The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-15, Page 1FIRST SECTION
Wingham, Thursday, July 15, 1876
Beigrave eve ent
NOW BOOKING — Charter flights
and tours to Britain and Europe.
=u=w7, SERWY
r m -A AGI
listowol, Ontario .^ nl -2111
Single Copy Not Over 25c
mer oy many q
s present official plan for Huron The developer had to make 35 the ability of the area to handle
Yx• proposal was introduced
*I' County provides for the develop- copies of the proposal to submit septic wastes.;;:.
Tuesday, June 29 at a Belgrave ment of existing hamlets and vil- to every ministry involved Mr. Hill explained, "Generally
town planning meeting for a resi- lagea. He said that unless desig- whereas the Morris Township de- in the county, sewage systems
dential development. The 25 -acre vela ment didn't involve the are being installed in villages of
location is situated in the south nations shown on the official plan P g g
west corner of the village, conform to lot lines, natural same procedure. about 800 or more people." y
g bound' The Ministry of Natural Re- Mr. Gnay
ed by Highway 4 to the east, while boundaries, roads, railways and rY y questioned, "Did the
so on, the boundaries are open to sources indicated concern' over Ministry of Natural Resources �
the n are the
Creek and Grashe interpetation. Mr. Penfold men- sewage disposal of the Belgrave have input into the existing storm C
Drain are the boundaries to the ., ,,;• w
tioned that the planning depart- development. Apparently pipes sewer into Belgrave Creek?" " Mr. ;
north, south and west. ment realized that a section of the will be installed and the sewage Clark replied, "Townships do not
The proposal calls for a single will run into Belgrave Creek. have to conform to the same re- �s
and multi -family residential, Proposed development wasn't de 5b Gnay g
signaled for urban use on the Y P ro Posed a question quirements as private develop -
commercial and parkland area to
�,q�y Plan. However, the area on sewage, "How large can a ers. The proposed development
be developed by Lorne Hum-- hamlet row before a sews will be circulated to Natural Re -
falls within natural boundaries, g Se , ✓�
phrey. One main road, two short system is required?" sources."
lot lines and the project adheres y q
cul-de-sacs and two entrances to the principle of expansion, so Mr. Clark responded, "Size is The meeting, with 75 people at -
from the highway are planned. more a problem of lot size and tending,o ned at 8:30 m. and rN
urban use is acceptable. PPe P
WLU GRADUATE George Penfold, a represents An open discussion followed the density then total population." wasn't over until 10:30, due to the
Robert Blackmore of Kit- tiveof the Huron County planning explanations of the builders and Mr. Gnay continued, "What long question -and -answer ses
department, explained that the Ministry of Environment will es- cion. People wanted information
chener graduated from Wil- the planners. Most of the rues- Y P
tions centered around three con- tablish the size of the multi- and they got it.
frid Laurier University with a family residential units based on
Bachelor of Arts degree in the cerns —how land is designated
Social Sciences. Four i n'u red for urban use, potential rates of f
Bob is the son of Rev. and ' growth for the development, and -
concern of services, roads and
Mrs. W. N. Blackmore of 37 • T ;
i n crash s h at types of houses in the subdivision. Deadline for Yt .
Strathcona Cress., Kitchener, Neil Vincent wanted to know Av
and the grandson of the late
what date the area was switched • • •i ,• °' „ ° �. ,,,,�
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whitechurch from agricultural to residential.
Elliott of Bluevale. He was answered by Mr.Penfold, classifieds IS
A three -vehicle collision oc- "The interpretation of the Of
curred on Sunday on Huron Road ficial Plan, was made at the timeMonday nOOn
22, two miles south of Highway 86 of submission of the proposal." r
• in the Whitechurch area. As a re- John Gnay asked, "The public
Amish workers suit of the accident, four people survey indicated a desire for We at The Advance -Times have
were treated at Wingham and street lights and sidewalks in the
a problem—and it's one you f•
people out there in readerland
District Hospital. � hamlet. Will they be provided in
demolish old Apparently, Robert Jefferson, the development?" can help solve. Y r
You see, it's like this. On Mon -
RR 2, Lucknow was driving south Art Clark of Maitland Engin- days our office is sometimes very W I NGHAM POOL STAFF for the summer are back, Mark Tiffin, Carl Lee, Brian Reid
when his car came to a near stop, eering Services, representing the and Janice Rae; front, Joanne Wood, Ansley Currie, Tinie:Jorritsma and Marlene Foxton.
Q quiet. Although we have lots of
Blyth arena whereupon Rae Nicholson, RR 2, developer, replied, ` An agree things to do, the telephone doesn't These students act as ticket -takers, life -guards and swimming instructors.
