The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-03, Page 7FETTES TOURS
14 DAY FLORIDA CIRCLE - Departs Jan. 27, Feb. 10,
Feb. 24.
14 DAY FLORIDA - $TAY PUT - Departs Jan. 29, Feb.
10, Feb. 24.
9 DAY MiD/TERM FLORIDA - Deports March 17.
GO BERMUDA - Departs Feb. 22.
Departs Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 30, April 27.
March 26.
Departs March 27.
FESTIVAL AND PARADE - Departs March 6.
4 DAY NASHVILLE - Departs April 13, May 18.
May 18.
-For more information or if you wish br"bChures des-
cribin§ our tours in full, please write or call
Fettes Tours and Travel
184 Main St., Mount Forest,
Phone'519-323-1545 or Mitchell - 519-348-8492
'OrLD-TIME RIDES—Children attending the Mayor's
CentenWal Leve, NeW Year's Dalt were treated to a sleigh them a reminder of the old ways of travel their ancestors
The Wingham Advance -Tines. Jaauuy, 8. IM—Pep T
ride in B_elgrave as Sam Pletch and his team of horses gave may have used in the Wingham area.
Wp`ls t0 SAY • •
at e
•" JANUARY There were still a few areas in Institute was formed early in the Hockey Tournament was held in with big machines removing the June. The Wingham Business As
Several severe winter storms town in need of block parents, but month, with 19 charter members March, with Orillia taking the road surface and underlying fill. Usual committee of the Wingham
' early in January closed area he was pleased with acceptance under the leadership of charter AAA championship in the first The Maitland .River flooded Business Association arranged
highways but irea groups made of the program in its early president Helen Smith RR 1, weekend of play with a 9-3 win over its banks as it does each for the burial'of a time capsule
\ sure no one_ ran low on supplies. stages. Gorrie. over St. Thomas. The Listowel April, but flooding posed .-.Qq.. , underneath the sidewalk by the
The Wingham and District 11 FEBRUARY Huron County representatives Cyclones beat Merriton 5-0 to win severe problems in 1978. town hall and asked anyone in -
Snowmobile Association February was a busy month for lined the perimeter of the Con- the Midget B championship and A Morris uor terested in showing
delivered Meals on Wheels and winter sports, as the local fl Pi P q wing what life in
� Bm'e cert Room of the Royal York Durham beat Dresden 6-2 to win plebiscite, which township of- Wingham was like in 1978 to
4 helped anydne who needed food. skating club held a competition Hotel at the 1978 Plowmen's the C title. ficials believed would hold the contribute.
00 m 1. Jim Watt -9f Whitb =bo t the and resented its annual show, o
Y � P Convention. The Huron
CREST t00THPASTE Canadian Tire store from Llo d the Wi ham Junior D Ironmen In the A championship in the, key to whether liquor and beer JULY
Y ng delegation made an impressive second weekend of the tour- sales would be allowed at the Lori Goodall was crowned Miss
CalgonGilroy and moved to' town with ended their season in first place entry to show the spirit behind nament, Hes eler downed International Plowing Match in
his wife and two children. and snowmobile .. enthusiasts the team which was resent P s to Puniest to kick. off the t only -
P h'►g Niagara on the.. Lake 8-3 to win. the township, was turned down, successful annual event put on by
BATH BOUQUET 16. oz.694 Late in the month a beautiful trekked 100 miles to raise funds. .the 1978 International Plowing: Turnber Township started its but Liquor Licenci Board of the Wingham Junior Citizens.
44 new Belmore Arena opened, '. for Whipper Watson's Timmy Match and Farm 'Machineryry P q
complete with curling facilities a Snowarama. first of six secondary plan `Ontario officials then announced Runners-up in the Miss Fugfest
Peek Freen' R)ow• workshops designed to get public that new legislation would allow competition were Ansley Currie, a hocke rink, Teachers at Nurea' County 1�e input for the Lan which will a special mit in the
I 4 OZ. 991, > Y Wingham Ironmen ended P P Per dry and Michelle Rintoul. 7be funf6st
seating' for 900 a library and an five' secondary 'schools started a their regular season in first lace
COOKIES a . P guide township planning in the township. coincided with a sidewalk sale
auditorium. The small com- lengthy strike Feb. 15 and the with a 94 win over Wiarton in a future. The Belmore Maple S
4 unity intended to maintain the teachers were soon locked out of P YnP downtown -and featured games,
JOS/ ''Liquid 894
Y Feb. 14 game. The old generator which Festival attracted about 3,700 races and a midway near the new
3 OZ. facilities with volunteer help, the schools by the county board of Jean King bowled a 408 game. provided electricity for Wingham people for big pancake, sausage ball diamond along the Maitland
without a hired caretaker. education. in peak periods for many years and maple syrup meals. River.
DETERGENT she bowled nine straight strikes ,
The Family Care Agency of A standing -room -only crowd and a re. She. won $50 for the
Huron Count opened in showed u for the Wingham � left, town toward the end of the Busloads from Kitchener and A steering committee was
LYSOL SPRAY 89� Y P P mg effort, as there is a standing offer other areas were drawn to the bigformed late in Jul with the
in-Wingham, operating on a $33,540 Figure Skating Club's Holidays of W to anydine who can top 400 dle sin eh196.5enerator had bieen annual community project. tention of Starting a Big Brothers
Canada Works grant. Forty to 70 on Ice show, featuring national in a single game or Low in three
homemakers from across the competitors Carol Wheeler and � g The arthritis society telethon The Wingham Junior D
Delse Bathroom $, Pe consecutive games g group in Wingham. The com-
m OO g on CKNX raised $16,831 for the Ironmen ended their hockey
4 Rolls county were expected to work Blaine Moore. The club also held lanes. Crawl was made up of Mrs. Tess
TISSUE through the new agency, which a local skating competition to society and the Maitland Valley season with a 3 2 loss to Lakefield Crawford, Owen Curtis, Bill
provided homemaking and other determiner who would go to inter- MARCH Conservation Authority started' in the all -Ontario semi-finals and ,Henderson, Martin Cretier,
LAST. To sm on mmakNIg Chitam hems to conduct tours. through its the curling season ended at the Robert Wittig, Mowbray
NfD1N � �� in-home services to anyone in club competititions. Standish citizens from g g, Doug Y
CHANCE: need. Wingham town council gave its Wingham's sister city came to Maple Keys Sugar Bush between Wingham Golf and Curling Club's and Adrian Keet.
