The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-01, Page 12pya 12 --The WinAhain Advance -Times, Thurs., April 1, 1976
T Recreation Report
What else Can be said about it? CAMPING
Over seven days of Midget Each Year a number of people
hockey involving over 200 volun- call to ask about camps for their
7 teers and nearly 700 hockey boys and girls. There is a list of
TEESWATER AND WINGHAM high single of 190 and high double ^ players and coaches invaded our camps available at the recreation
LADIES' LEAGUE of 334. Matching singles of 170 arena in search of silverware. office if you want the informa-
A 236 was the high single were rolled by Jean Aitchison The results are written about in tion. There afire general activities
bowled by Beth deBruyn at thisand Lillian Newman; one int other portions of the paper. Be- camps and also specialty camps
week's session. Joan Wissler separated their respective tween 1,500 and 2,000 people which cover sports such as
chalked up the high triple of 628. doubles, 325 and 324. Adeline crossed the threshold of the hockey aagd riding. Others cover
Other singles of 200 or over arena. It is the busiest time of the tripping and wilderness, arts,
> Simmons chalked up a 317
were recorded by Susan Talton double. year for our arena. I would like to language, special needs, church
216; Joan Wissler 206, 206, 216, � pay tribute to all who partici camps, and Y camps. There are
Evelyne Kloostra 214; Dianne WED. NIGHT LADIES, pated in any way, shape or form. about 175 camps to choose from.
Metcalfe 218; Gloria Barkey 219 -King's Kidneys lead the scoring TENNIS A new addition to the services
Helen Sawyer 206, 209. with 3., points, followed by second ' �.: °` ;4st Wednesday an Pen meet that we are glad to have on hand
Very close standings are place Scott's Steaks at 28, Lee's i ing regarding tennis in Wingham for our general public.
making for interesting compe- Lambehops have 26 points, Me- r, was held in the Wingham Public
tition. Joan's Jellyfish are ahead Burney's Meatballs 25 and Bain's School. Twenty-five people
with 31; breathing down their Bones with 21. Tolton's Tongues turned up to show interest and to
necks, with 30, are Evelynne's are in bottom spot with •15 points. # ..fti enquire about the possibility of
Suckers Helen's Herrings have Ladies' games over 200 were tennis courts and a program be
One of the aims of good driving,
says the Ontario Safety League,
is not to get there First, or Second
... but Always.
MONDAY, 8:30 P.M.
APRIL S, 1976
JACKPOT -;270..00
on 56 qb
with o consolotiop pri" of $25.W
If not won, Jackpot grows by S 10.
and number of calls increases by
one, each week
ONE FREE CARD. Additional
cards 25c sloth or 6 For $1.00
$ 0. ..,c+.o o.wo.•
29; Rena's Crabs 28; Susie's Sal- Shirley Sallows 230; Jeannette „ I coming a reality. Don Kennedy,�� VA
mons 26 and Diane's Goldfish 24. Scott 293; Nora Finnigan 203; chairman of the Recreation and
Barb Stainton 201; Shirley Storey Community Centre Board,
COFFEE KLATCH 228, 272, 294; Maude Schiestel pointed out that the purpose of LISTOWEL
The league had 27 bowlers this 209; Jean King 254, 226; Susan <t _ the meeting was to gather to- 29.2
week. Tolton 223, 227; Mary Campbell µ gether those people who are in- L L
Lois Surridge took all the 219; Mary Lee 201; Marg Moffatt terested and act as the catalyst to AIRLINES CRUISES
honors with a 278 single and a 451 233, 212; Lois Surridge 221; Dale > _Wb ! start the group on the move. "It is BUS TOURS GROUP TOURS
double. Other over -200 bowlers Tolton 216; Louise Welwood 260;t our function," he stated, "to help
were Dorothy Thompson205; Anita McKinley 212, 262; Carol groups get started along the way ABC CHARTERS SUN TOURS
Jean King 206; Shirley Wharton Clark 200; Elva Trapp 211; Verna9 when it is needed." 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
2077; Louise Welwood 228; Shirley Haugh 247, 207; Dorothy Bain 252. Costs of the project were out -
Storey 200; Ada Aitcheson 201 Shirley Storey captured high'., lined with possibilities of grants
and Nora Finnigan 219. single of 294 and triple of i<; available. A steering committee
Shirley Wharton and Bev 794. Thanks to spares Marg Mof- r was chosen with Nelson Frank as
Hayden won Irish coffee mugs in fatt Lois Surridge Carol Clark op chairman to investigate the
draw. Elva Trapp, Verna Haugh and possibilities and probabilities of
Susan Tolton., _ starting the tennis program.
