The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-24, Page 11• ..'y,. �. . . _...r«►...w:r-.w�+•....�--�+"v""'.,r'"w�'♦I`..p..y.�,w.e,..r:w
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A world in co
Canada got a first-hand look at some of the • The United Nations was born im-
world's worst problems last week when the mediately after the second world war as a
Habitat conference In Vancouver dissolved means of reaching out to all nations in
in a shambles of political bickering. Planned fairness and compassion and as a forum in
several years ahead and staged at a cost of which international disputes could be
many millions of dollars, the intent of the resolved by discussion rather than with
meeting, under auspices of the United tanks and planes. To say that it has failed
Nations, was to seek answers to the more would be untrue. Though there have been
desperate of human needs. Instead, Habitat dozens of regional wars, we have avoided a
provided -little more than a forum for the world-wide conflict. The UN, too, has,
minorites who want to tell of their personal through its subsidiary organizations, done
grievances at, any price. much to ease human suffering.
The all-important problem of how to In the concept of justice for all the small
house and feed and clothe the destitute and poorer nations were granted a voice in
millions on this planet should have been so the deliberations of the great—and Habitat
compelling that political boundaries and has exhibited the danger inherent in that
areas of military control could, at least for same gesture of equality. The "third world"
the moment, have been forgotten. Habitat countries simply drowned out the voices of
was called to probe human, personal the larger member nations in their
needs—not the influence of political politically -oriented furore. The United
movements. It's intention was to find Nations may be doomed by the multitude of
avenues through which the wealthier nations its self-serving partners. We mayy be
could alleviate human suffering. drowned in the sea of our good intenf1ons.
British Labor co-operates
One of the more encouraging pieces of
name with the vast majority of Canadians
news during the past week was the
who do not have the benefit of a united
unanimous decision of labor unions in
voice—and that's too bad, because
have done so much to improve the lot
Britain to limit wage increases to 4.5 per
cent during the coming year, in line with
of wage-earners in the past. The main
similar policy last year. to return the British
problem with organized labor stems not
government agrees to reduced income tax
from the ordinary union members,
levels for the lower paid working people. The
rather from their lack of foresight in
British unions long last recognized
permitting their professional leaders to
the fact that only through 'self-restraint is
become too powerful.
there any hope of the nation pulling itself out
For example, the leader of one union
of a collision course with total bankruptcy.
recently got a,25 per cent raise to bring his
airports and the pilots must be in two
salary to $156,000 a year. Naturally such a
What a contrast to the situation in
highly -paid leader is compelled to foment
Canada, where the Canadian Labor
strife so he can demonstrate to the
Congress continues to demand the abolition
membership that he is worth such big dough.
of the Anti -Inflation Board and an
We wonder how long most strikes would last
immediate return to galloping inflation! In
if the leaders were compelled by law to
this country the usual demand is for any-
accept salaries no higher than that of the
thing from 30 per cent upward and there is
highest-paid union member. No organizer
all hell to pay when the AIB rolls back a.
who gets $156,000 a year can really
wage settlement to a still -fat 12 or 15 per
understand the hardships of the workman
who nas been off the job so long .that his kids"
Organized labor is getting itself a bald
are hungry.
lid is blowinAfricanoff g
The fact that the white governments of
the natives appreciated it or not, some of the
both Rhodesia and South Africa are facing
benefits of the civilized world -made life
serious rioting by the blacks in their
better for the blacks. Many would arue that
countries comes as no surprise to those who
the whites brought more harm than good in
have been observant of the African scene
their wake—and that may be true. However,
over the years. The only amazing aspect of
the average white family has lived in those
the problem is that those wh;te populations
countries for generations. They have
haven't been massacred long since.
invested in all the expensive trappings of
Despite the fact that the black
civilization. They have provided employ -
pa ulations of white -occupied lands in Africa
ment for the native population, albeit at
out mber their overlords hundreds of times
slave wages in some cases.
over,`the whites have maintained superiority
Canou imagine a similar situation here
because the all the wealth, all the
Y possess
in Canada. If our Indian population was so
weapons and all the jobs. But no amount of
nurerous-that we faced the possibility of a
organization and no armed police force can
total Indian take-over of government, what
hold the lid on the boiling kettle of black
would we do? Perhaps our ancestors came
Africa much longer. Pure force of numbers,.
from England or Scotland, four or five
coupled with rank injustice and oppression
generations ago. Would we then consider
will provide a head of steam which will
returning to those countries? Thee only
eventually drench those two beautiful lands
difference here is that the Indians were soon
in streams of blood—and the blood of both
outnumbered by the whites, so we have
whites and blacks is the same color.
never been threatened.
