The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-13, Page 14.11
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`^-%* TInabM Ad1fMWrAnes, Thurs., May 13, 1976
dill mirror
VW Reach for the Top "0, Canada" r �
Last Wednesday, the MadillZ ed �tOrl
"Reach for the Top" team journ- Recently, I represented On -
eyed to Wilfrid Laurier Univer-
sity. There they met with other ence in Washington D. C. There
teams who had competed at were over 250 American dele- The Supreme Irony of Life — goals, I thunk they would be hap-
' CKNX. The summer scholarships gates
t ame and only
conference. I have ans at- "A man has to come near the end Py—
were given to the winning team of it before, 'he acquires enough like important
r et their pals
o and then the students went on a never felt so wonderfully patri- experience and wisdom to qualify g g
p tour of the university. Faculty otic before. When you live among him to begin the process of liv- straightened out, to discover
00 members met with the teams in your own people every day, your ing " what's best for them. It's even
�1 patriotism is never really tested. H McLennan more important when you are in
O u r- "special interest sessions" and —Hugh the rents' generation. B the
G� � e r I ►-� � t G Every morning high school stu- (Two Solitudes) � g Y
later chatted over lunch with time you grandparent
them. A WLU film on archaeol- dents stand at attention (actually 0-0-0 Y are in the rand rent
-� $ 0 C C Q r 7 e A m S ogy was presented after the it is at ease) and LISTEN (or day What are our qualifications for generation, I think you have a
luncheon. Our day at WLU was dream) while our national an- living? Teenagers have few. We clue as to what is going on.
ended with a swim session in the them is being played. What a are here — we exist — therefore McLennan said that not before
bore! we live. But as far as our quali- You reach the end of life do you
Olympic -length pool. "Reach for While I was in Washington D.C. know how to live it. Those of us
the Top" is a challenging experi p qualifications?
ua li fic . What are our parents'
ence; one of its rewards is an in- I discovered how much I a qualifications? Our grandpar- who are younger have to put alit -
en e ; ng day spent at Wilfrid preciated being a. Canadian Citi.- ents? tle extra effort into learning how
Brief resented Laurier. the When the Americans sang Hey, what I talking about? live.
their national anthem and We don't needed qualifications to Yet —how many of us do? Is it
"America the Beautiful", it hurt live. No government will pass really worth it to you?
me deeply inside. I felt an urge to legislation saying "In order to —Marjorie Powell
I was scared last Monday ned dresses. Apparently the other Club New S blurt out our anthem O. Can- live you must ..." Imagine the
night. I was presenting a brief be- 99 per cent of the people there ada" as loud as I could. But, be- outcry — the indignation — about
fore Warren Allmand, Solicitor- didn't feel that way. I see nothing cause I was only a guest I had to the treatment of human life.
ng p The Amateur Radio Club Yet all around us people are dy-
General of Canada. Solicitor- wrong with that except that their think twice before doing this. I Sr French Club
General of Canada? Monday''`opinions and ideas had the same recently received its license from hadn't realized now much I miss
the Department of Communica ing —dying needlessly because
morning assemblies seem "small dishevelled air to them. Susan p ed Canadian soil until we visited of suicides, cancer due to smok-
time" compared to this. 'There and I thoroughly researched our tions, the assigned call letters the Canadian' Embassy. Two ing, cirrhosis of the liver due to Tuesday May 4th, members of
being VE3SSW. blocks awe I saw the Can the Senior French Club of Madill
had been a time when I was ner- brief; our thoughts were Y drinking, and many other causes.
The members of the club are g. These le who smoke and Secondary School, Janet Cardiff,
vous abouts eking in front of methodicallyset out. Mr. All- flag blowing. A sense of excite- r'Y
learning Morse code and in the ment overpowered me. Pip Brian Wall, Jim Ritter, Carey
my peers. After all, there were mend was bombarded by ques- Po drink to excess felt the need of a
future hope to study the elec- During the last evening of the Purdon, Judy Nicholson, Brenda
1300 of them all staring at me, all tions that had been asked before g g crutch to help them live. The
tronic theory in preparation for g people who take their own lives MacDonald, Trudy Holmes, Al -
waiting for. me to put my foot in by other confused citizens. Many conference there was a large Y
the Department of Communica banquet. When the Americans lan MacConnell, Joyce Ireland,
my mouth, but they didn't expect of the people questioning him had q opt out altogether. Barbara Hawthorne, Evelyn
me to say anything intelligent. never read the bill, or as Mr. tions examination. If successful, had sung their anthem and re
they will be granted the privilege But tell me, what is the secret Morin, Janice Rae and Mrs.
