The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-03, Page 12Pale 2 --Mw Wrotham Advance-Tuuca, Thw-s , Julie 3, 1976
TAKING A REST from all that dancing at F. E. Madill Secondary School's formal are
Kevin Cowan, Lori Moore, Annette Boneschansker and Gary Munro. The formal marks
the end of the school year in style.
An end - and a beginning Track and Field
The school year 1975-76 isthis past year with different feel -
The WOSSA competitions from
ings. Ipersonally look back with
drawing to a close. A scant seven F. E. Madill performed well in
a little bit of sadness —because
school days remain, and then the London Wednesday night and
in so short a time, my life as a
final exams begin. As June draws Thursday.
student at F. E. Madill will be m
over. As many times as I have
closer, another year ends. We Jeff Bustead jumped a per -
look back and see what we have sonal best of 5'11" in senior high
wished for these past five years
done — we look ahead and see jump. Maxine Watts jumped her
to be over, I, and most of my
what we hope to do. best, hitting the 16'5" mark in the
classmates, regret that they are. An End — And A Beginning.
On looking back, we see a year long jump. Tom Henderson im-
of hard work, of disappointments, proved his throw in the discus by
For most students at F. E. Ma -
and of successes. We all have our 3 feet. Dianne Pennington added
dill, another year of high school is
own quota of the latter two. The 9 feet to her previous best javelin
on the horizon. For the graduat-
ing students, only time will tell
students who work hard are the throw, placing 8th in Western On -
ones who get the most from the tario. Lois McLaughlin placed 5th
what lies ahead, and what new
school year. Whether it's the in senior shot put and Eric Cayley
"Beginning" each of us will have.
satisfaction of hard-won marks, 4th in midget shot put.
Endings are often sad; begin -
the knowledge of a job well done, Janet Wood placed 8th in the
nings are always challenging.
or the good feeling of knowing long jump with a personal best
Both are inevitable. They tell us
that, in some way, you've helped and 4th in the 400 metre race,
where we are going, —where we
your school — the effort seems with another personal best by 5
are going, and where we have
worthwhile. second$, of 63.2 seconds. Janet
Preparations have been made come from. also won a third in the 1500 metre,
And so, another school year
for next year. A new Student taking an incredible 16 seconds
cgfiie� to a close. All of the stu-
Council, a new Yearbook editor — off her Huron -Perth previous best
dents feel happy —and perhaps some feel sad. 1975-76 has been a
a new set of senior students, and time, running the race in 5 min-
a new set of Grade Nines in our utes, 13.6 seconds.
good year at F. E. Madill. We all
school. The graduating students Mary De Bruyn brought home
have a lot to remember.
of this year will be gone. a WOSSA Medal in the junior
—A Grade 13or.
Every student will look back on girls' shot put, with a net of 10.06
metres (a personal best). Mary
will be representing Madill at All
Ontario June 5th. Best of luck to
Congratulations to all Madill
competitors at WOSSA. Our
school was indeed represented
very well, with the majority of
our athletes turning in "Personal
Student Council
Another year has come to an
end for the Student Council. This
year has been a good year. This
wouldn't have been possible with-
out the dedicated work and
leadership of our president, Lois
Lois experienced disillusion-
ment, enlightment, encourage-
ment and discouragement in her
term of office. When asked what
the most interesting experience
was, she replied that it was the
cooperation given to the Student
Council by the administration,
especially by Mr. Ritter, who
willingly gave his support and
guidance. She felt that the most
successful activity had to be the
dances. Need we saymore?
Student -teacher relationships
were quite good. Most teachers
were willing to help out the
Student Council all they could,
and this developed into respect of
rights on both sides.
However, there were some dis-
appointments for Lois. She felt
that the school spirit really had
riot improved that much. The
games and activities were being
attended by the same people,
while there were just as many
hall loungers and people in the
smoking area. The clubs are still
lacking in membership, a far cry
from the days when Drama Club
had to turn away members.
As usual, the Winter Carnival
didn't come off as planned. It
suffered badly due to lack of
organization, brought about by
the blizzards.
If she had to do it over again is
there anything she would
change? The new Student Council
should work for a longer period of
time with the old council, because
Lois found she was just getting
the hang of it when there was a
new president to take over. More
committees should be formed to
help get more people involved,
and to take the excess load off the
Lois had some advice to give to
next year's council. The Student
Council acts as a tie between the
students and teachers which
must by maintainers in order to
insure cooperation from both
sectors. There seems to be a gap,
in the school, between the senior
students and the junior grades.
