The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-09, Page 12t!
ye�ham Advance -Times, September 9, 1976
'Act covers the rights of Recreation Report.
By Jim Ward
• dog and sheep owners
PWL PROGRAM Scott, Stephen Switzer, Dabble
slower or later,. most sheep The Act covers both dog and Labor Day was the last day of Wright.
wn are confironted With the wolf damage to livestock and the pool season for Wingham and
problem of a dog or dogs molest- poultry. The local municipality +' `1'I„ District Centennial Swimming — Jennifer Bender, Kerry Bray,
flocks. i� UmAr This may result pays the livestock owner for Pool. In the last session of swim- Billy Cameron, Michelle Camer-
ming instruction the following on, Debbie Campbell, Celia
soave of the sheep being killed damage once it has been assessed were successful.
or **red, ar the flock badly by a local evaluator. In the cases GUPPY — Mark B� Chandler, Michael Heard,
u�• The latter case in even of wolf damage, municipal costs ` � John Craig, M Belanger, Michelle Heard, Bruce McInnes,
are recovered from the ro- 1g, arg Campbell, Nancy Nixon, Colleen O'Dona-
mare serious if it occurs at breed- p Trudy Foxton, Kim Lunn, Peter hue Lisa Ritchie. Debbie Scott,
� �. when � entire �� viacial government. If the live- �• \
production of the flock c af- Strong, Henry Versteeg, Janet
arw�- stock owner feels that the evalu- David Sjaarda, Heather Shiell,
fecWatcher, Jennifer Watcher. Kim Switzer.
�• anon is not fair, the decision can + MINNOW Andy Braswick, BEGINNERS — Joan Ar -
"But if the sheep owner shoots be appealed to the Ministry's Daryl 'Braswick, Jason Conley, buckle, Carol Belan ger, Michael
the marauding dog, y the Live Stock Commissioner. 'For Murray Allan Foxton, Brad Hay- Cameron, Brad g bell
dog assumes tremendous value damage done by dogs, the mu ,
den, Kelly Hollenbeck, Donna Darren Evans, Mark CampbellFoxton,
and there are various threats, nicipality can recover the monies Johnston, Sharon McInnes, Heidi Jason Goodall, Debora Henr
both physical and legal, made from owners of the dogs, if they y,y'
against the sheep owner," says are known. rtson, Scott Stretch, Heidi Dann Mansell, Julie Nichols,
sheep specialist D. J. Stevensoq,, u,,g, Elle So Taylor, Steven Wil- Laverne Steffler, Jennifer Willis, Doug Wood, Jo -Anne Wood, Sheri
of the Ontario Ministry of Agri "The Act further states that SHARK — Chris Cox, Steven' Wright.
culture and Food. He points out "any person may kill a dog that is Cox, Catherine Daw, Dwayne SURVIVAL — Sarah Bender,
that the rights of the various found killing or injuring livestock Mary Beth Foxton, Greg Man -
parties involved are explicitly or poultry, that in a township or WhitechurcRogers,
h 1rs. sell, Cheryl Marks, Ellen
outlined in the Dog Licensing and village is found between sunset Willie Rogers, Cathy lenShi, Bert
Live Stock and Poultry Pro- and sunrise straying from the 'Sjaarda, Mark Sjaarda, Brian
tection Act, a copy of which is premises where the dog is in second round Stapleton.
available through the offices of habitually kept, or that is found
the Ministry. straying, at any time, and notf DASA la offRED CROSS JUNIOR — Susan
under proper control, upon pre- P Brown, Karen Foxton, Georgina
mises where livestock or poultry WHITECHURCH — On Mon- Chettleburg, Kevin MacLean,
p specialist adds. The day, August 30, Joe Tiffin and his Allan Jackson, Michael Pletch,
is kept, the s junior softball team an their Jackie Robertson, Ron Schistad,
WINGHAM Act also provides for municipali- J �g
Western Ontario Athletic As Paula Strong, Debbie Sjaarda,
ties to collect dog license fees and sociation playoff against Mark- Robbie Willis.
BODY SHOP for the control of dogs running at dale. In the opening game they RED CROSS INTERMEDI-
large." came home with a 15-7 victor ATE — Tracy MacKay, Blair
He says that, broadly speaking, Y • Y,
the problem of dogs running at Playing back in Wingham, they Mansell, Sherry Robertson, Lisa
SID ADAMS large could be reduced by three eliminated the visitors by win- Thompson, Andrea Walker,
Complete courses of action. First, livestock ning, 11-8. Kevin Wild, Rance Willis.
