The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-24, Page 9--
The Wingham Advance -Tunes, Th"rs., June M, Wo ---Pale f
ersonaNotes�_ fromWhitechurch..
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Bim- Gunton and lost with a snore of 5- day with her grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor of Church for Rkhard Sand.
mons of London on the weekend 2. aro Mrs. Bill Evans. London. Home for Father's Dray weslt
visited with his parents, Mr. aqd Congratulations to Richard and Miss Mary Laidlaw on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Lana, Joyce Tiffin of Tarade and
Mrs. Gordon Simmons of Wim- Cindy Moore on Passing their nesday fell and broke bar right Ryan and Jarret and Albert Tiffin of Kitchener for the
halm, and with Mr. and Mrs. grade with honors. Cindy also arm which necessitated her being Coulter visited Sunday with Mr. end and on Sunday, Mr. and Nbr&
Elroy Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs. won awards in spelling and for confined to Wingham•and District and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichten- Tiffin Lori and Mieilali,
Lorne Durnin. her speech. Hospital. She is wished a bur Lori and K Douglas �i
Mrs. Gar P sP�Y g. Kerry of port of Wingham, aaJr. and )Alta. Bevlft
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan is y Rintoul and Mrs. recovery by her friends. Elgin• Tiffin, and Dena i
visiting with her daug#Mrs. Gordon Rintoul were in Arthur on Charlie Falconer and Mary of Miss Joan Tiffin attended Bank Whitechurch.
Eileen Parker of Exeter Monday where they met Mrs. Tiverton visited on Sunday with of Montreal seminar at Owen Home for the weekend with tiler.
j Leroy Rintoul and girls. Miss Agnie Laidlaw at. the farm Sound Tuesday, June 15. and �, Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Cala 11 cClenag- On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Mary Laidlaw at Wing- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden of were Miss Janet Mdd tbdm
han on Sunday visite4'with Mr. Walter Elliott, Paul, Barry, ham hospital. Lucknow visited Sunday with his Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. El0
and Mrs. Mack SZewaxt of Wates- David and Karen visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie SleighthOlm,loo. St. 'Il�omas and illy
Mr. and Mrs, Crary Johnston and Mrs. Don Campbell and spent the weekend with Mr. and Snowden; her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. David Sieightbolm
family of London. Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Joey and Joan Goderich.
and family of Mildmay visited on Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Riley and ` ' and her grandmother, , Mrs. Whitechurch Junior team
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter family of Scarborough have Elizabeth Tiffin, to celebrate played Cargill team at Me[
Moore and family. Wayne John- moved permanently to the house Father's Day. tournament at Chepstow on the
ston remained to visit till Wed- and lot on the farm now owned by Miss Kathy Purdon of Blyth weekend with a score 7-0. Tbey
nesday with Richard Moore. Bill Purdon and formerly by spent the weekend with her
On Friday, Wingham Peewee PAY again neat Saturday.
Russel Pardon. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mr. and Mrs. Larry McGuire of
hardball team played Listowel at Miss Marlene Evans and her pardon. Elmira visited Saturday wttlb Ids
the Red Henry Tournament at friend of Hamilton visited on Sun Mrs. p1lian McClenaghan on parents, iii•. and Mrs. Russet
Tuesday last fell at the Home at McGuire and little Kimberley re-
Goderich and broke her hip and is turned home with her parents.
Committee seeks opinion now confined to the Goderich Brian McGuire spent his two Hospital. Her many friends here weeks' holidays on a motor trip to
�`her a
PAY recovery. the west.
on area health council Mm. Roy McInnes, Mrs. Ruby On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ives
Cranston of Goderich and Mrs. Bramhill of Palmerston art's
Government agencies, hospital in the health council plan which Jean Farquharson of B.C. visited companied Mr. and Mrs. Ru"
and medical organizations in could meet with opposition from <°'" recently with Miss Annie Ken- McGuire to Owen Sound to visit
Huron and Perth Counties are those concerned. "With district nedy of Wingham. their cousins, Mr. and Mm
currently receiving letters which Planning there may be a ten- George Brett.
seek opinion on the advisability of dency to down -play the identity of Dalton Schultz, at St. Joseph's Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walmaley,
forming a district health council the patient, the profes§ional Hospital, London, is making Alicia and Jason of Toronto spenit
in the two counties. About 300 (doctor) and the institution rapid recovery from a stroke the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
letters have been sent out. (hospital). Inadequate or over- which struck him prior to his John Jamieson and family.
