The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-23, Page 7To my
would like to express my most
sincere thanks and appreciation.
Have a very joyous Christmas
and my best wishes to you in
the New Year.
Al Harrison
• The Wtngham Advance-Tunea, DeLember M, 1176 ---Page 7
dil 1--. . _mirror
Photography and developing:
Brian Reid and Mike Milosevic
Float � s taught otThe MadiII The day before fattlMr�
Christmas �winice wam't�``°�" "°° �'d Charity dance Down hill
On Saturday, December 4 a few building the avow fort. There was �y beat Christmases Yom, but you never can teUready �. `�` •
enthusiastic F. E. Madill stu also a cross country skier riding are all behind me. Grand- Ann's accomplishment in On Friday, December 10, 1976, s k 1club
dents showed up outside the rear at the front of the float to rep- mother, taking bei the Student Couwd at the F. E.
of the school at nine o'clock in the resent our large cross c:oun ng accepted in and Madill School s
morning. The Wingham Santa skiing club that was recen� �� the done -to -perfection bird . being successful at her shop �OD��' p0°- U you enjoy -skiing, or would
grease -dripping from the pan. courses can serve as a worthy sored a dance with the proceeds like to learn how, why not join the
Claus parade was this afternoon formed. Everyone on the float My brother example and inspiration 0 those going to charity. The theme of the Downhill Ski Club? The only
and a few of us were determined was wearing some form of purple who feel fettered by custom. And dance in keeping with the Christ- qualifications necessary are that
to not let our school be forgotten. and white whether it was a scarf, and I Christmas morning that includes boys who would like mar seas n was "Give a Little". you are able to spend a few week -
We planned to enter a float in the sweatshirt, tracksuit, football or out of bed at six -thirty. I to try home ec ! Students attending the dance ends at ski resorts, and, of
parade. Martha Graham was in cheerleaders uniforms. Along suppose y' Life short to be wasted in Wer ask donate one can of course, that you can afford it!
charge of the design and con- each side of the float signs had the house shivered to the sudden serving the demands of conven-, food d tion to the regular ad- This group consist# of about
struction of the float. All morning been made that said "F. E. �� tion. mission price of $2.50. thirty enthusiastic skiers, with
the float was constructed and Madill lovis Christmas' is tearing of gift -wrap by excited Eileen Fischer At the Monday morning as- Graig Treleaven as their presi-
materials were collected to bright, bold, purple letters. sembly on December 13, 1976, dent. Meetings are held on an ir-
decorate the float. A snow, fingers fort, a While I watched the Santa Susan Adams, Student Council regular basis, primarily to plan
snowman, complete with a carrot Claus parade move down the�� Eve mid after- President presented a Cheque for the upcoming ski -weekends. Mr.
This nose and a purple and white scarf maip, 4treet I could hear the Debating team$120.00 to Capt. Bruce Hardy of Webster is the staff advisor for
and black hat, and a completely cheers of the cheerleaders. Even noon' the Wingham Salvation Army. In this club, and I'm sure none of the
decorated Christmas, tree with though the wind was harsh and too many years later, I wander On Thursday, December 10, the addition, 11 cases of canned food other teachers envy him having
scattered bales of hay adorned the snow blew cold the voices of downtown, F. E. Madill debating teams, were also presented to the local to chaperone those weekend
the wagon. feeling worse than most drunks all those on the float sounded loud set adrift from their office accompanied- by . Mrs. Tiffin, corps for distribution to needy trips! I've heard rumours that a
At 1:15 in the afternoon every- and clear. parties. travelled to �t1e Goderich Col- families. group of skiing enthusiasts can
one that was riding on the float I thought our float was very , legiate Institute to compete in a When the dance expenses are make a lot of fun out of an ordin-
showed up at the school prepared striking and colorful but appar- Birks' windows bulge and low prepared and an impromptu finalized it is anticipated that a ary winter weekend!
to reprlsent F. E. Madill. There ently the judges had slightly dif- with debate. further $500.00 to $600.00 will be This year, trips are being
wthe totals g g
were football players, cheer- ferent opinions because to my y inconspicuous. The junior team consisted of available for donation to the On- ed to several ski resorts.
girls decorating the knowledge we didn't bring home There's something The
leaders g edg ring Linda Renwick, Alison Roberts, tario Crippled Children's Fund The fust weekend in January will
Christmas tree and someone was any prizes. To me the spirit in- fairy -queer about colored lights and coach Ken De Boer. The and Christmas Seals. Expenses see the skiers travelling to "Old
volved in creating such sena°- hung above the stink of bushausts. team came away with a victory for the Band were covered by the Smokey Ski Resort" near I{im-
strosity was reward enough. It exin the impromptu, "Children Dr. Pepper Company as part of berley. In early February, a =
seemed too early on a Saturday should be told there is no Santa the promotion of their product at weekend will be spent at "Moon -
morning to be getting up and hav- Every store hums, an angry Clause" but lost the prepared the dance. stone", near Barrie. The final
OUTLET ing to fight against the elements honey -hive, debate to the Goderich team
as if wartime and rationi trip is to be made to Blue Moun-
all the way over to Wingham and ng making the score 2-2. POINT TO PONDER: Ctai° near o ood. When
were back. thew
to be there by nine o'clock. But it Our senior team of Eileen those F. E. Madill skiers hit the
More was worth it to feel the school I picture patient clerks behind Fischer and Carol Jamieson de- Ignoring is not the same as slopes,
spirit and Christmas spirit that counters bated to a 4-0 win. The team pre- being tolerant. pee, " out world!!"
