The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-04, Page 19RATEPAYER'S MEETING
The Coumll of the Township of East Wowanosh has set the
Plight of Nov. 9th, 1976 of 9:30 p.m. in the East Wowanosh Pub-
Works Garage to hold a meeting for the Ratepayers of East
Wowanash. This is an apportpnity for the ratepayers to show
an interest in their township by attending; to question m om-
bers of Council; also for proposed candidates to meet the rate-
payers. Let us have a good attendance.
Do not look back on your happi-
ness — or dream of it in the fu-
ture. You are only sure of today;
do not let yourself be cheated out
Of it. ,,„,,.
Mr. Elliot to his wife after
sdlciol : "But honey, that isn't our
"Shut up. It's a . better car-
nage "
Only 0 more
shopping weeks till
Christmas is only a short time away. If you're wonder-
ing what to buy for all those sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts,
uncles — all the people you're giving gifts to - keep your
eye on upcoming issues of The Wingham Advance -Times.
We'll have lots of gift suggestions and ideas to make this
Christmas buying season a little easier for you!
the Wingham Advance -Times
YOL11- QLiide to Christmas gift -giving.
The Wuigham Advancc-TUuts, November 4, 11176-- Page S
I l'ut I
Town members are lacy)
,. The big "trend" lately is to got what they are looking for. We hop
involved with participaction. But, out al our car, run into each stare,
it is not just a silly fad that will and hop back into our car and
soon be forgotten. Take a good move on until we get what we
look at yourself. Do you like what want.
you am? U not: get involved. Do Town people are complaining
a little participaction, it just may about a lack of parking space on
help you live long enough to enjoy the main street. If more of these
the next big "trend." complainers would use saa
0-0-0 power to get their frail bodies to
their destinations we wouldn't
it?ParticiQaction. Are you 'doing their
to worry about parking
Every m'ningtg space.
to work so he jumps into the car There are many means of exer-
t and off he goes. Whenever 'mom' rising man power. The easiest
needs a missing ingredient or and most common is the tradi-
hairspray or a pair of panty hose tional walk. No one should have
4 " she jumps into the car and takes any trouble with this method. It
off to get them. Then, `typical comes naturally, like eating. You
teenager' runs out of paper or ink can even vary it for interest's
or must take little brother or sis- sake by skipping, hopping or
ter to buy a popsicle so he grabs dancing. If you are ambitious you
the keys, jumps into the car and can speed up your walk to a re -
zooms away. Eventually 'dog' laxing jog or a thrilling sprint.
has to be exercised so someone Both of these will get you to your
jumps into the car and lets the pet goal quite quickly. Another ex -
run behind cellent method of travel is the
These are typical examples of bicycle. A bike can take you to
this and many towns' `impar- most places without ever needing
ticipacting' people. Surprisingly, gas or too many serious repair8.
city dwellers are generally more In the winter you could cross -
active than townsfolk. They con- country ski to your destination
sider walking to catch a bus or for a change.
subway a minor part of their There is no excuse for not join -
journey but we complain if we ing the participaction movement.
have to walk downtown, which It will make you fell better, look
probably isn't as far. When they better and be a better person.
As well as being an excellent finally reach their shopping spot Come on, all you town people.
resource centre, our library is a they might walk miles to find Get 'participactmg'!
great place to work. Just ask any telly LeVan
of the members of this year's Li-
brary .Club, and I'm sure they
will agree. Whether they devote Grade 13 dome fetriptheir spare time to this club to
earn activity points, to gain work Our course this year involves a also expert plumbers, carpenters
experience, to meet people, or basic study of family socializa- and brick -layers. What one man
simply to find out what "makes a tion. doesn't know the otlier does.
library tick", these people de- Last Tuesday morning at 10:00 We stopped at the West Mont -
serve slot of credit! ( we arrived at one of the Elmira rose bridge built in 1881, which is
This year there are eight mein- Mennonite Churches. Here we the only covered bridge left in
bers in the Library Club and they were greeted by Pastor Vernon Ontario.
