the most economic
The 106th Annual Meeting of the Company will be held way to reduce excess capacity at
at the Company Head Office, Wroxeter, Ontario on: this time.
About f3oo million has been
d about tfgo milo the lionn"I so far
at 1:30 P.M • spent over the next 12 months. If
completed on schedule the
station would have cost =860
PURPOSE: million.
1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's The estimated total cost of the
1 Report Bruce B station is $2.91 billion,
2. To elect two Directors to replace Lloyd Michie and with $m million committed to
Jim Moir, whose term of office expires. Both retiring date. About 1,800 trades men are
now on the site, with 600 in the
Directors ere eligible for re-election. engineering office off the site.
3. To approve the adoption of the following by law: Work is well underway on
No. 30 - Meetings, No. 61 and 62 - Hold Harmless various sections of the plant.
Agteen1wnt. Mr. Taylor said the ministry of
4. To appoint an Auditor for 1979. energy has been advised of the
S. To transact any other business which may rightly board action and he expected the
come before the nweRng government would make some
response before the board
Ron McMkhoel Randy Hutchinson reviews the alternatives on
President Manger further slow downs in con-
struction at its meeting next
CENTENNIAL BONSPIEL WINNERS—The Bevan Lind- presented Mr. Lindsay with the chamRlonship trophy'
say rink won the Wingham Centennial Bonsplel held at the Other,rink
rink members from left are: lead Annette Van
curling chub over the weekend. Stewart- Leedham, far right, pypensecond Dave Bender and vice Carolyn Schofield.
Georgian Oak Kitchens
Treat yourself and your kitchen Upper 8 Lower Unit -54"
to pre -assembled, pre -finished 95
Georgian Oak cabinets. Has an329
attractive Autumn Gold wood fin- .
ish. Sparkling Trimold counter. Sink a Faucet Extra
Plus Free
OFF Installation
on All Custom
Planned Kitchens ordered for
the duration of this advertise-
(Until February 28, 1979)
Hanover Vanities
Penthouse Kitchen
Attractive styling in Maple -
Walnut hi-lited finish. 72"
upper b lower cabinets. With
Trimold counter top. 72".
35995er9gEt Lower
Sink & Faucet Extra
54" Mini -Kitchen
Ready to finish upper Et
lower cabinets. With Trimold
counter top. For kitchen or
laundry room.
Sink Et Faucet Extra
Coronette 24"
With Arborite top.
White finish.
. 2
Georgian Oak
16" vanity with
Autumn Gold finish
A9S Top
Italian Prov.
30" vanity with tri -
mold top. White.
Georgian Oak
30" vanity in Aut-
umn Gold.
11 �r5 old tol
B F="E R Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.M. N.1111111"vaw
405 Josophino St. Saturday S m; 6" , h
Winghom 8:30 a.m.=4:00 paw. ---�•
Phono 3S7-2581
Gacrie United Chin- ,
lli _MW Wb h+m &dvawe-Times. February 21. 1>i79,
ribs. Gordon Moir geve the
treasurer's report and it was
decided to hold a bake sale and
tea an March, 17 at " 9:80
Highlights of the Presbytery
f r o m Fordwich
meeting in Wingham were given
by Mrs. Smith.Notes
Following a closing hymn, Miss
Matthews closed with prayer and
lam. and Mrs. Bill Johnston and
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
week in Listowel Memorial
a social time followed:
family of Toronto spent the
and Mrs. Gary Sothern and
Hospital. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
family, Palmerston.
Miss Laurie Dinsmore of
visite one day last w7k in
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and
Toronto spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Vittie of Port
Minem of Don Mills spent the
Mrs. Elsie Strong and Mrs.
Miss Carolyn
Colborne, Mrs. Jennie Vittie and
A miscellaneous shower for
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Verna Galbraith.
Mr. -and Mrs. Alex Vittie of
Da le Fischer will be held in
Harold Doig.
Dinsmore is also spending some
visited Thursday with
Bluevale United Church on
Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Warrell
time at the same home.
Gibson was a last
Mr. and- Mrs. James Vittie and
Wednesday, February 26, at 8
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs Graff and M r. and Mrs
Blake patient
also attended the funeral of Mrs.;
P.maryl Schult of Knox College,
Robert Connell in Hanover. On
Mrs. Ray
Seniors', euchre
William Taylor in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson
Toronto, was in charge of the
in the Presbyterian
Monday, Mr. and
attended a birthday dinner
Fleischauer and Mrs. Cun-
Sunday in honor of the latter's
church on Sunday.
ningham of Stratford visited at
Mrs. R. Williamson, held
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Men-
the Warrell home.