Sponsor of the survey is a zealous planning could result in a release on Wednesday last week.
steering committee which was loss of facilities or professional D. W. TIEPIN The Young People's Society
named last December by the services for smaller communi- held a social evening at the home
Minis of Health for the ur- ties." - GRADUATES
u'Y P of Mr. and Mrs. Jim deBoer on
of determine points David W. Tiffin, son of Mr.
pose ng whether a The letter also tuts out the Friday evening with around' 20
health council in Huron and Perth possibility of such a council be- and Mrs. William A. Tiffin, attenders. The group enjoyed a
would provide a useful avenue.of coming a mere rubber stamp for 378 Frances Street, Wing- singsong with Graham Kay and
information as a guide to the politically motivated senior gov- ham , graduated from a Cecil deBoer accompanying .with
ministry in the deliver of a ernmental bodies two-year course in Legal
Y guitar music. Games were
ONE SOLUTION TO HOT and humid weather is shown by Leya deBruyn, 18 months. Her balanced health care prograan in A final decision on the health Office Administration at played and hamburgers were en -
happy grin shows just how much she enjoys puttering in the wading pool. She is watched the area. Lloyd Morrison or St. council question is expected this Fanshawe College in London joyed for lunch.
by her grandmother, Mrs. Ray Meyer. Apparently, Leya just loves to be outdoors. Marys is the steering contlmit- fall. on June 18. The discussion group meets
Sale of
SIZES, FROM S' x 12' TO 10'x 12'
ig Our Sewing Machine i
Expert technician
will be at our store for
demonstrations and repairs
6 P.M. -9 P.M.
1 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. I
tee's chairman. Thursday evening at 8:30 at
The chairman has explained Whitechurch. The topic is "Cres-
Yz�Z Vg',that initiallythe health council
tion and the Fall of Man".
N G L I S FARM would be appointed by the minis- All are reminded of the memo -
try, but once dstablished the Liberal MP explains rial service to be held'at Langside
council's by-laws would provide
June 27 at 3 p.m. withDRAINAGE for further appointments. Bev Kay, guest
Bring the advantages of a farm •neome opposition
•on folding chair. If weatherisin
in -
Quality Installation 4 health council outlined by the let-
clement service will be held at
Clay or Plastic = ter are 1) Comprehensive plan- Jack Riddell, ( MPP Huron-Langside Church.
ated therein principles of a Farm
ning on an area basis rather than Middlesex) recently issued a Income on a voluntary and con- Karen Beecroft celebrated her
H Free Estimates on the priorities of individual statement concerning the tributory basis with the Govern- birthday on Saturday with a
:•1 hospitals or communities; 2) amendment to the Farm Income ment negotiating party attended by Mr. and Mrs.
PHONE: 392-6700 �� Such a council would hopefully g ng with legally Ronald Beecroft, Shannon,
Pe Y Stabilization Bill which he had constituted farm spokesmen and
►' R. R. 3 Walkerton tf close the gaps which now exist in proposed as the Liberal a ricul- Heather and Kevin of Wingham,
a comprehensive health care pro- g with assurance that the Govern- Miss Charolette McKee W'
P P tore critic. Wing -
ment provide a public forum for
gram; 3) Improved direction of "The Opposition Parties
patients full discussion with the farm ham, Mandy Miller, Kendra Pur -
patients to the proper level of Dined to vote against the Govern- community before re -intro- don and Hugh Sinnamon.
care, to result in more efficient ment's farm income'stabilization duction of the Bill and that theVisitors on Sunday with Mr.
use of health care facilities; 4) legislation, and I think it is im- Bill be re -introduced no later and Mrs. E, W. Beecroft and
UTLET Reduction in the duplication of portant to make it quite clear than October 31, 1976.' Karen were Mrs. Stewart For -
services which contribute to high that, in so doing, it is our firm in- "Had the Government made an syth' Mrs. McMillan, Lucknow,
patient -day costs in this area. tention to force the GovernmentMr. and Mrs. Glen Sinnamon and
honest attempt to bring in a form
The steering committee's letter to bre in a Bill which will reap Hugh Sinnamon, EARNS BMA DEGREE
»sem"s+ ng Y of Farm Income Stabilization
?tsz� oily describes possible points assist the farming communit Miss Jean Simpson is still con -
g Y; which would have been'effective Brenda Johnston r
�� said Mr. Riddell. "Bill 96 is total- in giving our farmers a degree of fined to Wingham hospital. The graduated
!k t, ly inad inadequate in its resent form, community wishes Jean a speedy from the University , of Wes-
xsY,�r , eq P income protection, we would not recover torn Ontario Faculty c u I t of
Authority to curb and is little more than token have hesitated to give it our ap- y y
•� ,kik s r` le lslatton, a rather empty Berverly Bell visited on the Music, earning her Bachelor
g p y ger royal he said. "Hopefully, weekend with her friends, Clara of #Musical Arts degree.
