The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-27, Page 4r-.
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i4Bs WisrMm Advance -Timers, Thursday, May 27, HY76
Mrs. George Fisher, Wingham,
South Bruce- W.I.
Whitatureb Branch hosted the tion of the district directors. Ira Qickie and Mrs. Verdon Mow-
strict annual meeting of the VISITQRSPRESENT bray paying tribute to the
memory of past members. ,
South Bruce Women's Institute Mrs. David Ireland, president, In her closing remarks after
an May 18. "Faith for The introduced the visitors: Mrs. Sut two years in office, Mrs. David
Future" was the theme of the cliffe, area president; Mrs.
gam Ireland said what a great plea
The roll call was Crawford, area secretary; Mrs.
answered by the district dir- Chambers, board of directors, sure it had been to visit most of
ectors with "A historical event in sub -division 16 of the area; Mrs. the branches and attend the vari
ous events in the district. She "A•
Bruce County that has given us Radbourn, . area curator; Mrs. thanked her home branch for as -
s faith for the future," which Coyne, rally chairman; Mrs. sistance and her partner, Mrs. f
proved to be most interesting as Klages and Mrs. Smith, Bruce Frank Maulden, secretary -
each one answered with some- North; Mrs. Smith and three
thing of note. Many reviewed guests from Bruce Centre; Mrs. treasurer, for her friendship and
K'\ events almost forgotten and only Miski and Mrs. Ostendorf, Bruce assistance. Mrs. Ireland spoke of
two items were duplications. East. the theme of the day, using a,,
Bible reading prepared on the Lt'
Reed's Corners Will was in Mrs. Harvey Houston, pro-
basis of "Fa
charge of the sing-alongs for the vincial public relations officer, "Faith Beginning with ;
Our Forefathers".
day. Mrs. McGuire of White- addressed the meeting briefly, Mrs. Kirkpatrick thanked Mrs. "
church gave the address of wel- asking that members share their
come and Mrs. Donald McCosh copies of Home and Country with Ireland and presented her with a r•; .
and Mrs. Frances Boyle of doctors' offices, beauty parlors, gift. 2
Miss Barbara DeVisser, Bruce
Purple Grove hal charge of the etc. Back issues are also needed. County home economist, re-
devotions which were ap- Mrs. Victor Emerson gave a ported on her work through the
propriate to the theme. greeting for which she has be- ear in 4-H and senior courses.
FWIO REPORT come well known. Mrs. John Nor y THESE ARE FOUR OF THE 22 RNA STUDENTS who put in 35 weeks of hard work before
Mrs. Frances Gemmell, FWIO man, resolutions convener, tenonHolyroed Institute provided the becoming qualified RNAs. In a graduation ceremony Friday, May 21 the above women
board director, gave her report, afternoon entertainment, follow
Po presented a resolution on conn- ing which Mrs. McCormick of were presented with awards. They are Miss Nancy Litt for First Proficiency in Bedside''
thanking the district for the Lapel pulsory use of seat belts. After Belmore gave the Pennies for Nursing, Miss Marjorie McKay for First Scholastic Standing, Miss Ronda Weber (class
Pin in Bruce County Tartan, some discussion the delegates Friendship report. Mrs. Kirk- president), Valedictorian Gift and Miss Deborah Welwood for Second Scholastic Stand -
which has been sent for the voted in favor of the existing law. patrick presented the new slate of ing.
national convention in Prince Ed- At the morning session Armow officers and Miss DeVisser con -
ward Island in June. She stated WI provided entertainment. Fol- ducted the installation.
