The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-20, Page 24 = r m Ps a !•—MW WiitttgA m Advance-Tinies, Thurs ,!Kay 20, 1976 • Milk board wX11 buy. ..., uotas starting .dune 1 0. q g TORONTO—In order to keep board is that many producers will continued, "that those producers ' x milk quota values in the Province be short of market -sharing quota who, are planning to leave the in - of Ontario at a realistic level and early in the year, will produce dustry will benefit most by sell- to stimulate the movement of over their quota, and will be sub- ing their market4haring quota to ,. market -sharing quota to milk jest to the over -quota levy of $8.60 the board as soon as possible." producers, the Ontario Milk per hundredweight of milk ee- Marketing Board, has discon- tablished by the Federal Govern- The board is now working of e system of distribution of the tinued its existing quota transfer ment in mid-April. market -sharing quota it will > , system and replaced it with a "In order to get as much chase based on producer need, new system to commence June 1. market -sharing quota in the but it points out that this need will Changes in the quota transfer hands of these producers as pos- not be based on a producer's pro - system were among recon- sible and to create an incentive to duction on or after May 1, 1876. mendations made by farmers those wishing to sell quota," Mr. Mr. McLaughlin concluded by ' attending a recent rally in At- McLaughlin said, "the board will saying, "Me distribution system wood which attracted over 600 purchase the market -sharing now being worked out will take dairy producers to protest 15 per quota held by producers which is into account those producers who ► -�' cent quota reductions. unused on July 1, 1976 and who most likely will face over -quota The suggestion was put for- offer it for We. The board will levies early in the dairy year and ward by Maryborough Township purchase this quota as per the to terse dairy, farmers hardest hit - farmer Gerald De Beyer, RR 3, following rate schedule: during by the recent 15 per cent federal ` 1 Moorefield. He pointed out that June, 1976 — three cents per cutback in industrial milk pro - there were no quotas for sale at pound; July, 1976 — two -and -a duction." all and those placing ads in news- half cents per pound; August, papers trying to find some were 1976 — two cents The board is advising pro - Pte' Pound; �P- ducers that no applit<ations will "just throwing their money tember, 1976 — one -and -a -half be accepted by the board for ► , away." cents per pound and October, 1976 group I pool quota transfers In announcing the change, the --one cent per pound. The rate of under the old system after May chairman of the Ontario Milk one cent per pound will continue 15, and for market sharing quota Marketing Board, George R. Me- for the remainder of the 19761977 transfers after May 31. Laughlin, said the board has de- dairy year. The board, in turn, Applications for purchase of cided to purchase all quotas will offer this market -sharing quota under the new system will ~ offered for sale and will sell bothuota to producers at the rate of q P not be accepted by the board until market -sharing quota and Group two cents per pound. new forms have been mailed to - I pool quota. "We feel," Mr. McLaughlin producers. .— "After May 15," he said, "the board will purchase all Group I pool quota offered for sale in the """"" - Southern Ontario Pool paying $16 CUB LEADER Del Burkhart gives directions to some of his Cubs. They are., front row, per pound for it and will sell it at J Look Nel boar ..:fiddle: ore 1 D10inAD IMAIMP I� IV VI\ 071II"Ouli1u 1 o Ft ' 1 1 1 Butler 26" impeller I 1 for silage distributor-unloader has easy -access lift-off top. 1 Pull 3 boots, to convert from 1 rigid to swinging paddles.. 1 But don't take our word for it. Ask a neighbour who ownsAWITer. 9. 