The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-25, Page 13�X 4V
Ancs N so N H c,
swap A page of editorial opinion Thursday, November 25
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Pr mise forfuture;New Books
o t e, -'..:,
�F , , ;:: %" , ,,,�/,; .:�' in the Library
W This would seem to be the year of the imagination provide the leadership
surprise elections. Jimmy Carter won an which this town needs at the present time. If
unexpected victor in the U.S. residential she wishes to be taken seriously she would do , r .,
y P well to seek a council seat before asking for
race and Rene Levesque managed to stun g m) R( IRF d { FED DEPT of • °'` is a JiO�' las wok. It
the Canadian public by his landslide v!ct^ votes as '. aye. 'r This is the author's last book. it
.,ry maye. � VVIR-1 1 V q� is the story of Dolores Ryan, wv
In Quebec. Obvious) the public is carnia to
Y P g The councillors who will retire at the end " , AARDVARK COUROL beautiful and fashionable yowo�
new Images. Rv Q r.::; '. widow of an assassinated Ankd-
of this term deserve a sincere word of thanks �ll' 1 �1 1 NAUSE `:
The list of nominees for town council In + can president. After his death
g g from the community, Most of those who are - �ItY ROT MEM,VN is Dolores lis herself toopoor to
Wingham is following the same trend. For n' �1%�Q ING, �>;::;;;:::the first time in man g Pleaving have s vel our town fpr several K('MI N �QT111 1Ry years a sizeable rou IIV1 11�1N 13; f rf sustain her extravaganttastes
of younger people will have their names Years and the have served well. The S and ley fulSlled as a
general public ti ..largely unaware of the ASTER MAR�
placed on the ballot for the December 6'""
election. � time, and sometimes the patience, which TLY,
�'. � .- gwo�mmia. The novel detat4 her
this tunic each member of the local council "must be JOSE formono and for men.
Personally, we welcome s oppor y '
prepared to devote to the office. We elect HUSMHDAYAy�mw Jack Hig-
to inject new blood into municipal politics. them and then promptly forget about themarei4g" byHopefully the voters will choose to retain at until we ha n to have a rsonal beef ofGer-
least two of the candidates who have councll happen the nova `�°
experience, but a broad choice remains some kind. mans, British, prisoners, fisb-
among the newcomers and we believe that We must also acknowledge with rati- i; <:;If'>
wives and admirals —all are
4 drawn together in the desperate
our next council cannot help but be a lively lade the willingness of the late Jack R avie, ...
one. who died duringthe past year, while he was ;'+ ; '.'.:<: striuggleagainatman soldest and
Two candidates are in the running for mayor of the town. He stepped into the g.,,<?._:;.x *.. :...:; most impeccable foe, the sea, as
Jack Higgins, author .of `The
tt t t t h it that no one else was ;>-::>::>::>.:»::;; :><:::: »>::<:::::<:;>.:::::::::.::::.::::::::.;•....:::::>:;:.:.:::::._::::.`.'»:.::::
he office of mayor an impor an post a breach when appeared a e s t.::::::;.;;,.;;;,:,::
• :<>.::;►;:;:;:;::;;;::;; <:;: eagle has landed",once mon
any time and especially so in the next two prepared to do so and carried on until illnessof
demonstrates his mastery
ears when outstanding events will take forced him into hospital. Jack was devoted toscale.
<:>:<': <>:«:<::>: storytelling on a grand
place in and close to Wingham. B!II Walden his town and served us faithfully. *<:«:>:::«<:»:<.a<:;<::::>
has experience on council and a record of To those younger le who will be b
Pe Y 9 PSP Mrs. Flannaghan s trumpet y,
successful business achievement. Mrs. elected we ser Go to it! We need young ''4>i`;:,1:;«:;::;: Cookson.
Y Y 4 9 >s:>::>:::»<>:<:::<•*•::•crass#� /�`� Catherine
Bailey is arsowhom we admire for her and fresh ideas in a world w ich is changing.,' This is an adventure that only
to make herself heard In the so rapidly, and we need rhe energy and t°`.. '' ;,� 4 Catherine Cookson could hav
community, could not b an stretch of vitality which only the young possess. :w�:::< ss<�`:•r �� . ":<:� .:. written, rich with the tangy flav-
Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 P �"
or of life filled with racy, believ-
{ able characters, and set in a
fQ: -'ltir':i
' recognizable, four-square world
of hard work, danger, bravado
- .:; ... ::: .. '{,, fair,",.y '�'• ;+f•
.. and cool courage
Yes,iustice is -blind
"Oh yeah:' My department can out -spend your department!"- The autobiography -_of my
mother" by RoseBrown.
