The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-31, Page 13w
The Wingham Adv wc;c Tuuea, January 31, 11m1--PW_lli
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit The Co-operators
Union 357-2311 357-3739
Open a Guaranteed RSP
where y�nur money is
• rate guaranteed
• Miochell
for five years-
Russell had the men s Ing sing a
• no front end load,
sales commission,
transfers from
or opening charges
other plans can be
the ladies' high scores and had a
• 1% redemption
fee upon withdrawal
• loans available
- maximum $100.
If you'relooking far the best,
4A or see Ia.Stre rir7LS't
In Walkerton.
301 Durham Street East
Telephone: 881-3700
Ask for. E.D. (Dave) Bush
aranch" in: London (2) Guelph,
Strathroy, Kitchener, Toronto,
Elmira, Brantford, Port Colborne,
Port Elgin, Walkerton, Owen Sour
wake"On A*
to provide merit
St. Michael's Choir, Walkerton,
will sing at St. Paul's Agglican
Church, Wingham, on Sunday,
February 4, at 7 pin. This choir,
which is ectunen", is under the
direction of William Sewers,
Master of the Choristers.
Last summer the choir visited
England and sang in St. George's
Chapel, Wlndepr; the Raman
Catholic Cathedra! in Arundel;
St. Peter's Church, Brighton;
Southwark Cathedral (Anglican)
and Christ Church, Brockham
Greer,. The choir members are
representative of various
The Sunday night service will
commemorate the presentation
of Christ in the temple. Solemn
Evensong will be sung and after
Evensong, there will be the
blessing and distribution of
candles in honor of Christ, the
Light of the world. Following the
distribution there will be a
.. L. . in candlelight.
The public is cordially invited
to join in the festive service.
Couple honored
Patrick Bra Middle row: D McFarlane, Paul Robinson, Jimmy before movin
WINGHAM LEGION PEEWEES had an Impressive early part of the Y• �g Y 8
season and are continuing. The squad won a Legion PeeWee tournament In Dennis, Dwayne Jenkins, Doug Stephenson, Timmy Brown and Sean Bray. BELGBAVE — A social eve -
Blyth In mid-January and are now Legion Zone C1 A champs as well as Back row: Wingham Legion representative Dutch Ducharme, assistant ning was held in the Women's In -
overall Zone C1 champs. Front row from left are: Murray Foxton, Mitchell coach,Wayne Elston, Doug Wood, Byron Thompson, Mark Foxton, coach stitute Hall on Saturday evening
Braun, Steve Nicholson, Rob Strong, Brett Cameron, Robert Schistad and Larry Lane and Legion representative Willis Hall. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James
Coultes of East Wawanosh who
Wing ham's Pe a We e s win have
mewed io Wim
• Bel rave The evening was spent playing
f , euchre with to tables
the Blyth Legion tourneyg in play. following were
vlaatei45 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lichty winners:lady, Mrs. Phil
On the weekend of Jan. 20-21 forechecking and a great desire and Wayne of Kitchener and Dawson; l la , Mrs. Jim Tay -
the Wingham Legion Pee Wees to win was too much for the Ronald Hibberd and Wilfred lor; high , Roy Dawson; low
travelled to Blyth for a hockey Kincardine team. Every time a Schefter of Mildmay visited on man, Bradley Galbraith; most
tournament and came away Kincardine player had the puck COFFEE KLATCH Gillespie, 203; Jim Shaw, 218, Saturday afternoon with Mr. and lone hands, John Gaunt.
victorious on two counts. The there was a Wingham player Lois Surridge bowled the 239 201; Milton Boyd, 224; Dorothy Mrs. Robert Hibberd. After the euchre, Edythe and
tournament was divided into two right on his back. Strong had two high single and Susan Tolton had Thompson, 227, 227; Rets Ross, Miss Nora Van Camp of Brook- Jim were called to the platform.
