The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-02, Page 80
1 Advance -Times, December 3, 1M
display of crafts. An afidiaa Mote than 160.000 was paid to
made by thq members was watt-. aAdm and Northwest TUTHOdU
x ' by Marg Willis of Frances Street; prospectors in 1974 by the fedwal
• • ,, v '` 'r the draw was made by Mia government under the terns of
• t — w e d d' n ` ~ '� ' ` Y�anpe Mc>Phersou. its Prospectors' Assistance Pro-
S es H d ins
O O g x� The sale was a great success. gram.
St. Paul's Anglican Qiucrh, high mapd>i<rin collar, the bib ei- ley played the asap during the
A. Ripley. was the setting for the fact front and the high midriff ceremony. While the register was ;
'� beautifuluniting Mavts were covered with crystal geor being signed, she played "We've
Am Ih'ance.and David gette overlay detailed with white Only Just Begun".
Clark Stokes. The church pews rosea and edged with ruffled lace. The bride's mother wore a
TO HaV0060 were decorated with Yell" b"s She wore a pearled Juliet cap floor -length two-piece jacket
and white daisies. The front of the from which fell a four -tiered dress of yellow patterned floral
church was enhanced in a setting shoulder -length veil of French or- sheer polyester over black. Her
alt candelabra, arrangements of ganza tulle, accessories were black and her
bronze mums, yellow daisies and The bride's dress was made by corsage was a delicate yellow or -
white carnations accented with her aunt and enhancing her dress chid. The groom's mother wore a
baby's breath and ivy. Candles of she wore her grandmother's gold floor -length three -tiered dress of
copper and yellow were alter- pearled locket. She carried her mauve and pink polyester sheer
nated throughout. mother's white lace -covered over white. Her accessories were *'
The wedding took place ap Bible with a cascade of red rose- gold and she wore a corsage of
Saturday, October 9, at seven buds, stephanotis, ivy, baby's pink Sweetheart rosea.
o'clock in the evening. breath and streamers of rose- A reception for family and
THIS EMBLEM 1S THE The bride is the daughter of Mr. buds. friends was held at the Wingham
SIGN OF GOOD BUSI- and Mrs. Nelson Hodgins of Rip- Maid of honor was the bride's Legion Hall with music by the
NESS AND GOOD ley. The groom is the son of Mr. sister, Kerry Hodgins, and Moran Brothers. Master of cere-
FRIENDS. and Mme• Arthur Stokes of RR 2, bridesmaids were Mrs. Lorraine monies was Donald McLay, a
Wingham. Rev. George Garratt Foxton, friend of the bride, and friend of the bride's family. 1
For information call: of Lucknow united the two in a Mrs. Mary Ann Stacey, sister of Guests were present from
357-3275 moble -ring ceremony. the groom. The attendants wore Brantford, Paris, St. George,
Phone Given in marriage by her par- identically -styled gowns of rust Port Elgin, Wheatley, Toronto, 4F
ents, the bride looked radiant in a jersey knit, A-line style with Woodstock, Mildmay, Teeswater, t, w
princess -styled gown of snow shoestring straps and a back key- Wingham, Wiarton, Lucknow and
white polyester crepe with rose hole effect. They were topped Ripley. Honored guests were Mr.
tt��UU ��UU,,UUJJ pattern detailed throughout. The with small high -collared rust and Mrs. Calvin Smith, aunt and
wrist -length sleeves were closed capes. uncle of the bride; and Walter Photo By Ward Robertson
with dainty pearl buttons. The The attendants carried arm Needham, formerly of Ripley, a
bouquets of bronze mums, yellow very dear friend of the Hodgins
daisies, white carnations, with family.
accents of baby's breath and ivy. Prior to the wedding the bride•
The bouquets were tied with wide was honored at showers given by Malt an Women's Inst.
Nursery Nook yellow velvet ribbon. Janice and Kerry Hodgins; and
Best man was Malcolm Mac- Helen Moore who hosted a speaker talks on metrics
Palmerston Lead and ushers. were Randy friends' shower in Ripley; Lor -
SPECIALS Foxton and Ken Skinn. All are raine Foxton who hosted a P
friends of the groom. They wore friends' shower in Wingham; and Guest speaker Murrayc- McLennan's assis a and all
$ 1 99 c melcolored jackets with dark at a community shower in Ripley. Y tafie
Maternity Briefs .......................... 2 pr. 1 b�wn velvet trim and dark Foca wedding trip to Niagara Lerman introduced metrics to the plan to use metrics more often.
$ 99 brown trousers. The groom wore Falls, the bride chose a two-piece members of the Maitland Mrs. Hubbard thanked the
Maternity Nylons ......................... 2 pr. 2 Women's Institute when hes spoke matching camel -colored trousers pant outfit of forest green with co -Po speaker and presented him with a
Maternity Support Nylons .................. 2 pr. $700 with dark brown trim. Their ordinating striped turtleneck. at the Education and Cultural small gift.
boutonnieres were yellow carna- She chose a yellow rose corsage. Activities meeting. He was intro- President Mabel Jacklin pre-
Maternity$The couple now resides at RR 3, duced by program convener sided for the opening exercises.
