The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-07, Page 1210
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rap ii>i_'jbe Wingham Advance -Times, February 7, 1979
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Bluevale Bluevale United Church
Mn. W. J. Peacock is holds its annual meeting
recovering in Wingham and
District Hospital where she BI,UEVALE—Following the Other officers of Bluevale
underwent surgery last week. Intergenerational morning United Church are: minister,
TFebruary meeting of the service of worship and lunch on Rev. Wilena Brown; clerk of
Women's Institute will be hosted Sunday, January 28, Rev. Wilena session, Robert Fraser,
by Mrs. Ken Simmons at her Brown conducted the annual secretary pf Official Board, Mrs.
home on February 14 at 2 p.m., congregational meeting. She Carl Johnston; treasurer, Mrs.
with Harper English ;peaking on opened the meeting reading from Keith Johnston; president of
Production and ,marketing '17be Small Church", saying it is UCW, Mrs. Mathers; Sunday
methods• valid, vital and victorious, it has School superintendent, Harold
spirit and purpose, offers Johnston; custodians, Mr. and
satisfaction in this life and helps Mrs. Mel Craig; organists, Mrs.
prepare for lfe eternal. Demaray, Mrs. Carl Johnston,
Why Pay Taxes .. The statistical report showed Mrs. Glen Johnston, Mrs. Harold
if you don't have to7 loo families on the mailing list Johnston; ushering committee,
with no members either received Mac Willits, Doug Stamper.
You must pay some tax. but III or transferred out this year.
probably less than you think. Three members were removed "
The government allows sev- by death, there were five
eral methods of reducing marriages and three infants
taxes, one of which is the baptized. Belmore
Income Averaging Annuity- The sale of a lot beside the
Certain types of income can manse to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
be used to buy such an Mathers has been completed. A At the meeting of the maple
annuity, and the amount of the new garage was added to the syrup committee on February 1,
purchase can be deducted Michael Fenton proposed in'
from your total income before manse property last year and
taxes. eavestroughing on the manse and formation pertaining to the buses
Give us a call. Find out if you Church was completed. Plans to to visit the Belmore Maple Syrup
have to pay all that tax. rebuild the church basement Festival April 14. Some com-
floor were made. mittees were organized. Another
Members of the session are meeting will be held February 20.
Robert Fraser, W. J. Peacock, Murray Mulvey recently at -
Lloyd Wheeler, Keith Johnston, tended a convention in Toronto
Mrs. Charles Mathers, Mel for new school board trustees.
Craig, Mrs. Bert Garniss, The Mildmay Belmore
Murray Johnston, Mrs. Ross McIntosh Hi -C held a
Nicholson, Harold Johnston. tobogganing party at the home of
a Honorary members are George Marilyn Renwick on Saturday.
Thomson and Bert Garniss. The new 4-H course began on
Members of the committee of Tuesday. Any interested girls 12
stewards are Max Demaray, and over who are not yet involved
Lloyd Wheeler, Mrs. Ross are welcome to attend the next
Wayne M. Nicholson, Ken Johnston, Carl meeting on February 13 at 7:30 at
1"U Johnston, Harvey Edgar, Bruce the arena.
Corrigan, Mrs. Murray Mac- In hockey action last week, the
R.R. 4, Brussels,
Farlane, James R. Johnston, Ken Tykes tied Lucknow 1-1 and the
Telephone (519) 887-6021 Mathers, Mrs. Demaray, Walter Squirts defeated Clifford 3-1. The
Willits, Glen Sellers, Mrs. Harold Pee Wees were defeated 4-2 by
Johnston and Doug Stamper. Belgrave and the Midgets
0""Comprising the board of trustees defeated Clifford 10-2. The
are Keith Johnston, George Juvenile Girls lost an exhibition
SYNDICATE LIMITED Fischer, Wildon Robertson, Ross game 2-1 to London. The Ban- New
A complete personal financial service. Smith, Bert Garniss, James C. tams doubled the score against
Johnston. and W. J. Peacock. Howick in an 8-4 game but were
- - - - - - - --- defeated 7-2 by Belgrave.
IN JAIL—Some members of the Wingham Beavers found out what it feels like to be be-
hind bars when they visited the police station last week. They were glad they didn't have
to stay there.