usually have one formal meeting Leis. He began the day by ex- Our tour guide, Ray Ruebagar
each term. These are held to plan plaining a little bit about the also tried his luck as a comedian.
the work to be done throughout Mennonite movement to us. He asked us what the difference
the term. All work is done on a Basically, in the Waterloo re- was between unlawful and il-
voluntary basis, and records of gion there are 16 groups of Men- legal. Well, unlawful is against
time devoted by each member nonites. These groups have some the law and illegal is a sick bird.
are kept to assess the number of common beliefs but differ mainly This concluded our field trip.
points they have earned. Each in their practices. Mennonites We all went home with a better
year, there is a Student Council don't believe in going to war but understanding of the Mennonite
Award given to the student mak- they do believe that the church group and with a little more ap
ing the best contribution to the should be separate from the preciation of this great move -
Library Club. state. ment.
This club is student -run, with The old Order Amish wear "Mennonites continue to ex -
Mr. Mountford as the staff ad- beards and the Old Order Men- press their faith in practical and
visor. If you are in the library at nonites do not. However, they are concrete ways. They believe that
any time before school in the starting to. This is one of their their Lord is calling them to be -
morning, during noon hour, or only physical identifying factors. lieve and do, to confess and obey,
during activity periods, you may Basically the two divisions are to reconcile and forgive, to love
encounter members of the Li- the horse and buggy people who and serve, to sacrifice and give,
brary Club hard at work. They don't have cars or telephones, to live and work together, to
are responsible for the circula- and the Markam Mennonites who demonstrate that there is another
tion of books in the library, filing do. way."
catalogue cards, repairing books, Pastor Leis enjoyed throwing These people chose to live this
stamping books, as well as taking in a bit of humor once in awhile. way of life ... they don't have to.
inventory at the end of the year. He explained to us that there are —Judy Malda
They also purchase the records in Amish who wear only one sus -
the library which are available pender. There are Amish who
for student use. wear two suspenders. However, Student Council
What would we do without there are Amish that wear no
these people? The next time suspenders at all and these are
you're in the library and see a the ones admired for their great "Fable Fable Manor" provided the
hard-working member of the Li- faith entertainment for the dance held
brary Club, maybe you will want Most Mennonites don't believe on Friday, October 22. Attend -
to thank them for all they've done in any type of insurance. Instead ance was down from the first
for you! After all, they do make they believe that God and God's dance of the year but the music
our library a nicer place to visit! people should provide for the was good and everyone seemed to
—Mary Eadie needs of the people: enjoy themselves.
Mennonites are always ready The students' lounge is getting
to help in time of need and don't a new look. Part of the money al -
expect anything in return. In lotted to the lounge managers by
recentyears a Roman Catholic the student council has been used
Mrs. Pratt living in the Waterloo Region lost to give the lounge a much needed
his barn in a fire. Mennonites paint job. Please be patient when
Mrs. Catherine Pratt is the built him a new barn. He said that you find the lounge door locked.
newest member of the commer- during this time these neighbors We are trying to make the lounge
were far better than his in- an even nicer place to visit.
cial department at Madill. Al-
though she is qualified to teach surance. —Eleanor Johnstone
both shorthand and office prac- In the Waterloo Region the ex-
tice she now teaches five grade tended family is very common. N.B.
nine and two grade ten typing The grandparents usually live in If it's painful for you to criti-
classes. a separate addition to the house cize your friends, you're safe in
Mrs. Pratt was born is Sicily of their children. For recreation doing it; if you take the slightest
but came to Canada as a child the young people get together on pleasure in it, that's the time to
with her family which settled in Sunday evenings to sing, play hold your tongue.
the Italian community in Tor- games and dance. Just about
onto. There she grew up and re- each Mennonite group has its own
ceived her elementary and sec- Church except for a few which Parent - Teacher
ondary schooling. After graduat- alternate on Sundays.
