The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-09, Page 8111-111111110 111111111111ioam Advance'TiqbW Dwember 9. im
dub W
Pasud away at St, Ildiaryps of N—In loving memory
Percy C. staintion, who passed ■
MOP"L Mkhmw, On TuNday, away two years ago, Nov. N,
Ift"WIm W Mfrs. Walter J. 1574.
8W""Illb of ftR 1, Wingham. in Wonderful memories of him so Ilemostimpo nt
Mier7ft year. Death followed a &w I a
*W iftellis. Am treasured ever with a love
Aft. ammands was the former sincere.
a save
Mft Mildred Falba, a daughter Still in our hearts he is living yet, ■
of Ow late James Faft and For we loved him too dearly to
8"PhOr"IR Duncan- She was born ever forget.
MAY 18, 1903 on the lith con- aleGLncity.
—Sadly missed and ever
alissi= of Turnberry Township remembered by wife Irene and
and received her elementary family.
education at Holmes School. She
wag a member of St. Paul's An- SELI—In loving memory of The demand for elec
glican Church• dear husband, James, who 4t tricity in Ontario reaches
Left to mourn her passing are passed away one year ago, Dec. 01 its peak early in the evening
her husband, whom she married 11, 1975• on cold winter weekdays.
On January 3, 1922, in Wingham; God looked around his garden
One son, Robert Simmonds Of And found an empty place, Between 4 and 7,
Fergus; three grandchildren, He then looked down upon this everyone's asking for elec-
Rosemarie, William and Dianne; earth, tricity. Many factories, stores
and five great-grandchildren; And saw your tired face.
and offices are still open.
also one brother, James Fallis Of He knew you were suffering,
RR 2, Wingham, and one sister, He knew you were in pain, -7 ,�f Street lights are on The kids
Mrs. Pearl Walls of London. He knew that you would never get 4. are home from school, parents
She was predeceased by one well,
home from work, evening
am, Delma, in infancy; three
Upon this earth again.
sisters, Ella, Gertrude and Isa- He put his arms around you meals are being prepared. And
bella; and one brother, Robert, And lifted you to rest. Wayne and Hugh Todd of St. yearling ram, first and fourth for In the market class, other the heating system has to
who died in France during World Helens had a very successful two ram lamb, second and third for ribbons won were third for pen of work harder. It all adds up.
—Sadly '�iiiissed and ever weeks at the Royal Winter Fair. yearling ewe, first and second for three lambs and fifth and sixth
War I. remembered by Wife, Adele.
The late Mrs. Simmonds rested They won the Freyseng trophy ewe lamb. for single wether lamb. Demands for electric -
for the best flock of four lambs Reserve Champion ribbons Wayne is pictured, centre re- ity have been increasing at a
at the R. A. Currie and Son ADAMS—In loving memory of a over all breeds, were won for both the ram and celving the Freyseng trophy for pace that can no longer be
Funeral Home where Rev. K. dear father and grandfather, Bill They also won the Champion ewe classes.
Barry Passmore conducted best pen of four lambs. On the left
funeral service on Friday, Adams, who passed away one Pen of ten lambs in the market First prize ribbons were also is John Freyseng and on the right met. The rate of growth must
December 3, at 3:30 p.m. Inter- year ago Dec. 11, 1975. class. taken for the flock of five lambs is the 1976 Sheep Queen. C�abe reduced.
We never ask for miracles, Other prizes were third for and flock of four lambs. Kneeling are men who assisted You can help by avoid-
ment followed in Wingham But today, just one would do.
Cemetery. in showing the lambs.
Pallbearers were George Fear, To have the front door open ins the big jobs like baking,
Elgin Johnston, Harold Case And see our Dad walk through.
washing and drying between
more, John Sproal, Howard We miss him in so many ways 4 and 7. Make sure that unused
Baker and Bill Cruikshank. We miss the things held say, lights, TVs and appliances are
Cheater Casemore and Niel And when old times we do recall Gorrie Personal Notes
Edgar carried floral tributes.
Its then we miss him most of all. Mrs. Earl Cudmore, Brussels Mrs. Alex Edgar on Sunday. ning Committee of the Synodical nljoff. Take it easy on the hot
—Always remembered and water.
and Rick Na
sadly missed by his family. y, Toronto, spent the Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of the Presbyterian Women's
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Missionary Society. Please do all you can
APPLEBY—In loving memory of Nay. Downey of Atwood on Sunday, Mrs., Burns Stewart returned to save electricity.
N. J. MacMurchy a dear wife, mother, grand_ William A. Smith underwent and called on Mrs. Webster Jack- home Thursday from Listowel
surgery in St. Joseph'*1
Josephs Hospital, lin, Listowel. Memorial Hospital. 0
mother, and great-grandmother, London, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vines,
Mrs. Ada L. Appleby who
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling, family, Heathcote, Mrs. Marilyn Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs.
dies- soddenly passed away December io, 1972. Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Connell and Carol Ann of Clinton Albert Dustow.