There is a frequently -used quotation Nevertheless the apparently unfair r
which says, "The law is an ass." Despite our decision was only one of many similar cases of
A moving, powerful
l noovelvet,,full
insight and surprise, about the
need for an ordered society, the rules by which are resolved the same way in any confrontation between a mother
which we govern ourselves do, at times, given year. It should provide food :fore and daughter ... between two
-appear to be totally stupid. thought on the part of parents. If yourItems f s women, each 1n her own way
Take the case of the Montreal man who youngster happens to take out the familyNews rom extraordinary.
left his car ata garage for repairs. One of the car, even without your permission, you could
mechanics took the car out for a drive find yourself in serious trouble should an NOVEMBER 1929 force and. has since been prepar- to Ottawa where Mr. mith' has Miss Sharon Thomson, daugh- "Sleeping Murder", Miss Mar -
without the owner's knowledge and his trip accident occur. The court will probably find The apathy and indifference ing for a position in an air crew as been employed for the past few ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thom- pie's last case, by Agatha
resulted in a fatal accident. The owner of the that you did not take adequate precautions to manifested .by the citizens of a gunner. months. scan of town, was one of 16 grad- Christie.
vehicle was held jointly responsible and a insure that no accident could occur. Wingham at the nomination pro- Stan Sibthorpf_k►as purchased Kinloss Township was the uates to receive her diploma at a A vintage Christie, written —
Quebec judge ordered that he pay half of the The same reasoning applies to those who ceedings is not complimentary to the Carson house on Victoria scene of much activity during the ceremony at Victoria Hospital, like "Curtain" — some thirty
$6,000 damage award. trespass on your property. For example, if a the men who have served them in Street where Horace Aitchison past week. Road machinery was London. Miss Thomson has com- years ago, and, alas, her last.
This case brings up a fine point in law, total stranger approaches your door, and in the past year, nor does it lend now lives. brought in and has been used to pleted a two-year course for
one that is unknown to most people. The the process carelessly falls off your front much encouragement for any The Presbyterian manse, Blue- build a new road from the 4th of radiological technicians at St. "A Toronto Album" by Michael
owner of thk car, through his lawyer, steps and breaks his collarbone he may sue new men to offer their services. vale, was the scene of a quiet Kinloss to the 2nd of Culross, cut- Thomas Egin Hospital. Filey.
All offices were filled b ac- wedding when Rev. F. G. -Fowler ti out the two sharpturns in The photographs in this book
contended that since he had not given you —and he may win. y g g q Following complaints at a portray pub -
permission for the mechanic to drive the The fact that you didn't ask him to come clamation. Thomas Fells is united in marriage Sadie Stokes, this road. This will be quite an g P rtra scenes of street and
vehicle on the street, .it was, in fact, stoleli. will probably be disregarded in court. If it mayor; J. W. McKibbon reeve. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omar improvement. recent town council meeting that liclife; they show what it was like
The judge's decision, however, was that the can bey roven that our front steps Councillors are C. R. Wilkinson, Stokes, Glenannan, and William The King Department Store, mail service to and from Wing- living in Toronto over the years
P Amos Tipling, R. A. Spotton, H. Alexander Tiffin of Wingham. one of the largest and best-known ham is so inconvenient as to cre- from 1860 to 1940, and illustrate
owner had left the car in the hands of the presented any sort of hazard you are in B Elliott, James McGillavray Mr. Blackstone of Owen Sound places of business in Wingham, ate a hardship for business firms, how theurban fabric and en -
mechanic or his employer, along with the trouble. Can you imagine the extent of your and Henry Diment. was in thissdistrict on Monday was sold on Monday to Edighof- officials of the Post Office de- vironment has changed — often
keys, and was thus equally to blame. liability should a neighbor's child drown in W M. Henry of Belgrave conferring with the trustees of SS fers of Mitchell and Paisley. The partment visited the town and beyond recognition. "The Tor -
Injustice, you may say, and we agree. your backyard swimming pool? climbed to the top of the class No; 6, East Wawanosh, about the present manager, Lloyd Ellacott, discussed the situation with sev-" onto Album" will appeal to any -
with his Oxford Down ewe lamb, sale of a piano which they have will continue in this position era] local businessmen. A review one interested in the evolution of
winning first in a class of 22 purchased for the school and under the new ownership. of the entire mail schedule is at one of the world's fastest growing
lambs and later winning, the which is to be delivered this Over 200 citizens of Wingham present underway and it is under- cities.
championship from the Fleming week. were at the town hall for the stood that proposals were made
.estate. Mr. Henry also won the Cardinal Villeneuve, Arch- nomination meet' one of the by v'hich the present major in- end'n big end of the Dorset prizes. bishop of Quebec, said in a com- best -attended meetings in recent conveniences would be relieved. Canada North now'' by Farley
One wag The highway from Kippen to munique that bingo games are il- years. DeWitt Miller was elected Mowat.
