The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-29, Page 15' �.,... *" + ; ", I'/ • . . • .g1;� .ry,. ...r,,, +Ik - ` " • ` �� l'► _ .►+e+�...�•.-:•:_: .:.3 -"-may. '�'»-� :-..;._:w`. "is#Ast�
The Wingham Advatsee-Times, Thurs., April 10,.W*-IPap g
dill mirror
Teacher Interview
• MR. B. WILSON on a promotional tour with John -
This year is Mr. Wilson's first ny Winters.
full year at F. E. Madill. Maybe "It wasn't really work because
you will have remembered two it was different", said Mr. Wil.
years ago a supply teacher that son. As far as his future is con -
came to school with a black eerned, Mr. Wilson said he'd like
leather jacket riding a motor- to continue teaching at Madill 'T
bike. This was Miss Coutts' sup- they'll keep me". He said,
ply or "Pinch Hitter". Mr. Wilson "There is an unique breed of stu-
trained at Western and teaches dents at Madill. Some say this is
English. He previously taught at an old-fashioned school, which is
Sudbury for one year, Sarnia for basically true. Some rules are
two years, Totonto for one year strict but the student body work j
and now Madill. well under the system. I taught at
Mr. Wilson was -involved` in, a "Free" school in Toronto where
"Sam the Record Man" (a record students had good creativity but j
C store). He had stores in London weren't responsible. All students
a O D 0 and Kitchener and later expand are unique."
ed to stores in Sarnia and Wind Mr. Wilson commented on the
l sor. Suprisingly enough, he sold cutback of the budget. "It is great
I -iA p p v + k a4 S 1.1 m rt e r out last May, because he liked but sad. Now students will really
/ h C� I c� C1y teaching far better. While we're work for things they want. It will
MONTGOMERYII J S on the same topic, he has a record get to the point that there won't
G r- P n e, T 1 r1 C O S e i' I collection of 5,000 records. His be enough money for extra cir-
r favorite artists are the Moody cular activities, including sports.
Blues, Paul McCartney and The The student council will take over
Styxs. He also has a 10,000 vol- and this will reinforce the scbool
ume library. He enjoys car rac- spirit. Schools belong to students,
ing, but was encouraged by a and teachers are just signposts.
/ �, \ former principal to discontinue This is the way it should be ... in -
SERVICE al this hobby because it was a bad stead of going to a Toronto mus -
influence on his students. eum because of the teacher's
6 J Beryl Wilson writes an edi- whim, it will be the student body
"There's no-one else running - with, the conplaints will begin. torial for a London newspaper that decides where the field trip
you're in by acclamation." Instead of knowing that they have and attends meetings of various will be because they will have to
These words were spoken the support of the student body, organizations. work to supply the money."
many times last week, because these council members know that Mr. Wilson is originally from Mr. Wilson said the most hum -
all but four of the elected posi- they got the job because no-one London, where he attended high orous thing that has happened to
C ENTRE tions on our student council were else wanted it. school at Wheable. When he him while at Madill occurred one
filled by acclamation. The stu- I feel these students deserve a started in grade nine, the school day when, much to his dismay, a
dents who received positions on lot of credit for accepting the was just opening. It was built on a girl sat and stared at him for the
132 Josephine S t • the council were very concerned positions. Some, I know, felt like garbage dump, had no furniture entire period. Other students re -
about it - and with good reason. shaking the student body into and on hot September days, they alized the situation and were gig -
Democracy 1 N G H AM couldn't open windows because li but couldn't seem to embar-
Democracy means having afree- action. the surrounding area had not rass her.
dom of choice - and the student The most serious aspect of our
landscaped body, because no one would con- election was the fact that our been d the smell Mrs. Wilson's greatest fear is
test these positions -had no president and vice-president was unbearable.
anble. Mr. Wilson lives that one day, Mr. Wilson will fall
choice. The student body must were put in by acclamation, in Clinton since his wife works at in love with one of his female Stu -
take whatever these people give Susan Adams and Brian Jeffray Bc'l Telephone. dents and elope, demanding a
them - and the students should were officially introduced at the Mr. Wilson's main philosophy divorce. Actually, this is a com-
say nothing. election assembly last week. is happiness. He views every sad mon joke that accompanies Mr.
THURSDAY FRIDAY &SATURDAY Did I say "say nothing"? Susan said their best quaambi- moment . a moment of happy Wilson's h t profession -Mr. Wilson
That's idealistic thinking! The tions are that they are "ambi- ness lost. He tries to carry this helps with the creative writing
first program these council tions and hardworking". It's too philosophy into his classroom and club.
members put into effect that the bad that Susan and Brian were feels it adds more enjoyment for Mr. Wilson escapes up north,
APRIL 29, 30, MAY his students. All foods are en hey ever other wet some
He retreats
students don't altogether agree the only students willing to ac- y �
rept the most important jobs in � by Mr. Wilson, because they to nature to get some •peace and
the council.
hardill dofor ts good
"'here thgo e problem lies. Hito the belly and s fav- fishing
hing injobto get a good day's
orite magazine is "National Mr. Wilson's wife shuddered
Featuring ,, School Daze dent body, but I think, and I'm Lampoon", a satirical magazine when he drove his motorbike to
g sure they agree -that it would w they had brought to his attention by one of work. He now drives a 1976 Grand
Recently the nomination easier if they ethe S udent his students. His favorite movie AM to work, but he hasn't really
speeches for the candidates for full support of
I he
the student council were held. is "Blow -Up" which he has seen' changed; 's just own two
body, and had been elected. several times on television. Dur g
One little guy, obviously bored, To all the students who are on years older (and wiser).
ing the winter break, he workedbe an squirming after the second the new students council -good
speech, "Gee, this acclamation luck. The student body owesLawn Garden Equipment bit.