From May 1st, KLM in co-operation
with CP Air, introduces the lowest fares
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departure Cancellation fee of 5100, if cancellation is Within 60 or
10 days before departure Low-cost cancellation insurance is
recommended. f ares do not include S12 Canadian iramporiatton
tar, and are subject to government approsal and change
For complete booking details and
reservations, contact our office
Winghom 357-2701
the World Day of Prayer service
the meeting, it was also decided
Toronto -Amsterdam -Toronto
will be held in Knox United
Church, Belgrave, on March 2.
Select departure and return dates
and combine for total return fare.
Advance Booking
30 Day -
May 1 -May 16 $170
May 17 -June 27 195
June 28 -August 5 220
August 6 -September 15 195
September 16 -December 12 170
December 13 -December 23 220
December 24 -May 14 170
30 Day
May 8 -June 14 $169
June 15 -August 2 194
August 3 -September 2 219
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October 15 -December 25 169
December 26 -January 6 219
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Until April 30th, $369 Toronto -Amsterdam return.
From May 1st, KLM in co-operation
with CP Air, introduces the lowest fares
announced by any airline in Canada to
'CCF fares only available for return trips. S50 non-refundable
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departure Cancellation fee of 5100, if cancellation is Within 60 or
10 days before departure Low-cost cancellation insurance is
recommended. f ares do not include S12 Canadian iramporiatton
tar, and are subject to government approsal and change
For complete booking details and
reservations, contact our office
Winghom 357-2701
officers installed at
Bea rave UCW.meeting
MRs. ALLAN GRIFFITHBELGRAVE—The United She also announced a needlepoint MI's. Ross Anderson and Mrs.
Church Women held their first course is to be given in Wingham. Jack Higgins conducted the
Wroxeter meeting of 1979 on January 30 in Mrs. Cliff Logan volunteered to worship service, with the theme,
the church basement. President attend. "We are responsible for the way
Mrs. Laura Johnston opened the Following the reading of a we use our time". Mrs. Higgins
Miss Louise Gibson spent a meeting with a poem, "A Prayer letter regarding the needs of read from Paul's letter to the
weekend with her sister, Miss for the New Year", and then Camp Menesetung, it was Philippians, chapter 4, and Mrs.
Marcia Gibson, in London called upon Rev, John Roberts to Anderson, in her meditation,
recentl decided to send a donation of $35.
y• conduct the installation of the Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Helen gave advice for the beginning of a
Wroxeter friends are pleased 1979 officers. new year.
that Rev. WesleyB. Ball is Martin were asked to purchase
three and a half dozen bowls for MI's. William CoultesandMrs.
recovering satisfactorily The minutes of the last meeting the church kitchen. Logan presented the Lord's
following surgery in Stratford were read and approved, as was Prayer in a way to make their
General Hospital last Thursday. the treasurer's report. Mrs. A very enthusiastic report on fellow members think of its true
He is wished a complete Robert Grasby presented the the Toc Alpha conference was meaning with questions and
recovery. budget for 1979 totalling $1,872. It given by Joanne and Karen explanations interspersed among
Rev. T. J. Rees, Mount Forest, was decided to pay the church Coultes, Kim McIntosh and the phrases of the prayer.
ably conducted services at both treasurer $140 toward the cost of Diane Scott. At the conclusion of A closing hymn was sung and
Wroxeter and Gorrie churches in the Observer and pay $27 to the their comments, Diane ac- Mrs. Anderson concluded the
Mr. Ball's absence and everyone Conference and Presbyterial companied the girls on her guitar meeting with prayer.
appreciated his message. expense fund as requested. as they sang a number of songs
Word has been received that they had learned at the con -
_,...._.-_. rlp gll■111111.11 "IfI
Want to buy? 357-2320
Please be informed that the Royal Commis-
sion will be holding public hearings during
the month of March in London, Chatham,
Sarnia, Kitchener and Wingham on the ques-
tion of the need for bulk power facilities in
Southwestern Ontario.
The Commission is required under Order -
in -Council 2065/78, dated 12th of July 1978,
to report to the Minister of Energy by May 31,
1979, with respect to four matters:
1. Load growth in Southwestern Ontario
from now to 1987.
2. Load growth in Southwestern Ontario
from 1987 to the year 2000.