Bennett (playing •as a man) took
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
rung were supper guests of Mr.
Mrs. Gordon Goldrich, Grant
high prize at the senior citizens'
Neeb, Kitchener.
and Mrs. Fred Lewis on Tuesday.
and Paul of Guelph visited
euchre party in the community
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Richards of
Saturday with Mr. sud Mrs.
hall on Wednesday evening of
last Clift Marks captured
Speers, Saskatchewan, were
Anson Demerling.
weekend visitors with their
Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Miller,
Waterloo, spent the weekend with
the low prize.
Ladies prizes went to Mrs•
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and
William Dettman and Mrs. Harry
andptin Stinson. Other guests
Rev. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas, -
had dY. yko
birthdatenearest St
Sunda were
Fleetham, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Friends of Harold Doig were
Valentine's Day and received a
Stinson, Shelley and Jason bf
pleased that he was able to return
novelty prize.
home last week from Listowel
Conveners for the evening were
Memorial Hospital where he had
Gina and John deGroot, Mrs.
been confined for some time.
Mildrdd Coupland and Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern
• •
amical Eve
Bellmore Personals is topic for
Three curling rinks from Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Gorrie WMS
Belmore competed last week at and Mrs. Murray Mulvey were
Howick and some participated at Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mulvey and GORRIE—"Eve, the Mother of
Mildmay. However, they failed to family. Us All" was the topic of a study
win draws. The Huron County Cattlemen conducted by Mrs. James
Belmore and McIntosh held a bonspiel on Monday of last Robinson when the Women's
congregations acquired new week. The winner of the nine Missionary Society of Knox
church officers on Sunday. The o'clock draw was a rink skipped Presbyterian Church met at the
new trustee at McIntosh is Alan by Doug Inglis. home of Mrs. Harvey Adams.
Darling. Sunday School The Juvenile Girls' hockey Mrs. Robinson was continuing
superintendent is Mac Inglis and team played their first playoff the series of studies on women of
stewards are Roy Douglas; Mrs. game with Wingham and won 5-4. the Bible.
Everett Dustow and Graham In other play last week, the Tykes The meeting was opened by
Wright. Belmore trustee is Harry were defeated 6-2 by Belgrave; president Miss Louise Matthews
Mulvey and stewards are Murray the Squirts lost to Clifford 5-4 in a who read a poem, "Thou Shalt
Mulvey and John Rutherford. close game; the Pee Wees Know", and led in the singing of a
Organist and choirleader is Ruth defeated Belgrave 5-2 and the hymn. The Lord's Prayer and
Bailey and Sunday School Midgets lost to Kurtzville in WMS aim and purpose were
organist is Caroline Mulvey. another 54 game. , repeated in unison. Roll call was
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick At the Chamber of Commerce answered by a verse from the
celebrated their 57th wedding meeting held latt Wednesday, it Bible symbolizing `beginning'.
anniversary on February 16. was decided that there will not be Mrs. William A. Smith received
Weekend visitors of Mr. and a skate-a-thon this year. On the offering which was dedicated
Mrs. Walter Renwick were Mr. March 7, Murray Elston, a by the president.
and Mrs. Brian Carroll, London. Wingham lawyer, will be the During the business of the
guest speaker. Each member is meeting, a discussion was held on
asked to bring a friend. The repairs and decorations in the
meeting will commence at 8 p.m. church. The ladies were
M\ /' NG
, ^ and the guest will speak at 9. reminded of the World Day of
�/ ' V `] Prayer service on March 2 in the
Hydro is cutting back on
new construction program
Ontario Hydro will mothball vaned to have much effect on
the Wesleyville generating the overall situation. The board
r station now under construction reconfirmed its December
near Port Hope as the first step in decision that expenditures on
isn't half so an attempt to balance the con- these stations be held to, a
tinuing effects of a weak minimum until a final decision is
NEC I C .. economy on electricity demands, reached.
