The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-23, Page 3•
bells ring out their
symphony of joy, we
echo their glad
S� message with
. • ; "� A` wishes for a happy
•• •' ar� -�+ holiday season, for
• �_.'•` :r ��� you and those you
• i� y q• '•,� hold dear.
r *,
To our Residents and Staff and their Families
from Roger and Sandra Keay
81 .�
THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS was demonstrated.on ice at the Howick Community Centre
Sunday afternoon by the Howick Figure Skating Club. No Christmas would be complete
without Panda Bears and Sleepyheads. The dolls were Jodi Potts, Lisa Henry, Sandra
Gedcke, Tammy Kieffer, Laurie Gedcke and Lisa Sanderson. Panda Bears were Peter
Ankenman, Christian Feldskov, Greg Eskritt and Jason Edgar.
The Mumbam Advance -Timer, Deceanbw n, 1976—P&Se 3
May the glerious .light of
Christmas bring you, and these\�l1 G
You lore, enduring Hope and
Happiness. To all, special thanks,
Howick wants equipment t
o stay in. Office
The out -going Howick Town- coming township would probably for about 5,5500
year, but new
ship Council held their final have to decide h. eP,ow the situation equipment has
forced Orced the price
e _ X
meeting of the year Dec. 15, to could be solved -
pay off the outstanding accounts.
In a move that appears to be In other council news, the Council also a pproved a build- -
aimed directly at Township township has come to a fire ing permit for John Wilson of
Roads Superintendant Carroll agreement with the Harriston electri cl who will build anew = ,
Johnson, the council passed a and Minto Fire De electrical supply store es part r _
P will Departments, and park lot 5 in the south-west corner
resolution that states office w Pay them six Mills, about of Fordwich. This area has been
equipment must be kept in the Per year, for the next two rezoned from residential to com-
township office at all times. years. The last agreement was mercial.
Mr. Johnson has been doing =
much of his work in a room at his
• home, where a part-time secre-
tary has been coming to work.,
She had been using her own type-
writer for the work, but it broke x;
down and a new Township type-
writer was purchased. �� _
Mr. Johnson's desk at the town= { e Howick Grapevine f
ship office is in the same room as _
that of Clerk Wes Ball, and Mr. jj,�
Ball said it is sometimes difficult JUNIOR UKULELE BAND sons were the band leaders. They Warm wishesfor both men to work together in TAKES TRIP people in the nursing home
the same room, since the public is On Dec. 7 the Junior Ukulele seemed to enjoy the concert as for a
often in to tend to business with Band took a trip. They went by well as the participants The
Monday, December 27 and Tuesday, December 28
ALL Christmas Cards,
5 O Paper and other wrapping
O off *Also 50% off accessories!
ALL Christmas Decorations
*Winter Jackets and
*Snow suits
Most fall and winter
seasonal clothing
Don't miss out on our Gelganteic
Two Dai Sale!
Come on in and see the savings!
All items not available in all ara.p,..
bus to the Brookhaven Nursing band hopes to play many more
Prang Popularized
Home in Wingham. The band left engagements before the year is
the school at 10:30 a.m. and through.
"� Holidays
(1lrlstmas Cards
Joseph O. Heist, Chartered Ac-
countont will be opening a public
The first Christmas cards in
accounting office on December 1,
America were small by modern
1976 in Walkerton.
standards —but the price was
Mr. H•isz was born and raised
tight. They sold for a penny each.
in Formosa and is a groduati of
Louis Prang, of Boston, is
the University of Waterloo. He
generally given credit as being
passed the final chartered oc-
countonts exams in September,
father of the American
Christmas card." He was a Ger-
1975 and has also completed Parts
man re`ugm who commissiotted
A and B of the O.C.A. in depth
the works of such American ar-
tists83Ehhu Vedder, las
He hos been employed by on-
Volk and J. Alden Weir. of None
other public accountingfirm In this
the "Wee achieved great fame,
Joieph O. Helsz area for the post five years and
but they were among the finest
worked for a bank in Waterloo for
Chartered Accountant
artists of the day.
one year prior to that.
