The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-23, Page 126
o t V uR n u V u n G v e nT S 1111
The girls discussed teeir
9Achievement Day Project a
BY PADDY ANN TEN PAS see everyone chatting over tea. ' Mrs. Clark Showed pictures of
1WROMM wdwwaca-Times, Sepqsmbse gi► 191a
" Beautiful warm sunshine add- The tea room was in charge of grain in of wr lands. Caryn Manu
log ed so much to the delightful Mrs. Howson and the ladies of the demonstrated' making Vita -111
BLUEVAI.E III when and where to have the neat
2. - • _ family tea held at Brookhaven Blyth United Church who have ')lg� Bluevale III e -H club held meeting..The club name will be Veal. Heather Currie and Ar -
Nursing oma ae, Surday, tun made Brookhaven N Home lane Willis made Dogwoods aad
rot project y ue sing its first meeting at the home of s men because there Mrs.Stuckey made Onion Rice.
soling y people to come their this ear. Colleen Robertson on Sept. 13 and are 13 members.
t . A#' * great dis cuts t0 be with us. The many greats w enc the
greeted elected Officers: President, The leaders discussed the is As a home assignment,
Sunday, September 18, was On- by Roger Keay, the Pm
N tario Nuns Home Sunda adminiatra'. Barbara Johnston, vice-presi- of a kernel of wheat and the dif- �'� are o list products made
Nursing y and for of the home, and Mrs. Keith dent, Sherry Robertson; press ferent kinds of grains. Brenda from wheat, oats and corn; make
in celebration the families of the McLaughlin, the director of nur's- reporter, Joanne ar The Lockie and Donna Harding . and serve a hot cereal; and c01-
residents were invited to come ing. members will rota secre- demonstrated how to make dog- lett labled breakfast cereals.
for afternoon tea and a display of The visitors of the afternoon tary. woods and the leaders showed 0-0-0
some of the craft work done at the were invited to sign the guest- Joanne Schmidt., and Colleen how to make onion rice. Crispy Crunchers
home. book D Mrs. Ben Malda of Wing ��� the p—p The Wingham I dub, under the
y general informa
During the tea hours, Mrs. ham who is an ardent volunteer tion on how o fill' in a one da direction of Mrs. Les JackWi, in
Morris Swanson of Wingham at the Home. y Whitechurch beginning its new project, "'Ibe
record of cereal and bread eaten
presided at the piano, bringing Mrs. Gerhard During, our craft cereal f for world Lorne Ann Jamieson was elect-' CerealSteel the first meet -
ed resident when the club met at f". At
back many fine memories of by- director, was in charge of the cods the and p ing, they discussed good working
cereal products made from basic the home of leader Mrs. Walter
gone days and Sunday afternoons craft display at which were ex- grains. The made fru methods and the girls helped
spent around the piano. We were hibited many crafts, knitting; y y P8° Elliott. Wendy Kay is first vice- make n Cookies.
to have with us, Mr. y Pastels enjoyed by which
e rune. ere tasted and president and press reporter is President is Marilyn MacIn
privileged pictures and two )oval
and Mrs. Murray Gaunt who sang done by our own Mrs. Eleanor Soy 0 — 0 — 0 Lurie Pardon. Club members are' tyle and press reporter is Dianne
the oloymns for us. Also enter- Davisson, formerly of Gorrie. t Wendy Kay, Clara Milligan, Orion
taining was a musical quartet Those residents spewing crafts GRAIN GRANNIES Lorie and Kathy Purdon, Lori
featuring Mr. and Mrs. Alex were Mrs. Helen Ross, Miss LAKELET — The second Ann Jamieson and Glenna Wilk- %
Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Curtis, Mrs. Harold meeting of the Cereal Shelf was en. The other leader is Mrs.