We who -v o far. away must not
condemn the whites 'without trying to
The solution to such problems is much
understand their position too. When
too late to succeed. Reasonable and
Europeans first colonized south and east ,
progressive equality for the races should
Africa they did bring civilization. Whether
have been in progress for the last 200 years.
Safety --or politics?
The strike which commenced at the
conviction that insistence on French, i
week -end by Members of the .Canadian
Canadian flying is nothing more than on
Airline Pilots' Association is not just another
more step in the enforced acceptance o
demand for higher salary or shorter working
French all over Canada.
hours. It hinges upon a matter of principle,
The pilots are not the only Canadian
and one which has a bearing on the entire
getting fed to the teeth with enforce
French Few English speaking Canadian
The pilots have ceased to operate the
argue the right of Francophones -to use o
planes because the federal government is
their own language in the areas where it i
insisting that air -ground communications
the language of the majority- or even wher
between the air *controllers at Canada's
it is commonly used as one of two languages
airports and the pilots must be in two
But in those vast areas of the countr=y wher
languages. The pilots contend that use of
French is'never heard or used it has becom
French for such communications could be
simply stupid to insist on-bilingualism—jus
highly dangerous because not all flyers, or
like the sign on our own post office.
even a reasonable percentage of them can
Have you ever considered the pr
understand French. The minority of
posterous cost of all government publics
controllers in Quebec, of course, demand use
tions in two languages? In bur mail ever
of their mother tongue.
day of the week we find big, fat officia
On the face of the matter it would appear
publications—made more than twice a
that Prime Minister Trudeau's opinion is
costly as necessary by the inclusion of th
correct. He has asked whether the strike is
French version along with the English.
hkgh time that b
against bilingualism—and of course bi-
It is official policy
lingualism in Canada has been pushed to
changed. The government is expert a
equal status with the Holy Bible. On the
surveys and studies. Why not ascertain th
hand the say quite rightly that
areas in which two languages are needed
other pilots
English has become the language of air
provide them with the double -exposure an
safety control all over the world—even in
send either French or English to the rest
Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands--
us? But then, common sense is not one of bi
you name it. The pilots clearly state their
government's significant characteristics.
Published at Wingham, Ontario,
by Wenger Bros. Limited
A page of editorial opinion Thursday, June 24
(Gf, if}l.'.�� f . ' _........
th- e r
operation. Indeed the arena is community in response to this
faced with a staggering bill for surcharge is nothing short of con -
D o n't endanger good r e a t i o n s h i p s structural overhaul. All this com ing t u t u It is this type of think-
bines to continue the excessive ing that will undermine all the
Wingham, Ontario course the pld Wingham High urban -rural co-operation is all economic pressure that only the g� that we have achieved over
June 20,1975 School board became the Wing- about. There are many other people of Wingham have had to the years. You were right in only
Dear Editor: ham District High School board areas wherf our . urban -rural bear and suffer alone through one thing, I wW allow, and that is
The recent weeks have brought with appointed representatives municipalities have stood to- escalating taxation. when you stated "we need each
forth some controversy relating from the participating townships gether, continuing the effort to I for one do not object to "being other to create a community
in particular to a decision arrived and neighboring villages. By maintain the harmonious rela- my brother's keeper" if my based on mutual respect and
at and executed by Ilhe Wingham mutual taxation and funding and tionship we enjoy. brother cannot keep himself. But admiration". What good are
'Recreation & Community Cen- 'sound management we again when my brother is a sound eco- words, Mrs. Underwood, when
tres board. demonstrated what urban -rural The Wingham Recreation do nomic entity while I am reaching You don't understand what they.
