The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-04, Page 13WINGHAM
Automoblles, Light Trucks,
Farm Tractors
New Rad Cores
Cleing i Flushing
14 North St. 357-1102
16 tables at
W! h
The Wingham Advance -Times, November 4, 1976.—Pap if
euc re
FORDWICH — The Women's '
Institute held its card party in the
community hall Friday night A E I
with 16 tables in play.
Low lady was Etta Dietz; high
lady, Mrs. C. Geiger; low gent, ? GRAIN GRANNIES BRANY BUNCH
Sam Johnston; high gent, Russel LAKEI,ET — The seventh and — The fourth
Nickel; lucky cup, Bill Wilson. final meeting of the Lakdet meeting wass h held in the Women's
e Grain Grannies was held at the Institute Hall on October 4. The
home of Mrs. Behrns on Monday, roll call was, "My recipe using a
Oct. 25 at 7:30. The roll call, "Two ready -to -eat cereal". The giro
�� fill ' � points of information that the answered 1n turn'
label of the cereal box gives„ was Cathy Bakelaar read the min -
OPTOMETRIST answered by all. uses. The skit they decided to put
on at Achievement Day is "Mexi-
GODERICH "4 A discussion on the Canadian can Fiesta". They discussed
pattern for eating, meal manage- Achievement Day with the
The Square 524-7661 �' f the
FURTHER ... While Stocks Last
... no" that we're the
fourth largest trust
company in Canada,
Victoria and Grey Trust
is able to bring you all
the advantages of site as
well as continuing to
provide the same
personal service and
local experience that has
built confidence in our
serving the people of
Ontario since 1889.
Main St. E., Listowel
D. N. Lefebvre, Mgr.
The girls were green sheets 4 OCCIDENTAL LIFE OF CALIFORNIA
from which they were asked to
e ortfrom Queen's Park
ing this week, they will work on T EASY O choose the four best meals. Dur TERM - N THE BUDGET
p R S
their record books and recipe * $75
Legislature reconvened last shared equally by both partners. ent of the police. Mr. MacBeth files in order to finish them by the 53 Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30
week in what was one of the bus- It is now proposed that workers expects the tribunal to be fungi- weekend. * First Year Premium
iest days ever in the Ontario can refuse to work in unsafe con- tioning in early 1977. GET COMPLETE INFORMATION
Legislature. The government ditions — a right demanded for
kicked the whole thing off by in- some time by organized labor. The rate of disqualification for HERBERT DIRSTEIN LISTOWEI 291-3372
troducing a dozen pieces of new
ment and foreign types of foods
leaders. Mrs. Gordon spoke o
different kinds and uses of flour.
for Canadian meals was held.
tional health and safety division
home buyer grants is running as
The group made Mexican jelly
Mrs. Bakelaar discussed making
will be created within the Labor
rolls and planned and practised
muffins. The girls were shown
menus for judging and completed
different types of muffins with
12, 1977 .
plans for Achievement Day. The
different faults. They were
To October 22, a total of 1,016
meeting closed with 4-H motto.
divided into two groups to make
safety committees on work sites.
bran muffins.
Solicitor general John Mac-
Roll call for the fifth meeting
Society, spoke at St. Paul's Angli-
was, "Three things I have
grants will terminate at the end
Mexican foods were the topic of
learned about flour". Mrs.
ince-wide tribunal to hear citizen
a discussion led by Mrs. Art
Gordon discussed the popular
FISHING GHOSTS AND GOBLINS out of a fish bowl at the Wing ham Day Care Centre on
Clark when the Wingham girls
pastas and how cereal productsmet
be or at
Friday morning were: Patti Reid, Ben Barnes and Allison Wardrop in front. Angela Kerr,
at the home of Mrs. Dan
Stuckey. Mrs. Stuckey made
can used as snacks
banquets. Mrs. Gordon passed
Lisa Chapman, Glen Taylor, Jason Kraemer and Scott Gillespie 9n back. All the
Mexican chili rolls which were
around a sample of pasta. The
youngsters wore costumes for the day.
very hot and spicy.
discussion questions were taken
ler; Nicole Michelle Reid, daugh-
purchased to replace the straight
Mrs. Clark also discussed meal
Thq girls were divided into two
management, toe 4-11 coffee
party and Achievement Day
groups, one group made spa -
ghetti and the other group made
Becker of Walkerton, son of Mrs.
plans. As a roll call, the girls pro-
spaghetti skuce.