Prang established a very suc-
244 Durham. St. E., 2nd Floor, Walkerton, Ont.
cessful business' selling visiting
Business 881-2910 Residence 181.0288
ids' business advertisements
and announcements, in England
and in Boston.
bells ring out their
symphony of joy, we
echo their glad
S� message with
. • ; "� A` wishes for a happy
•• •' ar� -�+ holiday season, for
• �_.'•` :r ��� you and those you
• i� y q• '•,� hold dear.
r *,
To our Residents and Staff and their Families
from Roger and Sandra Keay
81 .�
THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS was demonstrated.on ice at the Howick Community Centre
Sunday afternoon by the Howick Figure Skating Club. No Christmas would be complete
without Panda Bears and Sleepyheads. The dolls were Jodi Potts, Lisa Henry, Sandra
Gedcke, Tammy Kieffer, Laurie Gedcke and Lisa Sanderson. Panda Bears were Peter
Ankenman, Christian Feldskov, Greg Eskritt and Jason Edgar.
The Mumbam Advance -Timer, Deceanbw n, 1976—P&Se 3
May the glerious .light of
Christmas bring you, and these\�l1 G
You lore, enduring Hope and
Happiness. To all, special thanks,
Howick wants equipment t
o stay in. Office
The out -going Howick Town- coming township would probably for about 5,5500
year, but new
ship Council held their final have to decide h. eP,ow the situation equipment has
forced Orced the price
e _ X
meeting of the year Dec. 15, to could be solved -
pay off the outstanding accounts.
In a move that appears to be In other council news, the Council also a pproved a build- -
aimed directly at Township township has come to a fire ing permit for John Wilson of
Roads Superintendant Carroll agreement with the Harriston electri cl who will build anew = ,
Johnson, the council passed a and Minto Fire De electrical supply store es part r _
P will Departments, and park lot 5 in the south-west corner
resolution that states office w Pay them six Mills, about of Fordwich. This area has been
equipment must be kept in the Per year, for the next two rezoned from residential to com-
township office at all times. years. The last agreement was mercial.
Mr. Johnson has been doing =
much of his work in a room at his
• home, where a part-time secre-
tary has been coming to work.,
She had been using her own type-
writer for the work, but it broke x;
down and a new Township type-
writer was purchased. �� _
Mr. Johnson's desk at the town= { e Howick Grapevine f
ship office is in the same room as _
that of Clerk Wes Ball, and Mr. jj,�
Ball said it is sometimes difficult JUNIOR UKULELE BAND sons were the band leaders. They Warm wishesfor both men to work together in TAKES TRIP people in the nursing home
the same room, since the public is On Dec. 7 the Junior Ukulele seemed to enjoy the concert as for a
often in to tend to business with Band took a trip. They went by well as the participants The
Monday, December 27 and Tuesday, December 28
ALL Christmas Cards,
5 O Paper and other wrapping
O off *Also 50% off accessories!
ALL Christmas Decorations
*Winter Jackets and
*Snow suits
Most fall and winter
seasonal clothing
Don't miss out on our Gelganteic
Two Dai Sale!
Come on in and see the savings!
All items not available in all ara.p,..
bus to the Brookhaven Nursing band hopes to play many more
- Happy
Home in Wingham. The band left engagements before the year is
the school at 10:30 a.m. and through.
"� Holidays
arrived back at 12:10. The band
is The Ukulele Band will be going
made up of pupils from grades to the Fordwich Nursing Home on
four, five and six. There were Dec. 21st to play some Christmas
approximately 26 musicians carols
v One of the joys of Christmas
at and some other songs. We
the nursing home. There are four all enjoy playing at places. Our
is the chance to soy thank
kinds of instruments in the leaders are Mr. Shaw and Mr.
= you for your trust and con -
Ukulele Band. The ukuleles, the Parsons. We hope we can make
string bass, the drums and the
Christmas a little bit happier for
piano. The band sang 12 songs, these people.
some of them were Christmas
Jackie Burns
s Gcwrie
favorites. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Par- Susan Mann
Mrs. R. McMichael
On Tuesday, December 14, the
Kindergarten children went to
,,:,, ,.:,, ,:: .. , ,:: ,e: , ,,:,, 4: ,.: .: , ,::
see Santa Claus in Kitchener.
heads UCW for '77
Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Underwood
and some mothers accompanied
them. The next day the other
WROXETER — The December
Kindergarten class along with
meeting of the United Church
Mrs. MacRae's grade one stu-
Women was held in the church
with Mrs. Warren Fines Mrs.
