The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-27, Page 2Advance-Timea, Thursday, May 27, 1876
SWW&y visitors with Mr. and Listowel visited Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin and
„IlIU'a!- CAor" Pittendreigh were and Mrs. Harold Doig. family spent Sunday with rela-
14'. and Mrs. Ian Pittendreigh Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Allan and tives in Aurora.
and family of London and George little son spent the weekend with Congratulations to Mr. and
Inglis of Belmore. relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Kip Baylor who were
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mrs. married Friday evening in
spent the holiday weekend at Elmer Harding spent a couple of Listowel.
Port Elgin. days last week in Toronto and Bill Miller, Larry Clarkson and
Emmerson Hargrave of visited with Misses Maud and Charles Gibson of Gorrie spent
Listowel spent a few days last Esther Harding. the weekend with Gary Kla,assen
week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clarkson at Burk's Falls.
grave. spent the holiday weekend in kB and Mrs. Morley Bride of
Mrand Mrs. Paul Wendt and . Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry. Guelph were recent visitors with
Cheryl and Miss Dalerie Lesnik Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEnnis and p
of Toronto were weekenduests Rob of Toronto s Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride.
g pent the weekend
with Mrs. E. A. Schaeferat their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Les Watkins and
daughter of Bolton were weekend
Mr. and Mrs. George Piercey �
Mrs. Janet Senior and Mrs. of Elora were recent visitors with guests with Mrs. Eva Harris.
Jack Stuart of Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Miller and
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig on Mrs. Roy Simmons returned Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller
Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. home Saturday after spending visited Sunday with Grant Miller '
Senior was guest speaker at In- several days last week with Mr. at Sick Children's Hospital,,A`'
stitute telling of her experiences and Mrs. Doug Wildfang at Mis- Toronto.
on Baffin Island. sissauga. Congratulations to Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haverfield Mrs. H. Rybicke on the birth of +.
Mariam of Don Mills and Mr. and were Kitchener visitors on Satur- their daughter, Wednesday, May
Mrs. William Hawksby of day. 19th in Listowel Hospital. Ministry to survey Howick
ACCEPTS PERTH CHEESE—Stuart Smith, Ontario Liberal leader, accepts a package of
for seniors' housing needs Perth County cheese from William Elston of Wingham, vice president of the Western On-
tario North Liberal Association, at the annual meeting of the organization held in Listowel
The Ministry of Housing is survey results, it can start the Mortgage and Housing Corpora- last week. Other head table guests, seated from left, include Duncan McCallum of
planning to conduct a survey to development process by adopting tion, lends OHC 90 per cent of the Hanover, president of the association; Douglas Bell of Stratford, a director; and Hugh
see if there is a need for senior a resolution asking OHC to pro- cost and the province lends the Edighoffer, MPP for Perth. (Staff Photo)
citizen housing in Howick Town- vide the needed accommodation. balance. Both loans are repaid
ship. If approved, the project is built with interest by the OHC.
A typical senior citizen apart- at no capital cost to the OHC also covers normal muni- •
ment has a bedroom, living room, municipality. The federal cipal taxes by giving an annual t blasts
bathroom and a kitchen with a government, through Central grant to the municipality. Rentm' g
stove and refrigerator. Most subsidies are paid 50 per cent by
senior citizen developments are the federal government, 421/z per (Continued from Page 1) isolationist" he said, imports of finance; Lloyd McLean of St.