Day 4-7 St. Petersburg, Florida -
morning we leave Silver Springs and travel to
duced labels from cereal boxes.
Shirleyeinbecker and the late
... no" that we're the
fourth largest trust
company in Canada,
Victoria and Grey Trust
is able to bring you all
the advantages of site as
well as continuing to
provide the same
personal service and
local experience that has
built confidence in our
serving the people of
Ontario since 1889.
Main St. E., Listowel
D. N. Lefebvre, Mgr.
The girls were green sheets 4 OCCIDENTAL LIFE OF CALIFORNIA
from which they were asked to
e ortfrom Queen's Park
ing this week, they will work on T EASY O choose the four best meals. Dur TERM - N THE BUDGET
p R S
their record books and recipe * $75
Legislature reconvened last shared equally by both partners. ent of the police. Mr. MacBeth files in order to finish them by the 53 Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30
week in what was one of the bus- It is now proposed that workers expects the tribunal to be fungi- weekend. * First Year Premium
iest days ever in the Ontario can refuse to work in unsafe con- tioning in early 1977. GET COMPLETE INFORMATION
Legislature. The government ditions — a right demanded for
kicked the whole thing off by in- some time by organized labor. The rate of disqualification for HERBERT DIRSTEIN LISTOWEI 291-3372
troducing a dozen pieces of new
A single, centralized occupa- ,
recipients of Ontario first-time
tional health and safety division
home buyer grants is running as
sing Home on Thursday.
After it was over the govern-
will be created within the Labor
high as 10.7 per cent, according to
Fire and Safety Advisor from the
ment had promised new deals for
Ministry, which will allow for the
Revenue Minister Arthur Meen.
12, 1977 .
partners whose marriages fail,
formation of labor-mapagement
To October 22, a total of 1,016
—Douglas Campbell, repre- REVOLVER DISCO
for miners involved in dangerous
safety committees on work sites.
grants were disallowed. Mr.
sentative of the Gideon Bible
work, and for farmers through
Solicitor general John Mac-
Meen confirmed that the audit of
Society, spoke at St. Paul's Angli-
the revised Farm Income Protec-
Beth .plans to establish a prov-
grants will terminate at the end
can Church on Sunday morning. MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS
tion Bill.
ince-wide tribunal to hear citizen
of this year when only 15,000, or
Harry Brydges was in charge of AND
Under the Farm Bill there are
complaints against policemen.
about 17 per cent of the total pay-
the morning prayer service, Mike OTHER DANCE FUNCTIQN8
a number of significant changes
The tribunal would be independ-
ments, have been investigated.
Milosevic read the first lesson,
A- the bill which d f ted
proceed from Cartersville To Silver Springs
charged, combination nozzles be
Mr r, bell th d d
was a ea . amp a sewn an
last June. The plan is now volun- Rev. T. K. Hawthorn read the
Our Usual tary; it will cover all farm pro- Litany.
"LOVE TO TURN YOU ON" Ptf• 455-6581
Cash $Carry ducts and will be financed by a
one-third contribution from More fire protection —Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gray of London
Price 8.39 farmers and a two-thirds contri- Bluevale were Sunday evening
Per Paeka a PKG. COVERS bution from the government. It is supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
9 expected to cost the government ordered f or Huronview Clarence Henning.
5-6 SQ. FT.3 between 60 and 70 million. For the Hwy. 97
most part the payout will beGORRIE MOTORS
Five suggestions arising from a As the annunciator panels will
This Represents A Price Drop Of Over made to those who join the plan if meeting between the Committee be an expensive project, the Where You Buy For less
50% Off Our Usual -Cash &,Carry, Price! - -- the average price of a product of Management for Huronview administrator has been author- Gorr ❑ Phone 335-3254 v. mile east of Gorrie
So Hurry !Get Yours While Stocks Last. Fops below the average price and A. C. Thornhill and Dr. F. ized to obtain estimates for the Infant baptized Fordwich
y over the last five years, and the Vernon of the Ministry of Com- work. on Hwy.