1 1 Lynn Lowry YFarm Equipment Ltd. I 1 Route 1, Kincardine, Ontario PHONE: 519-395-5286 J left, Andy Eskerod and right, Billy Tolton; back row, Pummy Bhatnagar and Dwayne that price to those producers Jenkins. A group of Cubs travelled to Tobermory last weekend. The trip was the longest wishing to purchase it. Effective one they had ever taken. It was taken to celebrate Diamond Jubilee Year for Cubs. June 1, the Board will purchase all unused market -sharing quota ' SHAPE=UP. FOR THE SUMMER offered for sale by producers in all pools in Ontario.; i MURRAY GAUNT M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE "This is the first time since the board established a quota system . for producers," Mr. McLaughlin { Queen's continued, "that the board has come between the buyers andRep0rt from sellers of quota and the new sys- tem will be in effect for the re - It was a good week for opposi- government to abandon the shut mainder of the 197677 total amount available for this th;irY Yom, a. „ down program w ch has caused tion: A divisional court ruling P oB program. which ends March 31, 1977. Early said the provincial court did not serious disruption in small rural I learned this week that this n 1977, the board will evaluate have the power to authorize shut- communities, not only from a downs of hospitals simply healthcare standpoint but also matter is being reviewed again the quota situation and will deter - through orders -in -council. from an employment standpoint. by b cabinet to see if additional mine whether to revert to the old The Ontario Government in- funds can't be found to increase system or modify the new sys- , The court decision affected the amount of money available to tem." Chesle Clinton, Durham and tends to appeal the decision the program for the current year. Y. Of particular concern to the . Doctors' Hospital in Toronto and according to Acting Health Ott nkik. in the light of this decision op- Minister, Bette Stephenson. In the meantine, the four hospitalsr. position parties which have vigorously opposed the closures will receive provincial financing of the hospitals called on the for up to six months during the Farmer delegates get n o appeal process. If the appeal,. ,AAA '�Y��il�°11r��- takes longer than expected, the INGLIS FARM hospitals fi�c d� ati on from OMMB t���,g. tifc E The government decided on the Working through the ``proper they might be. DRAINAGE r ., appeal route after considering channels" may not be as pro- She said the dairy crisis was in 04 several other alternatives, in- ductive as many dairy farmers part brought on by fluid shippers Quality installation M eluding introducing legislation to facing 15 per cent cutbacks in in- who "dumped a lot of their sur- 4 Clay or Plastic give the government Power to dustrial milk had hoped. plus milk on the industrial clpse hospitals. Both the Liberal Recently, farmers facing quota market." y Free E s t i m o t e s and NDP Parties indicated they cutbacks agreed at a mass rally A 15 per cent cutback to a. would not support such legisla- in Atwood to follow the advice of farmer who ships 30 per cent in - PHONE: 392-6700 H tion which would mean that the a representative of the Ombuds- dustrial and 70 per cent fluid, for R. R. 3 Walkerton �, government would be defeated, man's office and take their griev- example,'is not the same thing as hence an election would be inevit- ances to the Canadian Dairy a cutback to someone who ships V able on the issue. Faced with this Commission and the Ontario Milk only industrial milk, she said. "I opposition, the government opted Marketing Board. feel fluid shippers should be cut for the court appeal. But when a group of three re- back proportionately." 18 feet o gut -crunching. Funds for tile drainage loans presentatives went to the Ontario The OMMB has received hun- man-eatingterrod have been olut back this year by Milk Marketing Board with pro- dreds of proposals and the MP's the province as part of its re- poems they say they recieved no have been deluged with calls, she straint program. Last year $16 satisfaction at all. continued. "But we're still not Wettable +E million was available for the pro- "We were left hanging," said getting anywhere. No one seems s gram but that was dropped back Mrs Alice Burt RR 1 Ethel She to have any concrete answers powder herbicide with the NEW MULTI -EXERCISER The easy way to keep trim as seen on T.V. 1Pl PRICE ONLY s7.98 or r se explained that she and two other "But the million. On review it was Prememergent government can doraised to f13 million. Since many farmers, Dirk Woestenak from something. They,can set up one municipalities had already ap- the Harriston area and Gerald De pool and one price." proved more than their allots- Beyer from the Moorefield area Mrs. Burt said much of the