that the resolution sent in last loaning the noon luncheon the Delegates chosen
year on the liquor question was ladies enjoyed displays of OFFICERS CONFERENCE Mrs. Clarence Hedley reported Area couple united in
turned down. The ACWW will be creative stitchery, liquid em-
held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1977 broidery, afghans, the Bruce on the officers' conference at by Sr. Citizens
University r Waterloo, mention. E l o r a - e h ur e h ceremony r e m o n y
and in Winnipeg in 1980. Used Tartan and the WI supply table. Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Margaret
stamps are being collected for Mrs. William Arnold gave the Ing two addresses given by Mrs. Hastings were nominated as
Maluski, provincial president,
Africa, where they are being put Bruce County Tartan report and and Mrs. Zoeller, editor of Home Catherine Anne Fisher became matching ostrich -feather delegates to the Senior Citizens'
to good use. She urged branches the Bruce County Scholarship re- and Country. the bride of John R. Lovell on trimmed jacket and orchid cor- convention in St. Catharines on
to support Nutrition Education port. Mrs. Donald Blue gave the Courtesy remarks were voiced May 14 at St. John's Anglican sage. She was assisted by the August 9 and 10. They will repre-
and the Erland Lee Home. May museum report and said the new by Mrs. Glenna Haldenby, thank- Church, Elora. The bride's groom's mother in a two-piece sent the Wingham Senior Citizens
31 to June 4 is. WI week and the building will soon be opened. ing Whitechurch branch and all parents are Mr. and Mrs. Merrill pale pink gown with orchid cor- and were chosen by the group
time to visit the Erland Lee home Crafts have been added to the who had assisted with the Fisher of Gorrie and the groom is sage. The master of ceremonies when it met in the Armouries re -
by appointment. other items on display. meeting. a son of Mrs. O. L. Lovell of Fer- was John Beatty of Fergus. cently.
Mrs. Gemmell also spoke on COMMITTEE REPORTS The slate of officers for 1976-77Those wishing to go to Wood -
the and the late Otto Lovell. Rev. For a honeymoon in Northern
the meeting held recently in The curator's report was given follows: past pres., Mrs. David R. Hulse officiated at the double Ontario the bride chose an ivory bine Raceway on June 17 are
Wm2haM on violence in the by Mrs. Stewart Farrell; PRO Ireland; pres. Mrs. George ring ceremony. and the organist halter dress with tan accessories asked to give their names to Mrs.
media and said that complaints report, Mrs. Clarence Hedley; Fisher, Wingham; first vice- was Brad Halls of Midland. and orchid corsage. Fisher. The spring zone rally will
on this subject should be sent to folk school report, Mrs. Burton pres., Mrs. Ross Cumming, During the signing of the register The groom has accepted a posi- be held on Wednesday, June 16,
the FWIO board member, giving Hodgins. Mrs. James Kirk- Lucknow ; second vice, Mrs. Mrs. Dave Edwards, cousin of tion on the staff of the Shelburne Members unanimously agreed
name, and date the program patrick reminded those present Russell McGuire, Wingham; the bride, sang "For All We District High School. to hold a pot luck supper on May
appeared. of the Bruce County Rally at Guests were resent from 29 at 6 p.m., and to entertain the
As this is Mrs. Gemmell's last sec.-treas., Mrs. Gordon Wall, Know'. P
Underwood on Oct. 21 and out- Wingham; asst. sec., Mrs. James The bride, givenin marriage Brantforeb Kitchener, Goderich, shut-ins some afternoon during
year in office, she thanked all for lined members' duties for the Conway, Tiverton; public by her parents, looked lovely in a Oshawa, Toronto, Midland, Senior Citizens' Week in June.
their help and friendship during day, relations officer, Mrs. Clarence gown of white organza, featuring Boston, Red Deer, Fergus and - Gordon Godkin was in charge
her term as a board member. She The memorial period was in Hedley, Kincardine; a ale Ink ca let collar and g of the program of old-time music
also took charge of the ratifica- charge of the Kairshea WI, Mrs. P p pe Elora- Honored guests were
g Standing committee con- sash and flared skirt with at- grandparents of the bride, Mr. by H. Duffy and Mr. Renwick.
veners: Agriculture and Cana tached chapel train flounced at and Mrs- Gordon Fisher and E. Everyone enjoyed the music and
Sian Industries, Mrs. Howard the hem with pink chiffon. She Watkins of Elora, several danced to their favorite
Weekend Barger, Lucknow; Education and wore a large white picture hat tunes.