We cannot have the old days back
Norman J. MacMurchY, 62, of When we were all together, Ireland of Teeswater, Mr. and spent the weekend with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPher-
MOlesworth, passed away Dec. I But in our hearts you are here Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Gorrie Sheldon Mann and also visited son and family of Teeswater
in Wingham and District Hos- with us, and Mrs. Oliver Death, Weston Sheldon Mann in Listowel Memo- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
pital. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. rial Hospital. Irving Toner.
And will be forever.
Mr. MacMurchy, who moved to --Sadly missed and always Jack Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weber and
Molesworth in 1951, was born remembered by Reuben, Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar and were in Stratford Friday where family of Mildmay spent Sunday
April 30, 1914, the son of Donald nice, Wallace and family. family of Georgetown visited Mrs. Mundell attended the Plan- with Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Conserm energy.
MacMurchy and the former Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Thefuture,.��eenIIJs on it.
Ethel Davidson. on June 14y 1939, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Connor and
he married the former Anne Candle -lighting Nativity scene forms Roger Burchill were guests at the
Franklin in Collingwood. They Lappano-Aitken wedding in Kin -
resided in the Peterborough area cardine United Church on Satur-
before moving to Molesworth. service highlights centre. for worship day.
Mr. MacMurchy was in the ap-
Pliance repair business. He was a Christmas most FO.RDWICH — The general given by Mrs. S. Clarkson, "L
member of Molesworth Presby- meeting of the United Church' 'Heard the Bells on Christmaw",411�
terian Church and the 100F WHITECHURCH — "Goodwill I
Lodge. and Friendship" was the theme Women was the Christmas meet- Day". Mrs. Reid offered prayer 0 0
of an impressive candle -lighting ing, held in the church on Wed- and scripture was read respon-
He is survived by his wife; son nesday evening, Dec. 1. The
service which was part of the sively. Mrs. Ron Livermore sang
Don of RR 1, Ethel; daughters Christmas meeting of the local worship service was taken by The Coventry Carol as a solo. ervi e
Ethel (Mrs. Howard Baker), RR United
n I ited Church Women, meeting Mrs. Scott Clarkson, Mrs. Harold Mrs. H. Doig gave a medita- Direc ry
1, Listowel, Dale (Mrs. Robert mDoig, Mrs. Jack Reid and Mrs. tion, "The Festival of Christ -
Shaw), tl
Wheaey, Beth, (Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Lorne Dumin
rMel Penny, beside a lighted mas". A solo, "The Canadian
James Brophy), Niagara Falls, Wednesday of last week Nativity scene. Carol" by Mrs. Jack Wilson was FLOWERS COLLISION FUELS AUTOMOTIVE
and Donna (Mrs. Arthur Zulyo, Mrs. Garnet Farrier opened followed by Mrs. Penny reading a
Toronto; sisters Margaret (Mrs. the meeting with a piano selec- The worship opened with a solo, poem, "The Story of Christmas". Wedding
Sam Patterson), Tillsonburg, and tion and all joined in singing a "Star of the East" by Peggy Mrs. Clarkson closed the worship Al's C011ision BILL TIEPIN WINGHAM
Verna (Mrs. William Galloway), Christmas carol. Mrs. Farrier Schneider. The invocation was N Arrangements
Brantford; his step -mother, Mrs with prayer. Service 0 SERVICE
led in prayer and then read a par t- Imperial Esso Agent SUNOCO
Lillian MacMurchy, Colling-' tion of the Christmas story. Mrs. Elmer Harding presided Cut flowers Phone LICENSED MECHANIC
Following the reading of the for a brief business period. The a
wood; and eight grandchildren.g in unison, she can- roll call was answered with a Plants 357-2206O UNDERCOATING &
He was predeceased by a' Gifts presented or all your Rome and RUSTPR00F1 , NG
brother. tinued with the story. Christmas thought. Thank you Flowers by CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Farm Fuel and COMPLETE CAR &
Mrs. Dave Gibb Ii notes were read from Mr. and
Funeral services were held t the first by friends Complete Body Work Lubricating Needs TRUCK SERVICE
Saturday, Dec. 4 at the Robert candle of goodwill and Mrs. S. Mrs. Lorne Siefert and Mrs. Inez Wore Service and Painting 357.1032
Trench Funeral Home in Listo- Wardrop sang the Huronia Indian GORRIE — Friends from the Gibson. Arrangements were Frame and Rust Repair
wel, with Rev. Ian Johnston of Carol. Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm old neighborhood called on Mr. made to remember the shut-ins. LEWIS Prop. Ken Leitch
Exeter officiating. Pallbearers then lit the second candle, sym- and Mrs. Max Bell, who recently At this point the ladies were in- ' Also Insurance Claims PLUMBING ,HEATING Phone
bolic of goodwill and friendship to moved to Gorrie. A social eve- vited to the Sunday school room FLOWERS CONC. 2, MORRIS TWP. :157-IS.A NIGHT357-3585were Gordon Moore, Harry 'Hwy. 86
Holmes, James Smith, Dave Canadian Indians and Eskimos. ning followed, including euchre which was lovely with lighted 135 Frances 1st Morris
Simpson, Lawson Doig, and Bill Mrs. Lloyd Whytock lit the and other games. tree and tea tables decorated for Phone Leroy Jackson
Mitiabell. third candle for goodwill and Ken Galbraith gave the ad- Christmas. Here a Christmas 3: 49 and Morris 6�nd —Plumbing CONSTRUCTION
Interment ent was at Molesworth friendship to French Canadians dress and Mr. and Mrs. Bell were program had been arranged in 357-3880 1
Cemetery• and for good feeling toward all presented with a clock and a which everyone had a reading to —Heating
new Canadians. Mrs. Russell swag lamp. Max and Anna ex- give, interspersed with the most SALES AND SERVICE INSURANCE —Tinsmithing
Chapman lit the fourth candle. pressed their appreciation. loved Christmas carols and each T. M. 9 T.