the board of directors announced The decision to take these steps
last week. reflects the latest electrical load
When it is The board is also looking at forecast accepted by the board of
followed by a other projects, including the directors Feb. 12. The forecast
Bruce B nuclear plant, in a predicts an average growth of 4.7
Welcome Wagon review of its construction per cent annually to 1990 and 4.2
Call! program. The review will look at per cent from then until the turn
Janet stretching out construction or of the century. Last year the
Jet Little
ancancelling the coal -burning forecast growth rate was 5.5 per
Phone e1 �3 Atikokan generating station in cent to 1987, gradually dropping
northwestern Ontario and ,to 4.5 per cent by the )Hear 2000.
stretching out the construction of "When the basic shape of the
(� the Darlington and Bruce B expansion program was deter
'T� /prrpmp On nuclear stations. mined in the late 1960s for the
yy yyGlW���C / l These four plants were selected period up to the nid-1980s the
LTD. n _ i
because all other plants under economy was in good shape sell.
EEO construction are too far ad- there were few signs of the
economic problems which this
' country has had to face in recent
years," Hydro Chairman Robert
Taylor said.
At that time, Mr. Taylor said,
Hydro was in serious difficulty
with thin reserve margins and
was looking for ways to diversify
sources of fuel to generate
ANNUAL MEETING electricity because of
certainties about future supplies.
Surplus capacity will be
reduced by more than one million
Howiek Farmers' Mutual kilowatts as a result of the
decision to stop and store
Fide Insurance Company, Wesleyville until the early 19908.
Because oil -fired stations are the
Wroxeter, Ontario. most expensive to operate it was
decided this is the most economic
The 106th Annual Meeting of the Company will be held way to reduce excess capacity at
at the Company Head Office, Wroxeter, Ontario on: this time.
About f3oo million has been
d about tfgo milo the lionn"I so far
at 1:30 P.M • spent over the next 12 months. If
completed on schedule the
station would have cost =860
PURPOSE: million.
1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's The estimated total cost of the
1 Report Bruce B station is $2.91 billion,
2. To elect two Directors to replace Lloyd Michie and with $m million committed to
Jim Moir, whose term of office expires. Both retiring date. About 1,800 trades men are
now on the site, with 600 in the
Directors ere eligible for re-election. engineering office off the site.
3. To approve the adoption of the following by law: Work is well underway on
No. 30 - Meetings, No. 61 and 62 - Hold Harmless various sections of the plant.
Agteen1wnt. Mr. Taylor said the ministry of
4. To appoint an Auditor for 1979. energy has been advised of the
S. To transact any other business which may rightly board action and he expected the
come before the nweRng government would make some
response before the board
Ron McMkhoel Randy Hutchinson reviews the alternatives on
President Manger further slow downs in con-
struction at its meeting next
CENTENNIAL BONSPIEL WINNERS—The Bevan Lind- presented Mr. Lindsay with the chamRlonship trophy'
say rink won the Wingham Centennial Bonsplel held at the Other,rink
rink members from left are: lead Annette Van
curling chub over the weekend. Stewart- Leedham, far right, pypensecond Dave Bender and vice Carolyn Schofield.
Georgian Oak Kitchens
Treat yourself and your kitchen Upper 8 Lower Unit -54"
to pre -assembled, pre -finished 95
Georgian Oak cabinets. Has an329
attractive Autumn Gold wood fin- .
ish. Sparkling Trimold counter. Sink a Faucet Extra
Plus Free
OFF Installation
on All Custom
Planned Kitchens ordered for
the duration of this advertise-
(Until February 28, 1979)
Hanover Vanities
Penthouse Kitchen
Attractive styling in Maple -
Walnut hi-lited finish. 72"
upper b lower cabinets. With
Trimold counter top. 72".
35995er9gEt Lower
Sink & Faucet Extra
54" Mini -Kitchen
Ready to finish upper Et
lower cabinets. With Trimold
counter top. For kitchen or
laundry room.
Sink Et Faucet Extra
Coronette 24"
With Arborite top.
White finish.
. 2
Georgian Oak
16" vanity with
Autumn Gold finish
A9S Top
Italian Prov.
30" vanity with tri -
mold top. White.
Georgian Oak
30" vanity in Aut-
umn Gold.
11 �r5 old tol
B F="E R Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.M. N.1111111"vaw
405 Josophino St. Saturday S m; 6" , h
Winghom 8:30 a.m.=4:00 paw. ---�•
Phono 3S7-2581