The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-09, Page 5IN CONCERT '
8:00 P.M.
Walkerton Community Centre`
$4.00 advance $5.00 at the door
available at the W,olkerton Community Centre
The Wingham Advance -Times, September. 9, 1976—Page S
Personal from
Mrs. Beulah Burrows of Lt'- Won. Craig. Mrs. W. Shertreed
don visited last Tuesday after- Kenneth Wheeler and bis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fear and' Jack of W Veit �eeetiee held
King Wingham at.
with Mrs. Robert Hibberd. mother, Mrs. Pearl Wheder bM Jana of London visited or Sunday ten�'the funeral of their aunt, .�.i.l... ..• suase�
Misses Lisa, Pameia and Di- returned,. from spending a low with his l as . y Halliday of London, 11 6510 i YI nl�l� at Johnston home
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday.
anne Campbell of Winthrop days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sam Fear. Sharon Shobbrook of
visited with their grandparents, Pickell of Vancouver. Wingham and Ian Montgomery of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson BELGRAVE — The Women's BELGRAVE — The September,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd for Recent visitors with Mrs. Jesse Lucknow were also visitors at the spent the holiday weekend with Missionary Society's monthly ming of the evening unit of the
a few days last week: Wheeler were her nephew, 'same home. Mr. and Mrs. John Partlon of meeting was held on August 31 in United �yee was held
Ivan Wheeler of Edmonton neth Wilson and bier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd Monroeville, Penn. the church with Mrs. fvyal� at the home of Mrs. George John -
spent afew days at the home of erste, Mr. and yrs. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wilbert Byers of Royal Shortreed presiding. The meeting ston with 12 ladies present. Miss
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Richtmyef, all of Watkins Gin, Warren Zurbrigg of Clifford. Oak, Michigan, and her daugh- wasopened by reading in unison Annie Cook opened the meeting
neth Wheeler. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon ter, Mr's' John Barker of Roch- the call to worship from the with the worship serviceThe
'Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott and Arnold Bruce returned home' and Robert spent a few days last ester visited recently with her hymnal. Mrs. Joe Dunbar read theme was, "Working with God".
family of Barrie spent Labor Day from Victoria Hospital last week motoring through the Mani- sister, Mrs. Hazel Procter. scripture and Mrs. Mac Scott led .When Morning Gilds the Sky it
weekend with his mother, Mrs. Wednesday. His mother, Mrs. toulin district and coming home Michael McNall, who has spent in prayer. weer sung, followed b a
the summer months at Bathurst y prayer
Walter Scott and other relatives Athol Bruce is a patient in St. by the States. poem, "My Work", by Mrs John
in the area. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Robert Higgins attended Island, Northwest Territories, Minutes of the last meeting Roberts. Psalm 104 was read and
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott and George Inglis of Walkerton the funeral of her sister, Mrs. D. spent a few days in the village were read by Mrs. J. C. Me- "Work for the Night Is Coming"
Mrs. Walter Scott were dinner visited on Sunday with Mr. and S. Halliday (Esther Brydges) of visiting with friends before re- Burney, followed by the tress- was sung
guests of Mr. and Mrs. orman Mrs. Albert Bieman. turning to Victoria, B.C. urer's report b Mrs. Victor
� London last Tuesday morning Po Y
Shackleton of Inglewood recent-' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill and spent a few days with her Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cartwright, Youngblut. The roll call was an- The offering was received and
ly. Meribeth, Melanie and Jeffery were guests at the Feeley -Elliott daughter, Miss Margaret Hig- Donna and Patricia of London, swered by a verse on "Love" and dedicated by Miss Annie Cook.
returned home with them from wedding on Saturday, held in the gins. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Kuntz, Kim, 16 sick and shut-in calls were re- The meditation, "Working with
Rainbow Valley Camp at Cal- Presbyterian Church, Ailsa Mrs. Roy Pattison and Mr. and Duane and Peter of Kitchener, corded. God" was read by Mrs. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cart- Anderson and the hymn, "O
/ wright, John and Claude of The topic was taken by Mrs. Master, Let Me Walk with Thee"
Londesboro were weekend visit- McBurney and dealt with the closed the worship service. Mrs.
ors with Mrs. H. Rinn. They also 'Christian Conference in Asia. Robert Taylor conducted the
celebrated John's ninth birthday. This conference takes in Pakis- business.
