The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-16, Page 10NO t4--nift *Ingham Advance -Times, December 16, 1976
possibility of organising a com- January meeting on "Family and
munity catering service for the Consumer Afttaitt-" Tie topic,
Belmore centre, was discos m "Mennonite Foods", will be given
Mn. Hank Bw w -M convene the by Mrs: ,Stanley Hays.
' Smday visitors with Mr. and ing to sickness has ended up with Elizabeth Tiffin were at Bill
MR. E. W. Beecroft and Karen wee girls. Snowden's at Lucknow and
i "-%Vp11ere Mr. and Mrs. Ronald$ee- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, looked after Billie while Mr. and nank
ceatt, Kevin, Shannon and Steven and Scott of West Wawa- Mrs. Bill Snowden attended 'a
Heather, nosh are spending a few days in Christmas party for Jim Hayter
Randy Scott is a patient at St. Toronto. Neil is attending the employees of Goderich held at
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. cow -calf conference and Mrs. Candlelight Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Lana, Rintoul and boys will visit with Mr. and -Mrs. Wallace Milligan °
Ryan and Jarret were Saturday her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. held a birthday party Sunday in I would I I k e to thank t h e
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sproul. honor of their daughter Clara. l�
Wilbert Schwichtenberg and On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Car- Present for the occasion were Ratepayers of East Wawa -
family of Port Elgin. man Whytock and Jack visited Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly,
The 4-H Achievement Day is With Mr. and Mrs. Everett Why- Angela and Jill of Streetsville ; nosh TQ W n S h I r� for the sup
being held on Saturday at tock and Wayne and with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Falconer of p p
Walkerton High School. Our club Mrs. Barry Whytock, all of RR 3, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fal ort the ave me at the Ie,
started out with six girls and ow- Teeswater. toner, Tony and Timmie; Mr. p Y 9
A little baby girl was born and Mrs. Bob Mowbray; Mr. and polls on December 6, 1 976.
December 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin; David Hanna p
Give Jack Herbison. She is the first and Beverley Bell. Clara re
grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. ceived several gifts from her x
What Herbison Sr. and an eighth friends. ..:
grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Pn Monday Whitechurch public & ' ' • >
you'ds Floyd Bott. schoolers and high school pupils
like Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul on had a holiday. The public school
Sunday visited in London at pupils were taken to the school IVAN I„IOWA1"1
to give University Hospital with her and sent back home.
mother, Mrs. Joe Corey. On the On Thursday Lucknow and
at Christmas way home they called on her Ripley Bantam hockey teams A WARMUP SESSION at the beginning of the gymnastics class for youngsters which has
father, Joe Corey, at Clinton. were in play with Lucknow scar- been started as part of the winter session by the Recreation Department of Wingham.
Mrs. Earl Caslick visited Sun- ing 9-2. Richard Moore plays on Here some of the youngsters go through stretching exercises prior to the actual
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. this team. gymnastics sessions.
Wilford Caslick of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and I would like to take this
Get your wilts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc- Linda attended the dance on Fri
Clenaghan and Paul of St. day evening at Formosa put on in a fine
Claus money flow Thomas were Sunday visitors honor of Joe Tiffin and his OASA opportunity to say
With a low interest, with Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and ball team.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn at 4-Hgiris present life insured personal On the way home, because of the tended the wedding reception for• THAN YOU
storm, they had to spend the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Bill
loan from Victoria night at a motel at Clinton. Empey (Darlene Coultes) in Bel program at W1 meet1ng
Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Moss of grave Hall on Saturday evening.
