The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-13, Page 310,00011*m1*t set for
East Wawanosh
A Tile Drain Loan Allotment of
$10,000 was apportioned for April
1976.1977 in the Township of East
Wawanosh. Tbere will be no
further file drain loans available
until April 1977, unless another
allotment is received from the
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food. The information was given
out during the May 4 meeting of
the East Wawanosh council.
Also concerning drains, the
Deacon -Thompson Drain amend-
ment and the Keet Drainage
amendment bylaws were given
third readings and passed, sub -
ject to the approval of the Ontario
Municipal Board.
A motion was made by Coun-
cillors Vincent and McDowell
that Ken Dunn, of B. M. Ross k
Associates Ltd., be hired to in-
spect the Belgrave arena, as re-
quested by the Ministry of
Labour. Councillors Currie and
Charter made a motion that the
Ministry of Labor be contacted
about extending the time for in-
spection of the arena to June 30,
1976. Both motions were carried.
Building permits were ap-
proved and issued to Jasper
Also with regard to Huron
County, a membership fee of $10
j was paid to the Huron County
Municipal Officers' Assoc. Six
delegates are attending a meet-
ing on May 12 at $5.00 per person.
Snell, pole barn; Grange Proper-
ties Ltd., extension to office
building and Four -Bay garage;
Jeffery Hurst, dwelling; Leonard
Salley, family room addition;
Gordon Hughes, garage and
Frank Leyden, barn. A severance
regarding Evelyn Daer was ap-
It was verified that the Nursery
Day Care at Belgrave School be
dimmntinued as of April 29, 1976.
The council passed a motion in
reply to "Report of the Local
Government StuAy Committee"
that it was quite satisfied with
present structure of government
in Huron County. Council felt that
no restructuring was needed.
Fifteen dollars was voted to the
, Huron County Road Superin-
tendents' Assoc., and council de -
L D cided that the Huron County levy
for 1976, plus additional interest
charges be paid only once, in
GETS OFF TO A tender was accepted from
Pollard Brothers at $82.50 per
A FLYING START . , , flake ton equivalent, for b -
ing liquid calcium chloridee,, to to be
delivered and applied on town-
ship roads, subject to the ap-
proval of the Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communications.
r_ Road accounts of $35,658.21 and
1 the general accounts of $4,703.99
t " ` were presented and passed.
Twsdoy, May + marked the "mining of HOLIDAY WORLd
M wieghma ... and it literally got off to a "flying
start". it was s plsswe to greet oar first astomw lige.
Hez•1 RiteMs wbo booked a flight to England vis Wwdeir.
Have a iia trip and thaak you for consdft Holiday
JUNE 1 - 3 $69 ea. (2 or more to room)
AUG. 22 - SEPT. 3'379 (Twin Basis Per Person),
COLOUR TOURS - 3 DAYS - OCT. 3 - 5 $99
(Twin Basis Per Person)
357-2701 -
Sanctuary lamp
is dedicated
at St. Paul's
A sanctuary lamp will burn
night and day in St. Paul's Angli-
can Church, signifying the
presence of the Holy Spirit,
following a special service Sun-
day dedicating the lamp, a gift
from the Servers' Guild in
memory of John Hay, who died in
Rev. T. K. Hawthorn dedicated
the lamp at the 109th anniversary
service. In his morning sermon,
Mr. Hawthorn based his message
on portions of Paul's letter to the
Colossians, chapter three, where-
in the apostle stressed Christian
unity. St. Paul thought a
Christian church should be a uni-
fied body. Speaking of this unity,
Mr. Hawthron said that unity
begins with the individual
Christian, then branches out. He
urged all his listeners to "be a
Christian in word and deed".
During the service, Bill Farnell
sang. "Let There Be Peace oq
Earth". Don Farnell led in the
state prayers.
The sanctuary lamp, which
burns continually, is a red globe
on a brass fixture. It hangs from
the ceiling of the sanctuary and is
symbolic of the Holy Spirit's
presence in the sanctuary at all
Why worry.? When you ile
dealing with a neighbour
you don't have to.
You don't have to 1 r
worryabout product r
delivered to the wrong
tank or mmning out ,
of gasoline, diesel or
heating oils,j�hen
you deal your
Gulf agent.
He has the proper cquiptnent to safe-
guard against furl mixinR. And he delivers
gasolines, diesel and heating oils when you
need thein so you don't
have to worry about
ninning out.
And because helives
in this arca, he knows
exactly what it takes to
t k -ep your farm equip-
ment running smonthly.
"That's the kind of Help you get from your
neighbour your Gulf agh{. Give him a call
today. )
Call Francis Merkley
(E. Merkley & Son)
111 Alfred St., Box 417
SLEEPY HOLLOW Rabbit Farm was recently visited by the Mothers' Club of Wingham.
Although it was cold and rainy, the children found much to do and much to look at. Playing
with two baby rabbits are Barb Vessey and Michael, Sandy Deslauriers and Alan, Leanne
Simpson, Diane Simpson and Shannon.