I wish they'd just acclaim special thanks to those who ac -
what thev want to and sit down." cepted a post by acclamation,
A1115 tMAlMERS And so it went on. When the as- and congratulations to those who ,
sembly was over, he turned to his were elected. May '713 77 be the
companion beside him and ques- best year for Madill yet!
tioned, "This acclamation? What - Marjorie Powell ..�
is it anyhow?"
The science classes had a bio-
logical experience, directing
suckers. A bio 551 class came into -1- - - -- -
Mr. Gnay's room directly after- Questionnaire t
wards. The room was warm and
o the stench was so bad that every- What do you think of the stu- ,..'
one felt a little woozy. At that dent council election procedures?
° moment Mr: Gnay entered the 0 - 0 - 0
° room with a spray can of lysol in . I think there should be more 40
1 his hand and a grin on his face. time for candidates to campaign.
i "Not like the smell? Well I'll fix More time for students to get to
that for you. Personally I don't know candidates' issues. -
know whether the room's worse Nancy Warren 11K.
smelling like fish, or like a bath- 0 - 0 - 0
room, but have your choice." I think they should put up a list ! i
LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTORS: 10-12-16 H.P. With a pssst-psst here and a in the hall explaining the duties of
ROTARY TILLERS pssst-psst there, the room was each office Then. more people
transformed into the smell of the might run. - Barb Loree 10E.
3-5 H.P.n__n_n
cleanest, most disinfected bath-
room around. I think the elections should be ,
On Wednesday the period sche- held earlier in the year, allowing
-- dole was changed to accom- the new council more time to be- THE SCHOOL'S new social publicity managers, Janice
� modate the assembly. Because of come associated with their of- Guest and Sally Le Van.
this arrangement, period one fell fires. In some positions, such as
at the end of the day. Mr. Neil the social convener, I think that Black Donnelleys The team score of 156 was a to -
finished teaching his period one the assistant should run the pre- D tal of the individual scores of
class and began putting another vious year• then elect his assist (m Tuesday. April 20th at 10.30 Tamara Hayes, with a score of
note on the board presumably for ant -Anonymous. a group of students consisting of 63, Gordon Wray, 57 and Paul
the next class. One amazed stu- 0 - 0 - 0 Drama .toi, IUrama 401, and Eng- Simpson, 36.
dent confidentially said to the one The student council procedures lish 552 embarked on their jour-
' beside her, "Do you think we are fine, it's the students who ney to Theatre London to view the Just missing the team was
should disappoint him and tell„ need changing or pushing widely acclaimed theatrical pro- " Mark Tiffin with a scare of 35.
6 him this is the last class today?" Anonymous. duction "The Black Donnelly' s The top score in the District of
I• ill„i The trip was supervised by Mr.
9 405 TRACTOR Elgie, Mrs Hopper, and Mrs. Ontario was 88 out of 150. Tamara
5 H.P. REAR ENGINE RIDER Webster. Hayes with her score of 6 f nar-
We arrived in London at 12 10 rowly missed a 50th place finish.
i and proceeded to have a very Congratulations to the team of an
hurried lunch We ate at the excellent effort.
Knotty Pine and many people ex- -Gordon T. Wray.
perienced for the first time the
thrill of eating from a doggy hag
WheGRAND OPENING SPECIALS don, we rushed insed e. searching
n• Debating club
don, we rushed inside. searching
for seats. The production lasted Last week the debating club at
f� for two hours with a fifteen min- F E. Madill held its first meeting .
were su
FREE 42 INCH MOWER on 700 Series Tractor UtSome orf the audience felt the edission oftf r this year!syear. Topsdebates.ggest
r play was biased in favor of the F E. Madill belongs to the
$150.00 OFF MOWER on 600 Series Tractor Black Donnellys Rowever, the Huron County debating society -
10 %OFF ALL ALLIS-CHALMERS v t�. �` - play seemed to be a very realistic along with the four other high
portrayal of the Donnelly schools in Huron County at Clin-
LAWN &GARDEN EQUIPMENT :� Family. The backarbund music ton, ('�oderich, seafortn and Ex-
' and sets were very effective and eter Every year teams from
�r added much interest to the play. these schools compete at the sen-
- 'the play was enjoyed by all and for and junior levels for the
proved to be very educational championship.
�{ Each match consists of a pre-
pared debate and an impromptu
Free Re
fresres h m e n ins Club News debate. In the three years for
n r '� The results of the senior Math which the society has existed. F.
i� Contest are in, and F. E. Madill S E. Madill has won two champion -
Door Prizes S. has once again, done well. Out ships. We wish this year's teams
F. E. MADILL'S new vice president and president, Brian of 337 schools, it placed between the best of luck and hope they can
Jeffray and Susan Adams. 45th and 59th "do it again