payment will be based on 95 per munity and Social Services re- In other repairs it was an- at Donnybrook
cent of that average five-year carding possible solutions to a nounced that H. J. tenPas Con- 1971 PLYMOUTH 1971 BELAIRE
Discount price. This applies to products shortage of accommodation were struction had been engaged to re- WHITECHURCH — On Sunday 4 door sedan
named under the Federal placed before the regular pair the brickwork in the area of at Donnybrook Church, William FURY III
Stabilization Bill. For those pro- meeting of Huron County Council the ambulance entrance on a James Snowden, son of Mr. and 4 door, a.c., p.w. 1972 PONTIAC
ducts not so named the payment on Friday. time and material basis. Mrs. Bill Snowden of Lucknow,
will be less. Council was urged to look for Exeter Roofing has completed was baptized by Rev. Earl K. St. CATALINA
0-0-0 other facilities, such as the pur- repairs to the roof at the ambu- Jean.
The family law proposals chasing of service in other in- lance area and over the two nor- Present at the service were Mr. 2A7hy%TflWNO
top 2 door hardtop
D AVE Slegalize marriage contracts to stitution ,in the county, to solict mal care patio areas. The total and Mrs. Joe Tiffinr� Joan and 1 970 PONTIAC
HOME CENTRES ... 15 BRANCHES define property rights and the more aid from the Ministry of cost of that project was ;2,395. Joey; Mr. and iVllzs. Ernest 1974 FORD
THROUGHOUT SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO care of'children. Further, there Health to provide more chronic Replacement draperies have Snowden, Allan and Brian; Mr.
are guarantees that in case of beds in Huron, the possible con- also been ordered from K Decor- and Mrs. Dave Bosman and WAGON RANCHERO
marriage breakdown the family struction of senior citizens' ating Limited at a cost of family, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
assets, such as house and car, be apartment units in co-operation $2,551.77, this being the lower of Ron Snowden -and family, St. 1970 CAPRICE
with the Ministry of Housing, the two quotations submitted. Helens. Honored guests were the 1969 CHRYSLER
possible use of satellite homes baby's great-grandmother, Mrs. 4 door hardtop
and the possibility that in future Orville Tiffin, and his great 1 96g PLYMOUTH
KINCARDINE TRAVEL SERVICE the Ministry Social Services grandfather, William Humphrey.
may have funds
available to build Following, the service, Mr. and 4 door sedan 2 door hardtop
residential homes but not to ex- Mrs. Bill Snowden and Mr. and
831 QUEEN STREET KINCARDINE, ONTARIO tend care facilities. Lakelet Mrs. Ernest Snowden entertained SPECIAL OF THE WEEK
At present, Huronview is filled at the latters' home where all en
LONG TERM FLORIDA STAY to capacity with a waiting list of Lakelet WI entertained the joyed a smorgasbord dinner.
ORMONQ)IBEACH Tour No. 771-4 - 27 DAYS -
Departs )bnuary 29, 1977
Day 1- Dayton, Ohio - We leave this morning
on our long term Florida Sunshine tour as we
head south past Detroit to Dayton, Ohio
where we stay overnight.
Day 2- Ca rt ersville, Georqia - Continuing
south today on Route 75, we pass Lexington,
Knoxville, and on to Cartersville, Georgia
where our accommodations await us.
Day 3 -St. Augustine, Florida - South on Route
75 to the Sunshine State of Florida with a stop
for an official welcome at the Florida
Welcome Centre. From here we travel on to
St. Augustine, the old Spanish city, where we
spend the night.
Day 4 -Ormond Beach, Florida - This morning
we have a tour of St. Augustine with its
narrow streets, the old fort and many more
sights. Then continue on to Ormond Beach,
part of the greater Daytona. Beach resort
Day 5 - 23 -Ormond Beach, Florida While in
Ormond Beach you will stay at an oceanside
luxury resort hotel within walking distance of
a shopping center. Sightseeing tours and car
rentals can be arranged at the hotel.