More interaction between the
students might soften the edges
of these cliques. Keep the Mon-
day morning assemblies worth-
while. It helps push away the
Monday morning blues. Have
more class rep meetings, and
take suggestions from the stu-
dents on what they want. Don't be
afraid to ask people for hell]
Working on the Student Councir
takes a lot of time, but a personal
sacrifice should not be made. If
school marks drop too low be-
cause of this it is no shame to re-
sign and turn the job over to
someone else. And most im-
portant of all, good luck.
I think I speak for everyone
when I say thank you to Lois Mc-
Laughlin and everyone who
worked so diligently to make this
year an enjoyable success. It was
really worth it. It has been a good
H - P cheering
After a number of frustrations,
setbacks, and disappoinrments
the cheerleaders boarded the bus
on Tuesday, May 18 for the Hur-
on -Perth Cheerleading Competi-
tion in Exeter. The team put
worth an excellent effort and ex-
ecuted their routine the best they
ever had. The competition was
stiff, with many outstanding per-
formances. The Madill squad
came in fourth, with the team
from Central Huron taking top
The highlight of the day was not
really the competition itself, but
the interval when the judges were
reaching their decision. During
this time, all the squads formed a
circle in the middle of the .floor
and everyone began cheering to-
gether. The walls echoed with the
sounds and a feeling of unison
radiated through the entire gym-
nazium. Suddenly it wasn't win-
ning that was most important,
but the sense of participation and
being a part of such a group. But
isn't that what such a competition
is for?
Model Parliament
Last Thursday, F. E. Madill
was host to debating teams of the
four other secondary schools in
Huron County — Seaforth, Ex-
eter, Goderich and Clinton. In the
debates held last Thursday
morning, Exeter seniors and jun-
iors emerged victorious, and won
both championships. After a de-
licious lunch, the students of the
teams assembled for Model
Parliament. First the topic, "In
Cabinet legislation should be
abolished", was debated. The
government then introduced the
topic, "A core curriculum is not
needed in secondary schools".
And this, too, was debated. The
debating club of F. E. Madill
thanks Mrs. Tiffin, who put so
much work into the club, and
made it a good experience for all
who participated.
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Preparation Uj
Because, in so short a time, our
Grade 13's will be gone, we de-
voted this questionnaire to them,
and asked: "What will you re-
member most about your years
at F. E. Madill?"
"All the fantastic friendships."
— Gator 13C (our school leader).
"Waiting all through the five
years to get out of high school and
r tng I don't want to go."
1 that last economics
tta.. - Janet Cardiff 13A (Our
school queen) .
"Beating Gordon Wray on the
Math 551 exam." — Mary Ellen
Havens 13A.
"The fantastic intramural
schedule that was set up for the
'75-'76 season." — Bruce Jermyn
"Being social convener." —
Mark Tiffin 13C.
"Passing Math 552." — Allan
Willits 13C.
"June 8, 1976 at 2:30 or June 4th
when the mail comes in." —
Stewart Whitehead 13C.
"Giving Mr. Dave Hawkins his
Christmas present!" — Henry
Olechowski 13B.
"The results of the math,
chemistry and physics contests I
wrote." — Gordie Wray 13C.
"Chemistry and French period
in Grade 12." — Nelson Under-
wood 13C.
"Getting thrown out of the li-
brary a record number of times."
— Don Sanderson 13B.
"Insulting Murray Math, which
always makes my day!" —
Evelyn Morin 13B.
"Learning how not toblush
when Mr. Gnay tells "his" sex
jokes." — Karen Currie 13A.
Misunderstanding Mr. Mor-
rison and his complicated vocab-
ulary of three letter words." —
Keith Nethery 13B.
"The people I met." — Kate
Farrell 13A.
"Being `picked up' by Tom
Barger in the hall." —
`111111111 i111111111 11111IM M IJ
OO Doze
funny lltt3e incidents that make
lite bearable and keep one Soft.
This concludes the "School
No matter how dreary you fed,
Daze" column. I'm sure there are
as long " you keep your eyes
some who will heave a sigh of re-
open andam t=W in,ways
lief over this. I would lilts to
there alour
aw yt be something
thank everyone who contributed
there to make you smile. Too
often we got so wrapped up to
to the column. I had their loci-
dents to share with everyone. At
ausdves awe forget the
ia,e same time, I would like to
w""ituvu�x3 "", Fvi •Y�
Pitt txtpnt>rvt in your
extend a sincere apology to
with humor, Pam, irony, and
pocket by. selling un -
anyone who felt offended in any
the fascinating people who mate
all these things happen Tune in
wanted items in the
way at any time. Certainly no
malice was ever intended.
the People around you and take
Want Ad Column
I have really enjoyed writing
notice of them. You'll never
this column and sharing these
regret it.
incidents with you. It's those
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