The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-15, Page 6B B,.jft JbigMat Advance -Times, Thurs., April 15, 1976 - J For Sale Wanted To Rent Miscellaneous Wanted NOTICE APPROX. 200 square feet of TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to USED TENT trailer. Phone 335 - nrms Wedding notices, engage- 1973, 350 HONDA, excellent con officd space on main street of dition, certified. Phone 335-3782 have more cents at the North 3920 after 4.:30 p.m. ments. in memoriams and obitu- Wham. Write to Box 423, The Huron Credit Union. Deposit in- 15-22 IN �� I„ I "I III-'• J arias are accepted in written after 6 m. P� Wingham Advance -Times, giving rarest rates at 9 per cent. Office METCAI LFE-At the Wingham form, ONLY. We cannot accept details. hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, 2 to 4 ROOM AND BOARD in quiet suco notices by telephone. JOHN DEERE 920 tractor with p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday, 12 home for younger business and District Hospital on Tues - Please remember that no clas- loader; only 350 hours. Also Victor cash register. Ideal for g Livestock For Sale noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 4 to r Phone 357-:.311. woman with permanent position in Wingham. lease P apply to Box day, April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metcalfe, RR 2, Wing- gitied advertising is accepted variety store, etc. First cut hay, � p.m. rrb 422 or call 351-2320. ham, a daughter, Jaquolynn after noon Tuesday. mixed grain. Phone 392-6065 REGISTERED Charolais bull, May. evenings. rrb one year old. Gary Rintoul. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE trimmed or GEDCKE-At the Wingham and 357-2349. LEARN HAIRDRESSING -for broken limbs from your weeping District Hospital on Wednes- For SalePhone CUPBOARDS, built-in, nine feet, more information on this career willow tree, may I have some. day, April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. including top and bottom sec- POLLED Hereford bull, three write, phone or visit K -W Phone 357-3047. Wray Gedcke, Wingham, a son, FOUR CHROME slot mag rims, tions. counter -top and double years old, very quiet. Phone 887- SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, Shawn Wray. 15 inch. Phone 357-1670. stainless steel sink and taps. Phone 357-3251. 9493 407 Highland Rd. W, Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. WOOD STOVE for cartage use' deBOER-At Victoria Hospital, 1973, 500, 4 HONDA. Excellent -- rrb Phone after 4'90 p.m. 357-1d25. London, on Wednesday, April condition. 1,300 miles. Phone 35'1- CHESTERFIELD and chair, in For Rent 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Wim deBoer, 1525. 15-22 good condition. Phone 357-3226. ANYONE wishing to have hand- COMPANION for older woman. RR 1, Lucknow, a son, David ABOUT 35 ACRES cash crop saws, circular saws, tools, etc. Driver's licence essential. Phone Lorne. TWO TRACTORS for parts. QUANTITY of good baled hay, 4 land, plowed. Two miles east of sharpened, call '357-3644. 887-6136. Waterloo U, good tires, 6 -ply miles southwest of Clifford. W. the Brussels road, on Highway 86. rrb 12-38,$100. Case S, row crop, good Karpinski. Phone 327-8639. Call 357-1083. ANTIQUES, furniture, rag rugs, Help Walter tires, 4 -ply, 12-30, $100. Phone 335- MEALS -ON -WHEELS quilts, crocks, glass, china or 3785 SWIMMING POOL: -Deluxe, FARM FOR RENT or will rent Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or anything along the antique line. Township of Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x land separately, in Kinloss Town- Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. Phone Smallacombe, 392-6840 West Wawanosh BERG STABLE cleaners and 24, one year old. Repossessed by ship. 392-6065 evenings. rr Teeswater. 8-15-22 Applications will be received stabling. Bunk feeders and water bank, sacrifice half-price. Call rrb by either of the undersigned until bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow Mr. Harvey, collect, des or y, Y McARTER MASONRY: brick R al Estate 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 20, ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, evenings 416-625-8819. 