I was reasonably satisfied that co-operation was all about. Our Community Centres Board is deeper into my tax purse every mean?
things would sort themselves out high school maintained a high funded through certain grants, year to subsidize his pleasure and In closing, we could be on the
and our relationship with our academic standard in a facility and taxation of Wingham prop- the pleasure of his children, I say threshold of an area recreation
rural neighbors and friends which we all shared in and in erty owners. In addition there are NO. Enough is enough. My rural board. The concept has to be
would and -could be rationally re- which we could all take pride. receipts from gates and recrea- neighbors are not carrying their worthy of some consideration, es -
tion programmes. These year -to- share. While you pay your "con- pecially in view of worthy joint
solved. That was until a letter I think it was about 1937 or so year taxes pick up the difference science money" contributions achievements of the past. We
from one signed J. Reid in your that the Town of Wingham bought between grants and gate receipts and claim your outstanding must admit, that our joint
June 3 edition, cocked the ham- its first automotive fire -truck. A and the actual cost of operating generosity, each of us in Wing- management teams of the past
mer, and one signed by Helen little but mighty (by today's stan- the recreation facilities. The ham has matched your contribu- have, by record, been objective
Underwood in your June 17 dard) Ford V8 which carried our town carries the actual cost of tions and add hundreds per year and considerate in their delilbera-
edition, pulled the trigger. volunteers in an open cab through operating the recreation facili- in addition through taxation, tions. They have never been vin -
Enough is enough and I wish to the worst weather imaginable, at ties. The ' town carries the neces- while you get away with nickels dictive people and have in consei-
avail myself of your columns all hours, to cope with fires not sary debenture debts for certain and dimes at the gate. ence considered this urban -rural
(several likely) to endeavour to only in Wingham but the sur- capital costs for new facilities. I I support in principle the stand community in their decisions,
set the record straight. I wish to rounding townships and villages. want to tell you, as a taxpayer, that the Wingham Recreation beth unpopular and popular.
direct myself to the rural resi- The fees charged for these calls these costs are substantial and and Community Centres boards Our community centres board
dents of the three neighboring out of town hardly paid for the growing. These facilities are to have been forced to take. I know in Wingham are these kind of
townships and J. Reid and Helen gas, nothing on depreciation; the the benefit of all in our town and that their decision was a difficult people. From time to time I have
Underwood in particular, plus crews were satisfied with a neighboring townships but the one to come to and demanded a been an adversary of some of
those individuals of parallel atti- grateful "thank you" for they costs are getting to be a bit much, considerable amount of courage their policies but I have never
tude. I intend to stay on the safe were, and still are, a dedicated thank -you. to implement. They had no doubted their. integrity. They are
ground of fact and reality, leav- bunch. Their employers never J. Reid's letter of June 3 would choice. Their call for help and doing their job as they see it and
ing the emotional and unpro- docked their wages while they lead one to believe that the resi- understanding went out to the as they were appointed to do. As a
ductively negative side of the dis- were on fire call whether in or out dents of the rural community neighbouring township councils. result of this difficult decision
cussion to those economically of town. The Wingham taxpayer were the only ones to contribute East Wawanosh 'acted and these board members will re -
naive and unimaginative indivi- picked up the tab every year for to the building of the swimming agreed to participate. Morris ceive all kinds of abuse as the
duals who dwell in our midst. the deficit, being rewarded only pool. I live in Wingham and I con- Township decision is in abeyance town °and the businessmen have
I believe strongly that the real by the regular opportunity to tributed on behalf of my wife and and Turnberry refused to partici- received unfairly to date as a re -
desires of the people of our com- chase after the little Ford fire- family just as -generously as pate. Thus all residents and chil- sult of the board's decision. I
munities of Turnberry, East truck to witness this heroic little some rural contributors. Other dren except East Wawanosh would like the chairman and the
Wawanosh and Morris Townships machine pump monumental citizens in this town were even Township are subject to a sur- members of the Wingham
and the Town of Wingham are for volumes of water and see "our more or less generous than we. In charge. Recreation & Community Cen-
a continuing compatible relation- boys" in unforgettable action. addition to this, as a business We are still that community of tres Board to -know that as one
ship and that this matter will be The "honeymoon" came to an man, like other businessmen, I co-operative people. I feel this businessman, citizen, taxpayer I
appropriately resolved by the in- end when we realized we were contributed on a continuing basis, very deeply. I want to feel that will stand up and be counted As a
deliberations of our wearing out our equipment with merchandise, money, physical the great majority of our ,rural supporter of this difficult and un-
elected representatives. an ever-increasing need for sere- support for recreation pro friends do not share the negative Popular decision they have had to
Therefore, likMr.e
Editor, the ice. We had to, have new equip-. grammes for ALL children for and retrogressive attitude of make.