divisions, A and B. The B of the Wingham goals, both the 414 high triple. Games over 257; Wayne Day, 215; Keith haven Nursing Home, Wingham Dick Moore read the address and
champion then played the A unassisted, while Nicholson and 200 were bowled by Florence Moffatt, 203, 238; Harvey Timm, visited on Sunday afternoon with Ronald Coultes presented them
champion for the Zone C Foxton got the others. Thompson, 203; Jean King, 219; 204; Marg Timm, 220; Jerry her brother, William Van Camp. with a picture and cheese board.
championship. The Wingham The Pee Wees then had to turn Bev Hayden, 205; Shirley Storey, Timm, "248; Ken Murray, V'7, Mrs. Nelson Duskey, Leanne Jim thanked - .. . and lunch
team beat Kincardine for the A right around and face Brussels 225;- and Susan Tolton, 227. 205; Les Brewer, 252; Harris and Sara of New Hamburg spent was served by the ladies.
division championship and then for the zone championship. SENIOR LADIES Campbell, 207 and qty O tlieb, a few days with her par"its, Mr.
defeated Brussels to claim the Brussels, the B champion, was Novas are leading the team 240. and Mrs. Jack Taylor,
Zone C title. determined to knock off the A standings with 48 points, followed SUNDAY MIXED 6e' rhe
In the first game of the tourney champion, but this was not to be. by Cougars with 43 and Cadillacs Ron Thompson had a 304 game Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunbar of g
Wingham came from behind 3-1. The WinghW players, with 42. Thunderbirds and this week but it wasn't good Stratford were Sunday visitors Harold Keating spent the
in the third period to defeat exhausted from the previous Toyotas are tied with 27 points enough for the men'$ high single. with his mother, Mrs. Joe Dun- weekend with James Smith of
Seaforth 4-3. Strong, Brown, game, were rather slow and each and Wildcats have 23. Elmer McFarlane had the men's bar. Stratford.
Cameron and Bray were the lethargic in the first two periods . Catherine Wilson, bowling as a high score with a 305 game. Miss Janice Dunbar, of Harold Keating visited one
Wingham goal -getters• and trailed by a goal late in the�re, had..the 216 high single. Bill Wall bowled the men's high Western University, London, evening last week with his sister
In the second game Clinton game. The team came to life ,m. t)mer high games were by Lillian triple of 708 and Jean King had visited on Sunday afternoon with and brother-in4aw, Mr. and Mrs.
Played one of its stronger games the third period, however, A* Newman, 215, and Ethel Mon- both high scores for the ladies, her grandmother, Mrs. Joe Dun- Stanley Snell, London.
against Wingham, but came out Strong forced the game into tgomery, 186. High doubles were She bowled a 263 game and 658 bar-
on the short end of a 6-4 score. overtime with an unassisted goal bowled by Mrs. Newman, 371; high triple. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barker of `A
Strong had three of the Wingham in the last minute. Mrs. Montgomery, 322; Bowling over 200 were: Dan Goderich visited on Sunday with R. V 1%- BELL
goals, with the others coming With 10 seconds left in the first Elizabeth Robertson, 321; Mrs. Martin, 284; Kevin Hickey, 248; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McBurney.
from Stephenson, Nicholson and overtime period, Nicholson Wilson 362; Margaret Robert- Rod HickeY, 207, 290; Linda
Cameron. Cantelon scored twice ceded the drama with his second son 340. and Agnes Cameron, Henderson; 207, 233; Ron Mr. and Mrs. Donald . Arm- OPTOMETRIST
for Clinton and Dupee and Corrie goal of the game and probably 301. Thompson, 304; Grant Wall, 246; strong of Listowel visited on GODERICH
notched the others. the most important of his career Elmer McFarlane, 305, 205; Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic -
Win ham then faced Kin- LEGION LADIES for Youngblut. The Squam 524-7661
g to date. The final score was Muriel McFarlane, 206; Cecil We are so to hear that Mr.
cardine for the A championship,, Wingham 5 and Brussels 4. Other Wunderbars, with 70 points' Hoffe, 295; Ron Cleghorn, 210, �'
and the boys came u with their are on top of the team standings. Athol Bruce is a patient in the
Y P scorers were Jenkins and Brown 204• Cory Nesbitt253; Jean
finest game of the seasonto for Wingham. Kit Kats with 55 and Sweet King 217, 263- Louise Welwood Wingham and District Hospital.
defeat Kincardine 4-2. Kin- The Pee Wees downed Maries with 53 are fighting over 235 220; Anna Haugh 206 201; Mr. and Mrs. Donald W'N�HAM
cardine had drubbed the Teeswater 3-0 in a game last second and Mars Bars are close Edna Mae Armstrong, 217; Bill Stonehouse of Guelph and Mrs.