one or two-storey buildings, al- veterinary club cent by the provincial govern- hold hearings, but the govern- milk products from outside the Marys, labor; Robert Holmes of
though in larger cities they are t ment and 71/z per cent by the ment won't accept that. Then Country should be cut back. He St. Pauls, nominations; Dave
often placed in high-rises. 11OICIS meeting municipality. when they requested the ombuds- also suggests that "for one year, Jack of Fergus, organizations
The demand in the area for 9 Letters describing OHC's man to look into it ... the govern- for the dairy industry,'perhaps a and constitution; Emil Hendrick
such accommodation will be Doug Miller, Brian Lobb and senior citizen rental housings pro- ment muzzled him, saying the de- form of farm stabilization should of Exeter, policy and research;
measured from information John Van Vliet were junior gram will soon be mailed to cision was passed by Cabinet two be established• Diane Misener of Stratford
gathered through advertising, leaders on the topics, "Bacteria senior citizens, asking them if years ago and that rules out the EXECUTIVE women. '
direct mail questionnaires, inter- and Disease: Viruses and they wish to participate. If in- ombudsman. Everything the Prior to Dr. Smith's address to Three MPs attended the meet -
views and applications on file Disease", when the Huron terested senior citizens do not re- government has done in this case the Association, the 250 in at- ing, Hugh Edighoffer of Perth,
with the local housing managers. County Veterinary Club held its ceive a questionnaire by mail, is nothing more than window tendance voted on a new slate of Murray Gaunt of Huron -Bruce
The study will include an as- meeting on Monday, May 17, in they may contact the clerk's dressing; they decided at the officers. Those elected are as fol- and Jack Riddell of Huron.
sessment of economic trends, the boardroom at Clinton Agri- office in Gorrie. time of the Solandt report where lows:
growth factors and current and cultural Office. the line would go. If we do nothing Duncan McCallum of Hanover,
future housing needs in the area. Elaine Stuart opened the meet- else, we will consult with the president; William Elston of
A research analyst will estimate ing, with everyone standing andpeople." Wingham, vice president; Glen I N G L IS FARAA
the number of senior citizens repeating the 4-H pledge. The THE WORST Crockford of Hanover, secretary;
whose accommodation is inade- minutes of the last meeting wereDr. Smith saved his harshest William Somerville of Stratford, DRAINAGE
quate or who are spending more read by Sandra Nivins who is the Space or X76 criticism for the government's treasurer; Kent Lamont of Port
than they can afford on housing. secretary of the club. actions in closing hospitals to cut Elgin, Ross McLelland of Mount
Senior citizen residences, fin- Following ,the talks by the International health costs. Forest, Ian McAllister of Zurich, Quality InstoIIotion
anced by the Ontario Housing junior leaders, Steve Thompson, "The hospital closings must Beryl Harper of Goderich, Doug- ~ Clay o r Plastic
Corporation are on a rent -geared- leader of the club, discussed typify the very worst about this las Bell of Stratford, Mabel Cline
going fast Free Estimates 11
to -income basis. several questions relating to the present government," he said to, � St. Marys, all directors; Wil -
Once the municipality receives topics. loud applause. f ;. ked Krauskopf of Dublin, agri- H
The International PlowingPHONE: 392-6700
He accused the government of et>sttu'e; Robert M. Campbell of
Match in Bruce County in Sep- carrying on -•a lavish, generous Oren Sound, communications; ►; R.R. 3 Walkerton
FARMERS tember, is already claiming new spending Daniel Murphy of Goderich crrlFz�Z�Y irruY�z�z�z�z z Z�zFz�Z.�
records. General manager of the thorough g lanni g a with on P Y ,
gh p ng and no vision
Ontario Plowmen's Association, for the future," and then closing
NOW IN STOCK Ed Starr, informed the monthly hospitals to cut costs.
meeting of all the committee He said the procedure followed
chairmen that the exhibitors' in the closing of the Goderich
J 8 M Fertilizer Augers space in the 90 acre tented city, is Psychiatric Hospital "almost
Calhoun Trail Model Fertilizer Spreaders almost three quarters sold. This brought tears to my eyes." The
Danomex 3 pt. Hitch Fertilizer Spreaders he said, is an all time record. He director of the mental hospital in
also Unverferth Dual Wheels from predicted
e of icted large attendance Goderich, "a model mental
Quebec. hospital for rural areas", heard
J 8 M Heavy Duty Wagons 6-10 tons' Chesley Arena Ladies' Club about the closure on Christmas
will be catering for meals served Eve on his car radio, according to
J 8 M 210-250-300-350 bu. Gravity Boxes in the official tent. This group is Dr. Smith.
See the new J 8 M Au er-Mate endeavouring to raise funds for
a their new arena. "There was no consultation.
and Power Hacksaws Cameron Taylor, chairman of There was no trust. You've got to Wett8bie
the billeting committee, reported trust people and that's what powder herbicide
SPECIALS for babies
_10 � r�
I. X011
Baby Lotion $119
8.25 fl. oz.