Mrs. V. Ducharme was elected Few people have written al�olit
Clinton was paved this year and legal and declared that they are mayor by acclamation but there the new president of the Ladies' the Arctic with as much depth
Religious differences always seem to In the process of stopping the civil war there are excellent hopes that the "expressly forbidden in all will be an election for councillors- Auxiliaryto the Royal Canadian
breed the most deadly of all wars. For two the Syrians may decide to take over- Lebanon road from Clinton to Wingham parochial and other works" in Y and urgency as Farley Mowat
y g P In the competition are Charles „
years or more Christians and Moslems in permanent) but even so, that might be will be taken over next. Quebec's archdiocese. Legion. Other officers are Mrs. has. Canada North now" pre
y, 9 Crossett, Elmer Wilkinson, Earl Jack Gorrie, Mrs. Cy Robinson, seats a new and alarming assess -
Lebanon have been slaughtering one another better than the present unending butchery. A 17 -acre property on the lake Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce and E. Hamilton, Frank Howson,
with total ferocity — a strange way, indeed, Syria's action brings up the question of front near Kintail has been o6; family have moved to their new Athol Purdon, Robert A. Powell, Mrs. Stewart Mrs.
jytki, Mrs. meet of the critical state of
to exemplify the teachings of a loving God! why the United Nations has never used the tioned by the. Presbyterian home near Belgrave. W. J. Burgman, H. P. Carmich- Loyd Carter, Harold
R ss. Strong the Canadian north. Looking into
same effective method to end the man Church for a summer cam and o -0—o and Mrs. Harold Ross. the government's management
y p eel, Norman Keating and Yvonne of the human and environmental
In the process they have all but conflicts it has sought to resolve. Canadian training school for the Synod of McPherson. Mayor R. S. Hetherington was
9 NOVEMBER 1952 resources in this vast territory,
destroyed the beautiful city of Reirut and forces have been stationed in Cyprus for Hamilton and London. It is pro- Reeve Murray Johnson, who is Dick Procter was elected presi- returned by acclamation at the Mowat finds Canada guilty of
have killed thousands of innocent men, years, standing between Greeks and Turks Posed to establish a chain of such at present employed in London, dent of the Morris Federation of town nomination meeting. Also poor judgement, confused mo -
women and children. Repeated efforts by to prevent bloodshed. Would it not have been camps across the Dominion for has announced that he has no in- Agriculture at the annual meet- returned by acclamation were tives, lack of direction and, most
other nations to negotiate a settlement have wiser to bring in enough UN forces in the the training of Sunday School tention of beinga candidate in the in held in Belgrave. Jim Mair is Reeve Roy Adair, and councillors
g g shamefully, a massive betrayal
failed. A dozen times cease-fire agreements first place to scare the pants off both sides teachers, Boy Scout troops, Tuxis next municipal election. This is vice-president- Gordon Buchanan, Warren Cal- of her reasonable obligations as a
have been reached, but the old hatreds have and end the trouble once and for all? Boys' groups and CGIT groups. Murray's sixth year as reeve and Johnston Farrish of Gorrie has ian, Len Crawford, G. W. Cruick- nation. It is the author's reason -
flared anew. If the United Nations could agree on the The County Bridge at Wroxeter he had served eight years as a enlisted with the Royal Canadian shank, D. C. Nasmith and Al Wil- ant call to arms, a crusading ap-
was opened for traffic after in Hams.
The'only possible solution has come over basic concept that the part of the world councillor prior to that. Navy and will be posted to Corn- peal to halt the progressing de -
the horizon in the form of the Syrian army. which is at peace will not tolerate war The new chapel at the Wing- Wallis, Nova Scotia. Wingham switched over to the struction.
was washed out in April by s 18 0 — 0 — 0 new dial telephone last
Troops, tanks and guns have been moved anywhere there might be some reasonable 94 former steel bridge erected in ham Cemetery was dedicated on P Y
into the ruins of the city such numbers that hope for the future of the world. However, as the high water. Sunday in a brief service. The NOVEMBER 1962 week. The business office for the -Pressed Flower Pictures" bo
neither r the combatants dare disobey the long as members of the UN continue to Rev. H. G. Whitfield, pastor of chapel is a dignified building of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Scott new system is located at Owen Pamela McDowall.
