The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-27, Page 9./ 1 'V
Only 37 million bushels of chewan in 1837, as compared with
F. E. Madill
wheat were produced in Saskat- 321 million in 1828.
athletic banquet
The annual Athletic Banquet is -
Mks Lek• - Nwy-ills. 89 - Phew 338.3010
�01Y1114A up for tits w- thooi year 7b -
Our camp (tormerly Horriston Hockey Camp) offers
'76• It is scheduled this year for
a program of hockey instruction and outdoor camp
June 1. The theme of the banquet
and recreation atmosphere that has made our camp one
of `Running shoes forever".
of the finest in Canada. The personal NOCKEIf SKILLS
For the coaches and athletes in
INSTRUCTION will improve all our compers.
our school, the banquet is sigWfi-
•New Normanby Recreation Arena in Ayton
carat in that those who have
strived hard to reach the top are
*Private mile long lake •Golf/tennis/water front
honored with trophies and
*Family Camp and Day Programs
Mr. Lee will be supervising the
planning of the meal (pot -luck).
We are sure that he will do an
Please forward brochure to:
•ll to
excellent job as he has done other
Name ............................
We would like to extend a warm
Box Address ..........................
welcome to the former athletes
Waterloo, Ontario
who attended our school and hope
Phone 884-4050 Town .............................
to see lots of you there.
Athletic Council
Ontario's Largest Spring Fair
IMW- * - WV
III Y• � �, a
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 27, 15176 --Page
TOP SENIOR TEAM from the Huron County Debating right, the winners are Teresa Ondreiicka, Tony Kyle,
Society is South Huron District High School, Exeter. Finals Cynthia Gunn and Marian Adams. Both the senior and
ornina r Ain
12 Noon—Ontario Jersey Show
7:00 p.m.—Arena Concessions
open to public
8:00 p.m.—Queen of the Fair
9:15 p.m.—Entertainment
Bridgeman r-anBy,
Recwding Ankle
1:00 p.m.—Parade Through Town
Huron County
Holstein Club Show
Livestock Judging
2:00 p.m.—Official Opening
Baby Show in Arena
7:00 p.m.—Teams in Harness
9:00 p.m.—Evening Grandstand
Show starring Jamey
Ryan and featuring
Mastic- Boy1w and Al
e6erney with Myers
Sm. and Jubilaires
1:00 p.m.—Horse Show
Bruce Rathwell, M.C.
Operated by Ladies Division
Elgin Thompson, President
RR 3, Kippen, Ontario
Robert M. Gibbings, Secretary
RR I, Clinton, Ontario
M s. Barbara Lovett, Treasurer
RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario
W11 I �Tav;� I;
W/VIS meets at
Rintoul home
WMS met at the home of Mrs.
Gordon Rintoul on Wednesday of
last week. Mrs. Victor Emerson
and Mrs. Walter Elliott were in
charge, assisted by Mrs. O. Irwin
and Mrs. G. Phillips. Mrs. Emer-
son extended a welcome and gave
the call to worship, a poen,
"Friends". A hymn was sung and
scripture was read by Mrs.
Elliott. "Jesus Neve'°Fail" was
read by Mrs. G. Rintoul. Mrs. BW
Evans led in prayer and a hymn
was sung with Mrs. Don Ross at
the piano.
Mrs. Emerson gave the topic,
"How to Live". First we should
do as Job says, "acquaint thyself
now with God and be at peace"
All who neglect God will sooner
or later experience tragic down-
fall. Some find it difficult to be-
lieve that God lives in the hearts
and lives of all. Regardless of our
occupations, if we believe in Cod
He will help us to live the highest
type of life.
were held in Wingham last Thursday. The team from junior finals were concerned with whether or not "the in- Mrs. Wesley Tiffin read astory
Goderich debated against the South Huron team. Left to creasing pollution of pornography should be obliterated". from Guidepost magazine, "Just
One More Favor , in which a
polio victim prayed to God to take
Reeve John Jewitt of Hullett. "I away his pain and he would never
HURON COUNTY COUNCIL think it is a genuine concern. This ask for another thing. As he im-
Will d•
By Shirley J. Keller
Huron County Council was un
able to decide Thursday exactly
where school electoral boundar
ies should be placed and referred
the matter back to the executive
committee for further study. New
boundaries must be established
in Huron County for school elec
tion purposes. Since there ar
now,two separate school trustee
on the 16 -member Huron County
Board of Education, the public
school trustees must be reduced
by one to 14.
