The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-13, Page 7An interesting proposal was
made before the commission on hydro generating plants. One
electric power planning last such area would be the new city
week. It was suggested that some of Nanticoke on the north chore of
heavily populated areas might be Lake Erie, where a population
heated by using the hot water �'� W 75,000 is next petted s.
by-product of the large housed within the e:t 90 goane
which is a
.+ v/ ne 1 /t'�► w
thr Lr ILr1tic
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—/uKss Gr atsworth N
C�tEstFv �• � � .'I.
KIN( Ak,1INk o
Call ahead,- or come right over
TEL. 519.369-6783
• See map for directions
BLI�t� 1+�'lER, �iGIES
LUNAR MOTHS sparkled and glittered on Turnberry the variety show last Wednesday. Left to right are Shirley
school's stage, in the play "The Blue Belt", put on during Hogg, Loretta Steckley and Marianne Malda.
Personal from'Beigrave
Friends and neighbors of Mrs.
Amelia Brown are sorry to hear
of her misfortune. Mrs. Brown is
now a patient in Listowel Memo-
rial Hospital. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Beatrice Cardiff of Brus-
sels, Danny Thompson of Goder-
ich spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Johnston. All
visited with Mrs. Amelia Brown
who is a patient in Listowel
Memorial Hospital on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nesbitt,
Jeff and Cathy of Auburn, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Nethery and Bill,
Mr. and Mrs. David Ireland of
Teeswater had Mother's Day din -
We must clear out
our Used Car Stock'.
NOW is the time to get a great buy from
Bridge Motors! We have one waiting just for you!
1975's - We have four of 'ern!
1974's - We have four to choose from !
1973's - Ten are ready to be driven away!
1972's - Drive off in one of our five!
1971's -Choose from eight great used
before 71 - Come on down and see for yourself.
There's -one just for you and your budget.
How about light-duty trucks? Only Bridge Motors can offer you your
choice of a dozen used trucks. When you're looking for a great used
deal on used cars and trucks, look to the bridge ... Bridge Motors.
Highway 86 East 357-3460
Wingham, Ontario
1� 1
Y'. I
1 with Aero
1 True Green 1
'Fertilizer Lawn Food Weed& eed
with 2, 4-D weedkiller 1
7-7-7 10-6-4 Z
1 $3405 1
$34040 40
1 Ib. bag Ib. bag 40 Ib. bag
1 4
� 1
North Street, Wingham 357-3650
1111111 � 1111 � 1 �
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Christensen
of London were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gras -
Edgar Wightman left last Wed-
nesday by plane to visit with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred McGrath of Vermilion,
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Edgar Wightman were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Metcalfe and family of
Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Chapman and Lisa of Rexdale,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Montgomery
and family of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Hamilton and family
of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna and
family of Hanover were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lard Armstrong.
The May meeting of the Bel -
grave Women's Institute will be
held Tuesday, May 18, at 8:15
p.m. in the Belgrave WI Hall.
Mrs. Leonard James is convener
for this Canadian Industries
meeting and guest speaker will
be Bill Robinson telling about the
making of maple syrup. There
will be an exchange of flower
slips and bulbs. Lunch committee
is Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Ross
Taylor and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. George McGee
visited on Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wnick
and family of Kitchener, Miss
Gail Mayberry, Brian Stoner of
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. David
Hanna and family of Hanover
grave area. The canvass was
conducted by the Belgrave
Women's Institute who would like
to thank the canvassers and all
those who contributed.
A baptismal service was held in
Calvin -Brick church on Sunday
morning when Rev. John G.
Roberts baptized Mark Andrew,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Robinson, and Chris-
topher Gary, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Jamieson.
Last Wednesday evening the
Belgrave UCW were invited to
Whitechurch UCW Thankoffering
meeting. Miss Colleen Farrier of
Long Branch showed slides of
Kenya, Africa, where she visited
for three weeks last summer. She
also displayed many articles
which she brought home with her.
Colleen was a chosen delegate
last year from Toronto Presky-
tery in the United Church 50th
anniversary youth exchange pro-
ject. Colleen is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier of
Long Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier,
Colleen and Carol, Miss Winni-
fred Farrier of Long Branch
visited a couple of days with Mrs.
,,Nelson Higgins last week.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan and
Kevin of Wyoming spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George McGee and Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Logan.
James Irwin of Dunnville and
Bill Irwin of Goderich visited on
the weekend with their mother,
spent Mother's Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hanna.
A total of $696.25 was raised for
the cancer campaign in the Bel-
-Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, Mrs.
Don Farnell and Doug Richard-
son attended the Synod meeting
of the Anglican Church on Sunday
evening, Monday and Tuesday.