Day 24 -Silver Springs, Florida - Today our
motorcoach will arrive at approximately
noon in order to pick up our well tanned and
rested tour members to travel to Silver
Springs to give you a chance to explore this
area, take a ride in the glass bottom boats and
have ample time to do some last minute
Florida shopping. Overnight Silver Springs.
Day 25 - Cartersville, Georgia This morning
we leave Silver Springs and travel on Route 75
north via Perry and Atlanta to Cartersville,
Georgia where our accommodations are for.,
Day 26 - Dayton Ohio North Again today via
Knoxville and Lexington to Dayton, Ohio
where we pause for overnight.
Day 27 Home We arrive home in the late
afternoon or early evening of February 14th.
Day 8 - Orlando, Florida Today we leave St. extinguisher be installed in the history and English and also was were baptized.
Petersburg and travel to Cypress Gardens to paint storage area and that five presented with\ an award 'from
see the Gardens and the Water Show. We then additional annunciator panels be the Walkerton Kinsmen. John has
go on to Orlando for overnight. installed in various locations. entered Waterloo University.
Day 9 - Orlando, Florida Today will be our
day at Disney World with overnight at our
Orlando Hotel. Those who do not wish to go to
Disney World can relax or shop.
Days 10-24 - Ormond Beach, Florida - We
proceed to our hotels located directly on the
beach, to Ormond Beach where we stay for
the next 15 nights.
Day 25 - St. Augustine, Florida - Today our
motorcoach will be available to begin our
return to Canada leaving Ormond Beach as
we travel north to St. Augustine where we will
tour the old Spanish City, take time to shop,
relax, and spend the night.
Day 26 - Cartersville, Georgia This morning
we leave St. Augustine travelling north to
Cartersville, Georgia for overnight.
Day 27 Dayton, Ohio North from Car-
tersville to Dayton, Ohio for overnight.
Day 28 Home - Our arrival home will be in
the late afternoon or early evening of March
11. '
Authorized Agents For - Sunflight,
�� Wardair, Air Canada, Skylark
IATA Pit: 519-396-3477
Out of Town Call Collect
tJ, The Howick Grapevine
STAFF VS STUDENT to have a problem bast week,
SOCCER GAME they discovered two leaks in the
On Tuesday, October 26, the roof I Let's hope the rain holds off
staff and the student team had a for a while or Mr. Cober will have
soccer game. The students who a class of wet -heads'.
were not involved in the soccer HAI,I,OWE'EN
game observed. The teachers In the halls of Howick it isn't
won with a score of two points. hard to tell that Hallowe'en is
Mr. Stretton and Mr. Stewart near. There are paper mache
scored the goals. The students masks and little orange and black
ended with a score of zero. The Hallowe'en pictures. Pupils at
game was quite exciting and en- Howick like Hallowe'en but most
joyable to watch, judging by the of all we all like a safe Hal -
enthusiasm of the spectators. lowe'en.
LEAK IN ROOF! Tammy Brown,
Well,_ Mr. Cober's class seems Susan Mann
Now You Can Afford An
AD new. All On.
Itir 0311y $ 1og.00!
P Highway 23 North
LIS}OWeI. On}Orly
Phone 291 2441
Lawn & Sports Equipment
Guaranteed repairs to ALL MAKES of Snowmobiles..
with that
Arctic Cat
built-in quality!
between 30 and 40 persons.
residents at the Fordwich Nur
Council was also told that the
sing Home on Thursday.
Tour No. 772-2 - 28 DAYS Departs February
Fire and Safety Advisor from the
Murray Dickert broke his ankle
Beautiful 2 door with 6 cylinder engine and automatic
12, 1977 .
Ministry of Community and
Social Services visited Huron.
last week.
Sympathy to the family of Mrs.
B aptism
transmission. Finished in red with co-ordinating interior.
Day 1 - Dayton, Ohio We proceed south to
Dayton, Ohio . where our overnight ac-
view recently and made a num-
ber of recommendations which
Bill (Mary) Mighton, formerly of
FORDWICH — Baptism ser-
commodations await us.
Day 2 - Cartersville, Georgia - Continue south
are now being carried out.
Lakelet, who passed away
week in Walkerton. She was one
vice was held Sunday morning in
the Fordwich United Churchwith
today on Route 75 via Lexington and Knox-
The Safety Advisor 'recom-
of the older citizens of Lakelet.