im- weed controltions for the current year before had met with the secretary of the pact of the protest is being diluted In word of the cut back was re- OMMB. by the fact few farmers feel they ceived. there has been consider- Theywere ratable to receive can afford to take a day off. able pressure to increase the any feedback on their proposals But that's the dumbest thing soybeans,field beans as the board itself did not plan on they can do. she said. "We stand meeting until May 26. to lose a lot more than one day HULA HOOPS We were told the board mem- unless something is done. They Summing up what they had bers needed time to work on their seem to be just sitting back and AVIA: EN'FA7A1NMf N' wh lie and klearned. from their course, the own farms, Mrs. Png Burt said. "But ho i the OMMB will save t' girls checked their record books what about the rest of us"' them. But it isn't going to happen. and discussed what they would The three also met with re- It's a fare hope." snapand need for Achievement Day when presentatives from the office of they' met at the home of Mrs. William Newman. Minister of AMo M RIOKA" Watcher. They also showed their Agriculture and Food and re- lima AsacE free-choicearticles and told what presentatives from the Canadian b their favorite stitches were. Dairy Commission. They say Blue'vale LYCEU I As a home assignment, the they received few answers there girls were asked to complete all either, e A 3ra ma stitches complete their record Mrs. Burt's sentiments were Wayne Baswick received word books and prepare themselves endorsed by Mr. De Beyer who this week that he has passed his ° ► Why spray for weeds you for Achievement Day also said little had been ac- exams and was awarded the Jane don't have? If you don't have complished. Both expressed fear M Hislop Scholarship. No 1 for don'tvelveleaf, cocklebur, YOU o that the protest against cutbacks General Proficiency Wayne is a ■� FARMERS was beginning to lose a lot of student at Knox College in Toron- -w a thistle, yellow nutsedge or momentum to. and a student minister at PO bindweed, but you do have "Where are these farmers who Bluevale and Belmore Presby—are being caught in the terian Churches Congratulations squeeze"' said Mrs Burt "They from the community problems like Crabgrass, J & M Fertilizer Augers all must be out complaining over I green fOXtail, witChgrass, the back fence ' Sunday visitors with Mrs D K. Calhoun Trail Model Fertilizer Spreaders and weeds like lamb's - She said she had received a De Koeijer of Blenheim were Mr. �- Donomex 3 pt. Hitch Fertilizer Spreaders visit from an elderly farmer who and Mrs Walter Willitts. Mr and / Quarters, black nightshade, Unverferth Dual Wheels had been put out of the dairy Mrs Bert Garniss and Mrs Lil- pigweed or ragweed, then business twice He gave me a lot lian Elliott .Ctrs De Kwijer Patoran is your most J & M Heavy Duty Wagons 6-10 tons of moral support and a $5 dona- leaves this week to spend,a month efficient and most J & M 210-250-300-350 bu. Gravity Boxes tion, said Mrs. Burt ''But it's not in Holland with relatives there. the money I'm interested In It's The Messengers met in the economical weapon against See the new J a M Auger -Mate support f need ' Sunday School room in the Blue- weeds' and Power Hacksaws p he OM osals mB has been given pcommittee ro- vale United Church during the regular serviceRev Brown's AGRO-CHEMICALS OF OUR TIME. three• as well a?individual pro - Front End Looder 7'& 8' Stone Pickers pals from Mr Woestenak and sermon was "Feelings" Kathy Mr De Beyer In addition they McGavin of Walton sang a solo, i J ., E I e �c or; ,rpm 24-53 have received proposals from the Garden Has Returned to the GardenBASF Canada Limited " COMPETITIVE PRICES Ontario Federation of Agri- 10 Constellation Court- Retrrialtu nv%#-%;; culture, the National Farmers Rev Brown and .Lars Max 416-eyi-1280 Union MAX RIEGLING and the Umstian r armors Conary are attending London Federation Conference in Windsor this week. , However, because many of the Mr and Mrs Max Demeray • mrd members ship fluid milk visited with Mr and Mrs Nor - 395 -5107 � themselves. Mn Burt feels they man Demeray in Dorchester who tl• 7 miles west o4 Lucknow on Hwy 86 are not as receptive to the pro- were celebrating their 50th wed- tel/ blems of industrial producers as ding anniversary f + It w