Mike Milosevic attended as a
youth observer. At the Monday
session, Dr. Geoffrey Parke -Tay-
lor was elected second suffragan
Bishop of the Diocese of Huron. A
native of England, Dr. Parke -
Taylor is a former Dean of
Theology at Huron College.
—Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Moffat of Oakville.
—Visiting on the weekend with
Mrs. Mary MacLeod of Alfred
Street were Mr and Mrs. Peter
MacKinnon and Mrs. Peg Ott of
St. Clair Shores, Michigan. They
attended the christening of Mr.
and Mrs. MacKinnon's grand-
daughter, Alisa Lyn Curzon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Curzon, at St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church on Sunday.
Chalmers COC
meeting of the COC of Chalmers
Church was held May 2 during
church service in the Sundav
school room. Kendra Purdon
gave a prayer, and all repeated
the Thank You Prayer.
The election of officers resulted
as follows: president, David
Ross; 1st vice, Donald De Boer;
secretary, Gregory Gibson, and
Vickie Scott was elected treasur-
The roll call was answered by
15 naming a bird of the Bible.
Mrs. Purdon marked the birth-
day calendar and quite a few had
birthdays recorded. Brian Ross
received the offering and the
prayer was given by Billie Gib-
son. Mrs. Simpson read a chapter
from the book, "Angel unaware",
and Mrs. Purdon taught the
juniors — "God Made All
Things". The closing prayer was
For the Mother's Day service
in Belmore on Sunday, Joy
Rutherford led in the call to wor-
ship and the psalm selection and
Nancy McGuinness gave the
Bible reading.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Awrey.
Jeffery and Andrew, visited with
Robert Harkness, Jim, Barb.
Gwen and Grant, last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Horton,
Kelly and Patty -Jo, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Renwick.
Mark, Gail, Linda and Andy on
Mrs. Herson Irwin, and with their
father Herson Irwin who is a pa-
tient in Wingham and District
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hibberd
and Angela of Mildmay visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hib-
berd on Saturday.
Mrs. Kenneth Lichty and
Wayne of Milverton visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Earl Anderson spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Schrieber of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt of RR 1,
The Wingham Advance-TiMes, Thurs., May 13, 1976—Page 7
Fordwich Personals
Carroll Johnson attended the
school for road superintendents
;aei weei i'ur three days aL
Guelph College.
Mrs. J. W. Daunt, Mrs. Peter
Browne, Mrs. Don King, Mrs.
Wellington Hargrave and Mrs.
Jack Douglas were in London on
Wednesday where they attended
the 5th annual A.C.W. of the Dio-
cese of Huron meeting held in St.
James' Church.
Dean Holborn underwent heart
surgery in Victoria Hospital,
London, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Miller visited
Sunday with Grant Miller in Sick
Children's Hospital, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich
and family of Guelph visited
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Anson Demerling and Mrs. C.
Rouw and family of Hanover
spent Sunday at the same home.
Mrs. George Ashton was able to
return home Wednesday from
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm-
Mrs. Ted O'Brecht of Mimico
spent last week with her sister,
Mrs. Ruby Foster.
Don Coghlin was taken by
ambulance to Victoria Hospital,
London, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Finley and
family of Acton spent the week-
end at their home here.
Mrs. Don Coghlin, Debbie and
Paul spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Coghlin in
Atwood and visited her husband
Sunday in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Mrs. Anne Armstrong attended
the baptismal service Sunday in
Palmerston for Sandra Lynn and
Shelly Anne, twin daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cowan.
Visitors with Mrs. Cecil Cooper
and Everitt last week were Mrs.
Pringle, Laurie, Lois and Allen of
Toronto and Laurie Cooper.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is expressed to Mr. and
Mrs. Roy ldcL %*W in the
passing a( the laUer's sister on
Wednesday in Kitchsler.
Grant,IMI lar, man of Mr. and
Mrs. Omer Muter is presently
confiAed to Sick Children's
Hospital, Toronto.
)dr. and Mrs. Bnwe Armstrong
were in Stratford and Kitchener
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mrs.
George Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schaefer
of London were Sunday Quests
with Mrs. E. A. Schaefer.
Mrs. Elsie Strong and Mrs,
Verna Galbraith visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gal-
braith at Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson
visited on Saturday with Mrs.
Wes Downey in Palmerston
Hospital, with Mrs. Grace Ziegler
at Geri Care and with Emmerson
Downey at his home. He recently
spent five weeks in hospital.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Stinson were Mrs. George
Richards, Jim and Carol Ann of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stin-
son of Harriston, Alberta of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John
Stinson had supper Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson.
Beverly, accompanied by her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Duncan of Atwood spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Duncan at Brampton and
attended the service of baptism
for Scott Robert. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Connell of Hanover spent
the weekend there too.