Mrs. James Taylor, 81 Patrick okay to a merchants' plan to have town in' March and had a great Ethel and Molesworth, hoping to new facilities. The curling season Wingham's planning board,
TRIANGLE show codimunit groups and ended April 18. made u
�> St., celebrated her 100th birthday ornamental stone installed along time curling, snowmobiling, Y g P P p g, Robert Middleton, A.
D _ Jan. 18. the sidewalks of Josephine Street cross country skiing and also school children various methods The Wingham and District Fire ng,
Q' 0 C O U 14 nB E. Strong, Mac Ritchie, Albert
�� rrs rr rs�L*r ra•»4t��r r ��* r'1 �t�u� Rick Whiteley, block parent during planned summer shopping in Blyth. A big crowd of . making maple syrup, The Committee amended a h year- Rintoul, John Mann, Albert
chairman, reported that the new . reconstruction of the street. from Standish was honored at a authority planned to make the old fire agreement with East resign l and Paul Rintoul
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Six block parent program had 114 .Council decided the work would banquet and dance as part of a tours an annual project. and, Ho is Turnships, Morris resigned after town council
block parent homes in town. be paid as part of the recon- big weekend of activities for APRIL and,. Howick townships, maJ�ing overturned its recommendation
e str paid work. Sig we area residents. Josephine Street recon- the charge for firefighting $100 an that no more single -semi houses
The Howick Junior Women's The annual Wingham Midget struction work began April 24 hour, up from the old agreement on narrow lots be allowed. .
- rate of $10 an hour plus one dollar In a meeting with county
an hour for each fireman and planner George Penfold, Turn-
' helper. berryTownship council said it
Millers Ladies Wear MAY wouldn't allow Wingham to
Eighteen girls received expand to the east of town, but
registered nursing diplomas in
would encourage growth to the
mid-May at Wingham and north and west of Wingham in -
District Hospital, where they stead. This will be included in the
trained. township secondary plan, the
IjIRY SALThe Wingham Canadettes township decided.
1. travelled to Ottawa earl the
Y in It was
trannoul?ged that .Neil
s month to compete in the Eastern Armstrong, the first man to set
Canadian majorettes cham- foot on the moon, would officially
ualitFashions - pionships. The Canadettes came open the International Plowing
on High Q P
home with many firsts and Match in late September.
6 brought honor to the town with AUGUST
their performances. Five F. E. Madill graduating
�3s y Leslie's Pride again placed students .,were named _Ontario
t first in the 180 Dart League. It Scholars. They are: Michael
was the third time in the league's Milosevic, Lori Moir, Harry
Coats Suits Dresses
' three-year history that the team Jaretzke, Janene Purdon 'and
topped the league. Special James Blackwell.
l :y awards were given to Roger The Wingham Horticultural
%,. f Irvine, who threw a perfect 1811
Skirts Slacks Society's summer show was one
Blouses /L ,,�,� score with three darts during the of the most successful to date,
course of the season.
wITh an increase in the number
r,. r Rev. Robert Armstrong was and quality of entries.
# honored by his St. Andrew's A local group of lifeguards won
f Uniforms Sweaters Purses�esbyterian Church P �
second rize in a lifesavi
congregation after he received Ammocompetition. Wingham
his Doctor of Divinity degree. lifeguards competed against two
in new,, late in May. Wingham other . teams in the first Huron-
s, town council announced that mill Bruce lifeguard Competition.
^�^for 1978 would
Ise about Josephine
ose h oe Street was officially
aolf rlljb £rn rtr-mcrc►be.
• � Reduced for -our �; held an ;gpen house at its new three months of construction.
? \1 <' facilities. Town, county, provincial and
G- , r � JUNE merchant dignitaries were on
enuine f >" = Fiddler on the Roofwas hand for the official ribbon-
staged several nights at F F, cutting ceremony performed by
Madill Secondary School by the Wingha�p Mavor William
ONCE -A -YEAR SALE drama club at the school, with Walden,
packed houses. Ken C'rhwford bought the IGA
The Wingham entry won the
annual • Red Henry ball tour- store from Harold Remington.
1. The Big Brothers steering
nament • which was held in town committee formed the first board
thMILLERS LADIES" WEAR,is year. The local squad of ball
q of directors for the local Big
r players beat ahastily-assembled .Brothers Association. Members
Hanover ball club 21 5 for the
'� F of the board of directors are:
a championship and trophy Martin C'retier, president;
WINGHAM A WINTER SCENE—Caroline Greenaway, a nurse at Wingham and District Hospital, Businesses, community groups Robert Wittig, vice-president;
Y- 9 and church groups all con- Cathy Mowbray, secretary;
ClurveX Accepted won first prize for this painting of a winter scene on a vyindow in the emergency out tributed to the time capsule
patients' department. buried in front of the town hall in Please turn to Page 9