/ Cultural Activities, Mrs. Donald with pink flower trim and carried
MacAdam, Wingham; Citizen- a cascade bouquet of orchids,
Entertainment ship and World Affairs, Mrs. pink carnations and stephanotis.
Oscar Norman, Kincardine; Matron of honor was Mrs. '
THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Family and Consumer Affairs, Kenneth Norton of Toronto, sister
Mrs: George Harkness, Kin- of the bride, gowned in pink You'r
A Very good local group cardine; Resolutions, Mrs. polyester crepe styled with cape- `E
Donald Gillies, Ripley; Museum, let collar and gored skirt with �y
Mrs. Donald Blue, Ripley; matching sash,
SHANNONScolarship, Mrs. William Arnold, • The bridesmaids, Miss Colleen
Ripley; alternate, Mrs. James McGonegal of Elora, Miss /
Kirkpatrick, Ripley; Tartan, Jacqueline Walker of Fergus and
CANDLELIGHT SUMMER Mrs' William Arnold, Ripley; Miss Leonore Feil of Elora wore �I� h►'�
alternate, Mrs. Douglas Ken- gowns similarly styled in shades,
nedy, Teeswater; Curator, Mrs. of mauve and blue. They wore
Victor Emerson, Whitechurch; white brimmed hats with match-
Entertainment Line-up -Fed. of Agriculture, Mrs. Jack ing bands of crepe and white
Farrell, Ripley; alternate, Mrs. rosebuds centred in the back.
David Ireland, Teeswater; Their bouquets were blue corn -
Starting Mon. May 31 -Juke 5 auditors, Mrs. Lyman Sutton and flowers and pink and white
Mrs. Harold Elliott; nominating carnations. Moodstone neck-
« �� -comm. for 1977, Armow and Bel- laces, gifts from the bride, were
GLORIA a spiffy showband more branches. worn by the attendants.
Brian Shortreed of Fergus
June 7 to 12 acted as best man and the ushers y�4,
were Murray Shannon, James 1
"RUSTIC" Cloakey-Keffer Proctor and Harvey Hewer, all of
Versatile group Fergus.
vows exehan ed ll dinner and reception
9 followed at the Guelph Curling tb y6
June 14 to 19 Club where the bride's mother (�
An evening ceremony united in received guests in a halter style KEM WOODSTAINmarriage e
the "CAVALIERS" Brussels a dl AlexCloalkey, RR 4 gown of blue polyester knit with
Brussels. The event took place on
��* 1
popular year round May 1, at 7 o'clock in the Brussels GALLON �1
Presbyterian Church. Fermin methods
June 21 to 26 Mrs. William King, Brussels 9
"REV" was the organist and Rev. in British Isles
OLS an excellent band Kenneth Innes officiated at the
mParents of the bride are Mr. topic of speaker wwwwol 1:1
June 28 - July 3 and Mrs. Alex Keffer, Brussels John Gaunt of Belgrave was `
and the groom is the son of Mrs. the guest speaker when the Wing- x
VARIATION Ivy Cloakey, RR 4 Brussels and ham branch of the Women's Y' ' y £ KEM LATEX GLOSS
the late Stuart Cloakey. Institulie met May 20. Mr. Gaunt,
The bride was given in a graduate of the Ontario Agri 99
and MANY MORE GOOD marriage by her father. Mrs. cultural College, Guelph, and a EXT6TaI0Alli " GALLON
BANDS TO COME IN I Dianne McCallum Walton, friend Nuffield Foundation Scholarship y
of the bride was matron -of -honor, winner, showed slides of a tour he 1;t r t a�y•
h E
k t
t b
while esman was Doug took trougngan, Scotland, 1
Cloakey, brother of the groom. Wales and part of Ireland. He told 1 �£ 'f: 1;•i s
until SEPT. 4th. Usher was Paul Cloakey, also of the ways of farming there andrsi'°I{£' ` ;t
brother of the groom. spoke of the well-preserved large `.'