jCThe fifth candle of goodwill and The enjoyable evening closed one had a tiny candle which was 191 Josephine St.
ljnnlng UM friendship was lit by Mrs. Fred Osed lighted from the central candles. A i
h Tiffin, for new Canadians whose with lunch, served by Mrs. Cecil Lunch- was served by the after- CANADA Wingham 357-2904CONSTRUCTION
homes were destroyed by war. CullenMrs. Lorne Mann, Mrs. noon unit consisting of heated CUP CK . (;ineral Contractors
Tack Hoose William Bennett, Mrs. Gerald All types of concrete work
Brewer and Mrs. Ken Galbraith. and tea.
Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw then lit spiced apple juice, sandwiches SWEATERS ELECTRICAL
We are well stocket the sixth candle signifying now available All Types of Pit Silos
for all your Christmas love and Mrs. Farrier at. Home and form building
CHRISTMAS read "Love Came Down at Insurance
Christmas". All read in unison Pletch •Electric CALL BOB THOMPSON
GIFT/NG! 335-3525 357-2636 BLUEVALE, ONTARIO
"Our Lord's Summary of the Winqham
English&Western Law" and Mrs. Farrier read the WRRIX WINGHAM 357-349:1
Nunc Dimittis from Luke's Gos- PIRO S COMMERCIAL WIRING
Hats. Boots pel. POOLS, ETC.
.Bolo Ties Interspersed throughout the 14 old S PORT Also Rural and Domestic
.Neckerchiefs candle -lighting ceremony were 177 Main St Listowel, Ontario Askes Brothers
Belts Cards various Christmas carols which Phone 357-1583 CONSTRUCTION
coincided with each theme. x I 'L SwilIuming Cottages, Homes
Everything Mrs. George Thompson read Pools Additions & Renovation,
J'or your horse. two Christmas stories from The Lynn Hey
Drop in and Observer and Mrs. Farrier con- low Above and Below BURKE ELECTRIC 357-3053
ducted a contest which was won Enterprises Ground- Electrical Contractors Wingham
look around by Mrs. Wardrop. The roll call Complete Line of Motor Rewind and Ph: 528-2726
the shop. was answered by 12 giving a t Honda and Skidoo Pool Chemicals Sales Box 122, luck now
Christmas verse. Sales & Service
Call Mrs. Whytock was presented ARMSTRONG Household Appliances SIGNS
881-1153 with a gift by Mrs. Millan Moore. HWy 86 east of Wingham
She thanked the ladies for their Phone 519 357 3435 CHEMICALS Josephine St. 357-2450
then we'll he home. Emergency Service - See
gift and kindness in remem- Box 56 Walkerton the Yellow Pages
boring her. Mrs. Durnin closed
CUNNINGHAM the meeting with prayer. SIGN
Tack House A birthday tea followed and an UPHOLSTERY
20 Brown St. Walkerton exchange of gifts not over 30 WRITING
cents in value.Let us make your old furn . iture' THE "Dunn by Tom""
BETTER THAN NEW! ADVANCE -TIMES 0 Truck Le nsa free estimate and a * Comm*rcial Signs
look of our newest samples * Show Cards
of materials call: 0 Paper Posters
Meet your friends at the Manor *L000s
< COOK UPHOLSTERY 6111ustrations
Hotel this weekend December Blyth, Ontario 3 7-2320
WINGHAM'S SANTA CLAUS parade was led by the 523-4272 Thomas E. Dunn"
9, 10, 11 to hear. . . Wingham Junior Citizens. The J -Cs were instrumental in
organizing one of the 'biggest and best' parades ever held in WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE RR I Bluevale
LESBROWN TRIO Wingham and the youngsters of the town and area watched
as it proceeded along Josephine Street Saturday afternoon.