ran through m veins all da walking on what they can't —Mary Anne Alton —Mary Eadie
_ � Y Y• rented excellent facts and rebut -
We have been fortunate to have
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A great big thank you goes out
to everyone who showed up to
either ride on the float or anyone
who spent his morning decorat-
ing the float. Another thank you
goes to Randy Wingfield who sup-
plied us with a float and a truck to
pull it. He also drove the truck in
the parade and helped us clean-
up the float afterwards. Thanks
again Randy! Somehow I don't
think we could have done it with-
out you.
To those who took the time to
help in any way with the float,
Santa will remember you on
Christmas Eve, so make sure you
hang up your stocking. To those
believe are feet.
Skaters on the fancy rink at City
seem impatient of old waltzes.
They dart,
sudden bright goldfish below
scooped clamshells blinking
underwater eyes.
My heart's with the skaters,
though my mood
is more with Adam Beck,
bronzed sober head
splitting the traffic of the Avenue,
where on that Republic's black
Consul door I see
tals in the prepared debate,
"There should be a prescribed
course of studies mandatory for
grade 9 and 10", as well as in the
impromptu debate, "Canada
should have an economic union
with the United States".
The next debate will be held in
Wingham on January 6, against
Exeter. We wish both teams the
very best of luck because we are
all very proud to have you on
"our team".
Council News
who dldn t help out, I hope you The executive council greatly
like coal! or seem to see a holly wreath appreciates the generosity ex-
-Mary Anne Alton hung, through which tended by those who brought food
napalm -skinned face and dying to the dance on December 10. We
JUST A SMILE eyes stare out were able to take eleven bundles
at me, this city, and core -rotted
Mr. Willis was advised to put a of food to the Salvation Army for
sign in his auto shop before world, distribution to needy families.
Christmas. The sign was "Sea- to riddle us with bleeding, Besides helping some families
gaping questions.
son's Greasings„ have a merrier Christmas, the
Raymond Souster dance was a success. The enter-
tainment, provided by Har-
Fel'!'1ale takes shop courses binger, was good and everyone
appeared to enjoy the drawing
She's a charming, dark com- the attitudes and reactions of her for door prizes, donated by the
plexioned, dark -eyed, black teachers and male classmates to company which makes Dr.
haired grade niner. She's as typi- wards her. Ann said that some of Pepper pop. Congratulations to
cal as typical can be. Or is she? her classmates were surprised at those who did win.
Ann Marie Webster is a first first, but she feels well -accepted We would also like to thank
year student enrolled in our on the whole and she has found everyone who has helped and
school. What makes her of sur- that no discrimination has been supported the student council in
prising interest is that she is the wittingly or unwittingly practised the past year. It is your co -opera -
only female enrolled in first year against her. tion that makes the student coun-
shop courses this year. Speaking to one of Ann's teach- cil work to the best of its ability.
Ann seemed a little surprised ers, Mr. Anderson who taught her We wish everyone a merit'
at first when I asked her for an drafting, I found a wholly accept- Christmas and a Happy New
interview, but she proved very ing attitude. Mr. Anderson was Year.
cooperative. Ann's course is a —Eleanor Johnston
pe pleased but not much astonished
double period one and includes with Ann's presence. He felt Ann
over the course of the year wood- had few problems, was an above
working, blueprint, drafting, average student, and that she fit
electricity, sheet metal and weld- right in with the boys.
ing, and auto. When I asked Ann Mr. Anderson added that he
why she took shops rather than would like to see more girls take
the usual home economics shop courses, especially drafting.
course, she told me that her ex- He feels girls would enrich the
periences in grade school with classes as well as be enriched by
home economics were boring, so them.
she decided that shop courses Ann's fellow students admitted
were a reasonable alternative. to being surprised at finding a 'L <>tM`
Ann finds her courses have been girl in their midst, but on the
quite 'interesting thus far. She whole, she is willingly accepted.
s?ys that her grades are average, I asked Ann if she thought she
and that she enjoys the shops would continue in shop courses
more than math or science. next year. She doesn't know yet;
One of the obvious possible pro- anything is possible.
blems for a girl taking shops is When asked if she had con-
on o ous
Hoping all the precious
things in Life will come
to you this Christmas!
Warm thanks.
— ccm.acro,: —
Gravel -Crushing -Trucking
Winghom, Ont. Phone 357-3530
As the shepherds kept their vigil at night,
Our Savior was born. Let us rejoice as we celehrate
His glorious coming. Sincere thanks to all.
. \ From all of u• at:
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