Treat yourself and Out-of-town guests were from old buildings. s
your friends Manitoba, Whitby, London and Mrs. Powell thanked Mr. Gaunt `X:'.w-;Y-" ""•':�'
for your convenience Dine by Candlelight LATEX
Belgrave. Present were Mr. and and presented him with a small KEM•1COAT for mnaP KEM WOODSTAIN3
our Hot Bullet Is served SUNDAY Mrs. Keffer of Ethel and Mrs. who don l like PA ^nnq or nn,,,, n.ln,n 1,
gift. more lhanonce anhanrP l^n hPAUly tf
SMORGASBORD choice of tate■ Iyn- anngra nnl nalu,ai
THURS., t FRI. olive Campbell, Belgrave. A President Mrs. Alf I,ockridge y
or alkyd base hi AI wenn Ava��ah�e in .;I h/ `� /SE PMN
17 noon 1 p m reception was held at the home of was in charge of the meeting Shghllyh,ahercn5l a,nninrorsem•h/V
r A••tf,Arnnl Ideal I,,,
Casual Dress 5 p m to e p m the bride's parents. which opened with the•4,inging of
After a honeymoon tri to the Ode with Mrs. D. Ritchie at KEMiorhIaSt
Y P exterior nous" pay^r
Northern Ontario, the couple will the rano. Mrs. Lockrid a wel- ofat"yet On PPA`"
_ reside in Brussels. comed visiting guests and Mrs. 181 like PnAmei "
- -- - ^ -- KEG ROOM Clean ups are Past'
Visit the Shiell read the minutes and gave wah,uslSoapann
the financial report. w"er
�� �f� Colour 7v A motion was passed by Mrs.
Also available in quarts.
• R e l a x l n q atmosphere
Barrett and seconded by Mrs. ,,,a,,,,,,�,,,,„•„^,.-,-, „•,,,,, ,. ,•-•
Robert Galbraith that $50 again
Candlelight RUSYSTITCHERS be given toward the support of Kameont"-manulacnnPnbySnPwnwuAmpco^pAnyolcA^aMA�mMA
V 9 The Wingham club members the flower containers on Wing- AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLC
have learned how to do the couch- harr>is Josephine Street.
Capri Roll TofletPaper ........................................
316. A.B.C.Soop................................. .......$I."
Kleenex I W - all Colours 41 c ........................ . 3 loxes $1.80
Robin Hood S lbs. Quick Oats .............................. -$I."
Sun Spun Margarine ............................ 2lb. .sF
Burns Chuckwogon Dinner 680 g ................. ,! ..............N
Splendor 2lb. Spaghetti........................................a
Kraft Dinner..........................................3 ftp. .95
Lottery tkkeh for Thursday, Nite
PHONE 335.3451 WRRIE
St. Paul's Church
and Choir Loader
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11:000-M.—Moming Prayer, Litany and Sermon
Wingham Horticultural Society
Town Hall
Friday, May 28
1:00 TO 8:00 P.M.
Refreshments Served
Memberships will be available
Everyone Welcome I
Monkton, Ontario
Clinton, Ontario
Restaurant 8 Tavern
ing cross'stitch, couching outline
The Wingham branch of the WI
Licensed under L C B O
stitch, satin stitch, sheaf -filling
has been invited to Huronview
,lune 9 between two and four
194 Josophino Stroet
finishing their learning -stitches
o'clock. They are having a bake
Brussels, Ontario
Wingham, Ontario
J articles and deciding what their
sale table and asked for done
- - - --
5 2 4 — 7 7 1- ,
free. -choice articles will be.
The girls have decided on their
Mrs. Lockridge closed the
exhibit ifor Achievement Day
They looking for-
meeting with the singing of The
Paisley, Ontario
June 19.' are
Queen and lunch was served by
Gordo, Ontarin
ward to their pot luck supper.
the hostesses.
Monkton, Ontario
Clinton, Ontario