The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-25, Page 11Y
A banker is a man who tells you The coal bill for fuelling On-
whatWingham November to do with your money after tario Hydro's thermal stations Wh;I'llecki.lurch you have done something else soared by $71,ouu,olxl last year to r n a of e� ro m.,,
with it. $172,000,000.
Visitors on the weekend with owel, spent last week with her ham hospital. �AOnoa and of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Wingham visited sunday with his For T u r n be r rye Township
family were Mr. and Mrs. Norm- while her husband was W ft a Janet and Kimberley were Sun- •PWeents, Mr- and Mrs- E. W. See -
an Stewart, Mark, Susan and course at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. croft and Karen. Vote ote
Heather of Lambeth and Mr. and Harry Gutmkie, Michelle and Bill Emmerton of Kincardine. This community ehoods to LLOYD
Mrs. Paul Laidlaw who also visit- Michael of Kiteimw visited her Mr- and Mrs. Alex Whytock of Mrs. CamPbdl Thompson and
ed with his parents Mr. and Mrs. parents on Tuesday. Weekend Teeswater were Sunday visitors family sincere sympathy in the
Meet your friends at the Manor Elroy Laidlaw. guests at the same home were with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Why" Pang Of her mother, MmEd
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, tock and Jack. �°m' and to Mr. and Mrs. Dan WALKER
Hotel this weekend November of Clinton were Sunda visitors Jeff and Julie, Waterloo, Mr. Sympathy of the Langside Thompson am family iA the
Y Jeffery communis is extended to Mr. Passing of their grandmother.
with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul and Mrs. Leonard Robinson and Y Miss Bonnie Inglis of Toronto
25, 26, 27 to hear of East Wawanosh. Mark of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. skis Mrs. Dave Bridle in the loss
Mrs. Earl Wilken returned Neil Rintoul, Steven and Scott of of his mother, Mrs. Wilfred Brad- spent the weekend with her
grandmother, Mrs. J. Inglis Tom Township
le, who recently awe in gr
Tina wAA/11f=LIT CY'DRC<` f
home �n M�ir�av frnm WinohAm Wit WaWA^^sh Y Paa� Y
.. ■ v •. ■ of r • st of v ■ s s s. � s n � J5 i �-" Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. iiridie re- a -'=a Be!tY
and District Hospital where she Miss Joyce Tiffin and Miss sided on the former Lloyd Moffat Miss Janet Adams, who has
had been for three weeks. Janet Sl tholm of Toronto Councillor
Gordon Smith of Knox College � farm before moving to New been at the Lodge at Setting
�Iraar�ca[�acx�harlihharamrs�agcasasrah�amss�acaw[nr spent the weekend with their par- Hamburg. Lake, Manitoba, came home for a •
had charge of the services at ents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young on week's holiday to visit with her 7 years experience in
WINGHAM '- Lucknow Presbyterian and South Mr. and Mrs Elmer Sleightholm. Friday attended the wedding of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob engineering
l Kinloss on Sunday. Miss Judee rood en inserts
Archer of Knox College had On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin their nephew, Terry Reid of Kin- Adams, h•' grandmother, Mrs. •Past 3 years in busi-
UIT MARKET charge of the service Sunday had her mother Mrs. Ethel Stew- sardine. J. Inglis, Tom and Betty.
mor at St. Andrew's Presb - art of Wingham to celebrate her Many from the Langside area Mr. and �• �� Emerson, Hess management
ning Y birthday. attended the wedding reception Darlene, Brenda and Sharon of
terian Church, Wingham. Mian *Married with
" Golden Yellow Archer and Mr. Smith were Congratulations to Mr. and on Saturday evening for newly- St. Catharines spent the weekend 4 children
1 weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrison of RR 5, weds Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth with Th and Mrs. the EKer-
tson. They attended the McKee -
ti... Lucknow, on the birth of their Scott. Concerned with
BANANAS Mrs. J. B. Kay and Wendy. zie-Burchill wedding at Gorrie
Maitland Valley
On Sunday afternoon at Ripley, daughter Suzanne Marie on Nov. On Monday attending the Wo- �m� on Saturday evening and
r Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kay attended 15 at Wingham hospital, and to men's Institute Grey -Bruce Area
the induction service for Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pe9vtress of Convention at Chesley were Mrs. the reception at Clifford Hall. flooding
v <12" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of
Hugh Nugent of Wyoming who RR 3, Wingham, on the birth of Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Ri le were Saturday visitors
Ib. ' will be the new pastor for Ripley their daughter Kendra Caroline, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Russel P Y
and Ashfield Presbyterian Nov. 16 at Wingham hospital and McGuire, Mrs. Tom Metcalfe, Mr andWallace Conn
to Mr. and Mrs. Donald England Mrs. Elgin Johnston, Mrs. Lewis, and on Sunday Mr. and Mn On December 6, 1976
` 16 oz. package churches. on the birth of their son at Wing- Miss Mary Hehn, Mrs. George Douglas fey and Jason, W'
w I P 9 Mrs. Gordon Campbell, List
11 Fisher, Mrs. Bill Evans and Mrs. ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Support
Victor Emerson. The last three Conn.
