The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-06, Page 14P111111111111111111111 4.711 WbighM Advance -Times, Thurs., May 6, 1976
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Fa t p ener earingsLondon
LONDON — Most of the Listo- agreed with him. Hydro has been accused of director and principal in the con-
wel area residents who came Adrian Vop of Blyth also with obtaining land by threatening to sulting firm of Smith, Auld and
? here armed with agriculturally the Ontario Farmlands Com- expropriate it, forcing the farmer Associates; Robin Scott, former
oriented arguments were sent mittee, pointed out th4t a time to give up the land. staff member of Ontario Attorney
> home frustrated as questioning of will soon come when agriculture
�f',- Ontario Hydro officials by the will become more important than CONFLICT? General, and specialist in energy
Royal Commission on Electric production of energy He said in Wallace Township councillor law; Robert Rosehart, Ph.D.,
t Power Planning revolved around Eldon Vines of RR 1, Listowel P•Eng., faculty member of
n. r g the overall assessment, agricul.
information gathering on other ture is not a high enough priority. asked if a by-law on the mtuti- Engineering n Lakehead Uni-
• — matters. Mr. Hill replied that Hydro cipality's books could stop Hydro R. Ho at Thunder Bay; and H.
. Commission chairman Dr. does consider agriculture a from coming through the town- R. Houston.
Arthur Porter took pains to point priority. He pointed out that sh'P. IN GUELPH
_ out at the hearing that many of Hydro is working with the Con- Commission legal counsel The Commission shifted its
the agricultural queries posed by cerned Citizens of the United Robin Scott said Hydro had hearings to Guelph early this
about 60 members of the public Townships, of which Lloyd Moore "broad powers of expropriation week as farmers continued to
through the afternoon and eve of Listowel who was present in with government approval." criticize government ministries
a / ning session were already an- the gallery is chairman. Mr. Miller pointed out how- regarding preservation of farm-
swered at prior meetings. He RL'HR VALLEY? ever, if an unresolvable conflict land.
' added later that the commission Mr. Bloomfield after hearing of arose between Hydro and a town- On Monday it was the Ministry
is holding this series of hearings Hydro's alternative long-range ship with a by-law or an official of Agriculture and Food's turn to
as an information gathering plans which included some pro- Plan. then the matter would be receive blasts from members of
t exercise while the debating stage posed non-specified sites in submitted to the Ontario Muni- the gallery.
will be entered into sometime southwestern Ontario said his cipal Board. Mr. Miller acknowl-' Critics including Hans Feld -
fear ed Coun. Vines' concern since mann of Listowel said the mini -
around October when the eom- fear was that Hydro would make g
t misbion will return to the hearing the entire area a dense industrial a published Hydro report puts stry may have good intentions
" A r circuit to allow the public to con- area rather than maintaining it tr nsmission lines through Wal- but they have no power to enforce
'! frunt officials directly. as agricultural. lace Township. them.
The angriest exchange came "You'll create a Ruhr Valley THE COMMISSION "They (the ministry) don't pre-
1 from ken McGregor of the On- and destroy the agriculture in The commission was formed to serve it (agricultural land). The
tario Farmlands Committee. southern Ontario," he said. He decide on long range power plan bulldozers are at work," Mr.
He pointed out that about 40 per said there may be a veritable Hing for 1985 and after and has Feldmann said.
cent of those living in Ontario are crisscross of transmission lines held hearings throughout On- A brief was presented to the
LADIES' HIGH AVERAGE and men's high average con,lected with -farming in some from plants on Lakes Ontario, tario. commission by the ministry
winners were chosen Saturday evening when the Sunday way. Erie and Huron. Acting as chairman is Dr, which said the government has
Night Bowling League held a banquet at the Legion Hall. "It seems to me there is a great Mr. Bloomfield referred to a Arthur Porter, a professor of prepared guidelines to assist On -
Winners are Marlene Pellett, 167, and Doua Elliott, 219. reluctance to discuss agriculture Hydro May, 1974 report which industrial engineering at the Uni- tario Hydro in determining the
here," he said. showed certain areas under con- versity of Toronto and a Fellow of location of generating stations
I Dr. Porter replied that many of sideration for site selection. He the Royal Society of Canada; and transmission lines. The prin-
t the agricultural concerns had al- was told by Dr. Porter however Robert E. Costello, a vice-presi- ciple to be followed according to
ready been dealt with in Toronto than tlydro would be coming out dent of the Abitibi Paper Com- MPP Robert Eaton (Middlesex),
during two days of hearings the with a new report shortly which pany Ltd.; Solange Plourde -Gag- parliamentary assistant to Agri-
week before. would make the 1974 report obso- non, journalist and representa- culture Minister William
"You're still not getting down fete. Therefore there would be no tive of the consumer viewpoint; Newman, is "Hydro facilities
to gut issues," Mr. McGregor point in discussing the matter. George McCague, former mem- should not be built on agricultural
shot back. Mr. Bloomfield replied that the ber of the executive of many land."
-' Dr. Porter answered that about sites"may be shunted aside now farm organizations; and Dr. Wil Explanations by Mr. Eaton to
12 hours had been spent on trans only to return to the realm of itis Liam W. Stevenson, currently a the effect that the ministry works
mission and environmental cussion at a later date., member of the Ontario Energy with other branches of govern-
t impact. The transcript of all Wallace Township councilman Board. ment to arrive at the best pos-
these hearings were available at John Verbeek of RR 1, Listowel Commission staff members sible solutions for all concerned
the London Public Library he after listening to some of the who supplied many of the ques- in the province was not well re-
added. commission discussion rose and tions over the two days were: ceived by members of the public
HYDRO CONCERN said, "You're spending little time Ron Smith, MBA, executive attending the hearing.
At this point Arthur Hill, on land use.
Hydro's director of route and site He made the point that if agri-
selection, said, "Ontario Hydro cultural land were a major con
_ does plan to pursue as vigorously cern then it would not make sense
as it can, issues connected with to build a generating station at
land use planning." Bruce to supply customers in
He said, in fact, that Hydro was Toronto.
making preparations to establish Ron Miller, Hydro manager of
•w. `'` a new department, Land Use and property analysis department,
?I i Environmental Planning. replied that agriculture is only
u+. Mr. McGregor said that some- one consideration in ., the total
one had to start policy moves to decision-making process.
_ start placing agricultural land as Mr. Verbeek said that it was up
a high priority. to the province to make a land
London Township Reeve use policy. "It is their responsi-
WINNERS F.)F .,,H TRIPLE of the Sunday Night Bowl- Garnet Bloomfield pointed out bility."
ing League we. .-lamed Saturday evening at the Royal that most ministries involved in He pointed out that no policy
Canadian Legiol ney are Penny Elliott with 648 and Rick energy producing are not con- had been established regarding
Boxwell, 753. d •th ' At 1 M H'll h d f l d
I II �h
THE THURSDAY NIGHT Mixed Bowling League held a
banquet Saturday evening at the Legion Hall and named
Ruth's Rollers as consolation winners. They are: Ruth
Eq !
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cerne wt agrtc t rig t of way an gaming o an .
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Smith, Paul Moffatt, Connie Kuc, Doug Elliott, Elda Neth
ery and Perrie Holmes.
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LU'S LULUS were named season cpamps of the Thursday
Night Mixed Bowlinq League at a banquet held at the
Legion Hall. They are: Luanne Kerr, Randy Bren7il, Marie
Phillips, Penny Elliott, Dave Tiffin and Don Montgomery.