It was pointed out by the execu-
tive committee chairman, Alla
Campbell, it is a county council
responsibility to designate schoo
electoral boundaries before Sept
The Census of Canada will The facts only you can provide naire dnd they are suhleci to call lbs lolly Ili t uu a op,v all n
provide important benefits for are used to help atjric ulturdl legal penalties 1f they disclose and ask for 'LFNr1110.1976.
all Canadians, but the fam3ing associations and government your answers to anyone else. There is no c•hanle.
community has special needs agencies plan and develop What to do if you VkWcoulndmonyou.
That's why you are asked to new and existing pnxfrdnls• don't know What t0 da itic I'I7h (, vlsus ul •\ I1 a 1
Oltt u 1
complete theagricvltural pset+ m*d, II l /,u h,eve pnehle ms e� lth ture 1s imporiant toc I i one
questionnaire, in addition to The information you pro s- Uu•('cnsisofAgriculture %%hofaus
the general questionnaire. vide on Censm Day Is so vilal questic mnaii e, fill in all the can't (h) w 1t bout and %%e c ,n11
F1VWJ dW i1dK1illifrlifl to the frdure of Canada that yrtestions you are able to an- Ito It nght w Ithc mt % ou.So
used? there is re(piiiing you to saver and leave the rest until please help us make
Farming is so complex that count yourself in.This law also thnus
c• cesrepn•sentative the lg7fi('eii ms(if
we need all the information ensures that none of your an- comes around to pick up your A(Incvlt ore a c on, „
we can get to develop policies swers shall be passed on to any completed dw-unwilts. plete slu els.
and program. to meet agricrll• other government depart- If you didn't receive either
tures rapidly changing needs. menu Only Statistics Candda questionnaire by May 31st, or
personnel, who are swam to the (luestionnaires in the
secrery, see your question- official language of your choice,
-'F Statistics Canada Statistique Canada
report is based on assessment, proved he asked longingly for
not population at all. It is just out drugs to be taken away, to be
e e i d e s .e h o o I board of line. I wonder why they've talo out of the iron lung, to be
chosen that method." able to swallow again, to get out
"We should be looking beyond of the hospital bed, the wheel -
our township boundaries," stated chair. "AI; my requests were
areas next month
Reeve Jewitt. "It would be an granted I had faith God would
awful headache but it might be hear and answer," he sa4d.
ember 1, 1976, and prior to the fall i these electoral districts. "We Forth the effort."
p Reeve Simon Hallahan agreed. The offering was received and
elections. tried three or four different ways The East Wawanosh reeve said dedicated by Mrs. Wallace Conn
The report from the executive and this way seemed to be the he was satisfied to see his muni- and the roll call was answered by
_ committee also advised that the best way," Reeve Elston told cipality together with Blyth and 15 naming a plant in the Bible.
board of education was satisfied council. Morris Township, but suggested The president, Mrs. John De-
with the proposal for the two sep- Bill Hanly, county administrat- that school board members Boer, presided for the business.
v, arate school electoral districts. or, said the areas are selected ac- might be elected according to The Presbyterial is to be held
Basically two districts cording to equalized assessment districts, rather than boundaries. May 31 in Lucknow. An invitation
comprise everything south of a and not population. He said the Deputy -reeve Jim Mair of Mor- from Calvin -Brick was received
e line bounded by Goderich Town- percentage differential between ris said he could understand for June 1. Financial support was
s ship, Clinton and Tuckersmith in groups should not be more than some of the dissatisfaction. He asked for the Kintail camp and
one, and everything north of that five per cent. "This is laid down said Brussels, Morris and Grey Ewart College fund. The next
line in the second. Each district in the Act," said Hanly. had always been "a sort of com- meeting will be held at the home
would elect one representative. Deputy -reeve Bill Morley of munity". "But the new way may of Mrs. John DeBoer.
