The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-30, Page 6II
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Its field County will ways department with interest
PW �Zb„ �pgham Advance -Times,
September 30, 19716 Ombudsman hears Results for a ty for saving
This Will result in r
a saving in the road departAsent
35 complaints budget of
some x'000 and this
crop competition pave Road 19 high w will in PS P an
high winter control coat and allow
Representatives of the Ontario the paving of Road 18.
Ombudsman's Office were in Lis- BRUSSELS - Art Bolton of RR At their monthly meeting for '
towel last week hearing com- t, Dublin has completed the field September, held on Friday, the
} plaints from area residents about crop competition judging for the Hurotl County Council learned
the provincial government: The Brussels Agricultural Society from the report of the Road Com- ��Y
Ombudsman himself, Arthur with the results as follows: mittee that a contract valued at -
Maloney, Q.C., did not make the $94,615 has been let to Levis Con
t trip Ensilage corn, Jack Cardiff 86, .acting Company of Clinton for F A �� SUPPLY L I M I T E D
According to Gary Speranzini, Emerson Mitchell 951,1, Jack Hig- the paving of County Road 18
director of interview services, 35 gins 95, Jack Wheeler 94%, from Ethel to Highway 86 near
}} people made official complaints, George Wheeler 94, Lawrie Black Molesworth, a distance of 5.5
f although many more than that 93`x, Wm. Coultas 83, Charles miles. This phject had been de
n: showed up to talk. Most of the Higgins 92, Glenn Coultes 91%, layed earlier this year until it
E'' I♦`-.�---- �"""'""&� `
complaints came from
dairy Ross Mitchell 90,/1, Doug Machan Ontario
p s'y could be determined if the Count B rI�I� ha en,
farmers upset with the rovincial 9U, Leslie Knight 89, Dave Wheel -
p p would have sufficient funds.
government's milk quota and er 88'.x, Graham Work 88, B� The total cost of the project will Tel . 345-2941
Black 87,,2, Bob McDonald 87,
pricing policies. be closer to $150,000 since the
Altogether the five represents- Wallace Black Veit Murray Car- county is required to supply After hours 345'2243
tives here spoke six different Ian diff 86, Clair Veitch 851/1, Jim
Po approximately ;42,000 worth of
guages, and were specialists in Fritz 85, Graeme Craig 811Ge, asphalt cement, approximately
...'•' several different fields. The Wayne Hopper 84, Jack Knight 6000 cubic yards of gravel for
busiest, of course, was the a ri Harvey Craig 821Fi, John '
g shouldering and all inspection,
•� ; culture specialist, Gilles Morin Boneschansher 81, Ross Veit surveying and weighing of
who is the director of Rural, 80, Bill Pearson 79, Geo Pearson materials. Barn
' * Agricultural and Municipal Serv- ,w.2, GeraId;;mitiLh
h'r�, Ron EmPhis total price uf X150,000 is
ices for the office of the Ombuds- 76' Bob Higgins 75.WaS�n and
x9,000 over the engineer's esti
man. • Grain corn, Clarence McCut- mate and could possibly lead to a
Mr. Speranzini said that most cheon 96, Doug Hemingway 95, slight overexpenditure by the
of the complaints the office re- Donna Hemingway 94.5Neil end of the year, dg
ependin on the Disinfecting
OMBUDSMAN -Representatives from the Ontario Ombudsman's office were in Listowel ceives revolve around the minis- , severityof the winter during
last week to talk to area residents about their beefs with the Provincial government. In tries that provide human ser- I'emingway 94, Leslie Knight November and December, ac -
Listowel 35 people lodged complaints, with almost half of them farmers complaining 9334, Geo. Wheeler 93 z, Bodmin
vicesyer (centre), such as the pension and Ltd. 93'4, Lawrie Black 93, Don cording to the Road Committee
about government milk production policies. Here investigator Corrine Banner Photo) OHIP. Many people are simply Procter 92.5, George Procter 92, report. It was the opinion of the
takes a complaint. concerned about the size of the Jack Wheeler 91.5, Wayne Hop -
Committee however, that the cost
government, and don't know how per 91, Ross Mitchell 90, Emerson would be even higher if the pro- praying With car
to approach it with their prob- Mitchell 89.5, Tom Warwick 89, ,cot was deferred until 1977.