Baby Oil, 260 ml. $1119 119
Baby Powder , 4 oz. 874
Diaper Rash
Cream 11/2 oz. tube 794
Cotton Swabs w. 88'4
Front End Loader 7'& 8' Stone Pickers a great increase in the number of we're pledged to." re emer ent
homes made available for ac- Dr. Smith said if the hospitals is
J 8 M Elevators from 24-53' commodation. They will be able win the appeal of the decision
COMPETITIVE PRICES to look after anyone wishing to (which stated the government
stay for one or more nights dur- had acted illegally in closing the Weed control In
ing the '76 Match. hospitals) by the provincial
MAXRIEGLING A trailer park will be available government, then they're "home
on the site for 230 units. Donald free•" soybeans,field beans
McTavish of Ripley is in charge "We won't give the government
395-5107 of this facility. power to close hospitals if they
7 miles west of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 come and ask for it in the fall," (white and kidney)
he said.
Japanese girrs Regarding the "terrible crisis
� in dairy farming", Dr. Smith said snap and
Look neighbour ... Paddles are visit messengers the Problem was not an easy one
1 to solve or to blame on anyone.
RIGIDOR SWINGING BLUEVALE—The Messengers The province knew over pro- • of Bluevale United Church held a duction was coming alpd so "bear lima
festival of friendship in the Sun- a' moral responsibility in that
day school rooms Monday even- regard," he said, adding that it
ing. The chairlady was Rev. doesn't make sense that in order
Brown. Mrs. Ken Johnston and to get a 20 per cent rebate on their
Mrs. Ralph Barlow, messenger loans, dairy farmers have got to Why spray fo weeds you
leaders, poured tea. produce more.
Guests were two Japanese girls Dr. Smith said he agrees with dont have? If� ou dont have
# 1 here on the Youth Exchange. the Ontario Federation of Agri- t velVetleaf, cocklebur,
• These Japanese girls taught culture's request that the for r; thistle, yellow nutsedge Or
some Japanese words and de- giveable portion of loans be made
monstrated the correct w 30'w bindweed but you do have
ay to available in 1976 for those who y
wear a kimona. need it. He said young farmers troublesome grass
Exhibits were around the Sun- were being particularly hard hit.
�f problems like crabgrass,
day school room walls showing While "we can't be .totally N` green foxtail, witchgrass,
the Canadian way of life with
crafts, books on education, re OO and weeds like lamb's -
creational and farming displays. g people �- quarters, black nightshade,
Several articles from Japan •
were also on display. are confirmed pigweed or ragweed, then
Patoran is.your most
The children presented their
Butler 26" impeller Japanese friends with books they FORDWICH — Young people efficient and most
for silage distributor -inlander
had made. were confirmed on Sunday morn- economical weapon against
I ing into full membership of the
has easy-acce-ss lift-off top. United Church. Rev. Colin weeds.
Pull 3 bolts to convert fromPatterson conducted the service
assisted by members of the AGRO-CHEMICALS OF OUR TIME.
rigid to swinging paddles. session.Bluevale
1 Candidates were John Baker,
At the Sunday morning service Jeff Baker, Tom Strong, Mark BASF Canada Limited
-� in Bluevale United Church Rev. Harding, Donna Harding, Shelly
Bdon't take our word for it. W. Brown reported on the by- Zurbrigg, Raymond Wagler, Carl 10 Constellation Court, Rexdale, Ontario
Ask aeighbour who owns Butler. laws of the London Conference Hayden, Greg Stewart, Stephen 416-677-1280
held in Windsor last week. Rev. Bilton, Gary Douglas, Margaret
Listowel Silo & Tile Ltd. ' Brown and Mrs. Max Demeray Reid, Peggy Schneider, Cindy
were delegates. The conference Sturgeon, Wayne Lockie, John
Box 3e, supported the resolution to raise Brown, Cathy Gibson, Randy
Moorefiek, Owfedo 'A the legal drinking age from 18 to Hunt, Patti Mann, Heather Gib -
Phone: S'�34 2� 663��77, EM 4
20 in January, 1978 son, Heather Kritzer, Mary
Siefeit and Brian Siefeit.