ing from St. Joseph's College The Amish, however, meet in Consultation
School she entered Ryerson Poly- homes of various families. Their
technical Institute in secretarial services last from two to two and Parent -teacher consultation
science. In three years she re- a half hours. night was held at the F. E. Madill
ceived her diploma and she then Mennonite children attend one- Secondary School on Monday,
entered teachers' college. For the room school houses until grade October 25. Over 250 parents re -
first five years of her teaching eight or until they're fourteen sponded to the invitation, which
career she worked in Listowel years old — whichever comes accompanied the Progress Re-'
During this time she received her first. These people believe that port, to visit the school and dis-
B.A. in English from York Uni- education beyond this level would cuss concerns with the subject
versity. For the last two years threaten their faith; however, teachers.
before coming to Madill, she they are strong believers in The evening was sirrange-t by
taught at Sandwich Secondary formal training. We viewed a the Guidance Services Depart -
School on the out -skirts of Wind- film entitled, "The Mennonite ment and involved 35 student sec-
sor. Story", explaining the history of retaries and receptionis!s along
She has been married for four- Mennonites up to the present day. with 12 student -guides. All tPach-
years and she and Mr. Pratt own Another small film showed all of ers were in attendance and :many
a house in Listowel. Her hobbies the commercials sponsored by were "booked" solidly with inter -
include pottery, tennis, skiing the Mennonite Movement. views.
and she is a member of the Pastor Leis invited us down- It is hoped that this occasion
school's chess club stairs for a luncheon where we will assist in the improvement of
Speaking about Madill, Mrs. Fere served a typical Mennonite the achievement and perform -
Pratt says, "It has a feeling of an home -cooked lunch of potatoes, ance of students as well as
established school" which she ham, peas, carrots, salad, bread, strengthen communication and
feels is due to the fact that the and apple pie. It was simply de- understanding between home and
high school has been in Wingham licious. After lunch we viewed school.
for so long that it has made mis- books written about or by Men -
takes and through time has nonites. This included their work -
learned how to correct them. She books. We also admired crafts in JUST A SMILE
feels "the staff are very out- their craftroom which displayed
going" and "the students are crafts from a number of different Mr. Wood pointing to a cigar -
very friendly." Mrs. Pratt is also countries. ette button the floor ... "Fellow,
pleased with the way "the school Our bus trip involved a tour of is that yours?"
as a whole pushes sports and tries the general area. We viewed Tom Peterson: "No sir, you
to get everyone idvolved." farms of different groups of Men- saw it first."
Welcome to our school, Mrs. nonites. Many of these men oper- 0-0-0
Pratt. We wish you much happi- ate machine shops in the area, Diz MacDonald: "What can
ness and success in your first where they make machinery to you possibly expect of a day that
year at FEMSS. order. They very seldom use the begins with getting up in the
—Eleanor Johnstone Products themselves. They are morning?"
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CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS coached by Mr. Hunter of the history department,
captured the Junior Boys', Huron -Perth Championship held in St. Marys on October 20.
Next step is the Western Ontario meet which the team will attend on Saturday. They are:
left to right, John Passchier, Shane Purdon, Gord Kinahan, Keith Metzger, Dave Gamble,
and coach Mr. Hunter.
THE SR. GIRLS' basketball team provided an
action -packed game against Goderich on October 21.
Although the girls struggled hard, they met defeat with a
score of 40-36. Glenda BaIlagh (23) and Ruth Henderson (15)
are two important members on the team.
Energy Conservation Week.
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• Replacing air filters on warm air heating systems
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Heim is
what you can do
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• Avoiding idling the engine while waiting
For more ways to save energy and money, send for the
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Ontario Energy Management Program
Ministry of Energy
56 Wellesley Street West
12th floor
Toronto. Ontario
M7A 2B7
Ministry of Energy
Dennis R. Timbrell,
Minister William G. Davis,
tom' Premier