RADIATOR sERYICE owners should familiarize them- They won the best -of -three RED CROSS SENIOR — Ken
selves with the legislation. series in two straight to advance Deichert, Pam Cameron, Peter
forSecond, township
to Ontario Amateur Softball As- Goodall, Daryl Holmes, Jeff
eouncillors and
Automobiles, Light Trucks, clerks should be made aware of sociation playdowns. Jackson, Doug MacIntyre, Caryn
Farm Tractors their obligations in the area of In the first OASA best -of -three Mann, Susan Nixon, Connie
New Raid Gores dog licensing and control. Final- ANNE'S AUTHOR—Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of series they eliminated Camlachie Streich; Marlene Taylor.
ly, dog .owners must be made in two straight games. They won ROYAL LIFE SAVING SO -
Rodding aware of their responsibility in Anne of Green Gables had a difficult time selling ing her story the first game 7-2 and scored a 5-4 CIETY— Bronze Medallion, Lori
Cleaning i Flushing controlling their animals and to begin with. Now Anne is known the the world. win in the return game in Goodall; Bronze Cross, Linda
their financial responsibility for Lucknow. Taylor and Janet Wood.
14 North St. 357-1102 any damage caused by the dogs. In the second round of OASA LEADER COURSE— The pre-
playdowns they scored a 4-1 win requisite for obtaining an in -
over Fullerton. The second game structor's certificate course is
Will nevli3drena funding rates of the best -of -three series, which the Leader Course. Each year we
will be played in Wingham, have operated a one week course
be of any benef It in Wingham • hasn't been scheduled as of press wateconsr tin of 40 hours — 20 in the
TERM -EASY ON THE BUDGET � time. P water and 20 hours in class.
* $ 75 This year was the largest class
53 Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30 although only two from Wingham
* First Year Premium It would appear that Wingham Taking Wingham as an ex- pool took -the course they were
is fortunate in that they decided ample, the committee has es- both successful. Mike Beattie and
GET COMPLETE INFORMATION to repair the old arena rather timated that $200,000 will be Wintario grant Lori Purdon were the two local
291-3372 man construct a new one. needed to repair the arena. The successful candidates. Others
HERBERT DIRSTEIN,, LISTOWEL„ Southwestern Ontario com- province now says it will a 75 for fitness trail
� , / P Y pay came from Lucknow, Harriston,
munities that planned to build per cent of those costs, for a total Listowel, Clinton and Teeswater.
new arenas earlier this year are, of $150,000. The town would only Conestoga College has been 0-0--0
for the most part, confused and have to come up with $50,000. awarded a Wintario Project PHONE-A-THON FOR ARENA
Howiek Lions Club undecided over the provincial Under the new ruling it would Capital Grant of $7,114.00 for the As written in another part of
government's new plan to help appear that Wingham would construction of fitness trails and this week's paper the phone -a -
them out financially, come out with a better deal. tree planting on the Doon camp- thon activities are upon us. The
Wingham gets a 25 per cent Under the old way the town would us. fun and frolic will .be at the Ar -
grant from the Ministry of Cul- have to raise $65,000 to match the ' The project will utilize one acre mouries this Saturday. Do come
ture and Recreation to help re- Wintario grant and then still have of land on the Doon site to develop down and partake in the activi-
BEEF BAR=B=Q pair the present arena. They are to put through a debenture for an- fitness trails and to plant native ties. Check the story in the other
also receiving a grant from Win- other $20,000. trees along the trails area. The article for more details.
tario in an amount which will Like everyone else it looks as if tree planting and the labelling of
Sunday, September 12 match that collected by the town the town will just have to wait all genus and species located in
on a donation basis. and see. They can't wait too long the area will be the start of a
. m. . Thus gn a $200,000 repair job on as bids for the repairs were open- comprehensive collection of
at 5:00
P the arena, the Culture and Rec- ed at council meeting last night. native trees. All trees adjacent to
Bathtub Races and Log Rolling reation ministry will pay 25 per the trails will be signed with suit -
cent or $50,000. Should the town able indications of common COMO
at 2:00 p.m. ' come up with the $65,000 in dona Plants provide name, botanical name, family
tions, which the Building Fund p and planting date:
committee is hoping for, then dye for 11 The trail system, which will be
.Beef supper and a I I the t r i m m- Wintario will match- that dollar or nativesopep to all College and communi-
for dollar for another $65,000. TORONTO --Some of the most ty members, will cater in par-
ings at the Lions Pool, Gorrie. This comes to a total of unusual plants, mosses and ticular to joggers and to people
Adults $4.00 Children 12 and under S2 00 $180'000• The rest would have to lichens in Canada are on display strolling through the woods or
English 111 i IV (Home study) Typing
Mathematics (Home study) Shorthand
Mathematics - Level 111
Accounting I i II
Mathematics - Level IV
Blueprint Reading
Effective Speaking
Dimensional Metrology
Creative Writing Workshop
Statistical Quality Control
Introduction to Crochet
Wall Hangings
Silk Screening
Drawing and Painting
Bartending Techniques
Child Psychology
Introduction to Real Estate
Manufacturing, Planning a
Segment I
Segment 11
Planning for Profits
Real Estate Certificate
Labour Relations
Effective Supervision
Course details and a brochure listing all part-time courses
offered by Conestoga College this fall is available now at the
Clinton Campus. Contact 482-3458
P.O. Box 160,
Clinton, Ontario.