Rev. H. T. Fleetham officiating.
ville to Cartersville, Georgia.
Silver Springs, Florida Today we
mended the pressurized water
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis Jr. of
Brent Donald Heinmiller, son
Day 3 - -
and CO2 extinguishers re-
Milton visited Sunday with
of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Heinmil-
proceed from Cartersville To Silver Springs
charged, combination nozzles be
and Mrs. Jim Inglis.
ler; Nicole Michelle Reid, daugh-
where we will have ample time to visit the
purchased to replace the straight
Congratulations to John Hein-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid;
Springs and ride the glass bottom boats.
stream nozzles on the fire hoses
Becker of Walkerton, son of Mrs.
James Matthew Winkel, son of
Day 4-7 St. Petersburg, Florida -
morning we leave Silver Springs and travel to
in the 1960 addition; that a ther-
Shirleyeinbecker and the late
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkel; Nathan
St. Petersburg where our accommodations
mal protector be installed in the
Harvey Heinbecker, of Clifford.
Ben Eldon Patterson, son of Mr.
Come and see Our fine selection
will be for the next four nights. Ample time to
janitor's room on the first floor
Ile received the award for the
and Mrs. Donald Patterson and
Of used cars. Test drive One today!
explore this area, relax poolside at your hotel'
men's section; that a five pound
ABC multi-purpose chemical
Ontario Scholarship and an
for the highest mark in
Peter James MacEwen, son of
Phone: Sewers 357-1475
and take in the warm sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacEwen
Day 8 - Orlando, Florida Today we leave St. extinguisher be installed in the history and English and also was were baptized.
Petersburg and travel to Cypress Gardens to paint storage area and that five presented with\ an award 'from
see the Gardens and the Water Show. We then additional annunciator panels be the Walkerton Kinsmen. John has
go on to Orlando for overnight. installed in various locations. entered Waterloo University.
Day 9 - Orlando, Florida Today will be our
day at Disney World with overnight at our
Orlando Hotel. Those who do not wish to go to
Disney World can relax or shop.
Days 10-24 - Ormond Beach, Florida - We
proceed to our hotels located directly on the
beach, to Ormond Beach where we stay for
the next 15 nights.
Day 25 - St. Augustine, Florida - Today our
motorcoach will be available to begin our
return to Canada leaving Ormond Beach as
we travel north to St. Augustine where we will
tour the old Spanish City, take time to shop,
relax, and spend the night.
Day 26 - Cartersville, Georgia This morning
we leave St. Augustine travelling north to
Cartersville, Georgia for overnight.
Day 27 Dayton, Ohio North from Car-
tersville to Dayton, Ohio for overnight.
Day 28 Home - Our arrival home will be in
the late afternoon or early evening of March
11. '
Authorized Agents For - Sunflight,
�� Wardair, Air Canada, Skylark
IATA Pit: 519-396-3477
Out of Town Call Collect
tJ, The Howick Grapevine
STAFF VS STUDENT to have a problem bast week,
SOCCER GAME they discovered two leaks in the
On Tuesday, October 26, the roof I Let's hope the rain holds off
staff and the student team had a for a while or Mr. Cober will have
soccer game. The students who a class of wet -heads'.
were not involved in the soccer HAI,I,OWE'EN
game observed. The teachers In the halls of Howick it isn't
won with a score of two points. hard to tell that Hallowe'en is
Mr. Stretton and Mr. Stewart near. There are paper mache
scored the goals. The students masks and little orange and black
ended with a score of zero. The Hallowe'en pictures. Pupils at
game was quite exciting and en- Howick like Hallowe'en but most
joyable to watch, judging by the of all we all like a safe Hal -
enthusiasm of the spectators. lowe'en.
LEAK IN ROOF! Tammy Brown,
Well,_ Mr. Cober's class seems Susan Mann
Now You Can Afford An
AD new. All On.
Itir 0311y $ 1og.00!
P Highway 23 North
LIS}OWeI. On}Orly
Phone 291 2441
Lawn & Sports Equipment
Guaranteed repairs to ALL MAKES of Snowmobiles..
with that
Arctic Cat
built-in quality!