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., May 13, 1976—Page 3
u%%d levdvrs olp Don'T be fooied
school at London by the leafminer
Theme speaker for the West- Tate a close look at the or -
minister Weekend Leadership naln ntal cedars and ceidar
School for women in the Landon hedg on your property. The
Conference area, to be held at brown tips of the needles could be
Westminster College, London, wintertiW, but more likely it's
May 28 to 30th, will be the Rev. R. damage caused by the cedar Wd-
Maurice Boyd, of Metropolitan miner, says a Ministry of Agri -
United Church, London. Thr culture and Food sppdalist.
theme: "Is There Any Word from.
The Lord'" The Bible study "Cedar leafminers are a
leader will be, Miss Frances, M. prowem m many areas of On -
Clarke, from Central United nrio• The larvae of this insect
Church, Sarnia. Mrs. R. L. are very small and often escape
Spence, Kent Bridge, will be action because d*y bxkOd
leading in worship again this inside the needles of the cedar. If
year, and Miss Lis Ellwood will this insect is present, the tips of
direct the singing, and Mrs. J. T. the needles will turn yellowy and
Core is pianist. Both are from then brown, not unlike the ap-
Wyoming. Registrar is Mrs. Clif- pearance of winterkiII," says
ford Russell, Rik 1, Charing horticulturist D. B. McNeill.
Cross. To determine if the cedar leaf -
Delegates from eight Presby- miner is the source of the
terials will absorb useful and problem, Mr. McNeill suggests
inspirational information, while pulling a aged tip from the
experiencing fellowship in groups plant. It it appears hollow,
with leaders from several dif- squeeze it gently and the miner
ferent places. Mrs. C. O. Cole, larva will appear.
Sarnia, leadership development
chairman of the United Church Two methods of control are
Women, will give literature available to home gardeners.
presentations. Dean is Mrs. Jim Cygon sprayed according to the
Widdowson, Sarnia, with Mrs. R. manufacturer's directions will
E. McLagan, London,,, assistant give excellent control. However,
dean. Mr. McNeill warns that the spray
On Saturday evening Young can be dangerous and rwom-
People from Calvary United mends that it be used carefully.
Church, London, will present a The second alternative is to get
"Singspiration" program, which out the pruning shears and trim
will add to spiritual growth for the Petr, removing all the
those attending. Hostesses: Mrs. browned tips. All the trimmings
W. A. Weames, assisted by Mrs. should be raked up and deatroy-
D. G. Westgate, both of London; ed. Regardless of the control
publicity, Mrs. Telfor Stirling, method used, Mr. McNeill says
Highgate, assisted by Mrs. Ray that it's a relatively simple job to
Hunter, Tilbury. Mrs. J. Rodd, bring cedar leafminers under
GorriePNotes Woodham is assistant registrar. control in the home garden.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van de
Jack Ferguson.
Mrs. William Hendershot of
and Gordon Cook of Owen Sound,
Kemp Sr. of Gorrie, have
Ralph Moyer, Heather and Ver -
returned from a four-week
. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
non of Tilbury, Mr. and Mrs.
holiday in their native Holland
'Morris, Bruce and Gordon of
Charles Kirk, Miss Linda Kirk,
(519) 291-3040
where they visited at the homes
Inglewood and Robert Hender
Leslie and Bruce of Sarnia and
of Mr. Kees Van de Kemp of
shot of Toronto were guests of
Homer Barlow of Listowel.
North Holland and Miss Helen
Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Ball on
Miss Elaine Ash has returned
Visser of Friesland. They accom-
ponied Mr. and Mrs. of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beyer,
to Whitehorse, Yukon Territories
at Lt
Arcen and spent a week at Lim-
Melanie and Darrell of Harriston
afterspendingthree weeks with
burg. They also toured in Ger-
many. They attended the Flower
and Claude Hall, Burford, were
among the Sunday visitors of Mr.
her ent Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Ash. Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Siding, Roofing 8. Eavestrou hill
g/ g 9
Festival in Lisse. They visited
and Mrs. Clifford Pyke.
Stanley,�pd Kim of Sarnia, Mr.
Alkmasrse, the Cheese City; the
Mrs. Mr. and MJames Mollone y
and Mi.�' Clayton Ash; Matthew
and Jeffrey of St. Jacobs also
•Vinyl or aluminum siding
Canadian Cemetery at Arnhem
of Islington visited Sunday with
spent, last weekend at the same
•Aluminum Seamless Eavestroughing
and three other Canadian Ceme-
1'ir. and Mrs. John McCutcheon.
teries and traveled through a 14th
century gate to the City of Haar-
Mrs. Clarence Grainger and
Miss Janet Grainger of Wallace-
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner, Mr.
Get the job done right at the right price!
lem in Holland. -
burg visited for a couple of days
and Mrs. Max Bell and Lorne and
our choice - aluminum or vinyl siding
h i
Y Y g • • •580 per square.
