The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 10-,.
(roan for tan more couples); and appreciate We wryn4uch.
Page 4-210 Wingham Advance -Times, November ll, 1976 SO (MM thres may„ be held -
Heart AdvisMBoard more ):
propagation at the I"
Sacred March WV; April 15.17; May 1S- bar 21 this year. It is WWW11110t to W I NGHAM
1s. The cost is sm." per couple stress the need of sprawft the
t ones: of nsh a� �o Sis sit `n' BODYSHOP
f Thauks ConduC s bus write te �� at Sunday, Noveeuher 7,Cards oFort Burwell or phone 610074- Emery Mahe, Sharon Brophy,
yft The Parish Advisory Board of financial results were as feisettt: mrsic is Stratford. These will be 4504. M=T Jesp Wilhelm, Teresa Nol- SID ADAMS
Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, tea and sit tables: $3111-90A 111111111116 held sometime during the first of Rev. Father Foley of "The an asd_lora Nolan, provided a convieft
7M Wham Voice for Life A sincere thanks to everyone and St. Ambrose Church, Brus- tablt . $146.01; tickets and lime: Aagust. O*ieM of interest could Church Today" visited Miss short servko for those patients RMAM =VH3
•$teas to thank all those who so who remembered me with cards, eels, met on Wednesday, Nov- =418.75; bazaar: $105.36; 110 l 7 be Liho ical theology, liturgy Aubin and Rev. Father Nolan able to attend at the Wingham
Maerotrly donated of their time flowers and treats while I was a ember 3. Members present in- auction: $41.25; touch sad tabs: plamiall, seder choir musk, folk during the past week. and District Hospital. Twelve pa- " for
seed talent to our craft and bake patient in Clinton Hospital. Also eluded Herman Plas, chairman, $33.30. The total of proQt ruse Roup mom, leader of song tech- An important meeting will be tients attended the celebraUon AuternoblWs, Light Trucks,
sale. The deastions were wonder- to those who sent baking to our Owen Curtis, cochairman, Law- 1883.51. However, the rest of 111110 nigee and lector technique. held on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 1. All which took place in the Hospital Form Tractors
illi. A very special thank you to home. A special thanks to all the rence Ryan, Mrs. Emery Mahe, hall, kitchen and tables casae $s ]Marriage encounter* are beim parents should attend this discus- Chapel. These services, which
&a public for their support in nurses, Dr. Watts, Dr. Street, Mrs. C. Steffler, Anne de Bruyn, 118m. The CWL wishes to utast bold at holy Crass Centre, Port sion on "Family Life". differ each week, depending bn New Rad Cores
making our sale such a tine Rev. John Roberts and also the Mrs. Herman de Bruyn, Leo all responsible and all of !11408 )tcawell, Ontario, The schedule Is A cheque of $613.00 is being sent the scheduled denominations, Rodding
success- Meier family who helped out at Sanders, Gerald Belanger and who attended to help. as fellows: November 18-14 to Father Kilidjian of South were organized b the
home. Peter Albers. CWL card parties began as America to help educate priests MinisterialdAssociation. ather Cleaning i Flushing
Our sincere thanks to relatives, Jennie Walsh It was noted that ushers in both Tuesday, November 9. for the missions. The missions Nolan is unable to attend these 14 North St. 357-1102
neighbors and friends who made churches had improved, singing At the Parish Advisory Leser ..rely much on the support they re- services because he conducts
our ZSth reception such a The family of the late Hilda and participation is good and that meeting it was pointed out flet ft soloist offerings Maps in Brussel
wedding spill Y P Pa g ng P° ceive from these Mass offer Q At 9:30.