sec -
Handcrafted ted Denis Lan ri p y- held at the home of Mrs. Pert Archie Purdon. The office of sec-
. Langridge who kept ever Slessor, Miss Sara Wade, Miss Y
one's toes tapping with their hap- . Marion Simpson, Mrs. Edna Huth with 13 members present on retary will rotate. _Mrs Agnes Caskanette and
I� py music. Casemore, Mrs. Etta Blake, Miss Sept. 13. The roll call was "Your As a roll call, the girls answer- Miss Ann Morrison retW'ned
wagons made The tea room was tastefully ap- Annie McEwan. Record of Cereal and Bread ed the question, "Why do I attend home A Monday after vacation -
pointed pointed in silver and linen with Our nursing home theme this Eaten for a Day". The next meet- 4-H meetings?" Mrs.. Purdon ing in the West. They visited at
�'; simple arrangements of asters' on year is "A home away from ing will be at the home of Mrs. read the requirements of the club
41 good, hobby Y Y Calgary with Wilfred and Sandra
each table. Tea carts circulated home". This thought, I'm sure, William Behrns on Sept. 21. which will study the project, Caskanette and also visited in
throughout the home during the was realized to be very true and The club name was decided "Choosing Clothes for Leisure Banff and enjoyed a tour of the
Not content to just sit around afternoon and it was a pleasure to all thoughts of an institution fad upon and named, "Grain Gran- Wear". Rocky Mountains, Heritage Park
r ed as the residents intermingled nies". A discussion on structure In groupwork, the girls worked and other interesting places. On
the house following his retire glad and food value, cereal grades, in rs o take measurements. returning home, they visited with
mart 11 years ago, James Mc- F truly as one happy family. g Pa
Intosh, 218 Minnie Street, has J'' Supervisor is whole grain refined cereal and Mrs. Elliott told of material and pun and Diane Caskanette in
decided to use his spare time on a cooking cereals was led by the patterns which lend themselves Guelph.
booby. PP Y Bluevale u e v a l e leaders. well to leisure wear. She also told
appointed b —R. C. Scott of Wingham has
The demonstration was a how to equip a sewing
Mr. McIntosh has a number of Children's Aid Miss Pat Pritchard,of Toronto sample of grain values. Mrs. 0-0-0 g box.
returned from visiting family
wagons and other mirifature spent a few days with Mr. and Huth cooked vitamin B porridge. The Grain Girls members in Vancouver, on the
models made of wood. He has John V. Penn, MSW, AAMFC, Mrs. George Fischer. All Island and throughout the West,
done all the work himself and has formerly associated with the Ni g participated in making dog Wingham II club met 11 the including Saskatoon and Portage
used canvas as well as steel axles Sincere sympathy of the con- woods and onion rice. home s Mrs. by a y. Roll call prairie. During five weeks of
agora Region Family and Chil munity is expressed to Mr. and 0-0-0 was answered b eachLa
to make them authentic. +''°� '`"� ,,..� dren's Services, has oined the Y girl who
Mrs. Carl Johnston and family on showed a chart of the cereal and travel, he encountered bad
"It takes as much time to make g staff of the Children's Aid Society the passing of Mrs. Johnston's THE CEREAL SHELF weather for only two days.
the harness as it does anything ► of Huron County, assuming the sister, Mrs. Irvine McCabe of GORRIE — The No. 3 Club held _
else," he said in an interview. position of supervisor effectiveWindsor. its first meeting at the home of
"I've been working at it for a` g September 1. Mrs. Barbara Hayden. The elec-
about 12 years now and it takes Born and raised in Great Brit- tion of officers resulted as: Presi-
m mind off other things. Special service
y g � .� ' sin, Mr. Penn was a social work- P dent, Susan Mann; vice-presi-
The horses and oxen pulling the er in London, England and emi- dent, Elizabeth McCaughan;
wagons are all hand-crafted from grated to Canada in 1968, where on anniversary treasurer, Brenda Thornton;
wood.�a he began his professional career BLUEVALE — A large crowd secretary, revolving.