4• '� • ture to the farmers of Ontario. amended legislation will be intro- g
vandalism at "For this reason, I proposed', Milligan and Colleen Adams. Convocation was held June 9
s � g���s f � .�'�,y, , P Po dated in the fall which will meet Vii`
f _ and Murrayaunt of Huron and Mrs. Bev Kay, in the university's Alumni
Wawanosh ark Y the needs of the farmers, and win Graham and Wend
�3>Y�3' , r`9`" p Bruce seconded, an amendment the support of all three parties in yon Sunday Hall. Brenda is the daughter
to Bill 96, which wou;d make the afternoon attended the ordination of Mr. and Mrs. George
,7` the Legislature." 9
For the past several years plan one of protection rather than service at Ashfield Presbyterian Johnston, Belgrave.
vandalism problems at the insurance, and 'on a voluntary
Wawanosh Municipal Park and contributory basis with the
P �' 1r**********************************
(Donnybrook) have been in- government negotiating with le -
creasing. In order to obtain gally constituted farm spokes -
assistance in park improvements men'. Our amendment would also Clip This For Your
': '• and supervision the municipali- insist the Bill be reintroduced no 1
l� 5 ties of East and West Wawanosh later than October 31 of this year. JK �[
Il+s recently turned over the owner- "The reasoned amendment to SUMMER ship of the park to the Maitland the legislation supported by the
Valley Conservation Authority. NDP and ourselves would there -
Recent weekend gatherings of fore read 'That Bill 96, An Act i" re-
local and regional youth hoe re- spetting Farm Income Stabile -7 salted in damage to trees, picnic zation, be not read a second time 0( ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE
tables, pavillion and grounds. but be referred back to the
Many local residents have long Government to have incorpor- 0 10 WEEKS OF TOP NOTCH NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT
I since given up visiting the park
for a family picnic. .01This Week - THE REVOLS 4K
I In order to try to rehabilitate 01: �
the park and restore local use, 0( June 28 to July 3 VARIATION
' the MVCA as part of the develop- —
meat plan, proposes construct
security gates with local super- July 5 to Jul 17 - Fabulous CHARLIE ECKSTEIN
, � �
vision. As an interim measure, 111111:Y
the Wingham Detachment of the July 19 to July 24 - BRUCE MURRAY (Anne's Brother)
OPP have been instructed to
enforce Sections nine and 14 of From Las Vegas
the Conservation Areas Regula- July 26' to July 31 - MILLIONAIRES and Mimi
tion ROC 254-74 which state as +�►. - i�
follows: w."-._ August 2 to Aug. 7 - SIGNS �
Section 9 — No persons shall be
in a conservation area after sun- August 9 to Aug 21 - JULIE LYNN SHOW
under> set and before sunrise except � �
therefore ssuedtty byof a the Bret i August 23 to Aug. 28 - JOEY HOLLINGSW R
Lary -Treasurer. - 9 g 0 T H
Section14 — ( No person
shall camp in a conservation area « August 30 to Sept. 4 - BEN SHANE REVUE except in such places as are 4K
designated by the Authority for 41 the purpose. • Dinner reservations accepted till s p.m.
(2) N
campsite except under thee person shall occupy �t tertainment • Sorry - we cannot accept reservations for en-
� �
authority of 9 permit issued by
the Secretary -Treasurer. 4K • Beginning July 1, there will be a cover charge of fl
Special permits to camp at the 0( for entertainment after s p.m. Thursday, Friday and
he stere that Sever Yea Mere" park must be obtained from the. 0( � � Saturday nights only. Cover charge will be payable at �
Authority administrative head the door.
EN'S sots LADIES -GIRLS a quarters at Wroxeter. Office FANSHAWE GRADUATE
Aer WEAR YARD GOODS- Ronald N. Louttit, son of
Fride S a.m.-5 y ,
A INT- SEWING MACHINES -SMALL m. Anyone n the ark after Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Louttit T Candlefight PPLIANCES- LAMpS P' YPdark without a permit will be of RR 1, Gorrie,'received his *
evicted.. for trespassing by the Civil Engineering Technolo- #
STORE HOURS' OPP and -or Authority staff. gist diploma from Fanshawe
Monday - Saturday It is anticipated that by strictly College, London, June 18. Ron * if,
9:"30 - 5:30 enforcing the Authority regula- is employed by the Lummus +� Restaurant &Tavern
Friday nights tions, and implementing these Co. Canada Limited, Bruce #
Licensed under L.C.B.O.
`til 9:00 P.M. interim .measures, the park will Nuclear Power Development, 41
once again become a favorite at Douglas Point. He and his ♦c BAYF1ELD ROAD — GODERICH — S 24-77 1 1
picnic and swimming area for the wife Sharon are now residing
local people. in Belgrave.**********************************