Here I was expected to look, act Allmand said, they had read in- they
code and voice contact with peated the pledge of allegiance, I of a successful life? Come to
and speak intelligently. accurate newspaper reports. Mr. thought how lovely it would be if think of it, what is a successful Emerson journeyed to London to
So we tried. I must tell you that accurate
Allmand tried to explain his pMi- "hams" in Canada, the U. S. and the Canadians requested "O! life? I suppose there are as many enjoy a gourmet dinner at the
this was a joint effort; Susan tion and he was met with closed around the world. The Club is Canada". Apparently I wasn't CaRestaurant. Guests were
looking forward to next fall when pp Y answers, as there are people
Adams your new Student Council ears. The people who demanded the only true blue patriot in the reading this article. KathysY Pattison, Mrs. Hopper,
we hope to have the station ` on crowd; The Alberta delegate Mrs. Machan and Mr. and Mrs.
President, and I presented a brief answers, (they did not ask; I was g To me, what living is all about
the air" from the school. Campeau.
concerning the "Peace and Se- shocked at some people's im stood up and requested our an- is to have a successful life by
curity Bill" currently being pass- polite demands) never listened to them. your own standards. I think the We had looked forward to this
ed in parliament. To those of you Mr. Allmand's reply. I suggest to Among 250 American 4-H secret of living is to set goals evening for some time. We found
who don't read, our brief con- you that many of these people members the ten Canadians which suit your own qualifica- we wire mare than pleased with
cerned the abolition of Capital had made their minds up long be- Prefects stood tall and sang our national tions for living, to make them not the Frenc cuisine and enjoyed
punishment. Both of us have felt fore they heard Mr. Allmand. anthem bold and clear with pride too high — or too low. And if watching the preparation of the
strongly for a long time that capi- Even now many of them still do The Prefects are a group of stu- in every word. When I sat down everyone could leave life know- special dishes. This has been our,
tal punishment is inhumane and not understand the Bill — "They dents selected to aid the teachers as I glanced from province .to ing they accomplished these best French meal so far.
barbaric. Two weeks ago, Mr. are not licensing guns!" One man in maintaining law and order in province down the table, a' glow
Ritter announced that any stu- even called Mr. Allmand a liar. our school. Their duties vary seemed to radiate from our faces.
GREEN LIGHT Appearing at
Wingham Arena
From 9 to 1 A.M.
Canada Manpower Centre
for Students
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Listowel 291-2922
dent could press, his views. I
Ido not pretend to understand
that the Bill or Mr.
from watching for flying bananas
in the to van-
I felt a sense. well-being over
whelming me. Meanwhile, the
ents over his or her dress. Susan
sensed that, as usual, many
cafeteria guarding
_ 1000� (p
and I, thinking that this was a
you have strong opinions but few
Allmand proposes, but I couldn't
dalism in the halls. A prefect
Americans thought we had done
somewhat formal occasion don
I sing when I feel lonely,
the situation. The Prefects re -
of you want to state your case. I
knew how I felt. I supported Mr.
understand many of the adults at
the meeting. I am part of an age
must also serve at school dances
to help the chaperones keep
such a good job they wanted an
encore. It just so happened I had
Canadian flag in my from
Allmand. I know that he is right.
group that many adults claim.
peace and quiet. To some, they
a purse
I sing when I feel happy,
So I'm singing every day.
Capital punishment must be
illiterate, sloppy, and unmanage-
able. I may be some, or all of
represent a threat to freedom,
but they are only normal people
that afternoon. We walked to the
front of the banquet hall and held
on the. opening
I could have handed in our
these things, but I was taught to
trying to uphold the standards of
the flag in front of us, singing our
brief, allow it to be published, but have -an open mind. I'd like to our students. Prefects enjoy eat- centennial song "Can -a -da". Be -
I felt that I couldn't let my e-�- know why some of those people . ing candies and lounging in the lieve it or not we received a
periences at the meeting pass by. acted in the totally irrational, halls, but they try to eat at home standing ovation. The thundering
Every few months someone over -emotional manner in which or in the cafeteria. applause and blue dots from all
starts talking about the apathy in they did. Susan and I were very Prefects are selected each year the flashes dazed us for a mo
- T14E'GE
our school. Well, I woul4 like to sincere in our thoughts: I have by the prefects of the previous ment.
tell you about apathy in our com- my doubts about my community. year. They are senior students We had represented Canada f
munity. I'm sure any student can—Mirilyn Congram who the prefects feel can accept properly. This I was sure of. / yi Dining Lounge
Nx t week • Back to teacher in -
tell you about his or her con-
frontations with his or her par-
the responsibility of authority
over their peers. The Prefects
ents over his or her dress. Susan
have faced many problems this
—Mary Anne Alton
_ 1000� (p
and I, thinking that this was a
year in the lounge, but we have
tried to work together to improve
somewhat formal occasion don
I sing when I feel lonely,
the situation. The Prefects re -
It drives my blues away.
quire the support of the student
Reflections of
I sing when I feel happy,
So I'm singing every day.
body to be a worthwhile or -
ganization and to perform its
atypical student
duties efficiently.