edict to stop the fighting — or get blown to supply arms to the smaller nations we might St. Helens and Whitechurch Unit- red brick, erected at the north were honored at a farewell party Sound. Your not have to a able to
bits. as vel I forget about a lasting era of goodwill. � Churches, has resigned to take side of the cemetery grounds. in the�5'itone School on the second draw or paint and you can create
e church a Michigan. Mrs. P. C. "Stainton was instal- line of Mo[ris. Mr. and Mrs} Scott Delivery of the condenser to the something beautiful, using ma-
churcCounty Old Age Pension led as Worthy Matron of Huron have moved to Brussels.',' Douglas Point Nuclear Power terials which are free — flowers,
Huron Board met County
consider reports Chapter, No. 89, Order of the Foundations have been laid on Station marks,the start of a new grasses, stalks, ferns, garden
from the Department on reom- Eastern Star. Other officers are two buildings, the change house phase in construction at the site. weeds and wild flowers. Clear
A thousand answers enmendations forwarded. The local J Fox, Mrs. M. Davis, James at the Riverside pool and the The steam condenser is the first how -to-do photographs and plates
board has recommended 251 ap-
Walpole, Mrs. f. A. Currie, Mrs. apartment building on Edward piece of major equipment to be illustrating Miss McDowall's
plications in full at en per month, W. C. Adams and Mrs. J. Reavie. Street N. Fine weather has been delivered. Delivery and installa- work will inspire all readers to
30 half tE1per monthMr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and of great assistance to workmen tion of equipment will continue start making their own pictures
on rate at ,
One thing produced by the Quebec there could be trouble. fainily, Carling Terrace, moved on these projects. throughout 1963. at once.
election and the victory of the Separatist Reinforced by the results of the vote, the three at $13.75 per month and one
Parti Quebecois is plenty of comment. No Quebec gervernment would then tell its at $10.50 per month. Of these, four
other single event in the est ten ears, with were disallowed at Toronto.
g P Y citizens to refuse to pay their income tax to 5 +k>
the exception of the Olympic Games, has the federal treasury. The next logical step I>
given rise to more words, both spoken and would be for the federal government to Donna VanCamp, a student of y�
printed. assess penalties and later fines for non -pay- TODAYS CHILD
SS No. 5, Morris Township, h
There is nothing we can add in the way of ment. If the fines were not forthcoming the speaking on Winston Churchill, �` M
opinions about what is to happen in Quebec only Alternative would be to start sending the won first place in the junior divis >`£��
or what the consequences may be for the rest Mounties in to make arrests. ion of the public speaking contest BY HELEN ALLEN r' .5 s
of Canada. One interesting exercise in At that point the showdown would be all at the session of Huron County
speculation, however, lies in the possibility staged. Somebody would have to back down Council. Bernard Cummings of
— or start reaching for rifles. the same school took second in 1' 1�'
that a referendum in that province might 9 � ,
show that a majority of Quebecers are in As we have said before, armed conflict the spme class. I `
favor of separating from confederation. seems unthinkable, but the situation has all Mrs. O. G. Anderson of East
From that point on, we wonder what might the makings of possible insurrection. It is an Wawanosh was re-elected presi- David is 10, a handsome boy with medium -brown hair, A" `
occur. almost exact parallel for the events which dent of the United Farm Women dark eyes and the lovely smile you see.
led to the American civil war. It is, indeed, of Ontario at the annual meeting He is healthy, though inclined to develop psychomatic
If the federal government simply said, more pleasant to believe that a majority of illnesses such as headaches and stomach pains when under; ,
g P y P j y of the women's section of the stress. He is athletic and well co-ordinated, doing extremely �
"Never mind what you want. You people are voters in Quebec would not vote for United Farmers of Ontario at well in an advanced gymnastic class. He's a good skater and �
still a part of this nation and we will not separation — but with another couple of Toronto. swimmer With no fear of heights climbing is a challenge to
recognize your desire to go your own way," years of urging, don't count on it. In the enlistments in the RCAF him. He loves camping and being outdoors.
is the name of a Wingham man, A bright youngster, David is doing grade three work in a
Robert Aiken Hickey. special education behavioral class. He will soon be com
There will be no election to fill pletely integrated into regular grade three classes. Behind in
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES the two vacancies on the council reading, he is up to his age level in other subjects, but
as only two qualified out of the sometimes he is more inclined to help others with their work
Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited than to do his own
seven candidates nominated. The
David has a good imagination and likes to write stories. He a't:
two members for next year are is good at crafts and woodworking.
Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer
ex Reeve Fred Davidson and David needs a family where he will be the youngest, or at
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Duncan Kennedy, a newcomer to least where there will be no children close to him in age.
the municipal field. To inquire about adopting David, please write to Today's
Member —Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Congratulations to Norman L. Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 8811,
Welwood, Whitechurch, who Station K. Toronto M4P 21-12. in your letter tell something of
Subscription $10.00 per year. Six mohths $5.25 To United States $20.00 graduated at Guelph as an air- your present family and your way of life.
gunner with the RCAF. Norman For general adoption information, contact your local
Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 F&turn postage guaranteed enlisted some time ago in the air Children's Aid Society.
• Mr