3. The capability of existing and committed
bulk power generating and transmission
facilities to supply this load, taking into
account Government policy with respect to
the use of interconnections with neighbour-
ing utilities.
4. The resulting date at which additional
facilities, if any, will be needed.
The Commission is not required to report
on and will not accept submissions with
respect to:
1. The specific nature of any additional
bulk power facility that may be required.
2. The location of such additional bulk
power facility; or,
3. The environmental aspects thereof; as
these items are specifically excluded from the
hearings by the Order - in -Council
The Order -in -Council defines the study
area as the geographic area of Ontario south
of Bruce nuclear power development and
west of a line between Essa transformer sta-
tion and Nanticoke generating station.
Copies of Ontario Hydro's brief with re-
spect to the Royal Commission's Order -in -
Council may be obtained from local Public
Utility Commission offices, regional offices
of Ontario Hydro, or by contacting the office
of -the Royal Commission at 14 Carlton,Street,
7th floor, Toronto, Ontario M56 1J2.
Persons or organizations intending to
present submissions should notify Betsy
Faulkner at the office of the Royal Commis-
sion on, or before, the 16th of February, 1979,
either in writing or by telephoning collect
Chairman: Arthur Porter
Rev. Fred Taylor, who served
here in the early 1960s, passed
the World Day of Prayer service
officers installed at
Bea rave UCW.meeting
MRs. ALLAN GRIFFITHBELGRAVE—The United She also announced a needlepoint MI's. Ross Anderson and Mrs.
Church Women held their first course is to be given in Wingham. Jack Higgins conducted the
Wroxeter meeting of 1979 on January 30 in Mrs. Cliff Logan volunteered to worship service, with the theme,
the church basement. President attend. "We are responsible for the way
Mrs. Laura Johnston opened the Following the reading of a we use our time". Mrs. Higgins
Miss Louise Gibson spent a meeting with a poem, "A Prayer letter regarding the needs of read from Paul's letter to the
weekend with her sister, Miss for the New Year", and then Camp Menesetung, it was Philippians, chapter 4, and Mrs.
Marcia Gibson, in London called upon Rev, John Roberts to Anderson, in her meditation,
recentl decided to send a donation of $35.
y• conduct the installation of the Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Helen gave advice for the beginning of a
Wroxeter friends are pleased 1979 officers. new year.
that Rev. WesleyB. Ball is Martin were asked to purchase
three and a half dozen bowls for MI's. William CoultesandMrs.
recovering satisfactorily The minutes of the last meeting the church kitchen. Logan presented the Lord's
following surgery in Stratford were read and approved, as was Prayer in a way to make their
General Hospital last Thursday. the treasurer's report. Mrs. A very enthusiastic report on fellow members think of its true
He is wished a complete Robert Grasby presented the the Toc Alpha conference was meaning with questions and
recovery. budget for 1979 totalling $1,872. It given by Joanne and Karen explanations interspersed among
Rev. T. J. Rees, Mount Forest, was decided to pay the church Coultes, Kim McIntosh and the phrases of the prayer.
ably conducted services at both treasurer $140 toward the cost of Diane Scott. At the conclusion of A closing hymn was sung and
Wroxeter and Gorrie churches in the Observer and pay $27 to the their comments, Diane ac- Mrs. Anderson concluded the
Mr. Ball's absence and everyone Conference and Presbyterial companied the girls on her guitar meeting with prayer.
appreciated his message. expense fund as requested. as they sang a number of songs
Word has been received that they had learned at the con -
_,...._.-_. rlp gll■111111.11 "IfI
Want to buy? 357-2320
Please be informed that the Royal Commis-
sion will be holding public hearings during
the month of March in London, Chatham,
Sarnia, Kitchener and Wingham on the ques-
tion of the need for bulk power facilities in
Southwestern Ontario.
The Commission is required under Order -
in -Council 2065/78, dated 12th of July 1978,
to report to the Minister of Energy by May 31,
1979, with respect to four matters:
1. Load growth in Southwestern Ontario
from now to 1987.
2. Load growth in Southwestern Ontario
from 1987 to the year 2000.
3. The capability of existing and committed
bulk power generating and transmission
facilities to supply this load, taking into
account Government policy with respect to
the use of interconnections with neighbour-
ing utilities.