and Grey. Plattsville were weekend visitors Mrs. Earl Caslick visited from Susan.Helfenstein introduced the Dickson, Mrs. Don MacAdam
with her mother, Mrs. Ben Me- Wednesday to Saturday with her BELMORE—The 4-H Club to the rate a ers In East
t Clenaghan, and brother Carl and daughter, Mrs. Russel Ross, and girls, their leaders and mothers impersonated cereal grains, as and Mrs. Lorne Fischer. p �/
Get It today . each competed for the top award For the fall club, "Cereal
Mrs. McClenaghan. Mr. Ross of Wingham. were special guests, at the Dec-
Mrs. Bev Kay on Friday took Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier, ember meeting of the Women's in the contest: Corinne Corn, by Shelf", Mrs. George Underwood, W a w a n o s h Township f o r
T>t�J�lL 1 Mrs. Wayne Baswick and family Brian, Colleen and Carol of Institute, in the hall at the com- Janice Kamrath; Wilhemina Mrs. Michel Kieffer, Mrs. Harry
`/` of Bluevale to Toronto where the Toronto spent the weekend with munity centre. In presenting Wheat, Delphine Kamrath; Helfenstein, Mrs. Brian Deyell electing me to Council.
`fid ladies attended the Christmas Mrs. Garnet Farrier. their demonstrations and skit the Michelle Rice, Marilyn Kieffer; and Mrs. Don MacAdam, acted
functions with their husbands at Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown and girls, were rehearsing, prior to Charlie Barley, Doreen Nickel as leaders.
Knox College. family of Fergus visited relatives the Achievement Day, at F. E. and Richard Rye, Angela Det- Special guests, for this
On Saturday evening Mr. and' and took her grandmother, Mrs. Madill School, on Saturday.
zler. meeting, the Mari -Belle Singers,
Each competitor had cheer favoured with several numbers, My famil and i wish you all a
. N � s T ( u M t, <,, , 5, ti c E 1889 Mrs. Bill Snowden and Billie of Hazel Purdon of Lucknow, to visit Representing Belmore I Club with their capable leader Mrs.
were Marie MacAdam and Cath P
Lucknow visited with Mr. and a few weeks with her daughter, y The result of this competition leaders, urging her on, to victory.
Malty St. E., Listowel �� Mrs. Joe Tiffin and family. Mrs. Floyd Bott (Marjorie) a pa- Fischer., with the aid of an attrac- was Carl Douglas, and pianist, Miss very Merry Christmas and aEvel n Dickson. Included were,
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. tient in Fergus Hospital. tive display, for their demonstra- a 5 -way tie, for five great cereal Y
D. N. Lefebvre, Mgr, tion, "Featuring Wheat". The Winners. "Child in a Manger", "Huron In- most prosperous New Year.
Joe Tiffin and Joey and Mrs. Graham Kay of Vancouver g Mrs. Stanley Hays, expressed than Carol", ` Praetorius", and r P
- arrived last Wednesday at Toron- girls explained the difference, It's A Great Night for Singing".
to International Ai "
Airport where he Processing, and uses of hard appreciation to the leaders, who gh
Mrs Walter Woods expressed th
H 4 girls n e
d th
4 rucee - OCCIDENTAL LIFE OF CALIFORNIA + was'met by his father, Bev Kay. spring wheat from the Canadian insappreciation to special Mrs. Ka and Wend later picked Prairies, as compared to soft fall clubs of 1976 and Mrs. Hank Bos PP pe al guests,
Y Y P for their time and r
TERM - EASY ON THE BUDGET him up at the home of his grand- Wheat. presented them with a small gift, it t b great efforts,
* $ 75 mother, Mrs. Graham of Brant- Judy and Nancy Dickson chose in time and appreciation,
for for it g y all, h added so Ralph Campbell
Rice as the topic for their demon much to the enjoyment of the
53 Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30 ford, and brought him home. P spring club, "A Touch of Stitch- evening.