Goderich team 8-0 to advance to Thursday, with the shutout going
behind Kiel' �' Wall, 205, 287, 216; Linda Wall, Graham of . LewisGoderich called se �0�� SHOP
Jean had the hi single Mr. and Mrs. Ls Stonehouse
the finals. to Mitchell Braun. King 247• Doug Finley, 233; Wayne
A combination of strong and triple with scores of 289 and Kc•ega>:• � .and Jackie Kreger, on Sunday afternoon.
699. Betty Burley was runner-up Mrs. Norma Davidson of Glen -
in both categories with 280 and 216. coe and Jack Holt of Strathroy SID ADAMS
654 scores. Games over 200 were LADIES' LEAGUE visited on Sunday with her Complete
T u r n b bowled by Muriel Irvine, 231; Elston's Elks were winners of father, William Van Camp. RADIATOR smia
e r r y Emaline Sturdy, 214; Jean King, the second series, with five points Mrs.. Desmond Gurnett of
240,289; Lyla Ann Harkness, 212; in the final week for a total of 43. for
and Betty Burley, 280. . Clark's Cougars and Skinn's Ottawa is spending some time Automobiles, light Trucks,
Seals finished in second lace with her brothers, Douglas and Farm Tractors
THURSDAY MIXED P Elmer Bruce and visiting with.
At the end of the second series with 37 points each. Lee's Lions her father, Athol Bruce, who is a New Rod Cores
the standings are as follows: ended the series with 36 points, patient in the Wingham and Dis-
• Monty's Monsters, 51; Moffatt's Tervit's Tigers had 33 and relit Hospital. Rodding
'Courier Muppets, 33; Gord's Gophers, 28; WLouisd's Weasels had 22. Miss Karen Procter visited Cleaning a Flushing
Smith's Marauders, 24; Skinn's Lowse Welwood had the high with her randmother, Mrs.
KINDERGARTEN — The Read- Winter score of the week with a 308 g 14 North St. SS7-1104
Divers, 24 ; and Tervit's Robert Procter for a , couple of
ing Group children enjoyed their Snowy,game. Shirley Storey bowled the _ .P
trip to Pepi's Pizza for a lunch Nice, slippery ice TryLa�, high single and triple 739 high triple• days last week.
time treat of pizza and milk. Tired, happy, lonely, sore went to Marg Moffatt with a 291 Bowling 200 or over were:
They then had a tour of the Wing- Cold season. and 701. Hap Swatridge was high Trudy Elston, 203; Joanne
ham hospital. On Tuesday the By Lori Vanstone for the men with a 269 and 665. Harrison, 208; Edna Mae Arm -
children had their first skating ` The class has also been painting Games over 200: George Skinn, strong, 207; Susan Tolton, 213, TRANS - CONTINENTAL BOLT CO.
lesson. They are learning the ups snow storm scenes by coloring a 20o, �, 226; Marg Moffatt, 291, 200; Elda Nethery, 229; Louise
and downs of"skati Welwood, 306; Jean King, 228; Representative
n6• picture and painting over it with 2t8; Agnes Farrier, 204; Hap
GRADE 2—Mrs. Marks' Grade 2 white to make it look like a Swgtridge, 216, 269; Diane Dorothy Thompson, 201; Shirley
class did some winter scenes on storm. English, 202; BettyBurley, 202, Storey, 206, 247, 284; Jeannette
things they have done at home, 210; Perrie Holmes, 221; Jack Scott, 208 and Peggy Tervit, 206.