The number of separate school Usborne Township said it ap- suit as many of them as the old The offering for the Ladies' Aid
supporters in the northern por- pears that "somebody is going to way," he said. was received and the financial
Allan tion is 1,746, the same area hav- have to fight for his seat and The entire matter was referred statement given. Hymn and a
ing an equalized separate school that's why these complaints are back to committee with a de- closing prayer by Mrs. Bill Rin -
assessment of $15,523,672. In the coming in". cision to be reached at the June toul concluded the meeting and
southern half there are 1,636 sep- "I don't believe that," said session of county council. the hostess served lunch.
arate school supporters, repre-
senting an equalized separate —
school assessment of $15,203,462.
The clerk of Hay Township will
be responsible for nominations THE e
and elections in the southern porSaves•
tion while the clerk of McKillip
will have that responsibility in
the north. -�
It is the public school electoral
districts which are causing the
problems. Some remain un-
changed — Stephen, Exeter and
Usborne are still one area; Hay,
Zurich and Hensall remain to-
gether; Ashfield and West Waw-
anosh, Goderich Township and -
Colborne, and the Town of God-
od -rich still form three electoral
.. �,.' . .
districts. The rest are changing
— and some are content with the
proposed alterations. Clinton and
Tuckersmith have been placed
together for the first time and
Stanley and Bayfield have been
paired up. These changes are not
is disputes
Seaforth was originally lumped
with Tuckersmith, Stanley and RAINBOW OF C0LORSTO(7,,Bayfield for school purposes, that
area electing two representa-
tives. The new proposal would
put Seaforth in with McKillop and Plain or patterned Bedsheets Now
Hullett. Other changes in that all Specially Priced.
corner of the county would put
East Wawanosh, Blyth and Mor-
ris together; Brussels and Grey ��s WHITE 7 COLOURS - BANANA, BRONZE,
together; and Wingham, Turn- GOLD, BROWN, BLUE,
berry and Howick together. PINK, NATURAL
It this total area which is in — SHEETS SHEETS
dispute where the proposed
:. ,..
boundary changes are concern- ��.-:
ed. $
77. $ 31
The Huron County Board of
Education favored the retention LB. LB.
of the existing electoral districts
for public school purposes, with
the Brussels, Grey, Morris area
representation being cut by one. Tru—Press Bedsheets T'
A delegation from the board pro
posed Seaforth and McKillop as a .1
district with one representative; DOUBLE -FITTED$' 77
Hullett, Blyth and East - Waw- 54 x 75 •
anosh as a district with one rep- ,I r
resentative; and Brussels, Mor- 81 DOUBLE f0 -FLAT $79
7• 7 7
ris and Grey as a district with one
representative. QUEEN -SIZE FITTED
This latter suggestion was sup- 60 x 80 $ 8 •8 7
ported by Blyth Reeve Robbie
Lawrie who said he liked the idea QUEEN -SIZE FITTED $ 87
of Blyth being at the centre of x 1105 •
things for a change. "We've been
on the outside corner for too KING-SIZE FITTED 27
78 x 80 $ • 1
long," said Reeve Lawrie. , K�•ti ,
Reeve Bill Elston of Morris KING-SIZE FLAT $ 1 ' 27
Township, who also serves on the 109 x 110 •
executive committee, said the
committee had tried to do away• , The Stere that Sevet Yee Mere"
with as many two -member areas MEN s sots LADIES Gins a
as possible. Under the new pro- RAeyWEAR YARD GOODS
posal, only three districts — the r V R N I r U R E M ATTOESSES
town of Goderich; Wingham, . APP-IANrFT CLAMPS
Turnberry and Howick; and Ste-
phen, Exeter and Usborne —
Would elect two members. "We STORE HOURS:
think when one member is elect- Monday - Saturday
ed for one area, that member is 9:30 - 5:30
more responsible to his area," Fr Way nights
Reeve Elston said. 'til 9:00 P.M.
Reeve Elston pointed out there
were guidelines set out for the
committee to follow when select -