Bridal shower
is held Saturday
for Anita Burton
A miscellaneous bridal shower
was held Saturday afternoon,
May 8, at the home of Mrs.
Eleanor McLeod, Walkerton, for
Miss Anita Burton of Walkerton
formerly of St. John's, New-
tried to do his best. The teams fully babysitting their pride and
were Canada, Australia. Holland, joy, Grade 3 pupils presented
Ireland and England. First place their mothers with healthy pet -
went to Ireland with 52 points. unias for Mother's Day. Each
Second place was tied between pupil had planted and watered his
Canada and Holland with 49 petunia since the winter. A few
points. Australia took third place mothers were even lucky enough
with :34 points, and England last to receive a petunia with a bud on
u ith :32 points. We had a home- it.
SEVERAL AWARDS have already been won by this majorette duet. Left is Pam Cameron
and right Is Heather Streich
Automobil*s, Light Trucks,
Farm Tractors
New Rad Cores
Cleaning i Flushing
14 North St. 357-1102
Earn more
on your
Get 40' on your regular
Pay no ser%ice charge on
Cheques if minimum
halance of.•SI,000 is main-
tained (and even if this
balance is not maintained)
you get 12 free cheques per
quarter and pay only 10
cents for each cheque over
the 12. Compare this with
your average "savings ac-
count" payinyg only % and
Costing yod a sen ice charge
of 20 cents for every cheque.
Special Savings (non
chequing) accounts pay 8
per annum calculated on
minimum monthly balance.
Funds deposited prior to
May 15th and left on
deposit earn full interest
for all of Mai .
Main St. E . Listowel, Ont.
D N Lefebrve. Mqr.
foundland. .
After a short program, Anita
was assisted in opening the gifts
by her future sisters-in-law, Mrs.
err y
na MJo--
Ann Carter, and her friend, Mrs.
Margaret Rose Edgar. Janice
McLeod and Tabatha Edgar car-
ried the gifts to the June bride -
Anita thanked all present for
the beautiful and useful gifts and
made trophy which we put the
invited all to visit her home on the
sixth concession of Kinloss Town -
Since many of our students are
winning team's name on. Later + ship, after her marriage to
actively involved in a variety of
this week Mr. Sinnamon will take
George Carter.
commitments on Wednesday,
the team's picture.
A buffet lunch was served and a
May 12, we will be unable to hold
social time followed.
the antique show on Wednesday
Friends and relatives attended
of this week. The show will not be
First Grade one to four sang
from Tiverton, Pinkerton Han -
held this year because the
three songs, Do Dab",
"Let "Lets
over, Lucknow, Wingham and
remaining months are very busy
the Sunshine In" and
both at home and school.
Hear a Cheer for Canada". One
Kindergarten did a poem called
"An Old Lady Who Swallowed A
Fly". The other Kindergarten did
Two weeks ago Grade 6 held an
a square dance and "The Five
Indoor Olympics. The sports
Little Froggies". Grade 1 and 2's
were the Dash, Standing Long
play was called "The Land of
Jump, Obstacles, Situps, Chin-
Dreams Come True". Grade 3
ring. Rope Climb and Hurdles.
and 4 did the play "Blue Belt".
During these. sports everyone'
After several months of faith -
tried to do his best. The teams fully babysitting their pride and
were Canada, Australia. Holland, joy, Grade 3 pupils presented
Ireland and England. First place their mothers with healthy pet -
went to Ireland with 52 points. unias for Mother's Day. Each
Second place was tied between pupil had planted and watered his
Canada and Holland with 49 petunia since the winter. A few
points. Australia took third place mothers were even lucky enough
with :34 points, and England last to receive a petunia with a bud on
u ith :32 points. We had a home- it.
SEVERAL AWARDS have already been won by this majorette duet. Left is Pam Cameron
and right Is Heather Streich
Automobil*s, Light Trucks,
Farm Tractors
New Rad Cores
Cleaning i Flushing
14 North St. 357-1102
Earn more
on your
Get 40' on your regular
Pay no ser%ice charge on
Cheques if minimum
halance of.•SI,000 is main-
tained (and even if this
balance is not maintained)
you get 12 free cheques per
quarter and pay only 10
cents for each cheque over
the 12. Compare this with
your average "savings ac-
count" payinyg only % and
Costing yod a sen ice charge
of 20 cents for every cheque.
Special Savings (non
chequing) accounts pay 8
per annum calculated on
minimum monthly balance.
Funds deposited prior to
May 15th and left on
deposit earn full interest
for all of Mai .
Main St. E . Listowel, Ont.
D N Lefebrve. Mqr.