The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-17, Page 6)hRt d—i'1ia WbililiMdt Advance -Tunes. January 17, IM
Mn. William Smith
hosts WAAS
m eet i n g
GORRIE—Mrs. William A.
repeated in unison. Mrs- Gordon
Smith was hostess for [he
Moir, secretary, read the
January meeting of the Women's
minutes and correspondence.
Missionary Society of Knox
It was announced that the
Presbyterian Church.
World Day of Prayer service will
Miss Louise Matthews opened
be held in the United Church this
the meeting with the quotation
year, on the first Fridry in
from King George Vl, regarding
March. Mrs. Smith received the
the words of advice given to "the
offering whiclh- was dedicated by
man who stood at the gate of the
the .president.' The singing of a
year". She followed her opening
hymn closed that portion of the
words with prayer.
The roll call was answered by a
Mrs. Alv= Mundell conducted
Bible verse containing the word,
the devotions with prayer as her
'glory'. The Lord's Prayer and
theme. Discussion followed. A
the WMS aim and purpose were
poem, "Bits of Silver", was read
by Mrs. Hugh Deighton and a
at Salvation Army
dialogue, "If God Should Speak„
Corrie ten Boom
was presented by Mrs. Mundell
and Mrs. Glenn Underwood.
film to be shown
Mrs. Mundell closed the
meeting with prayer and a social
at Salvation Army
half hour was enjoyed.
Come ten Boom, nom tn..her
eighties, can look back on a life of
adventure, physical pain and
heartbreak. Yet it is a life that
has strengthened her faith, built
her character and given meaning
—.Mrs. Agnes Caskanette
to Ler existence.
returned home on Friday after
Come ten Boom has written
undergoing surgery at Wingham
several books about -her ex-
and District Hospital.
periences, especially of the years
—Mrs. Marg Burkhart of
when she and her family
Holiday World.recently returned
provided refuge for countless
fronii an interesting holiday to the
Jewish families during Gestapo
Caribbean islandof Cuba.
raids. She, her sister and their
elderly father were arrested for
their interference and the women
were sent to a concentration
Mrs. Metcalfe
camp where they underwent
many demoralizing and
reOds article
dehumanizing experiences.
Last year, the wonderful
at ACW meetingx
movie, "The Hiding Place
played in this area of Western
"Canadian Hospitality" was
Ontario, showing the dramatic
turning points of Miss ten Boom's
the topic of an article written by
Canon Hinkley of London,
HOT CHOCOLATE BREAK—Members of the Belgrave
tour last Saturday. Also available, though less popular, was
life. Now a new release comes
England, and read by Mrs.
Hi -C N. ovided hot chocolate and snacks along the route to
taking in the Wingham centennial family ski ice-cold fruit drink.
from World Wide Pictures.
Thomas Metcalfe at the January
skiers part
Entitled "Corrie: Behind the
meeting of St. Paul's Anglican
Scenes with The Hiding Place",
Church Women. The women met
the film features interesting
sidelights on the experiences of
in the parish hall.
Mrs. William Austin read the
Evening Un
the cast and crew during the
filming of the earlier motion
scripture. Three bales are being
packed this week at the home of
holds meeting
Fordwielchco u
p celebrates
picture and gives an insight into
this wonderful lady whose faith
and vitality shine from her. eyes
Mrs.. Don Farnell for the Kewatin
Diocese, -
The next meeting will be held
FORDWICH—The Evening
Fordwich United
60th wedding
just as they have shown in her
February 1 at the parish hall. The
Unit Ladies of
Church met at the home of Mrs.
The film will be shown at the
subject of the roll call will be a
parable of Jesus. All Anglican
Eva Harris. The worship service
was taken by Mrs. Harris and
the retired the villa e. a phone call from the Queen's
An open house was held Sunday Y o g
The bo ood health secretary at Buckingham Palace
Salvation Army Citadel on Ed-
Street at 7 p.m Sunday,
women are cordially invited. weather conditions, the
Mrs. Livermore. A poem, "Put
afternoon in the Fordwich Y g
and enjoy v that a
Community Hall when Mr. and j Y isiting and playing was received, saying
,tri1i01 ery .21. It is open to the
euchre party- scheduled for
Your Hand in the Hand of God"
was read by Mrs. Harris and a
Mrs. James Vittie celebrated cards. telegram and scroll was on its
During the afternoon open way to them.
public and is free of charge.
Families are urged to attend the
January 4 was cancelled. The
next euchre party will be held
hymn was sung. Mrs. Livermore
their 60th wedding anniversary. g
Despite the stormy weather house, lunch was served from tea
film together.