18 ACRES of pasture land; lots of and block work, new houses, Or Sale _ 1976, for an employee for general t iol rood. Phone 395-5390. y rrb to May 20foundations, water and shade. Phone 357-3262. chimneys built, re- municipal work and grader rrb paired, etc. Call 887-6325. Successful applicant CUTE LITTLE bunnies for Eas APPROX. 30 ACRES, 6 miles 1-8-15-22 FROM $1,000 DOWN. Buy now will receive starting wage of ;4.00 will receir.ve your old draft REPLACE y ter, also bred does. Phone Kevin east of Wingham on Highway 86. g � Y _ _ __•._ -, _.- _ .._.. _. - and save. Quality homes erected � r hour for 40-45 hour week, and windows with custom-made new 357-3692 after six and on week- Call 1-439-1319. PREGNANT complete in our subdivisions or will work on a 2 -month proba- ones. Phone Sanderson Sash for ends. 8-15 AND DISTRESSED on your lot. Model homes at Waterdown, Barrie, Arthur and tionary period. Applications free estimates, 335-3963. Even- ings 887-9200. We also contract RED CEDAR, 200 new, dry 2" x FARMHOUSE, five miles south- east of Bluevale or five miles Call BIRTHRIGHT Napanee. For free brochure should be in writing, stating age, marital status and experience. additions to your house. 4" x 10'. Phone 357-2174. north of Brussels. Phone 887-9493. 524.7157, 432-7197 write Canadiana Modular Homes Mark -envelope "Application". 1-8-15 rrb - WE CARE Ltd., Box 650, 20 Main St. N., Waterdown, Ontario. (416) 689 For further details contact the US install a woodburning TABLE POTATOES for sale, 7 , central BACHELOR apartment, P ly located. Phone Keith Fitzsim- IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- 6687. 25-1-8-15 Road Superintendent. No appli- cation necessarily accepted. fireplace in your home. For esti- cents per lb. Seed potatoes 5 cents mons, 357-1117. tive of an alcoho a AI Anon mates phone 887-9200. We also per lb. Apply Jim Ste. Marie rrb Family Grou ma be ble to y' p y FOR QUICK SALE. A beautiful Mrs. Joan Armstrong, have all cast Franklin heaters in across from Wingham. airport. g Po help you soly your Side of the electrically heated, brick house Clerk, stock. 1-8-15 15-22 29 16 ACRES suitable for corn or problem. P ase contact ost Of- built in Oct. '73; 3 bedrooms, RR 2, grain. Call 335-6154. fice Box 1135, Wingham family room, rec room (insulated Lucknow, Ontario. SIX DOUBLE rabbit cages, $10 FRESH maple syrup. Glenn 15-22 rrb but needs panelling), 2 n baths, and each; drip trays, hay feeders and Casemore, hone 357-1498. P big living room, separate dining, George Humphrey, large table scale. Phone 3ers g 1-8-15 50 ACRES good pas Lots o �� wall to wall carpet, big kitchen, Road Superintendent, 1-8-15 water. Phone 357-2572. CUSTOM discing or cultivating; walkout sumdeck through dinigg RR 222 SAVAGE weaver, K-6 scope also anhydrous ammonia appli- ., 2, and kitchen, 2 -car garage, hue g Lucknow, Ontario. BABY BUGGY, navy blue. Con- and case. RCBS reloading Press, S@rVIC@s cationContact Thacker Farms, Paved driveway, fullyland- verts to travel bed. Excellent Stevens 12 -gauge pump shotgun. 887-6196. 15-22-29 scaped, situated on a big lot in a SALES condition, $45. Phone 357-3448. Sports Pal canoe. Two Electro- CARPET DIRTY? Have experts quiet area near hospital and • home floor model speakers. steam clean it. Steam gets the FOR YOUR schools. Present mortgage at $12 tp 15,000 CALI BM ROTO -TILLER, new last sum Phone 392-6134. dirt other methods don't reach. Insurance Needs in Automobile, 1011,6 per cent. Interested? Please mer. Phone 357-2977. 15-22 Removes old shampoo. Carpet Farm Liability, Accidents and phone 357-1167. No agents please. Leading organization of motor - dries quickly. Carpet Care,524- Sickness Home Protection fists seeks a topnotch person for - WARDROBE, 3/4 -inch plywood, 4' 6' x 24' deep. Natural finish, like GIRL'S 28 inch CCM bicycle; 2440. Call Your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY HOUSE .FOR SALE, four bed - this area. Those who qualify will x new. Phone 335-3448 after six. boy's 26 inch CCM 5 -speed bi rrb April E to June 11 53 Maple Street, Wingham rooms, in Whitechurch. Also ad- receive a weekly salary -plus a Weekly commission, plus month - cycle, like new. Phone 357-2166 Dial 357-3739 joining lot. Lloyd ..Whytock, ly bonus and security benefits. NURSERY NOOK Maternity after five. BROPHY TAXI, Wingham. All passengers fully insured. 