I find if I've been singing,
AT It's easier to smile. You know the morning has
And when we're bringing joy, really begun when you hear a
CENTRAL HURON Our life is more worth while. Wroxeter voice droning over the PA sys-
tem: "These are the
For when folks think were hap -
SECONDARY Miss Marion Gibson has re-
py' turned home and has as het' I Jolted myself awake, intend -
SCHOOL Then they feel happy too. ing to listen, but when f heard an
And it isn't long, when we hear a guests Miss Alison Metcalfe, announcement that F. E. Madill
Winni and Mrs. K. Schouten
song, fig' had lost again in soccer I with-
'Til a smile comes peeping of Vancouver. drew, once more into oblivion.
through. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allan,
g Still, however, the voice pen -
Friday, May 21 Toronto, were weekend guests etrated my consciousness, re -
We should try not to be unhappy, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Allan. minding me that in five minutes
9:00 - 11:30 p.m. 'Cause it spreads a pall of gloom. I'd be making my way through
For people feel our sadness, Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, the halls to my first class.
When we come into a room. Curtis and Craig of London visit -
MUSIC: ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I wonder if that bloomin' gar -
CHARITY BROWN We must find a friend to listen, Lloyd McGee at the weekend. bage can in Room 259 is in the
And tell them what it's about. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar and middle of the hall again? I ran
Tickets It usually isn't half as bad, family, Georgetown, spent the into it good and hard yesterday.
When we've poured our troubles weekend with her mother, Mrs. Sometimes I think Mr. Bender
'3.00 Advance out. Harvey Coupland. sneaks out into the hall when no
=3.50 at door Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toman, ac- one is there and sets it in the mid -
Many will ask why you're so hap- companied by Wallace Toman, dle of the hall so half -dazed stu-
pY New Hamburg, spent Sunday dents like me will run into it.
And this is what you'll say. with Mrs. Ivan Sararas, New
"The reason why I'm happy, Dundee. J I have English first class. I re-
fs, I've poured my blues away." Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Queen, member yesterday the teacher
18 feet o gut -crunching. Kingsville and Mr. and Mrs. asked a student for a definition of
man-eating terror! That is why, through everyday, James Robertson, Goderich, dramatic irony, only to hear the
I sin little visited Mrs. William Hart one reply of "Why ask me? You know
g a song. evening last week. the answer!"
yk For I know that I tneeded, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith
And I feel that l belong.
ng.And then there was the class -
Teena O'Hagan were Sunday guests with Mr. and which one was it? — Where the
Mrs. Edmund Green and Mr. teacher presented us with the as -
Ross Green, Holyrood. tounding fact that the first toilet
Lak e l e t Mr. and Mrs. StLhwart Mus- was designed by Thomas Crap -
grove, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mus- per.
Mrs. Percy Huth and family grove, John and Andrea were in I remember that typical Math
visited with her mother, Mrs. Walkerton on Sunday where they problem we had yesterday: "Mr.
Ross MacGregor in Seaforth on visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Mrs. Dope travelled for one
Saturday. Weber. Kevin Weber, who spent a hour at 20 mph but they forgot to
Christian Elizabeth, daughter few days with his grandparents bring little Imogene. How far did
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Demerling of last week returned home with the Dopes have to go back to get
Beaverton was christened at St. them. her?" (Where does Mr. MacLen-
�- John's Lutheran Church, Clifford nan find these gems")
ADUL T FNTFATAINMFNT on Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. You know the Bic pens, the ends
.001; and Mrs. William Demerling of
Ingleside. Guests at the home of L A KEL E T of which some students chew?
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Demerling Well yesterday I was chewing i,21771N
for the christening party were Sunday visitors with Mr. and mine and blue ink spilled into my
CNRKTOPMER,ANOREW, RKMARO Mr and Mrs. Ed Demerling of . Elmer Greenley and Barry mouth. So the teacher comes
PRIME. IAECKEL Neustadt, Mr. and Mrs. Erza were Mrs. Lorna Clark and Tim along and says "i suppose you'll
Demerling of Clifford, Mr. and of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Jim be talking a blue streak today?"
Mrs. Anson Demerling. Ford- Greenley and girls, Clifford. Mrs. 'There goes the bell. I'll he mov-
wich. Mr. and Mrs. William Shirley Heimbecker and family, ing along now. But I'll be back to-
Demerling and family and Mr. Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Brian morrow morning, same time,
Q f XIL IYlB and Mrs. Walter Demerling and Greenley and Mr. and Mrs. same place. See you then.
-®I famil Laverne Greenley and family. One of twelve hundred
Y .
at the
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