"My wife is a wonderful in child welfare in the Niagara attended the 118th Anniversary at The leaders are Mrs. Barbara
woman," he said. "She has been HIS HOBBY keeps this man active as he makes things from Region agency. Most recently he the United Church on Sunday at Hayden and Mrs. Beth Payne. SURVEYORS
very patient with me. She also wood. James Mc Intosh, 218 Minnie Street, is shown playing was employed as a marital and 11 a.m. Rev. Donald Beck of Hen- The discussion topic was on
has been a great help in keeping a homemade fiddle. Also shown are some of the many family therapist, and leader and sail was the guest minister. "Cereals for Everyday Eating".
me active." horse-drawn wagons and carts he has made. consultant in related parent and Rev. Beck's sermon was, "The Each girl took part in demon- KIAh and MACMILLAN
child training groups within the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit". strating different ways of
community. Mrs. Betty Graber of Brussels measuring dry and liquid in- t, Alfred Street, P.O. Box ]66, Wingham, Ontario+
• Mrs. Don Ross M'' Penn completed under- sang two solos, "Bless This gredients. NOG 2WO
E W Public School News graduate work in divinity at House" and "Mansion over the The leaders demonstrated
• • • Richmond College, London Uni- Hilltop". Mrs. Max Demeray was making frypan cookies and ��tf 1Ce fit Tu 9 av a m. to r da p.m.
conducts worship f,•ery Tue�dav and Thursday
versity, London, England, and organist. everyone enjoyed eating them.
There are 183 pupils registered Grades 1-2. WHITECHURCH - Mrs. in 1973 earned his master's de- (16—" Telephone 1519) 357-1712
at EWPS this year. One new The Grades 4-5 pupils are busy Donald Ross, in speaking to the gree in social work at the State BAKER'S DOZEN
teacher came to our school. She is preparing weed collections as a members of Chalmers Presby- University of New York at Buf- WR OXETER FORDWICH — The second club
Mrs. Oriold and teaches French. science project. They visited a terian Women's Missionary So- g
falo. Since 1975 he has been enrol- Mrs. Bill Bush of Kenora and meeting was held at the home of
Mrs. Edgar is teaching now in neighboring field and did a study ciety, based her meditation on led in the Clinical Behavioural Mr. and Mrs. Orval Coates of Mrs. Elmer'Harding on Septem- \�c ' 5 A�fr •d Street
Science ro r =�
Grades 1-2 until Mrs. Henry is of the goldenrod and the insects the 16th chapter of Matthew. p gam in the Depart- Waskada, Man., visited on Mon- ber 13. The meeting was opened
able to come back. that are attracted to this wide- Here, Christ asks the disciples, ment of Psychiatry,. McMaster day with Mr. and Mrs. Art Gib- with the 4-H pledge and the
min- N
There are 15 children in Kin- spread weed. Later this month "Whom do men say that I am?" University, Hamilton, complet- son. utes were read by. Shelly Zur-
dergarten. They are Gayle they hope to examine seeds and The answer was, "John the Bap- ing graduate courses in individ- Mrs. Tom Burke has returned brigg. "
Campbell, Lynne Campbell, perhaps grow some plants from tist, Elias and Jeremias or a ual and family therapy. In 1973 home from Wingham and District Roll call was answered by all
Shawn Campbell, Danny Case- seed. prophet". When the disciples and 1975 Mr. Penn taught courses Hospital. members and it was decided
more, Jason Coultes, Steven In Grades 5-6 the pupils have were asked, Simon Peter said, in Sociology at the Niagara Col-
Heffer, Joey Mason, Stacey Mc- been kept fairly busy. They are "Thou are the Christ, son of the lege of Arts and Technology.