BOLOGNA75; � remained for the second day Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan
• Tuesday. and Clara spent the weekend'with
McIntosh UCW elects officers This community extends to the former's daughter, Mr. and
Schneider's 0 Mrs. Robert Moffat and family Mrs. Brian Falconer of Sarnia. LLOYD WALKER X
CHICKEN3BELMORE — The November rine Wright and Helene Haskins; This community will be leased `
1 their sympathy in the sudden tY P
meeting of the McIntosh UCW corresponding secretary, Lau- � learn that Relison Falconer of
y was held in the church basement rine Wright; finance, Betty Darl- Passing Moffat
Mr. Moffat. nt and Sarnia, who was hos i ed for
lA p g ng; social functions, M� Moffat were frequent visit P t
with 14 members resent. Mar i Helene
ors with their many friends here. a week, was able on Saturday to
BUCKETS Lewis was in charge of devotions , Haskins; press and publicity, return to Sarnia, accompanied b
and took as her theme "Remem- Mar Renwick; missionary, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of P� Y
Y Y Plattsville were Thursday visit- Mme• Falconer and son Paul.
Schneider's 1 Ib. package Bering". She read a poem titled Wilma Dustow; community, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan
P g "They Do Not Die". The hymn Hilda Dustow; program, Sally ors with her mother, Mrs. Ben
C �_ =_� McClenaghan, and brother Carl and sons of Watford visited on ple(":Se plan to attend the
In Christ there is no east or Harper; stewardship, Grace . Sunda with her mother, Mrs.
and Mrs. McClenaghan. Y
STEAKETTES 89 west" was sung, and the scrip Busby; official board, Alice George Tiffin, a tient in W'
Mr. and Mrs. Fair had her g Pa ANNUAL. MEETING
lure was read by Laurine Mawhinney; citizenship and sup father, J. P. Crawley of Guelph, ham and District Hospital, with
Wright. Marg Lewis gave a medi- ply, Grace Busby; quilting, Lau- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, and
talion on "Remembering" and rine Wright; ; literature, Ellen visiting with them a few days last Y
K.S. Powdered Detergent g gh week. with her father, George Tiffin of
Puritan 24 oz. Beef or then closed devotions with pray- Inglis; nominating committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beecroft, Lucknow. of 'the
IRISH er. Hilda Dustow, Marg Lewis.
¢ FAB $ 9 9 I A study on stewardship was The correspondence was read
STEWS given by Hilda Dustow. She told and
cated.ePlans sreceived and emembranee is theme of WINGHAM
the story of an Ohio woman who dedicated. Plans were made for
Erin 24 oz. Green Giant 12 oz. has taken care of more than 50 the meeting, on December 15th i
handicapped foster children. which will it a turkey dinner at
STRAWBERRY CORN � The nominating committee 12 o'clock with the regular meet- WMS November. meeting HORTICULTURAL
presented the slate of ingandexchangeofgiftsbetween WHITECHURCH — "Remem- beautiful garden honors the
JAM NIBLETS 1977. They are as follows: presi- Secret Pals afterlhe meal. The brance" was the topic on which memory of this great man. SOCIETY dent; Alice Mawhinney; vice, meeting was closed with the Mis- Mrs. Bill Rintoul based her talk Roll call was answered by ten
Margaret Wood; recording sec- pah Benediction in unison. Lunch when she spoke at the meeting of giving Bible verses containing
/�� retary, Mary Renwick; treasur- was served by Betty Darling and the Women's Missionary Society the word `peace'. Mrs. Bill Rin -N99; er, Betty Darling, Manse, Lau- Norma Inglis. of Chalmers Presbyterian toul led in prayer and the offering Tuesday, November 30
Church on Wednesday of last was received and dedicated by
Universal Medium 73/4 oz.week. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. t 81 5 pm
99; 19 Stewardship theme for UCW meeting She said that as we ether at Mrs. Don Ross, first vice-presi- Q . •
R the Cenotaph, we think of the dent, presided for the b&iness in
WHITECHURCH — "Steward- grace must always come before comrades who fought side by the absence of the president, Mrs
Matre'd 10 oz. .
ship" was the theme of the meet- greatness. side. "Of those who fought for us, John deBoer. Minutes were read to be held at the
INSTANT COFFEE ing of the Calvin -Brick United Mrs. Robert Scott led in many did not return and many by the secretary, Mrs. G. Rintoul.