'ems. The contract was let following
Dave Wheeler 88.5, Ross Higgins
n a I NotesAnother of the major functions Ross Veitch 87, John Van a special meeting of the RoadWhitens and disin eats
Persoof the Ombudsman's office is to Vliet 86, Wallace Black 86, Jan Committee on August 26.
Fordwich help people set down their com- Van Vliet 85 5, Murray Cardiff 83, In the same report Clerk -tree -
John Hannah of Harriston and Pries on Sunday from the Chesley burg and will spend a week with plaints. "They know what is Jack Cardiff 82, Jim Mair 81.5, surer B. G. Hanly advised that, as it dries.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nash of Funeral Home. her family. wrong," said Mr. Speranzini of John Boneschansher 80.5, Clair due to a change in financing the
Witlnipeg had supper Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkins of the people who come in to the Veit McDonald
80.5, Gerald Smith 80, Bob county's share of the road bud- .
with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson. and family of Kitchener spent the Arthur visited Saturday evening office, "But sometimes they don't McDonald 791,�, Jack Knight' 79, get, the treasurer's department
Sunday visitors at the same home weekend at their home here. with Mr. ancMrs. Jim McInnes. know how to say it." Ron Smith 77.5, Graham Work 77. would not be charging the high -
were Mrs. Les Burrows and Mrs. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Miss Margaret Montgomery of 1
George Richards and Carol Anne. Mrs. Carl Stewart were Mr. and Toronto and Mrs. Helen Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schaefer Mrs. Bill Mulvey, Cindy and Jeff of Listowel spent the weekend
and Mrs. Bert Hooper Cif London of Belmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gary with Miss Louise Matthews and
were Sunday guests with Mrs. E. Sothern, Tracy and Tim of Pal- Mel Batters. They also attended
A. Schaefer. merston, Mr. and Mrs. James the 75th anniversary of Fordwich -t
Recent visitors with Mr. and Vittie and Mr. and Mrs. Bill United Church Sunday morning.
Mrs. Hector Browne were Mr. Sothern, the occasion being Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock of'±
and Mrs. Tom Browne of Union- Vittie's birthday. Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
ville. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson, Magill and Jim of London andZIEBART
Recent visitors with Mrs. Cathy and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Emma Williamson of Lon -
George Ashton and also with Mr. Robert Clarkson and Mr. and don were Sunday guests with
Ashton, who is in the Heimstra Mrs. Bruce Armstrong attended Mrs. Crosby Sotheran.
Nursing Home, Listowel, were the Clarkson -Baguley wedding in On Friday evening Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells of London Nobleton on Friday evening. Mrs. Hector Browne entertained ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross I? and Sympathy of the community is Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie and
family of Bay Ridges. " expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride to a
Supper guests Sunday with Mr. McInnes in the death of the dinner, the occasion being the
and Mrs. Bruce Sothern were Mr. former's father, Who passed celebration of the birthdays of
and Mrs. Harvey McDermott Of away last week in Kirkland Lake. Mr. Vittie, Mr. Bride and Mr,
Orangeville and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Les Burrows of London Browne.
Roy Simmons. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jim France and baby son
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Corbett of Austin Stinson and attended the of Ripley spent the weekend with '
London visited Sunday with Miss" ` r
anniversary services in the Ford- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lambkin.
Lou Matthews and Mel Batters. w,ich United Church. >a Mr. and Mrs. Bob McElwain of
Mrs. Emma Williamson of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moroco of Toronto were Sunday visitors
London is spending a few days Buffalo, N.Y., visited Saturday with Miss Minnie McElwain and
this week with Mrs. Verna Gal- with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm- John McElwain.
braith and Mrs; Elsie Strong. strong. Mrs. Ann Armstrong visited
Friends of Grant Miller will be Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby last week in Palmerston with Mr.
pleased to know he has returned Patterson and family of Toronto and Mrs. Larry Cowan and Mr. m
home from Sick Children's Hos- and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin, and Mrs. Vernon Cowan and on
pital, Toronto. We all wish him a Matthew and Peter of Tillson- Friday Shelly Ann and Sandra
speedy return to good health. burg were Sunday visitors -with Lynn, twin daughters of Mr. and
A number from here attended Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Cowan, celebrated
the funeral of the late Milton Patterson returned to Tillson- their first birthdays. IlArrtm
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