A surprise birthday, party was.
, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grain-
Mhss Jane Johnstone of Hanover,
visited Sunday at the home of Mr.
held Sunday, May 9, at. noon for ,
Mrs. John Strong spent
and Mrs. William Carswell of
Phone 347-2419 Monkton
Mrs. Elmer Farrish at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leader.
Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
It was Mrs. Farrish's 73rd Hirth
Jack Currie of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson
visited Sunda with Mr. and s
da Heli her to celebrate
y Helping
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gingrich of
Elmira RR 4, and Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Munro of Guelph.
were: Mrs. Myrtle Long,
Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pin-
Mannesah Weber, Wallenstein,
Mrs. Addie Hutchison, Moles -
der, Mount Forest; Mrs. Grace
visited Sunday with Miss Verna
worth, spent a few days with Mrs.
John Strong.
Fattish, Mr. Lorne Famish and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robb, all of
Litchy and Leander Litchy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Underwood, ,
Lions Club
Lucknow. The average age of the
Ford -
Guelph, and Roy Burton of Ford-
was 73 years. The party
was given by Mrs. Fall
with Nursing Home visited Sun -
day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
daughters, Mrs. Donald (Millie)
Leader and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedley,
Teeswater, Mr. Mrs.
(Maxine) Adams.
and and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson
attended the 50th wedding anni-
Martin Scott have returned from
a motor trip through Pennsylvan-
Dutch They
BELGRAVE — The United
nia country. visited
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
the Hershey Chocolate World at
Church Women held their general
McCulloch of Heathcote.
Hershey, Penn., and Corning
meeting on May 4 at 8:15 p.m. in
Mrs. Wayne Connors spent the
Glass Museum at Corning, N.Y.
the Sunday School room. Calvin-
At HOWICk Community Centre
week with Mr. and Mrs. moss
Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon
Brick UCW, Belgrave Anglican
Wightman of Chatham.
visited their son Robert John
Guild and Belgrave Presbyterian
What have you got? Give us a call!
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mino,
McCutcheon who is Yeoman in
WMS were guests.
Furniture -Appliances -Machinery -
Tracey and Denise visited Mr.
Tra Mrs. Donn Rogers of
the ShipProcteur No. 2 at Hali-
fax, N.S. and toured Cape Breton,
The meeting opened with the
all types of odds and ends
Prince Edward Island, Nova
business portion conducted by the
president Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler.
Estate disposals of household goods
and Mrs. Leslie Earl of At
wood visited Sunday with Mrs.
Scotia and New Brunswick.
Mother's Day visitors of Mrs.
Minutes of the previous meeting
Bev Currah Wayne Evers Ken Edgar
Roy Gowdy.
Vernon Barlow were Wells Bar
were read and approved. The
treasurers report was given.
335-3451 335-3130 335-3198
Miss Lois Ferguson of Kingston
g g
low and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bar-
Mrs. Wheeler reminded everyone
Don CO b n 335-3102
and Jim Arnold of Guelph spent
low, Gerri Lynne and Joy of
of the bale to be sent the end of
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Markdale. Mrs. Myrtle Smith
June. A motion was made to have
ALAN DESLAURIERS pat; a rabbit at Sleepy Hollow
rabbit farm. The Wingham Mothers' Club went on its yearly
trip last Thursday morninq
a booth at the Belgrave arena for /41
the month of May when the sales {
are taking place. 1976 Series of
The worship service was con-
ducted Mrs. Leslie Bolt and Mildmay Rotary
Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mrs. Bolt
gave the call to worship and read
a poem entitled "Mother". The
hymn, "For the Beauty of the
Earth", was sung.
Mrs. Anderson read the scrip-
ture taken from Proverbs, chap-
ter 31 This was followed by pray- CASH
A quartette consisting of Mrs.
William Coultes, Mrs. Glenn
Coultes. Mrs. Stan Hopper and
Mrs. George Procter favored the
congregation with two numbers, BINGO
"Somebody's Praying For You"
and "His Guiding Touch", ac-
companied by Mrs. George John- Starts
Mrs. Bolt gave a meditation on
Mother and read a poem entitleded
"Are all the children in"'
The offering was received and And continuing every other Wednesday
dedicated by Mrs Bolt. The Until further notice.
hymn, "Happy the Home when
God is There", was sung and
Mrs- Bolt closed the worship with OVER$1500.00
prayer IN PRIZES
Mrs William Coultes introduc- '
ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Bea
Abbott of Palmerston, who has
worked on the provincial board of Doors open at 8:00 P.M.
the Mental Retardation Aswwia- Gomes start at 9.00 P.m.
tion Mrs Abbott gave a most
interesting talk followed by a Early and late season bingos will
short film.
Mrs. Ross Anderson thanked be held to heated hall areas.
( Mrs. Abbott and this was fol-
lowed by a social hour.