* First Year Premium A candlelight service will be stration, from Belmore II Club. -s were Mrs. Touch
Wayne Evers, Several items of business were
held December 19 at 8 m. at Rice is a food, used by half the y
GETCOMPLETE INFORMATION Chalmers Church.- Everyone is World's population in a variety of Mrs. Elmer Jeffray, Mrs. Ralph brought before the meeting. The
HERBERT DIRSTEIN; LISTOWEL, 291-3372 asked to please"be seated by 7:55 Ways. Other points of interest
IF as the service is broadcast over Presented by the girls were tb.
radio. fact that brown• rice requires a •
The United Church Sunday longer cooking time but retains
JOSEPH O. HEISZ School gathering will be held the vitamins for a longer period.
Minute rice, although a con- Direct . r
Joseph O. Heisz, Chartered Ac- December 17. The Presbyterian venien g
ce foo 1 O
d loses much o
. S�� f its Se
countant will be opening a public Y School. will hold their
accounting office on December 1,
special annual event on Decem- food value in processing.
g ber FLOWERS Belmore Club III prepared an
1976 in Walkerton. � original skit. Broadcasting for COLLISION FUELS AUTOMOTIVE
Mr. Heisz was born and raised the local TV station, from the _ /�
in Formosa and is a graduate of Cereal Division of the Conven- WeddingAIrS Collision the University .of Waterloo. He tion, was Carol Kieffer, while BILL TIFFIN WINGHAM
passed the final chartered ac- Madill students ArrangementsImperial Esso Agent SUNOCO SERVICE
countonts exams in September, P Service
1975 and has alsocompletedParts to spend day Cut flowers Phone Esso LICENSED MECHANIC
A and B of the C.I.C.A. in depth �/ tT A�f L UNDERCOATING &
p 1 PS conducts Plants 357-2206 For all your Home and RUSTPROOF'ING
tax course.
He has been employed by on- at Waterloo CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Farm Fuel and COMPLETE CAR &
other public accounting firm in this • • Flowers. by Lubricating Needs TRUCK SERVI(+,
area for the past five years and Senior students and some of worship servicesComplete Body Work
Joseph 0. Heist, Wire Service and Painting p7 10� Prop. Ken Leitch
worked for a bank in Waterloo for their teachers from the following "D�-,
Chartered Accountant Frame and Rust Repair
one year prior to that. Ontario high schools will be WHITECHURCH —Members .A4FLOWERS
visiting the University of Water- of the Young People's Society Also Insurance Claims
a 24.1 Durham St. E., 2nd Floor, Walkerton, Ont. g Y g P Y
Pusiness881-2910 Residence 881-0288 loo on Thursday, December 16. F. were in charge of the worship CONC.2,MORRISTWP. 357-1:54NIfillIT357-3585
E. Madill SecondarySchool, services at Chalmers and Lan _ Hwy.. es
g- 135 Frances Leroy Jackson
Wingham; Woodstock Collegiate side Presbyterian Churches on e one r 1st Morris
Institute; Woodbridge High Sunday. 1 357h3880 ?,R 2nd Morris •��znd —Plumbing CONSTRUCTION
School: St Jean de Brebeuf The call to worship was given
To the Electors of School, Hamilton; Lakeport by Wendy Kay who also delivered —Heating
Secondary School, St. Catharines a sermonette on "The Gift of SALES AND SERVICE INSURANCE—Tinsmithing T M at T
EAST WAWANOSH and Prince Edward Collegiate God". Marty Young spoke on T.
Institute, Picton. In all 246 stu- "Serving". Scripture lessons 191 Josephine St.