4. The resulting date at which additional
facilities, if any, will be needed.
The Commission is not required to report
on and will not accept submissions with
respect to:
1. The specific nature of any additional
bulk power facility that may be required.
2. The location of such additional bulk
power facility; or,
3. The environmental aspects thereof; as
these items are specifically excluded from the
hearings by the Order - in -Council
The Order -in -Council defines the study
area as the geographic area of Ontario south
of Bruce nuclear power development and
west of a line between Essa transformer sta-
tion and Nanticoke generating station.
Copies of Ontario Hydro's brief with re-
spect to the Royal Commission's Order -in -
Council may be obtained from local Public
Utility Commission offices, regional offices
of Ontario Hydro, or by contacting the office
of -the Royal Commission at 14 Carlton,Street,
7th floor, Toronto, Ontario M56 1J2.
Persons or organizations intending to
present submissions should notify Betsy
Faulkner at the office of the Royal Commis-
sion on, or before, the 16th of February, 1979,
either in writing or by telephoning collect
Chairman: Arthur Porter
Rev. Fred Taylor, who served
The president announced that
here in the early 1960s, passed
the World Day of Prayer service
January 2)3, a smorgasbord lunch
the meeting, it was also decided
away at his home at Albright
Gardens, Beamsville.
will be held in Knox United
Church, Belgrave, on March 2.
Mrs. Logan and Mrs. George
Michie reported on the Huron-
lunch, the church annual meeting
on inside and outside steps.
Perth Presbyterial they had
opened with prayer.
Clifford Coultes moved a vote
attended in Exeter the day of the
Tuesdays and Fridays March and Apra
Mrs. Roberts for their leadership
• •
Coultes named new members to
the session. New members on the
nnua meeting is eld
following worship service
BELGRAVE—Following the
The Country Fayre will be held
morning worship service at Knox
on June 23.
United Church on Sunday,
During the business portion of
January 2)3, a smorgasbord lunch
the meeting, it was also decided
was served to the congregation in
that the stewards would in -
the Sunday School room. After
vestigate installing hand railings
lunch, the church annual meeting
on inside and outside steps.
was held and -Rev. John Roberts
opened with prayer.
Clifford Coultes moved a vote
The election of officers for 1979
of thanks to Rev. John' G. and
took place with George Michie,
Mrs. Roberts for their leadership
Clifford Coultes and Glenn
during the past year.
Coultes named new members to
The next annual meeting will
the session. New members on the
be held January 27, 1980,
Board of Stewards are. John
following the morning worship
McIntosh, Murray Vincent and
Lorne Jamieson.
Mrs. Leslie Bolt will replace
Mrs. Stewart Procter on 'the
Board of
manse committee and deauditors
were all re-elected for 1979. Mrs.
George Procter was appointed to
t o Cost more
the Christian Education com
mittee and Mrs. Earl .Anderson
will be Belgrave's representative
Inflation has hit the cost of
on the Presbytery's committee
severing property in Huron
for Awareness and Concern for
County. At its meeting last
World Mission.
Friday countyNouncil approved
a 25 per cent i reale in the cost
of getting a severance approved,
Belgrave pushing the total to $125 from
The county's land division
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan, committee recommended to
Kevin and Trevor of Wyoming, council that the extra $25 be
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Logan, tacked on to help offset ad -
Michael and Shawn of Burlington ministrative costs in processing
spent the weekend with Mrs. Cliff land divirSions. The ad -
Logan. ministrative portion of the
Kenneth Wheeler, ac- severance will now be $75
companying Rev. Stanley Mc- Girvin Reed, chairman of the
Donald of ' Londesboro, left on committee, told council the
Tuesday morning on a motor trip application for a severance will
to Florida. still cost $50. He explained that
The Belgrave Library, which is anyone (wanting a severance
located upstairs in the atena, is applies to the land division
open every Saturday from 2 to 5 committee and pays $.50 with that
p.m. All books must be returned application If the application is
to the library no later than approved the extra $75 id tacked
February 10 for book exchange. on and the severance processed
Belgrave residents regret that He said unapproved
Steven Taylor was a patient in severances will not cost more in
Wingham and District Hospital 1979. It still costs $,% to he told
over the weekend. no'.
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