like building snowmen, building GRADE 4—Andy Versteeg Tervit, 207, 223; Keith Moffatt, Janet Storey and Dorothy BOX 255 BLYTH, ONTARIO
forts or going tobogganing. received a pictorial honor 209 203 -'Don Montgomery, 201, Thompson played as spares. NOM 1HO
GRADE 3—Mrs. Folkard's because of his excellent work. He
Grade 3 class has been writingworks neatly and accurately and 227, Cathy Edgar, 214, 228; FORDWiCH MiXED LEAGUE TELEPHONE 357-1289
Sylvia Pewtress, 226; Art The night bele nn ed to Awe specl•Mae in No. 5 machine bolts.
poems on winter and things you willingly completes his assign g
Burrows, 251; Jerry Smith, 253;
do in winter, for example: ments on his own. His work Winkel and Russell Behrns, Ann
P shows effort 'above and beyond Joyce Church, 237. recording the ladies' high single
the call of duty'. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE of 262 and high triple lof 676. 4'
• Miochell
Bonnie Douglas bowled both
Russell had the men s Ing sing a
GRADE 5—Mr. Sinnamon, the
the ladies' high scores and had a
and triple, 299 and 681.
Grade 5 teacher and leader of the
273 game and 651 triple.
Other singles over 200 were
ukelele band, just received eight
new ukeleles.
Gene Kruse bowled the men's
bowled by Russel) Behrns 222;
Browne 229; Cliff Hoegy
GRADE &7—A. R. Harrison
high single of 250 and Bob Pegg
had the 649 men's high triple.
222: Dave Dinsmore 217; Gertie
LIFE INSURANCE - Maximum $2,000.
the Grade t-7-7
-7 room has come
'Leapers are in first
78 and Roy's
Lambkin 204; Nellie Allan 240;
Ann Winkel 230; Pat Coghlin 234;
eve with $100. in
back from a operation at a
Place with points
Gerald Matheson 225; Donna
your share account.
London hospital. He will
probably be coming back to
school in late February. We all
Rattlers have 72 points and
second lace. Bob's Boozers are
in third place with 64 points.
King 235; Doug Conel 256, 204;
Marion Behrns 220, 217; Earlan
0 Bros.
wish him a speedy recovery.
Leon's Lions have 54 points,
Osborn 228, 270.
Francis' Dancers have 52 and
• London
GRADE 7-e•—The Grade 7-8 class
Gene's Mean Machine have 51.
week Wendell Stamper
had the high single of 285 and Joe
DQ Deposits ItS Pa
y p y
is having another campaign to
moneyfor their tri to
Playing a spares last week
were Peter suer, Steve Owens
Craig had high triple of 678. Judy
Mathers had high single of 237:
101/2% Fabs 1
Ottawa by selling pens. They are
and Murray Kellirtgton.
Audrey Johnston recorded
also beginning elections for a new
Ida Red, Spy, Red and Golden
Delicious available
Prime minister for our Student
Rata Ross bowled the ladies'
the 614 high triple.
Games of 200 and over were
Let our m rte work in our
Y 4 Y Y
Reporters: Kindergarten and
high single of 257 and Dorothy
recorded by Ethel McMichael
at regular prices.
Grade 1, Dawns James; Grades
ThomPson's 636 triple was the
222; Wes Ball 239; Eunice Gaus,
Try our fresh eider too!
2-3, Tracey Day; Grades 4-5,
Clint Pewtress,
ladies' hi this week.
Les Brewer bowled the men's
Randy Hutchinson 233; Ted
Smith 209, 217; Ethelene Smith
Grades 6-7, Cathy Anson; Grades
high game of 262 and Keith
213, Bob McCaughan ' 216; Ron
7-8, Paul Kenyon. Writers are
Hoy, Becky Elgie
Moffatt bowled the 628 men's
high Mple.
McMichael 265; Joe Craig 214,
274; Audrey Johnston 225, 235;
BewIft over 30o were: Bob
Aart de Vos 212,