Michael McNall spent the tan to Japan, including New Zea -
Labor Day weekend with Mr. and land and Australia and rep- Minutes of the last meeting
CO=OP TOTAL were read and a The
Mrs. Robert Procter. resents 40.000,000 Christians. The adopted.
On Sunday, a family gathering top priorities are hunger, human October meeting will be held at
was held at the home of Mr. and rights and living theology. She the home of Mrs. John Kerr on
Mrs. Robert Procter. Those pres- also told of the work of the Urban the second 'Tuesday, October 12
Y Rural Mission and read some with Mrs. Jack Hi
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Larr ggins'group in
Mayberry, Marilyn and Kimber- articles from the Glad Tidings on charge of the program, Mrs. Cliff
ley of Londesboro, Michael the same subject. Logan's group the lunch and Mrs.
McNall of Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Norman Cook's group, Vie wor-
Mrs. Frank Procter, Karen and "Fight the Good Fight" was ship.
Kevin, Howard Zetler, Chep- sung and Mrs. Shortreed closed Mrs. William Coultes gave a
stowe and Maxine Procter. the meeting with prayer. most interesting account of the
�J � �•' / School for Leaders at Alma Col-
lege which she attended.
1 Artist becomes awareLunch was served by Mrs, Jack
` Higgins' group.
�,. � �� of stiff ' '
-l` competition Bluevale
John has had no training or written and illustrated by Mr. Church service at the Presby -
lessons, but was a house painter Storozuk and just waiting to be terian Church will be cancelled
and decorator by trade. He says, published, although he said that this Sunday for Belmore Anni-
"I want to do something which I this, too, is such a crowded field versary with Rev. Glenn Noble of
1inL amt feel is entirely my own." He be- chances are small that the book Lucknow as guest speaker. Ser -
\\\1 lieves that the market for art is so will ever make the presses. vices at 11 a.m. and 7:30
uco over -filled and competitive it is As a younger man John was p.m. On 'September 19 church
almost impossible to have good quite interested in music and services will also be cancelled so
\ work recognized today. playing the guitar. Because of the congregation may worship
`Adventures in Outer Space', is this experience he has a written with the Bluevale United Church
x a collection of short stories folio containing about 650 songs as they hold their anniversary
,�� �• - and poems. service. Sunday School will begin
e John Storozuk of Wingham is As an artist and individual on September 19 at. 10 a.m. until
.ti. • \1 �� �� ,,���I1�1) trying out his ability to paint, John, of course, has an aim which 10:45 to allow anyone to attend
which he!discovered in 1972. His he hopes to realize in life — a way the United Church at 11 a.m.
earlier paintings were in oils on to. express himself completely Mr. and Mrs. James C. John -
1. canvas and pictured local and entirely in the form of his Ston and Mrs. Laura Souch of
scenery, relevant to anyone in the works. Eventually he would like Wingham have returned home
F Wingham district. He seeks to to have some entries in a gallery after spending two weeks with
portray a scene exactly as he and hopefully one day be recog- David Johnston and other rela-
- - - - sees it. nized for his talent. tives at Trail, B.C.
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JOHN STOROZUK is a self-taught artist who lives in Wingham. Pictured are his first
productions of oils on canvas which he painted in 1972.
THESE INK SKETCHES are all scenes of local nature and buildings in the Wingham
district. Mr. Storozuk hopes to havi them printed and made into past cards to be sold in
selected stores.