Clinchey, Thorsten Muscheid, studying ants in science class and living God". He has written a parent train -
Sharon Ramsey, Jeffery Scott, have several specimens for their The meeting took place at the ing manual in child management,
Jonathon Stein, Steven Taylor, study. home of Mrs. Bill Rintoul last utilizing the behaviour modifica- '
Jacquelyn Van Camp and Grade sevens are involved in Wednesday. Mrs. Ross gave the tion approach, which will be pub- •
Stephen White. These people outdoor studies in science and re- call to worship. Mrs. Bill Evans lished in the coming year. Mr.
have been busy learning how to search units on "The Canadian led in prayer. Penn holds a clinical member- o
use the things in our room and Indians" in history. Following a reading by Mrs. ship in the American Association
h o t'd
ow i y up afterwards. One Lori Cameron has been absent Gordon Rintoul, a hymn was sung of Marriage and Family Counsel -
day they looked for red objects for a short while following her and Mrs. Ross conducted a Bibli- lors- •
and then brought something red
from home. They had
wrestling match with a horse.
cal quizz.
Mr. Penn, his wife Maureen,
— 111114
Rn -50
fun march-
Needless to say the horse won
President Mrs. John DeBoer
and two children, have taken up
ing in the parade at the school
and Lori is hopefully recovering.
welcomed all and conducted the
residence in Goderich.
Grades 1-2 have been busy
Grade 8 worked hard preparing
for the school fair. They hope to
business. Secretary Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul read the minutes and roll
A massive, unprecedented human tragedy is in the making.
learning new songs, new words,
have entries for a literary contest
call was answered by 10 mem-
new poems and new number con.
in October.
bers with a verse containing the
cepts. It looks as if it is going to
The following new pupils are
word 'reap'.
BLUEVALE — The Turnberry
be a busy and exciting year for
welcomed to our school, as well
A letter was received listing all
Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian
as the Kindergarten class: Jana
the offices vacant on the Board of
Church met at the home of Mrs.
What's new of
Vincent,, Grade 1; Carolyn,
George and Michael Mason,
Maitland Presbyterial. Members
Berl Kirton in Wingham on
y g
O cares.
H u ro n v lew .
Heather Stinson and Shawn Vin-
were also told of the meeting o
be held in Wingham, October 6 at
Wednesday, Sept. 15. Five ladies
spent the afternoon quilting.
Harry Lear was guest soloist at
cent, Grade 3; Jim Stinson,
Grade 4; Peter George, Grade 5;
8 p.m. Preparations for this
meeting had already been made.
Mrs. Jack Willitts opened the
meeting by reading from the
During this world food crisis
the Sunday morning chapel
service and was accompanied at
Erika Stangen, .Grade 6; Alfred
Stangen, Grade 8.
The next meeting is the Fall
Psalms and Mrs. Glenn Snell
I pledge to skip or cut down
the organ by his wife, Gail. The
We are all looking forward to a
Thankoffering and will be held in
the church. It was decided to
read the minutes of the last meet
ing. The next meeting
a meal a week for the
service was conducted by the
chaplain, Rev. McWhinnie, with
good school year.
have guests and to ask them to
bring a number for the
will be at
the home of Mrs. Willitts in Octo-
ber. Lunch,
rest of this year and Send my
Doug Crich at the organ.
served by the hos-
empty plate money to
Marie Flynn, Norman Speir
offering was received and
brought the meeting to a
and Lorne Lawson provided the
Mrs. A. Campbell
dedicated by Mrs. Wallace Conn
followed by a reading from Mrs
CARE for the starving
old tyme music for Monday's
Bill Rintoul of article Wil
people overseas. lYPiATE Gp�tPP
activities. Three new residents
were welcomed to the Dome:
honored by family
m Wallace in the Record.
Trips are topic
Mrs. Underwood of Wingham,
the closing hymn the
and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love of
on 80th birthday
Ladies' Aid meeting was held
with Mrs. John
at Wingham Senior
Hensall. The special guest for the
DeBoer giving
afternoon was Allan Johns of
The family of Mrs. Annie
her financial statement. The
Citizens' meeting
Vancouver, B.C., a native
Campbell of RR 4, Wingham,
P g
offering was received and the
Tuckersmith, and a very active
honored her recent)
hY at a dinner
served refreshments.