Slips ...........................only 250 tions edged with ivy. Wingham. Janet Hubbard after the Ode and The minutes of the last meeting
15% OFF a l I s ho rt and long Mrs. Wayne Armstrong of Rip g Mary Stewart Collect opened the were read and approved. A train -
meeting. ing school for quilting was an -
maternity dresses. Mr. McLennan showed many nounced and two volunteers were
advantages of the metric system. chosen to attend. They will offer
Hurry ! Sale ends December 4, 1976 Arena plans t o I n c I u d e He explained the importance of an open meeting to teach the pub -
not trying to convert metrics into lic when they return.
the British measures. The Last-minute arrangements for
ramps for wheelchairs speaker gave each member a Saturday's bazaar were made
work sheet and explained the dif- and plans were discussed for the
In spite of inclement weather, all the members, Elaine Town- ferent measures. The ladies then special Christmas meeting.
15 ALPHA members gathered at shend thanked him for his in used their knowledge as they Lunch was served by Mrs. Hub -
the home of Mary Scott in Wing- terest and support. measured parts of their body in bard.
Iham on Tuesday evening last Lunch was served by Shirley metrics. It was the first time On Saturday, the group held its
I ( week. Sallows, assisted by Bessie many of them had used eenti- Poinsettia Tea and Bake Sale.
Mary Scott reported she had Townshend and Lloyd Scott. meters. There was a large variety of
received unofficial confirmation Mary and Iloyd were thanked for The members appreciate Mr. baked goods and an interesting
I that the Wingham arena will be opening their home to the group.
I accessible to wheelchair spec- Because of the busy season, the
tators. A ramp will lead to a December meeting was can -
heated viewing area protected by celled. The next meeting is Hospital Auxepurchases
plexiglas, and a washroom, Will sci}eduled for Tuesday, Janui�avy
be made large enough to • ac- 25 at 8 p.m. in the Homesville • •
commodate wheelchairs. She school. An invitation to through patrent amts-I�ft chair
ilmmmoBpn promised to continue her efforts will again be extended through
to obtain an official statement, the media.
Elaine Townshend informed Anyone wanting information re Mrs, Ross Procter demonstrat in Christmas goodies.
Paul's the group of donations received ALPHA Huron may contact theed and ambu4ife chair when Mrs. Daisy Connell reported
St. from the Exeter and Centralia following: in Clinton, Elaine members of the Hospital Auxil-
UCWs. Phyllis Cox was named Townshend at 482-3073; in Goder p that at this time there are e
y iary met in the hospital confer- Candy Stripers working in the
(ANGLICAN) secretary -treasurer. ich, Mary Howell at 5244%42; in ence room on Monday afternoon hospital.
The iminutes of the executive Brussels, Pat and Ralph Watson of last week. The chair is now in Mrs. Don Vair reported on the
WI N G H A M and general meetings of the at 887-6236; and in Exeter, Marg- the hospital on approval and the conference in Goderich and Mrs.
United Handicapped Groups of aret Small at 235 2418. Auxiliary, after seeing its many Robert Ahara reported on the an -
Rev: T. K. Hawthorn, Rector Ontario, held in Oshawa, were uses, agreed to purchase the nual convention held in the Royal
studied. A motion was passed to chair at a cost of ;1,674. York Hotel, Toronto.
Mrs. Diane Matisz, Organist acquire a copy of the "Declare- The meeting opened with the
Mrs. Harper English has now
and Choir Leader tion on the Rights of the Dis- Auxiliary prayer and a welcome completed lovely new Christmas
abled", passed by the U.N. in /� decorations which are brighten -
February, DKEJI116ER 5 � /�p�,dCbT.aC� by Mrs. Procter. The minutes of gh
February, 1976. the September luncheon were mg the hospital corridors. Fol -
Advent 2 Mary Howell submitted a y �� read and adopted, as was the lowing the close of this meeting
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion newspaper clipping citing the the members with her help,
11:00 a.m.—Hol Communion success of the "traffic bell' in —Weekend visitors with Mrs. treasurers report. The social P.
y committee will be in charge of made Christmas corsages and
Thursday, Dec. 2—ACW meeting at the home of Hamilton. The bell is al of the
Greet, w Johnston, Catherine the spring bridge luncheon to be boutonnieres for hospital pa-
nized with the walk signal of the Street, were Mrs. Reg Peacock tients.