dents are involved. were read by Rhonda Gibson, 4 i Wingham 357-2904 CONSTRUCTION
Thank you for your vote to elect me as coun- David Ross, Lorie Purdon and CANADA General Contractors
The students will spend the day Cecil deBoer. Leading in prayer INst)RANta All t
cilfor. I shall endeavour to be worthy of your CUP types of concrete work
learning about, computers. They were David and Barry Elliott, ELECTRICAL
support in the next two years. will attend lectures during the Hilda deBoer and Wendy Kay. All Types of
morning and in the afternoon will now avail°61e YP Home and farm building
use one of the multi-million dollar The choir sang with Cecil de °? Insurance Pleteh Electric (:11.1. R(►ft'1'lll►MPSI►N
Best Wishes computers on the UW campus to Boer accompanying on the gui- 335-3525 357.2636 BI,I PAM,V, 11`7:1ftl(1
find their own solutions to pro- tar. Karen Young had charge of Wingharn
for the HolidaySeason blems. Those with sufficient the children's service and offer- GCRRIE WINGHAM 357-:wn
knowledge may spend the entire ing was received by Donald de- / l INDUSTRIAL R
and the comity year day working with computers. Boer and J. Young. PIRG COMMERCIAL WIRING
y Consultants will be available to The young people have adopted S PORT POOLS, ETC' Also Rural and Domestic Askes Brothers
assist them. a 1 Rica. The to boy from Costa 177 Main St Listowel Ontario Phone 351-1583 CONSTRUCTION
DONALD J • DOW P d's The loose offering at Sun- / • • .
Students with no previous com- day's service was to assist with Swimming Cottages, Homes
puter science experience will re- this project. POOLS Additions 8 Renovations
ceive lectures on problem solving Lynn Ho BURKE ELECTRIC 357-3053
and actual use of the computer y Above and Below
using a FORTRAN -like lan ua . ' Ground Electrical Contractors g
r, g g g Enterprises wi:528--am
called TUTOR. Instruction in Complete Line of , Motor Rewind and
FORTRAN and APL languages ; Honda and Skidoo Pool Chemicals Sales Box 122, Lucknow
be ngavailabletothosertudentsback- FBDB Increases Sales & Service ARMSTRONG pp SIGNS
having some computer back- Household Appliances
ground. business loans Hwy 86 east of Wingham Josephine St. 357.2450
CHEMICALS EAST WAWANOSH UW has been offering these in the six months ended Sept. Phone 519 357 3435 LS Emergency Service - See
.•-.„ "computer science days" to high 30th last the Federal Business / Box 56 Walkerton the Yellow Pages�� - N
school students for more than 12 Development Bank authorized
1 TOWNSHIP years. Last year, 8.500 students 1,410 loans for $SA.43U,000 to busi WRITING
from 227 Ontario high Schools nesses in Ontario in the same UPHOLSTERY
visited the campus. UW feels it is period a year ago the industrial
important to inform young people Development Bank. which FBDB ' THE "Dunn by Tom"
I wish to thank you for the vote of confi- about computers since in- succeeded on October 2nd, 1975, Let us make your old f rniture
dente you have given me in my acclamation creasingly, society is looking to approved 1.353 loans for a total • Truck lettering
the computing profession to solve, amount of $57.596,000 At Septi BETTER THAN NEW! ADVANCE -TIMES •Commercial Signs
for the next two year term. its information-processing pro- 30th, FBDB had $322,134,000 out
blems. standing in loans, investmettts,`�` For a free estim a and a • Show Cards
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Waterloo also permits high and guarantees to 8,210 custom- } 1 look at our newes samples
y y •Paper Posters
school students who have tom- ers in Ontario. �r � of materials call:
a Happy New Year. pleted grade 12 and who have a FRDB. a (Town corporation. -,, *Logos
working knowledge of FORTRAN assists the growth and creation of COOK UPHOLSTERY / •Illustrations
to enrol in one of its courses business enterprises across Can- Blyth, Ontario / 3 7-2320 Thoma: E. Dunn
(carrying one-half credit towards ada, particularly those of smaller ,S23-4272 1
SIMON P. HALLAHAN , a mathematics degree). Students size it provides, financial assist-
RB@Ve wishing to participate in this ante, management counselling, WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE RR 1 Bluevale
_ 335-6395
course must have the consent of management training, and in
their high school mathematics formation on government pro -
teacher and their principal. grams for husiness