memorable evening. Thanks also Hallahan would like to take this the newly -established Folk Choir this was a good parish, spiritualist
to our family who made the opportunity of thanking everyone is off to a good start. Christmas and materially. No new ch— e^clnee to be festered
arrangements. We thank you all for the rpany acts of kindness and New Year's schedules of will be built in this century likely, a
for the gifts, cards and best shown us in the recent loss of our Masses were approved. unless there is a great infiult of a Baptist Church Huron Bruce Progressive Conservative Association
wishes. Also thanks to our Second loved one, including the many It was noted that a centennial industry and people. Acether
Line Euchre Club and neighbors lovely bouquets of flowers, Mass, dinner and dance should be Mass will be celebrated if hoc4w
for the wonderful evening in our donations of food, donations to organized with perhaps a booklet sary or the parish could Nota ANNUAL MEETING
home and the gift. the Canadian Cancer Society, being published to commemorate larger church in the area for
Glenn and Eileen Sellers Offerings of Masses, and all other 100 years for both churches. It day celebrations. This will Its a
messages of condolence. We was also agreed that the cam- "one -priest" parish for a log
Our most sincere thanks to would especially like to thank paign in the parish (October 27) time and if there are no priests, AND BANQUET
relatives, friends and neighbors,g Doctors Pin and Mowbray and did an immense amount of spirit- parishioners might have to travel
to those who visited and sent food the nurses at the Wingham ual and material good. The final further for Sunday Mass, Good
to our home, and to those who General Hospital for their kind- amount realized was $3,500.00 cooperation between priest and
sent floral tributes, and memor- ness and consideration. Special and the following was approved: people was pointed out. FORMOSA COMMUNITY CENTRE
ial donations during our recent thanks to Fathers Nolan, Hardy $1,550.00 to the Diocese; $100.00 to It was also suggested that we
bereavement. Special thanks to and Moynahan, The Tasker Papal charities; $100.00 to the have a penance vigil. We will try
few eels
e for
a e
the emergency unit of the Funeral Home, pallbearers, flow- needs of the Canadian church; and arrange Wed.,Dec. 8,1976
Wingham and District Hospital er bearers, and St. Michael's $100.00 to the Propagationjof the come on Sunday, December 5 at4
and the Intensive Care Unit of Catholic Women's League. Faith; $500.00 to the centenary p.m. at Wingham and 8 p.m. at
University Hospital, London. We ban Hallahan and family celebration; $200.00 towards Brussels. Confessions are also �1 M
will never forget your kindness. Catholic education texts; $50.00 heard every Saturday 6:3V p.m. - - - $6.04 Per Person
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Williams A very warm thank you to all each to the Wingham, Belgrave Sacred Heart Church, if anyone
and family those who cared for Dr. Fred and Brussels arenas; $400.00 to wishes to receive this beautliul
Parker during his long illness; to church decorations; $400.00 to sacrament. Guest Speaker:
We would like to thank the staff those in Wingham and District South American seminarians. There will be music workshaps Mack Taunton will bethe spe- HONOURABLE DENNIS TIMBRELL
and doctors of Wingham and Hospital and to those in Brook- Tenders repainting and refur- for parish people interested in cial guest soloist at the Wingham
District Hospital and express our haven and Pinecrest Manor bishing of both churches were Baptist Church Gospel Sing Tues -
sincere thanks to relatives, Nursing Homes. -Our grateful opened and discussed. Six ten- day, November 16, at 8 p.m. Minister of Energy
friends and neighbors for their appreciation also, to Rev. Barry ders were received and after - Mack sung tenor with the
cards, and -food and the ladies°at Passmore and Rev. Kenneth much discussion and investiga- Mrs. Strom I faaaaed Cathedral Quartet and PHONE 396-3465
the Penticostal Church. for the Hawthorn for their comfort and tion it was decided to accept that was on the staff of the Cathedral
lunch provided during the loss of assistance at the • time of our of C. E. O'Malley, painter from ACW devotional of Temorrow pastored by TV per -
Roast Beef Dinner Entertainment Cocktail Hour
our daughter, Gloria Christine, bereavement and to our neigh- Teeswater. Of course, it must go sn�l sonality Rex Humbard. He has
age 9. Special thanks to Pastor bors and friends for all their to the London office for final ap- FORDWICH - Mrs 'Strong led appeared and Performed with
Ron Baker and his wife, also many acts of kindness. proval. Work would likely be devotions when the members of virtually every name in gospel GET INVOLVED
special, thanks to the soloist, Mr. The Parker family done in January and February.
Elections and nominations the Anglican Church Women held music, such names as the
George Marsdon and the R. A. were lined up for the January their November meeting at the Weatherford Quartet, the Speer "PARTICIPATE IN THE DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM"
Currie and Son Funeral Home. home of Mrs. R. Shelley. Family, the Blackwood Brothers,
Your kindness will always be general meeting. It was pointed Mrs. Strong based her devo- 'the Gaither Trio, the Statesmen
remembered. use of talents out that there was some lack of Everyone is Welcome — Buy Your Tickets Now
interest because the board is ad- tions on an article in The living Quartet, the Singing Rambo!, th rY
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stacey Message. Happy Goodman Family, the'lm
visory in its work. However, it ials and man more. He has
�/ • President Mrs. William 9olh- pa' Y ,
•� MS subject was also pointed out that most of ern opened the meeting with sung in revival meetings with TICKETS AVAILABLE AT.