January 18 at 8:30 p.m.
read the scripture and a poem on
the New Year. The singing of
many relatives, friends and tables covered with gold -colored
tablecloths adorned with vases of
another hymn was followed by an
neighbors called to wish them all
white carnations. Mrs. Stan
the best. • o
item on the theme of the meeting,
Bride of Palmerston, Mrs. Roy
New Year's resolutions. Mem
Simmons and Miss Ruth John-
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Sparkling Clean and Fresh Clothes
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Sparkling Clean and Fresh Clothes
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hers were advised to "leave Mr. and Mrs. Vdtte were ston poured tea from the table
something behind and look ahead married in England Jan. 15, 1919 centred with an anniversary cake
toward the future". Another and then moved to Canada, and white candles and flower it
was s and then Mrs. settling down as farmers in the
RESIDENTIAL HOME hymn ung arrangements the couple had Xviffiout '
Livermore closed with prayer. Gorrie area for many years. received as gifts.
Country Home For Senior Citizens and Retirees Mrs. Harris opened the They then spent a few years in Mr. and Mrs. Vittie have two
Private and Semi -Private Rooms business session with the roll Welland and moved back to daughters, Jean, Mrs. William
be a
YA Home Atmosphere with Loving Care call. Seventeen members an- Fordwich where they farmed Sothers and Joan, Mrs. Carl Du
Our Rates are Very Reasonable swered with a get welLWd with until about 10 years ago when Stewart of Fordwich. They also
stamp for the sick. during 1979: have four grandchildren and four
Eileen MOyles The minutes of the last meeting great-grandchildren. a' O
5 Louisa St. were read and Mrs. Wagler gave The received man cards,
s M
Phone the treasurer's report for the past Ming honors
gifts and telephone calls from
Ayton, Ont. 519-"5-7625 year. A letter from the nursing �/ those unable to attend.
NOG 1 CO home asking the ladies about Mr. MCS. • Ittle
Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Vittie and
their yearly visit was read; new
programs were discusseda and FORDWICH—A joint meeting Tom, Mrs. Jennie Vittie of committee formed to set them of Hawick Legion Branch 307 and Wainfleet, Mr. and Mrs. RonVittie and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
the Ladies' Auxiliary was held
, up, _ rY
Mrs. Jim Timberley and Mrs. Monday night of last week in the Vittie of Port Colborne and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Gilmore of Guelph Do you always take a bath, instead of a shower
Mel Allan based their program Legion, rooms, Wroxeter, at were among the guests at- y y
Paul's � on the New Year, urging which time Mr. and Mrs. James 7
St. tending. which uses less power.
everyone to try to do better. Vittie were pleasantly surprised About 40 relatives and friends
Following the singing of a hymn on the occasion of their 60th
enjoyed a smorgasbord dinner at
(ANGLICAN) Mrs. Allan closed with a poem on anniversary. 6 o'clock. Rev. O. Laramie asked ,
the New Year theme. Bill Newton expressed best the Blessing and brought best
The next meeting will be held wishes on behalf of the group and wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Vittie.
WI NGHAM Feb. 14 at the home of Mrs. Cecil the couple was presented with Rev. T. Fleetham expressed
Wilson. Miss L. Beswetherick dinner tickets and a corsage and his best wishes. Do u fill a kettle full to make a single cup?
The Rr: The Rev. Joh
John Street of John T.M.Centre Street Swan, L. Th. will be showing slides of her trip. boutonniere, also a gaily Mr. and Mrs. Vittie thanked
g p'
Mrs. Doug Harding and Mrs. decorated cake. They both everyone for helping to make Turn on the washing machine for just a few things?
Dave Lockie served a lovely thanked everyone and a social their anniversary such a happy
SUNDAY JANUARY 21 1079 lunch - time was enjoyed. ' occasion and on Monday morning
* Third Sunday after the Epiphany
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and Sermop'
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Mrs • Dinsmore
leads Seniors
FORDWICH—Mrs. Marion
Dinsmore was elected president
of the Fordwich Senior Citizens
when the January meeting was
held in the hall Wednesday
evening of last week.The 1979
slate of officers was presented by
Miss Ruth Johnston, convener of
the nominating committee.
First vice president is Roy
Kennedy and second vice
president is Mrs. Clare Harris.
Miss M. McElwain is secretary
and Wray Cooper is treasurer.
Auditors are Mrs. S. Bride and
Miss Lenora Beswetherick;
group leaders, Mrs. E. Dietz,
Mrs. Florence Wilson, Mrs.
Harris; hospitality, Russell
Nickel, Sam Johnston;
nominating committee, Miss
Johnston, Mrs. William Wilson,
Mrs. Roy Simmons.
The program was convened by
Mrs. Florence Wilson and in-
cluded skits, puzzles, games and
The FebNaly meeting on
Wednesday. FeRruary 7, will be
preceded by a pot luck luncheon
at 1 p.m. A program and shuf-
neboard will follow.
Leave the TV on when no ones watching?
And do you often forget to tum cuff the porch light even
though everyone s home in bed? '
Any of these thoughtless little habits can make you I
a tum -off. Because waste of electricity like anything
that everybody really needs, can tum p(N)ple off.
Wouldn't you rather tum off a light bulb than tum
off a friend? Think about how you use electricity.
WasthW elec licity turns peWle Off.
c This message is hrough, 10 You hY Your f lvdro on hehalf of people who care Q.
HYB-3344 .