views I would like to state are ment arrd the cost was substantial ALL communities. writers Reid and Underwood. We I am confident that common
these: and Wingham realized it could no We are forever grateful for the have amply demonstrated the af- sense will prevail and this contro-
About a years ago this town longer afford to be "their co-operative attitude of the con- fordable benefits gained to us all
versy will prove to be one of those
began as a small settler, ent at brothers' keeper". Our call for tributors from our rural neigh- through cost sharing co -opera- memorable incidents , which
the forks of the Maitland River hel to strengthen our v
founded by the late Edward Far- '' help was heeded and the Town- borhood, but in the name of all tively man�iged programmes and unique bond of co -o er�tiPve
ships of Turnberry, Howick., that is right and proper J. Reid, facilities. It is conducive to aP
ley. From that time this urban- Morris and East Wawanosh be fair if you are unable to be ob- healthy, friendly community. friendship, an example of how
rural community developed, the joined with the Town of Wingham jective. My children, as do other The equitable distribution of urban -rural communities should
town of Wingham surrounded b to form the Wingham Rural Fire town children, pay to get into our -costs has in the past been intelli- 'live together.
the townships of East Wawanosh, Yours truly,
Morris and Turnberry. A strong Department, funded through facilities like all others from the gently handled and the facilities y'
taxation to buy and maintaiw,a rural community. Our children in and services we now enjoy are J. A. Currie,
agricultural '-base served by a new, fire -truck. In fact, as I un= town are not entitled to, nor do second to none. 259 Summit Dr.,
mixed industrial, retail and pro- derstand it, this was the first fire- they get, "special consideration" I would have some personal ad- Wingham, Ontario.
fessional oriented townsite, to- truck bought in Ontario, if not all in relation to thize and amount vice for Helen Underwood. As a
gether with necessary services. of Canada, as a joint venture by of capital cost contributions businessman in Wingham, and P.S. It is unfortunate that chil-
History seems to indicate a com- co-operating municipalities. .made by their parents. Rural speaking only for myself, Mrs. dren are caught in between, but
patable and continuing urban- Today, we jointly own two mod- children are not entitled to "spe- Underwood is entitled to her we should bear in mind this: chil-
rural relationship based on co- ern and capable pumpers and a cial consideration" either. opinion, but I take issue with her dren .do not , build and maintain
operation and friendship, and the modern tanker, housed in Wing- ' The point that J. Reid and unilateral posturing on behalf of recreation facilities. They are the
desire to try to understand each ham and operated by Wingham Helen Underwood'. missed be- rural people. You have only the benefactors of the economic
other's problems. The harmony volunteers who still go out at all cause their emotions got all mandate, I challenge, to speak generosity of adult society in
we have enjoyed is the envy of hours' in the darndest wgpther. mixed up with their common for yourself. Your uncalled for, which their parents and guard -
other like urban -rural communi- And again we demonstrate what sense is the continuing cost of high-handed, intimidating re- ians are considered to be a part.
ties where friction has been a marks about economic reprisal Let us not turn them into pawns
continuing deferent to intelligent, �I)(f� against the Wingham business in thys political game.
compatible progress.
In our joint recent history, %a
pioneering doctor spearheaded
the opening of our first hospital,
operated to the benefit of all in
l�t� l♦ N
cient but also very co -opera-
live. You don't hear them say,
our community and neighboring
villages: There came a time how-
e Q o p era t ion*
ever, when economic reality had
forthcoming. But for once I
know that
to be faced. To our mutual bene
The following is a copy of a
ship has agreed to review the
fit, we joined together and from
^ to paraphrase -yourA letter.
letter to Mrs. Underwood:
situation for 1976, and reconsider
our midst selected a manage
support. The township councils of
June 21st, 1976
what action or support they
ment team who, with dedication,
and cry with us, put a heart in
Mrs. rge Underwood,
might give for the future.
helped to maintain this essential
„: ;
R.R. 1, Wingham,
We have two goals in mind in
service. Indeed through contribu
and have to say, Yet, he is not
Ontario OG 2WO
setting forth on the "surcharge”
tions and_ taxation and joint
Dear M s. Underwood,
management, we together dem
t9ling the facilities. Morris 'own:,
We a preciate the opportunity
1. Pay for use on a more equit
onstrated for all to see what ur
to an wer the comments made
able basis. For example, those of
ban -rural co-operation and un-
with- egard to the "surcharge"
us in Wingham pay for recreation
derstanding was all about. We
we have instituted for children
facilities, their support and
f established an institution in
outside the corporation of Wing-
m�nienance in our general .tax
which we all take ride.