I would like to thank the nurses the parishioners were willing to prayer, welcomed everyone and Bob Harrington, the chaplain of
on first and second floors of the . work, but when it comes to the kineardine Mini Mall,— Huron Ridge or Slade & Associates
Wingham and District Hospital, BLUEVALE — "Much out of cold, hard facts of working, only thanked the hostess. Minutes of Bourbon Street, and before the
also Drs. Mowbray and Ping. Little", was the theme of a study a few could be counted on to pro- the last meeting were read and staff of the Billy Graham Evan- Eldon Stewart, Tiverton Bill Walden, Wingham
Special thanks to relatives and Period conducted by Mrs. Wayne duce. But that is life. It was also approved. Eighteen members gelistie Association.
Bruce Keith, Teeswater Omar Brooks, Lueknow
friends for their cards and visits. Baswick during the of the Women's Mission- Pointed out that there is not much aversanswee on Remembrancethe roll call �lile'a formerlgr of Cambridgwas The New Hope e will also Sandy Fedy, MiidmayMurray Cardiff, Brussels
Frank Rutledge, Brussels interest from this area in the Dio-
ary Society of Knox Presbyterian cess. W. Hargrave read the. esters- be Part. of this Gospel Sing. Harry Clarke Insurane Adjusters, Port Elgin.
Church, Bluevale. Mrs. Baswick On Saturday, October 30, the pondence and cards were passed There is no admission charge
told of the life of the Israelites CVIL of Wingham held a tea and to the members to sign before and everyone is welcome.
and how they ruled, good or bad, bake sale in the town hall. The sending them to sick and shut-ins.
and the results of these years. The senior citizen banquet of
Her theme was from the Book of December 6 was discussed and •
EDGAR—In loving memory of a
Judges- She told of the leader members finished planning the
Shamgar, the third judge, who Da n ee - a - t o n ACW bazaar to be held Saturday ec
dear husband and father, -William D'
Edgar, who passed away, Nov drove the Philistines back with in the senior citizens hall. The
ke t them from • ladies were also reminded to r 1
ce ds and so
The gates of love and memory °ung over the land. raises, $450 remember their Secret Pais.
never close. Mrs. Baswick ended her study Those wishing to renew d wir sub-
--Sadly missed and ever re- by stressing to the members to At the Junior Citizens' dance -a- scription to The Living Message FLOWERS COLLISION FUELS AUTOMOTIVE
m4mbered by wife Jean; son make use of what they are given. thon held Friday in the Wingham were asked to see Mrs. J. Daunt.
God has given each a talent and Armouries, a profit of $458.48 was Following the closing of the WeddingBILL TIFFIN W(NGHAM
Cameron and family. we should put it to good use to made, to go to the J.C. fund. Of meeting with prayer, Mrs. Steel- AI S COIIISlOf1
make the world a better place. the 35 dancers who began only Z6 ley gave a demonstration on Arrangements service Imperial Esso Agent SUNOCO SERVICE
LEISHMAN—In loving memory Mrs. Burns Moffatt was hostess lasted for the 12 hour dance -a- macrame, urging the ladies to try LICENSED MECHANIC
of a dear little boy, Robert Foran, for the meeting. Mrs. Glenn Gol- thon. The next project which the it Phone f�SO ave the call to worship and Junior Citizens are looking for t_ Cut flowers 357-2206 UNDERCOATING
who passed away Nov. 14, 1974. Y g a
led in an opening hymn. Mrs: ward to is a dance on November I,
.Plants For all your Home and RSTt ROOFING
We love to think of you, dear
Bobby, Lola Mann had charge of devo- 26, featuring the popular band ERROR Flowers by CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Farm Fuel and ('AMPI.FSERVI E
Lubricating Needs TRl'('KF�RVt('E
In mansions bright and fair, tions which were taken from the `Fullhouse'. GORRIE — In last week's Complete Body Work .