An outline of trips advertised
volunteer worker in his home
community. The Clinton Chris-
and social evening on the occas
ion of her 80th birthda Y
A hot turkey dinner
Bill Evans ave the Cour-
tesy remarks.
for the fall in which Senior Citi -
Citi -
zens might be ir#erested was
tian Reformed volunteers as-
was served
givenMrs. Marg Burkhart at
sisted with the activities.
in Bluevale United Church h Y
the Se�tember meeting of the
"The Pathfinders", a group of
Unit Four of the UCW. The family
Wingham Senior Citizens at the
seven girls from the Blyth Chris-
Presented her with a family Pin
Armouries last Tuesday
tian Reformed Church, enter.
and numerous other gifts.
President Mrs. Olive Lewis
tained on Family Night with
attending were Mrs.
opened the meeting in the usual
lvj�a On
gospel music. The girls sang
Charles Campbell. Dann Y and
Bradley, Mr. MrsGordon
George. Jack and Ron Renwick
manner with -God Save The
several of the older hymns taking
and .
of Coulter, Manitoba, are cur-
Queen", roll call and reports.
different parts and in harmony,
Machan and Todd, Bluevale, Mr.
rently staying with George Inglis
A lengthy discussion followed
the favorite being the old spirit-
and Mrs. Dale Machan and Mi-
and visiting relatives in the Bel-
the guest speaker's outline of
ual "Steal Away". The singers
chelle, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs.
more community.
trips but no definite decision was
were Darlene Wesselink, Joanne
Bakelaar, Jcnny Reinink, Emmy
Ross Livingston of Listowel, Mr.
and Mrs. Huh Campbell, Glenn
g p
After being closed temporarily,g
made about setting up a tri for
is my
Monkes, Jo -Ann Passchier, Anita
and Bruce of Bluevale, Mr and
Mrs. Colin Campbell, Pat, Greg
the Belmore Community
y Arena is
now open. Roller skating is held
the group
Margaret Hastings and Verena
_ �']
of $
Jenny Datema. Miss Pearl
Bone. Wingham delegates, re
Gidley expressed the apprecia-
and Douglas, Ottawa, Mr. and
every Friday and Saturday night
ported to members on the
tion of the residents.
Mrs. Jerry Barrett and Mr. and
from 8 to 10
portion held in Catharines.
The Crediton Women's Insti-
Mrs. Brian Barrett and Carrie of
A few families from the Bel-
The evening's program opened
tute members were hosts for the
Amherstburg, Mr. and Mrs.
more area attended the Stompin'
with a singsong, "There's a Long,
September birthday party. Mrs.
Bruce Coghill and Candy, Cam
� q y•
Tom Connors show in Walkerton.
bong ail" and "Let the Rest of
_ --
Norman Eveland was emcee for
the afternoon. Mrs. Don Fink-
bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Shean, Danny and Dale of Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fischer
the Wor " Mrs .1 J. Kerr ave
two readings and Reuben Apple-
C'- t -Y— -- -- _ — Area code
beiner, Lois Hodgins, Otis Saw-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camp-
are spending a few weeks in Hol-
by favored the group with some
yer, Ross and Nola Love provided
bell and family, RR 4, Wingham,
violin selections accompanied by
the program. Gifts were pre
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston,
Tom Darling is spending a few
Grace Ford on the piano
vented to the 27 celebrants and
Paul, Kevin and Darrin of RR 1,
days at home before returning
The Quipp sisters delighted the
(Make your tax-deductible cheque out to "CARE WORLD ER
lunch was served by the ladies.
Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
audience with their talented st
FUND". We will send you regular reminder envelopes for your
Mrs. McCreath thanked the insti
Smith, Harriston, and Ross
in baseball action, the Pee
dancing Lunch was served by
convenience. Thank you)
Lute on twhalf of the residents.
Abraham. RR 4, Wingham.
WeeQ lost to Jordan 10-8 and 8 6
the committee in charge
CARE Canada Department 4,63 Sparks 3t. Ottawa Kt P 5A8