24-hour 357-2429 or 528-3433. rrb Experience in sales not required Fashions, Nursery Furniture. Cars 8 Trucks service. 357-1234. rrb CONCRETE septic tanks, 650 as we train you. After the first Specials on Dorel car seats For Sale 4,000 gallons available; backhoe year you will be on "Easy Street" $34.99. Easy -folding strollers, two SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, for digging holes and drains; for cleaning YOUR CHOICE of three farms in because this business repeats types $23.50 and $24.95. While last. Come and see our 1973 FORD Capri, V-6, sunroof, modern new equipment. Over 20 vacuum pumper septic tanks. Ronald Forster, RR Huron County. 150 to 200 acres, all with buildings. Small down year after year. No overnight travel but a car is required. Con - they Maternity Fashions for spring. snows, rustproofed, one owner. years experience. Phone 887-6800. 1, Lucknow 528-2346. . Will hold first mort- tact Division Supervisor, Ed Also selection of infants' wear to Phone 357-3046• Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. rrb July 1 rr April 29 gage on balance. Phone 887-9493. Bauer, Wingham, phone 357-3805. 3X in Palmerston across from the B-15 1-8-15 IGA. Phone 343-2500. 1975 CHRYSLER Cordova, V-8, EXPERIENCED seamstress will WILL DO portable welding and repair work. Phone Spike Bak- automatic, power and WHOLE WHEAT flour, un tisteeringker, do alterations and sewing in my RR 2, Wingham 357-1881. E PARKER bleached hard wheat flour. How- brakes, AM radio, tape deck, 60-40 seats, tinted glass, rear own home. Phone 357-2855. 15-22 rrb to June 10 Plumbing & Heating HELP son and Howson, Wingham. window defroster, half vinyl roof, PHONE - $87-6079 USED REFRIGERATOR. Call Michelin tires, 7,700 miles. Phone INCOME TAX SERVICE: indi- WILL DO garden plowing. Phone WARTED 3574890 after six. 357-1918. Bill Willis. vidual, farm, business. Mrs. 357-1881. 15-22-29 s ND 8-15 Caroline McDonald at Elliott In- AID 1975 BOMBARDIER PUCH mo- surance Agency, or phone 392- REYNOLDS Me�REERY Required for ped. Excellent condition. Phone 1967 DODGE Coronet, six cylin- 6382. rrb REFRIGERATION AND AvIIIIIII 357-1115 after six. der, four door, automatic. Phone APPLIANCE SERVICE AUTO WRECKERS RIS• 335.3446 CROP INSURANCE agent. Niel Dependable repairs, prompt RR 2, EIt A WONDERFUL BUY for a Edgar, RR 3, Wingham, Highway service. Phone 357-1085. ghway 8 O° ietween7 W Applicant must bs able to young couple, one wringer wash- 1975 DODGE Coronet, V-8 auto- 86 East. Phone 357-2440. rrb Midway between Wingham work shifts ing machine in excellent condi- matic. 1967 Chrysler Newport, 8-15 and Listowel Interested Applicants tion. One clothes dryer in good V-8, automatic. Phone 335-3338. One set of double ce- INTERESTED PARTIES ... 24- USED AUTO PARTS Please Call. condition. ment laundry tubs in good condi- WANT your lawn rolled? Call hours -a -day, seven -days -a -week Telephone -answering service, USED CARS & TRUCKS MN. R. KEAY tion. Phone 887-6606. 1969 CHRYSLER 300. Two -door George Marklevitz, 357-1995. ... 8-15 wake-up service, also monitoring Phone hardtop, fully equipped. Call 357- fire and burglar alarms and LISTOWEL 2914159 357-3430 EASTER SALE of oven-ready 3296 after six. 15-22 pocket -call indicators for paging GORRIE 335-3514 chickens, 6-10 lbs. GeorgeDetz- '4, Found within a few miles' radius. Phone + ler, 392-6486. 1974 TOYOTA Corolla, 1200, stan- 357-3692. 15-22 dard, excellent condition. Phone , BRAND NEW 10 x 11 ft. red 528-2734. GOLD EARRING at Curling Club Notice metal barn storage shed. Still in 15-22 the carton. Purchase8 in fall '75. , dance at Wingham Armouries, .1 Friday, April 9. Phone 357-1276. RURAL SALES PEOPLE Will sell at '75 price. Phone 357- 1969 FORD one -ton stake, 14 -ft. MARLENE'S Beauty Salon - re- RIK"KD 1276. rack. Ver good condition. Phone Y g __-_ - opening April 13. Seven miles To sell protein supplements, vitamin mineral mixes an 357-3493. 400 CEDAR fence rails. Phone MUSIC MAKERS from Wingham on the 6th of Turn - berry, 1 1 2 miles off the Belmore- pre -mixes and selected line of livestock equipment Excellent repeat business. Protected Wroxeter Highway, 2nd sideroad direct to farmers. 