ham participating in our Recrea-
structure, even though we may
It was,,a long way from.the one-
tion Programme.
not have any children using the
s room public school in the town-
Rest assured that we are in no
ships to the Wingham High
way trying to alienate those out-
2. Establish an Area Recrea-
s School. Wingham shared until the
side our town borders. Rather,
tion Board with representation
f desire and demand for a > roader
TWO-YEAR OLD Jeremy McGlynn did his own -thing before
we'are trying to look forward to
Y g
rjrom the surrounding townships.
s education placed intolerable eco-
Kindergarten graduation at Sacred Heart School,
greater participation and when
Can you who live in the rural
and physical strain the
Thursday. Jeremy played to his heart's content not
financial support is given direct
area feel it is equitable that a
. facility. and the people who
realizing that in a few years he too will have to beiconcerned
by the townships we look to town-
Wingham resident should pay the
e financed it. The cry for help was
with the serious business of attending school.
ship representation to set policies
cost for recreation facility main -
e heeded and understood. In due
and fees for an Area Recreation
tenance when those from outside
the corporation pay nothing?
While we may be the first in
Would you not agree an area ap-
What -your- hometown paper
this immediate area to set a non-
resident fee for use, it is not a
proach in cost sharing and
management of use is fairer for
precedent in either the province
or the county. Seaforth has done
We are striving for an area a,-
e means
t o one reader
the same thing ; St. Marys has
gone from surcharge to an Area
proach to recreation. We are not
trying to drive those from rural
Recreation Board in the past few
areas away. Please work with us
years, where each township pays
to this end.
t Your invitation to express as
narrow-minded. •He knows has three girlfriends and
in relation to the total pro-
relative to the
As a matter of interest, based
on the net cost for our pool in 1975,
e to what your paper means to
what is going on also outside somehow , you have to write
It well be that
gramme cost
number of children they have
the cost per child registered
, us, prompted me to write. Not
d so much for the money or, the
our community. His strong, about it. could
moral, human and honest ap- you end up with an angry bull
registered. -
exceeded $33.00 This cost is par -
medal to be won but for the
proach shows in the editorials. either way. Whether you men
With regard to the use of Turn
berry Park for one season, surely
Bally born by government grant,
but the major portion comes from '
9 opportunity to air my feelings
The big dailies would do well' tion the three beauties and
them. ' their connection with Peter or
you must agree that the use of the
Wingham resident taxes. No
regarding the weekly news-
in general and your
to read
i do not want to create the you leave them out.
Wingham Pool fohen years has
funds are received from outside
paper in particular.
idoa that we have a one-man Whatever you do, and it is
repaid this favor.
h d'
Wingham, other than registration
f k' f t hi financ-
Barry Wenger, President Robert V. wengei , .3m, real y ,
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations
Member — Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspaperw Assoc.
Subscription $lo.00per year. Six months:5.25` To'United States $20.00
Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Return postage guaranteed
What I like most is the warm
show. The staff is not only effi-
especially true with the local
blast often
We wrote each oft a surroun -
ing townships with regard to
ees. As ing or o s p .
ing, either by way of a surcharge,
"You and I" way these
weekly, small town papers
cient but also very co -opera-
live. You don't hear them say,
paper, you get a
enough but praise is seldom
increasing operating and main-
or direct township council fund -
portray. They are personal
"That is not my department."
forthcoming. But for once I
know that
tenance costs for recreation. We
asked for a hearing to explain our
ing is,a for urban and rural
communities to work_ti40W
and one feelspart of it all. An
are with it and ea Go
The er
ol d like to let you
and riquest their
^ to paraphrase -yourA letter.
time I talk to Barry, our
editor, whether Irt is a beef or
At times it must he frustrat-
vA-have a great, bunch of
people on our weekly who love .
support. The township councils of
We ask for your un ^'
what have you, he shows an
ing to sort out what should be
and cry with us, put a heart in
East Wawanosh and, Morris
support and active
interest in what I think, feel
and can be written and what to
the written words and make
granted us, a hearing. East
Wawanosh has agreed to have ua
in the future. r -'' .
'� {>I'�y►,
and have to say, Yet, he is not
toss out. For instance, Peter
the paper come alive.
bill the township for the children
t9ling the facilities. Morris 'own:,
- (iairman.
•• 1—low
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