There Jesus reigns in glory, Glad Tidings entitled "Who Will Special thanks ig extended toLEWIS issue, concerning the picture Wire Servile and Painting 357-1013
There is no sorrow there. Serve Me?", by Margaret Sim- all participants, sponsors, chap- given to Gorrie United C3wrch, ° Prop Ken Leitch
mons. Mrs. William son len Frame and Rust Repair
—Always remembered by Mr. , Elston.,d ierones and supporters of the the name of Mr. and $tits. Josses .>e ,Also Insurance Claims PLUMBING HEATING Phone ,
dancers from the Junior Citizens f LOWERS Hwyas
and Mrs. Jim Leishman, Joan prayer. Wylie, Toronto, as members of CONC. 2, MORRIS TWP. � 357-1 -54 NIGHT a5.-:3585
and Allan. An "In Memoriam" and a time and to MacIntyre's Bakery for the family who donated the Oft %
of silence in memory of the late supplying donuts for everyone. were inadvertently omitted. 135 Frances V 1st Morris Leroy Jackson
Mrs. Nellie Lillow were given by Phone>; CONSTRUCTION
- Mrs. Bernard Thomas. The late tend Morris •f`znc' —Plumbing
Mrs. Lillow was a life member of 357-3880 = g
the Bluevale WMS of Knox Pres- —Heating
AVAILABLE byterian Church. SALES AND SERVICE INSURANCE—Tinsmithing T. M. 9 T.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. Glenn McKer 4 191 Josephine st. CONSTRUCTION
MORTGAGE LOANS cher. Roll call was answered by CANADA Wingham 357-2904
12 members, eaKere
ils sug- CLI! aNsusawsseE General Contractors
ResideWW, Commercial gestion for roll ct year.
Rural Visits to the sicceded. ~TERS ELECTRICALAll types of concrete Work
Mrs. Ross Gray treasur- now •voilabl• All Types Of Pit silos
Home and farm building
lead Development er's report and eived the of ,- "t Insurance
Aden leterW Financing fering and MrVGolley gave the Pleteh Electric CALLVP RAR TI0NTA (1N
PROMPT SERVICE offertory prayer. ,, 335-3325 357-4636 Winqham Itt.t t,� :�t.E, ANT,vtu1
Mrs. Golley expressed ap- t OORRIE' WINGHAM a
reciation to Mrs. Beswick and INDUSTRIAL or. 't''7 '�t�1'�
Call Collect P MO
519-336-0470 Mrs. Burns Moffatt. After the POOLS, ETC. COMMERCIAL WIRING
s PORTS Also Rural and Domestic
closing hymn Mrs. Golley gave
WETERN INTERNATIONAL the closing prayer. ,
FUNDING CORP. Lunch was served by the hos- + 171 MoinSt. Listowel, Ontario , Phone 357-1583 Askes Brothers
fess assisted by Mrs. William El- SW �mm�ng CONSTRUCTION
ston and Mrs. Lola Mann. Pools
' Cotta cis Homes
TRUE! - the venom is deadly
only if injected into the blood
. , . that you can wind
around any of our products
and bite into some real sav-
e� H.4 N'i11f/ RA 4.
w.+:, FLOW ER %Hf)1'PE-
W in fhwm
Lyra Noy
Honda and Skidoo
Sales & Service
Hwy 86 east of,Wingham
Phone 519 357 3435
Above and Below
Complete Line of
Pool Chemicals
"X 56 Walkerton
Let us make your old furniture
Q{� For a fres estimate and a
look at our newest samples
`+ of materials call:
Electrical Contractors
Motor Rewind and
Household Appliances
Josephine St. 357-2450
Emergency Service - See
the Yellow Pages
to ,
Additions & Renovations
Ph: 528-2726
Box 122, Lucknow
MRS. IVY SMITH, social chairman of the Wingham Voice Blyth, Ontario
for Life, attends to one of the tables at the Craft and flake i Z 523,4272 DIRECTORY 357 23;0
Sale held on Saturday. Proceeds from the sale will be used
primarily four literature and visual aids to inform peopte of M HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE
the true facts regarding abortion. Some money will also go
to advertising, commercials, the head office in Toronto, and
to other Pro Life groups.
Lyra Noy
Honda and Skidoo
Sales & Service
Hwy 86 east of,Wingham
Phone 519 357 3435
Above and Below
Complete Line of
Pool Chemicals
"X 56 Walkerton
Let us make your old furniture
Q{� For a fres estimate and a
look at our newest samples
`+ of materials call:
Electrical Contractors
Motor Rewind and
Household Appliances
Josephine St. 357-2450
Emergency Service - See
the Yellow Pages
to ,
Additions & Renovations
Ph: 528-2726
Box 122, Lucknow
MRS. IVY SMITH, social chairman of the Wingham Voice Blyth, Ontario
for Life, attends to one of the tables at the Craft and flake i Z 523,4272 DIRECTORY 357 23;0
Sale held on Saturday. Proceeds from the sale will be used
primarily four literature and visual aids to inform peopte of M HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE
the true facts regarding abortion. Some money will also go
to advertising, commercials, the head office in Toronto, and
to other Pro Life groups.