357 3728 1971 MUSTANG vinyl roof 302 DANCE BAND to the left from Wroxeter. Call areas available. _ • . DEMOLISHING a building at cubic engine, bucket seats and console; very good condition. Vanastra. Materials for sale at Phone 392-6723 evenings. the site or call L. Johnston at Ripley, 395-5390. rrb 1968 IMPALA, V-8, automatic EGGS FOR SALE at the farm of power steering and brakes, radio. Milo Casemore, 1st line of Needs motor work. Phone 887 - Morris. 6412. MACLAND WALL SYSTEMS CONCRETE FORMING CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 130 Wingham, Ontario CONCRETE WALLS BUNKER SILOS HOUSE FOUNDATIONS .357-3182 4 All Varieties of Music available for RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, AND BENEFITS. PHONE BLYTH 523_4455 TAX RETURNS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOOKKEEPING M. C. McDonald Belgrave 357-1418 •335-6155 for appointments. Open 9 to 6 Tues., Wed., and Friday ; 9 - KEASE SEND RESUME IN WRITING TO 8:30 Thursday; Saturday 9 to 1. Box 420 15-22 WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1 am not responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Sharon °Lyn Fidom after March 23, 1976. Henry F'idomom WHAT'S YOUR FUTURE? 8-15 GARBAGE PICKUP this week will be Thursday instead of Fri- day. Work Wanted HIGH SCHOOL student would like babysitting job for the sum- mer holidays. Phone 528-2030. WILL. DO babysitting in my home. Monday to Friday Call 357-1097. - _.-.__.... 8-15 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, in spare time. Call morn- ings and evenings, 357-3170 rrb M If you have at least 2 years of college, preferably with d B.A. degree or degree in Business Administration, have outstanding personal qualifications, and are determined to develop o very high standard of living for you and your family, you may qualify for one of the finest careers to be offered in the Wingham-Kincor- dine area.. A Excellent salary and business expenses and benefits, and totally unlimited future eornings. The person selected will be appointed after a period of precon- tract training. .11 All enquiries in absolute confidence. Send very brief resume of education and experience to: BOX 421, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES HELP WANTED Broiler turkey form. Large house in top condi- tion. Latest equipment to work with. Free house will be included with pay. Also benefits such as heat, hydro, telephone and hospitaliza- tion will be taken care of by your employer. Reply to: Box 785 Station A, Hamilton, Ontario SPINRITE YARNS LIMITED LISTOWEL has numerous positions available on both the 3 to 11 and the 11 - 7 shifts. We offer competitive wage rates, shift premium and daily production bonus. He experience required. We will train. If you have not applied before, come in and ttI lk to our personnel manager. 0 0 / YARNS.. it DYERS, LIMITED 380 Livingstone Street S. Listowel, Ontario OPENING FOR WRITER The community newspapers of Huron County are seeking a person who has the ability to act as a news reporter for county council meetings, board of educa- tion meetings, and other events of county interest. The person must have: 1. Sufficient understanding of municipal affairs to correctly interpret council and board deliberations and 2. Writing ability adequate for newspaper reporting. Time required would be three to five days a month. Successful applicant must have his or her own car, but mileage will be paid. If interested, apply in person to: BARRY WENGER ADVANCE -TIMES WINGHAM, ONTARIO SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED BY Col*A*Go CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF GUELPH FOR WINGHAM AND DISTRICT SPECIALIZING -IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (LIFE, AUTO, FIRE, COMMERCIAL, FARM LIABILITY) PLEASE REPLY TO C.I.A.G. INSURANCE Box 234 GODERICN, ONT. N7A 3Z2 OR TELEPHONE 524-2138 Business and Professional Directory BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PNONE3S7-2320 N WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Bay Direct and Save Bas Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 35.7.1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, 6.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERrmm Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A. K. C. Lentz, C.A. Res: 357-1087 INN