Church Women which was held at prayer. The offering was re- who did return still live with in- Mrs RABS then resided for the Wingham Town Hall
w the home of Mrs. George McGee 'ceived by Mrs. Ronald Jamieson Juries received in the War," she P
Y said. "Do we forget what the election of officers which restated •
WIN on November 17 at two o'clock. and dedicated b Mrs. Robert g
r � Mrs. Alex Robertson conducted son. A skit entitled "Didn't You soldiers did for us? They died to in the following being named to — Reports —Slides — Refreshments —
�¢ keep us free." lead the group: past president,
X5.00 9 the worship service. The ladies Mean What You Said. ", was pre P
a $25 gift �_ ___ P Mrs. Bill Rintoul; resident, Mrs.
certificate at _ I read a hymn in unison, then sang rented by Mrs. Gordon Me "As Canadians may we live up P Everyone I S welcome t0 sites
ren, ao^ OOe to our standards. If we cant deBoer; vice-president, Mrs.
Wingham a hymn. Mrs. Ronald Coulter Burney, Mrs. John Jamieson and Ross; secretary, Mrs. G. Rin-
pvt "```"' read the scripture. Mrs. Robert- Mrs. Robert Scott. A short dis- agree, then we fear these men
Rin -
ti Fruit Market. toul; assistant, Mrs. Victor
w son gave a meditation on the cussion on the subject matter fol- died in vain," the speaker said.
Fill out the S vJMHa„ rmurr surer stewardshipof our time. She said lowed. She spoke of the young people Emerson; treasurer, Mrs. Wal
ballot below j �ij� y p who know nothing of the horrors lace Milligan; committee con
we must use our time mo wise- Mrs. Roy Dawson, the rest- ng
and deposit
5, ly. "Each of us has enough," she dent, conducted the business por of war. "On Remembrance Day ter Elliott; associate
Mr's Wal -
of * • * •
in our store. � said. "Even in the busiest life, tion of the meeting. we remember three wars," she
there is time available that is not The congregational su r will said. "Wear a poppy and if you Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw; friendship Ah
- WINGHAM FRUIT MARKETsupper can't remember, think of the and service, Mrs. Bill Purdon; • •
Name being used•" be held on December 4 at 7 p.m. literature and library, Mrs. Don 'f
• • • • • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • • • • ' . A question -and -answer period in the Belgrave United Church. Past. '
•Address .................................. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul hosted the Ross;
followed. There will be a bazaar following meeti and Mrs. Bill Rintoul Supply, Mrs. Wesley Tiffin; as -
Town .................... .............. 3 Mrs. Richard Moore read a the supper. The ladies of the rig sistant, Mrs. Robert Mowbray;
e resided during the worship
= D Phone ................... story about Marian Anderson. congregation are asked to bring P g P Children of the Church, Mrs.
Draw to be held Saturday, Some of the thoughts conveyed baked goods and miscellaneous service., She opened with a poem • • �'/
Y. g Y g on ace and a hymn was sung Hugh Simpson, Mrs. ArchieZrere that prayer begins where items to be sold at the bazaar. � Y � don; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. deBoe;
December 18 with Mrs. Andrew Gaunt pianist.
t human capacity ends and that The Christmas meeting will be pianists, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, _'
lEyoclPmclPseels$ocl2alc�ic•soc�sac�l[rsoc�cl�cl�c���������' held December 8. Mrs. Bill Purdon gave a reading
entitled "Remembrance". Mrs. Don Ross; nominating cam
Mrs. Don Ross read scripture mittee, Mrs. Bill RintoiA Mrs. 1973 CHEV IMPALA 1973 CHEV CAPRICE
from Psalm 46 and the medita- Bill Purdon, Mrs. Tiffin; audi 2 door hardtop, white vinyl 2 door hardtop, a.c. blue n(*
tors, Mrs. Bill Purdon, Mrs. 2 975ii
. Lung diseases kill em- tion was given by Mrs. Victor top. S
h sema, bronchitis, acute Angus Falconer; flower com
p y Emerson. Mrs. Rintoul then gave $2 995 BJN 266 , •�
respiratory infections, tuber- a reading telling the life history mittee, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mrs. FKF 921 ,j'
culosis, asthma, influenza, pneu- of John McCrae, the writer of "In Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Emerson, 1973PARISIENNE 1973 DODGE
• monia and other 1 diseases Flanders Fields" which was read Mrs. John Gaunt. I►
Roil Askett TV Sales & Servcce CHARGER S.E.