Lucknow, also southbound, ment must be drawn up between ring too often. t
Demolition of the arena at stru' k Mr. Jefferson's vehicle the developer and the township. But Tuesday is something else
from"Iiehind. The Nicholson car The township can specify what
Blyth is almost completed to again. The phone starts to jump • •
make wayfor the erection of a then veered into a third north- municipal services must be pro all over the desk --the news urs Wi n t ari o grants to nine
bound vehicle driven by Wendall vided. pours . Mr.,Mrs. Mrs D Ross
new building. The task of tearing in and the classified ads
vehicle turned over on its roof Dunphy, Listowel. The first s come at
honored at dance
down the old structure, con- QUESTIONS CONTINUE us in a stream.
demned under the beefed-up and stopped in the west ditch and Ross Procter raised the point of Despite the fact that we wel- WHITECHURCH—Mr, and Huron. -County projects
= "
federal safety regulations, was the effect of doubling the village come both the news and the ads,
the other northbound car veered Mrs. Douglas Ross were guests of
speeded to conclusion with the population. Nick Hill, planning time is running out by Tuesday.
into a tree, f , honor at a reception and dance Grants totalling $12,713 have for the purchase of softball equip -
assistance of a small army of consultant for the developer There is no way our staff can pro- held in the local Community been approved for nine projects meet.
Mr. Dunphy was treated for ,
Amish workers. mentioned "Historically, Bel- duce an entire newspaper in one
om the pro
Blyth reeve Robbie Lawrie was e to
and released. Two facial lacerations at the
in grave has reduced in population day. The whole mish-mash has to ACCEPTS POSITION Mg. Mr. and Mrs Ross al Hall on lare recent seeds of the Ontariy even- in Huron o Lottery. The the GoderA grant ich Minorf $295 is a Soccer be As -
the contact man. A former neigh since 1900 and now is reversing be processed, typeset made u newlyweds. sociation for the
bor, Sam Zehr, was asked his car also sustained injuries. P I N FLORIDA y eds. She was the former amounts range from $5,000 to purchase of soc-
the trend." into readable pages and photo- Kaye Wilken.
Mrs. Wendy Dunphy was ad IN
Jane Heal, daughter Y $250. cer equipment.
whether fellow members of his mitted to hospital with a frac Neil Vincent asked, "Will the graphed before our people can go of Mr. and Mrs. John Heal of A large crowd gathered to hon- The Goderich Midget Baseball
religious group would take on the tured jaw and later transferred to developer pay for snowplowing to bed Tuesday night or more Hensal I, formerly of Wing. or the couple' and to enjoy dans- The Corporation of the Village Team will receive a grant of $250
job, and Amish farmers from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. while the area is being develop- likely in the small hours of ham, recently graduated ing to the music of Tiffin's Or- of Bayfield is to receive a grant of to assist in a training and im-
Mornington Township responded. ed?" ' and was answered by Mr. Wednesday morning -
Miss Susan Dunphy was treated Hum from Lambton College Dip- chestra. At lunchtime, they were $5,000 towards the costs of the provement program for the
In return for the work the Blyth for a tongue laceration and re- Humphrey, "The township will The point of all this is that the loma Nursing Program in given positions of honor while Bayfield 1976 Centennial Cele- team. 11
people will donate about $5,000 to leased. Mr. Nicholson was ex- get paid for snowplowing in deadline for classified ads is noon Sarnia. Jane is the grand- Jim deBoer spoke words of ap- brations. Culture and Recreation Mini -
the Amish church. amined and released from hospi- said, "The road superintendent Monday of each week. After that daughter of Mr. and Mrs. preciation. Murray Simpson pre A grant of $3,000 is to be made ster Robert Welch said today's
The Blyth community was well p won't main- time we simply have to say sented them with a ift of mone rants are rt ,of the ongoing
tat. _... Norman C. Heal and the niece g y to the Huron County Public Li- g g g
aware of the excellent assistance Goderich OPP investigated the troveh roads
until they are ap- "Sorry. May we put it in next of Mrs. G. Galbraith, all of Mr. and Mrs. Ross both replied, brary for the purchase of shely- Share Wintario program for the
which could be expected from P Y y of Trans- week's paper . " Please remem- thankin the s nsors of the support of cultural and recrea-
mishap. Wingham. She has accepted a g Po in materials and furniture for Ppo
such a group. Two years ago a portation and Communications." ber. Deadline for classified ad art and all who attended and g tional facilities. .
position at New Port Richey party four libraries in Goderich.
number of Mennonite workmen More than one ministry was in- vertising is noon on Monday each Community Hospital, Flor- contributed to the gift. The "No Strings To date, the ministry has allot -
were awarded a $30,000 contract volved in the development plan. week. g Attached"
to repair the sagging roof of the • ida. Dancing resumed to the closing Puppeteers of Exeter will receive ted $40.2 million to more than
Blyth Memorial Hall. MIsh�S occur hour. a grant of $1,500 to assist in the 1,855 groups and projects across
the province.