Tires that are properly aligned, rotated when
needed and checked often insure you and your
family a smoother, s9fer ride.
Let us take a look for you!
TEXACO 5 Victoria East
Wingham, Ontario
• be debentured. If the repairs with samples of naturally dyed across Gelds. It will also provide DART FLO
Any child who took swimming lessons is exceed the $200,000 the ministry materials at The Native Heri- an ideal starting point for cross -
admitted for V2 price when accompanied by and Wintario will have to tage, the Ontario Science Cen- country skiers, and will be an
reassess their proportions of tre's summer show which shows excellent addition to the existing psieves payment. the technology of Native Peoples Grand Valley trail network. 360% DAIRY
Last Wednesday the province of Canada. The project will utilize sections
disclosed a new funding` program The plants and dye samples are of land which are inappropriate SUPPLEME
aimed at helping communities from Spence Bay, a settlement for any other type of facility or
Dance to the 4 which can't afford to repair north of the Arctic Circle in the installation. It is hoped that the
arenas declared unsafe earlier in North West Territories. Though creation of this total outdoor FITS ANYthe year. The new scheme would the growing season in Spence Bay facility will encourage the use of
have the province pay 75 per cent is only from mid-May to the first campus out-of-doors. FEEINNG
REVISED. EDITION of the costs on repairs if the com- week of September when the first The fitness trail has been de
munity raised the rest. snow flies, the low-lying heather- signed to provide ready access
The confusion arises particu- toned plants of the area are, from the gymnasium and dress- SITUAMON
larly for those communities traditionally, the sole source for • ing rooms of the proposed. sports
which decided to replace rather dyeing all Inuit materials. complex.
in the than repair unsafe, outdated Illustrations of how the plants The fitness trails — Vita Par Versatile! Regardless
arenas. The new funding here is Cours — will be marked with of the program you use
PALMERSTON ARENA more confusing. are used are seen in samples of P 9
yarn, sheep and goat fleece, wool suitable directional arrows, and It in, it will always
Since last December, when the duffle fabric, polar bear fur, will have 13 exercise stations fur- balance our animals
Saturday, September 18 ministry started a crackdown on musk ox fleece, and a yarn of 6 nished with signs combining pic- y
arenas found to be structurally torial and written explanations. needs.
M //��//�� unsound, 191 have been closed. per cent wool and 40 per cent syn-
- : W A • M• Another 175 are in the recess of thetic fibre. The stations have been designed Use with hay, silage Or
P The Spence Bay Dye display, to Permit use by different sized any home-grown grain.
being inspected. which also includes examples of people of varying calibres of fit- Your herd will et all
Many of the communities af- ness. g
contemporary clothing, stuffed
Sponsored by the fected opted to rebuild, often Construction of the project is essential vitamins and
Palmerston Volunteer Firefighter Association
after a bitter battle over the pros toys and other items has been
and cons of costly replacements Provided by the Government of expected to be completed early in minerals including the
$5.00 Per Couple or more reasonable repair bills. the North West Territories, Arts October, 1976; and a gala opening critical calcium/
Now the public is just confused. and Crafts Section. ceremony is being planned. phosphorous ratio.
For Tickets call: The new funding appears to A product of CO-OP
dangle extra dollars for those �/ I research nutritionists
343-2420 ' 343-2340 communities that decided to re �• 1` l college be 4s hard . the most
pair rather than rebuild.i1
qt 4h/S � knowledgeable people
—� in the feeding business.
* Q Dairy feeding program
KEEP IT . designed to fit your
feeding needs.
Air Conditioning throughout�ro�
A dinner dance all week in the upstairs lounn L `� e.
17--n � rz-%
` ^ )
_ --
Featuring: DUTY FREE for those who like We like to know our customers
� � � by name!
SUTTON to talk and dance instead of rock and bump. 'll �E�dE
� I 357-2711 887-6453
Hwy. 21 N., Kincardine Family Fun Day 4 p.m. 8 p m. �• Worm Words -