killed 18,132 Canadians in 1974. b Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. The article The meeting closed with the � BROUGHAM
Y y Mie ah benediction and the -in
4 door hardtop, red matchingGreen with whitarf
212 MAIN STREET WEST, LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Help the Christmas ungeal eople Associa Guelptold of h by
wherein P �' $2r,9 95
your Huron -Perth Lung Associa- Guelph by his home where a hostess served lunch. interior. FJv 786
TEL. 291-3704 tion fight lung diseases. FHN938 $2,995
* 1974 DODGE DART Dark Green, matching int.
World Affairs subject
BJN 601 $2,975 JDKo29 $2,475
at Belgrave Institute 0 1972 PLYMOUTH 1972 METEOR
A 2 door hardtop, automatic, 2 door, hardtop
ive us a clue! BELGRAVE — The World Af- the Children's Aid Society. Mrs blue. DAK 218G $1 650 `
fairs meetingof the Women's In- H r n Irwin agreed to purchase $1,695 ,
e P
«t N1 stitute was held in the WI Hall on and send a gift to a war veteran. FMO 915
Tuesday, Nov. 16. Mrs. Ross Tay The Belgrave Echre Club will 4 door, hardtop, Id.
• r� � 1972 OLDSMOBILE p. ga
for dealt with the motto "World hold their euchre games every
•• If you're listed incorrectly Affairs Are Our Affairs" and Wednesday evening in the WI 4 door hardtop. vinyl roof FKDO21 $1,875
read a poem entitled "If God Hall. ^� ,�}. FKD026 1 ,950 1970 HORNET
Went On Strike". Mrs. Walter The UCO banquet is to be held
in your phone book, please Scott gave a most interesting ac- December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the 971 V A low mileage.
tell us now. Before we print count of her trip in June to WI Hall. Moms Federation of Aut ie dyo ne FKF128
P Charlottetown, telling about the Agriculture will hold their annual (/
`sem � the new one.
historic sites she had visited in meeting and banquet December FKF i, 1977 SKI -VAN
:< Montreal, Quebec, Plains of 7. The committee to plan this Includes frig, furnace. sfove,
.. Abraham, New Brunswick and meal is Mrs. Stanley Black and 1971 OLDS stereo.
Look up your present listing, "Green Gables". James Hunter. CONVERTIBLE FULLY EQUIPPED I
`" Mrs.
and if you want any changes, Mrs• Scott, assisted by Mrs. The Trappers' meeting will be Collectors Item A number of NEW 1977
Ivan Wightman and Mrs. Ross held November 26, coffee and CBR 441 $3,195 VANS are now In stock lk
Christ -
before December 20 Taylor, gave a report of the Lon- donuts to be supplied. The Christ-
don Area Convention held in Till mss meeting and banquet will be * We onlyhave 1-/4 ton NEW 4 -wheel
Dial O" Zero Stsonburg Nov. 9th and 10th. Mrs. held December 14. Each member —
ap Hopper presided for the is asked to bring a friend. drive pick-up left with installed Snow
<; >��il �IYY
bu nese after the opening exer- The euchre and dance will be Plow
cis". A minute of silence, in held December 29, the Moran �I
memory o1 Mrs. Dan Hallahan, a Brothers to play for dancing. It ChriS
Branch Director, was observed. was agreed to order 20 copies of
1 tM�
The Belgrave WI will prepare a Federated News for the mem- LING
!fes: program for Brookhaven Nursing hers' use. 'f t
Home on January 26th at 130 A donation of $1,000 was made
" p.m. with Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, to the Belgrave Arena Building
Mrs. Stan Hopper and Mrs. Ross Fund.
W.Bell Canada P� --
Higgins to obtain gifts and Mrs. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wingham 357-2323
Glenn Coulter+ and Mrs. Norman Leonard James, Mrs. Nelson
Coultes to plan program. Higgins and Mrs. Peter Campbell
A donation of $10 was made to and a social time was spent. 0. -