On July 24 materials from the costs of touring performances in
demolished area will be auc at Drive-ins libraries, schools and play-
tioned to raise funds for the new grounds across Ontario to cele -
building. It is expected that a brate the Cultural Olympics.
possible $12,000 may be realized Two minor accidents occurred
from the sale. A committee has at Wingham's two drive-ins dur P' A grant of $1,000 is to be made
been named to organize the fund mg the week July 6 to July 13. to the Exeter Centennial Soccer
On Wednesday, July 7 the x�` Club to help Y
defra travel ex-
ing campaign for a new arena,
expected to cost from $350 to $400 Wingham Police Department ., �< penses for the Exeter Squirt Soc-
thousand. investigated an accident at the cer Team. The club will play a
Frosty Queen. A parked car '"
': series of invitational touring
owned by Kenneth Stewart, games in Manchester, Preston,
Fordwich was struck by a truck r j; ` Liverpool and Leyland, England.
whose driver was Michael Mont- The Hullett Township Softball
Explore ideas gomery, Wingham. Minor Association of Londesboro is to
damage was caused. r receive a grant of U63 for the
• q purchase of softball equipment.
for Wingham's Gloria L. Hackett, RR 7, Luck-
uck •... A grant of $445 will be made to,
now was backing out of a parking '`R,,r Auburn Little League Baseball
100th birthday spot at Riverview Drive-in on
r ;
Sunday, July 11 when she struck b' for the purchase of baseball
Many ideas were presented for a car owned by Patrick M. Con- equipment. t P'
Wingham's centennial cele The Walton Recreation Com-
bration at Monday night's fact- dammaa ge.
noMitchell, causing $175 mittee is to receive a grant of $360
finding committee meeting.
Earlier, Barry Wenger had pro- Earlier, on Saturday of last
posed that people go to certain week, a parked vehicle owned by
towns to explore how they cele- Leonard A. Bailey was struck at ° w R E C E N T G R A D U A T E
brated their 100th birthday. the Red Front parking lot by an Work started Velma Louttit, daughter of
unknown vehicle resulting in Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Louttit,
Jim Currie has programs from g
$175.00 damage. �x.»� . "" ��` •
the different towns and is plan- 7� R R 1, Gorrie, graduated from
ning to compile a schedule with For the period, five charges on renovation Centralia College after a two.
all the information. At the meet were laid under the Liquor year course in Food Service
ing, Jim Currie discussed his trip Licence Act and three under the of local arena Management. She is seeking
to Ridgetown; Audrey, his wife to Highway Traffic Act. In addition, employment as a Food
Lucknow; Tom Deyell, Listowel; one charge of mischief was given Plans are progressing for the Service Supervisor.
Fran Galbraith, Brussels; Jim out and one charge was laid for renovation r the Wingham
Ward, Palmerston; Doug Layton, creating a disturbance. arena. Volunteer work parties
Seaforth and Elaine and Bill Rin
foul, Clinton. have begun the work of removing HOLIDAY
seats and boards, and the build -
Everyone agreed that high ing committee under the chhir-
priced entertainment should be manship of Councillor Angus CLOSING", carefully considered since people Wingham OPP P� ' .
would be there f -iyway making it 9 Mowbray is waiting for final
":` - g' structural drawings from B. M.
Y charges
unnecessary to use a big -name la 30 heS x The Advance Times
band as a'draw ,3k Ross Associates. Goderich.
Bill Rintoul said, "There were Summer traffic notwithstand ° Tickets are still available for will be closed for
many good ideas from the differ- ing, there were no Vtor vehicle the draw to be held July 30 at the STAFF HOLIDAYS
ent centres. It is hoped that collisions in the Wfhgham OPP Wingham ball park for the full set
everyone in town will be in- detachment area from July 5 to of Olympic Coins, including the 22 the first two weeks
volved." July 11.; karat $100.00 gold coin in August.
Nothing serious has been dis- However, for the period, 29 /' I >
cussed about funding to date. investigations were conducted, tt ' Although a general fund -rail- No issues of this paper
Next meeting for the fact -find eight charges laid under the ' " ' ing campaign is still in the, plan-
► �a� -,' vital target
over ,000$13.000 of theAUGUST S
ing committee is slated for Mon- Liquor License Act and one � total target of tR0,000 has been
day, July 26 and a general meet- person was charged under the SEVERAL NURSES HAVE TAKEN a special coronary received by the committee thus or
ing will be scheduled for Septem- Criminal Code. Udder the High- care course from Conestoga College. Miss G. Norris, batk.a course, Jean Anne Fr'yfogeT, Janis Ernewein, Doris ' 'far. Detailed fund-raising plans AUGUST 12 .
ber, although the date is yet un- way Traffic Act, 21 charges were row, director of patient care at Wingham and 01strict McCormick and Mrs. M. Campbell; front row, Sophie will be k sown and announced on
known. laid and 23 warnings issued. Hospital, stands with the successful graduates of the Foran and Karen Blackwell. Absent was Gwen McInnis. July 26.