Mrs. Audrey MacKay, 1:45 p.m. ' held in the council chambers on
traffic light near the CNIB head- Ruth and Nancy of Thornton, Mr. Lunch was served b
Thurs., Dec. 2—Euchre party in parish hall, and Mrs. Jack Johnston, David May 2. Y the social
8:30 p.m. quarters. committee at the close of the
Bert Sootheran announced the and Donna of St. Pauls. The annual meeting of the
i Brownies meet every Monday after school availability of films loaned by the —Members of the Wingham Auxiliary will be held Monday, meeting.
Girl Guides meet every Tuesday 7:00 p.m. CNIB, and he also mentioned the Junior Citizens attended the wor- Jan. 24, starting at six o'clock
possibility of having W. Kennedy, ship service in St. Andrew's with a pot luck supper. •
di t dm' ' t t f CNIB Presb terian Church on Sunda
College Corners
Highway 86 - west of Listowel
Open Daily 9:00.5:30. Friday 9:00 - 9:00
PHONE "I .4n9
Homemade Baking
Christmas cake, pudding and dainties etc.
Pickles and Jams
Handmade Gifts and Decorations'
Craft Supplies
-41 Styrofoam
Planks, eggs and balls, etc.
Silverwoods"Deluxe" a $159
ICE CREAM SAVE 50c 2 Litres
2 Dozen Size 175 $100
Clark's 14 oz.
PORK & BEANS 2/751
Royale 2 Roll Pkg.
Dad's 16 oz. Choc. Chip, Oatmeal, or Coconut
Feature Price
24 - l0 oz. Cans l
Red Rose 1 Ib. . -9
All Purpose
COFFEE $1,89 9
Heinz Tomato or -
Vegetable 10 oz. Cans
S/ $100
Reg. or All Beef
WIN `G�9� �.
a $25 gift i 25.00
certificate at 56 r J0.11roe
Fruit Market.
Fill out the `
ballot below zs /�"'vtncw�n ,+carr tu�uer
and deposit .,+r -_ `'
in our store. `�`
6*•Address ............................. 0 4
• Phone ..................................• .
Draw to be held Saturday,
December 18
stnc a ams ra or o 1 y y Mrs. Bill Forsyth reported on
Wl N G H AM BAPTIST as a guest speaker at a future morning. Two members also took the gift case. Many delightful r O O ��
meeting. It was decided to plan a part in the service, Christie T��j�special meeting for the spring in Lewis reading the New Testa- stuffed animals, toys and gifts ¢ h1L lh— Lmwf
CHURCH were brought by the members for SHIRLEY S
which Mr. Kennedys attendance ment lesson And Pat Orien telling ill shower and wbe on sale at r ` r "� n
might coincide with a film. about the work of the Juniors. the sf�cX the yaS of wm,,,r T �st�,� �•t
Ross Smith —Pastor A guest at the meeting was ReV• R. H. Armstrong spoke the Christmas Fair to be held in
CKNX Radio and TV personality, about "An Understanding Per the hospital lobby December 3
10:00 a.m.—Sunda School Jim Swan, who advised "setting son" in his sermon. This Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. •song and Short Dresses
Y Draws for door prizes will be
goals is essential for any group." the sacrament of the Lord's Sup- P
11:0 a.m.—Mornin Service made during the day and there *Slacks and Sweaters
• g He urged ALPHA to continue per will be observed at St. An- y.k
7:00 p.m.—Evening Servie�a pursuing its goals. On behalf of drew's. will be a bake table specializing MEN �F
*r `�.� ,�- .� •Blouses
A Young People's Choir from London, under the
direction of Doug Thomson, will be singing in the
morning service.
Prayer and Bible Study
8:00 p.m.—Wednesday Evening
Junior Church is conducted weekly for
children under the age of seven.
Pastor Office
Ronald Baker 359 Centre Street 357-1340
'Sunday School 10 A.M. Wednesday 8 P.M.
Morning Worship I 1 A.M. Prayer R Bible Study
Ewrtktg EvonOelistk Service 7 P.M.
Friday 8 P.M.
Family Night
*For free bus tronsportetion call 357.1310
TROT: •'If you how tried to do something and foiled, you
ere vastly better off than if you had tried to do
nothing and succeeded."
GETTING SOME CRAFTS ready for the Wingharn Adult Workshop's sale to be held
December 4 are from left, Bill Kirton, Diny Veldhorst, Mary Lee Rooney and John
Jouwsma who are working on basket weaving. The sale of crafts will be open before,
r during and after the Santa Claus parade and manager Esther Cantelon Is hoping 'citizens
will keep this in mind.
'•' *Handbags
I ` •Belts
*Elegant Silver Jewelery
•Junior "Rebel" Denim
Sizes 5 - 15
jrr -
Misses sizes 7�2�4 V,
WIN a"30 Gift Certificate
for yourself or os a great present
I House of Fashion I
I I '
House of Fashion l Telephone j I
Josephine St. Draw will be held on j
Wingham, Ontario I 4 ---- Saturday, December 18, 1976