dents plus several parent helpers
made the same trip. Good old
Rate Changes for Hydro
Bruce Chambers conducting the
Santa Claus gave each of the chit -
devotions. They demonstrated
the meaning
dren a candy cane. Afterwards,
they all walked through the
Services in the
of Christmas by
lighting five candles, each
looking at all the toys and decora
having its own special meaning.
tions. I'm sure it was a fun filled
Mrs. Bruce Chambers intro-
day for all who went.
duced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Tammy Brown
Hydro Rates Effective With
Wesley Ball, who spoke on the
different Christmas
On Wednesday, Dec. 8 and
January 1, 1977 Consum tion
pointing out the true meaning of
Thursday, Dec. 9, the grade eight
Christmas, the birth of baby
classes did some pioneer cooking.
6.04 per KILOWAT-HOUR for the first
Jesus, and what joy He brought to
They made Pemmican and Sour-
50 K. W. H. per month
the world.
dough bread. Pemmican is a
mixture crushed
3.04 per KILOWATT-HOUR for
Mrs. Lloyd McGee had charge
of meat and
the next
of the business period. Reports
berries. The purpose of this was
200 K. W. H. per month
were read which showed the
to get an idea of how the pioneers
2.24 per KILOWATT-HOUR for all additional
women had a very successful
year. New choir gowns are to be
used to live. Most of the people
enjoyed tasting these recipes, as
monthly consumption
purchased by the Harmony Unit,
well as making them. Some of the
Minimum monthly bill: $3,50
Donations were given to the
staff tasted these dishes too.
General Fund, Salvation Army,
Susan Mann
General Rate for Commercial
Bible Society and the purchase of
and Industrial:
new hymn books.
The history Evaluation Sheets
The following slate of officers
for December will be sent home
'or 1977, read by Mrs. Mac Wylie,
with each grade 7 and 8 student
,vere installed by Rev. Ball:
Pres., Mrs. Ron McMichael;
on December 22nd. These sheets
will inform everyone of the
First 50 kilowatts of billing per month - NIL
lice-pres., Mrs. Jack McLean;
students' progress.
Balance at $2.50 per Kilowatt of billing demand
'ecording secretaries, Mrs. Lil
Susan Mann
per month.
3allaher and Mrs. Lloyd McGee;
reas., Mrs. Mildred Coupland;
Program committee, Mrs. Tom
)'Krafka, Mrs. Warren Fines;
Instructions Go
6.04 per Kilowatt -Hour for first
ards, Mrs. Wallace Matthews;
lowers, Mrs. Ken Edgar, Mrs.
With Useful Gifts
50 K.W.H. per month
,ila Bennett; social functions,
Rrs. Harvey Wheeler; literature,
If }ou give a small appliance. a
3.04 per Kilowatt -Hour for next
Rrs. Davey Edgar; supply and
,elfare, Mrs. Bruce Chambers,
even clothing to a friend
or relahve for ('hristmas — he
° 200 K.W.H. per month
Irs. Dick De Boer, Mrs. George
sure }sou include the manufac-
turer's directions
s; community friendship,
or instruction
tags and booklets that came
2.74 per Kilowatt -Hour for next
Irs. George Gibson, Mrs. Stan
ays, Mrs. Les Douglas, Mrs.
the purchase
9,750 K.W.H. per month
tewart Higgins, Mrs. Mac
Care instructions provided by
clothing manufacturers should be
flan; representative to Board of
followed for garment protection
1.454 per Kilowatt -Hour for all
Mrs. Gordon Looard,
!presentative to Official Board,
and longer wear Appliances
additional monthly consumption
Ys. George Gibson; pianist,
rs. Mildred Coupland; rep-
operated and maintained ac -
cording to manufacturer's di-
Minimum monthly bill: $3,50
-sentatives to manse, Mrs. Mac
will give longer. trouble-
free operation -
ylie, Mrs. William Wright, Mrs.
Fabric tags or booklets tell
-chie Miller, Mrs. Ron Me-
fiber content andro
P per -
Bering and dry cleaning pramcece-
meeting was closed with
dures For most electronic equip -
a delicious and there are important do's
rich followed the
rich served by the Friendship and don'ts essential to ���-
lit. ation and maintvnan.,n