THURSDAY MIXED " "^+' ... Look for bigger and better things
Joyce's Jaywalkers are thtennisCOMMERCIAL LEAGUE �'' for the future of tennis in Wing -
winners of this round with 46 In the playoff series, Mayflow- barn. IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL
points. Ruth's Rollers had 34; ers are leading with 2970 with the MINOR BALL
Gayle's Go-getters 33; Lu's Lulus Roses closing in at 2893. The On April 6 at 7:30 there will be READS APRIL, 9-8-7-6
i 29; Helen's Hellcats 25 and Bluebells have 2794 points, Holly- NURSERY RHYME WINNERS—Roger Ternan as the Easter Rabbit, Alanna Woods as an open meeting for all those in- YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE
Marg's hocks 2754, Glads 2735 and the terested in minor ball. We feel it
g' Mighty g Y Mice _22. an Indian and Kevin Statia as a black cat took the prize for nursery rhyme characters at
Next week will see the start pf Poppies in last place with 2675 the Howick carnival on Saturday. (Staff Photo) is important that an executive
the playoffs when total pinfall Points. and committees be formed to •
will count. LEGION LADIES give some direction to the ball AdvanceaTimesLu's Lulus won the season title, Games over 200 included: Jean program. Chairman Bob Foxton
finishing the regular season with Tervit 208; Florence Delmage of the ball park committee urges
103 points. Joyce's Jaywalkers 202; Jean King 215 and Emaline Gorrie Personal Notes that as many attend as possible.
were second with 98 and Helens Sturdy with 200. Norma Strong
Hellcats third with 95. rolled high single of 262 with Jean Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood at the same home. turned from a two weeks holiday Belgrove Tykes
Dianne Grove had the ladies' King tying.. Runner-up was Betty and grandchildren, Jackie and Miss Glenis•Steurnol of Water- in Jamaica.
high single of 230. Helen Morin with 249. Jean King also Andrew Muir of Guelph, visited loo spent the weekend with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hill and honored at dinner
Daugherty had the high triple of bowled high`triple of 661 with run- Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mac Steurnol. Kelly of Mount Forest visited PROTECT
i 599. Doug Elliott took the honors ners-up Betty Morin and Jean Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ash Sunday with Mrs. Gordon Under- A diner was held Saturday
for the men with a 348 single and Gilbert and Lori of Harriston, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. wood. evening to honour Mr. and Mrs.
Tervit with 574. d MMrs.
Hanes, r. an
a fantastic 828 triple. Season winners are Jean's Jel- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Day acid and Mrs. Clayton Ash of St. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ferguson Wilfred/
Ov_ er-200 games were bowled ly Beans finishing with 92 points. family of Bluevale spent Sunday Jacobs. Matthew Ash, St. Jacobs, visited Wednesday with W. and Glen Coultes and the Belgrave Your Cars Exterior
by Helen Daugherty 222, 200, The team of Betty's Bombers who spent a few days with his Mrs. Stuart Aitken of Kincardine. Tyke Hockey Team who captured y
the Tyke Tri -County Trophy Against the Harshness of
Doug Elliott 348, 284; Keith Mof- finished a half point behind, Nor- 1 grandparents, returned home Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnes
fatt 247, 298; Doug Neil 252, 210; ma's Mules at 85 and Lila's ` %�Pjtd� Sunday. and Billy of Oshawa visited earlier this month. Old Man Winter
Bruce Machan 229, 278; Don 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. At the centre of the head table
Limpers with 77 /z points. y Y was a specially decorated cake,
Montgomery 206, 239; Betty Bur visited Tuesday with Mr, and Thomas L. McInnes.
—The Nearly New Store, soon- done by Mrs. Bolt, depicting a with a GM
ley 209; Art Clark 209; Joyce Mrs. Lawson Campbell of Miss Carol Watson and Nor
Church 206; Dave Tiffin 273; cored and operated by the s Pres' hockey rink. After everyone had
Auxilia of St. Andrew's Pres- Brampton. man Watson. of Mount Forest
Penny Elliott 206; Gayle Neil 202; Junior Bowling �' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson spent the holidays with their been seated, Doug Wood and JET GLAZE SUPER WAX J 0 B
byterian Church, will open for Steven Bridge presented Mrs.
Paul Moffatt 217; Dianne Grove visited Anson Wolfe of Melbourne grandmother, Mrs. Albert Hei- �,
+ Bantam League business on Thursday, April 8. It Haines and Mrs. Coultes with
230; Marg Moffatt 223; Perry The play-offs are now in pro- will remain open for several on Saturday. bein and other friends. corsages. Randy Nixon asked the at
Brydges 202. Mr. and Mrs. William Camp- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Latro-
gress with Wild Cats out in front weeks on Thursdays (all day) bell of Harriston and Mr. and nits, Michael and Michelle blessing after which everyone en -
SENIOR LADIES with 1932 points. Monkeys have and afternoons, Fridays and o ed a turkey diner. GOSLING'S TEXACO
Another five points brought the 1883, Tiger Cats 1882, Parrots are Saturdays. Mrs. Norman Harding of Ford- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Y Y
g g Y with were dinner guests on Chairman Ken Henry, con -
Sunday tai K's to 82, way-out in front close behind with 1881, Chimps —Mrs. Peter (Aileen) Carter of g William Latronica of Wingham.
P� Y P Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold gratulated the team on their W I n h a m
of the other teams. The Krispies 1871 and last place Kangaroos Wingham returned home from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong, achievement after which Robert
Robinson. ,
have 65; Wheaties 59; Sugar with 1832 points. Kincardine and District General Jill and Kent spent ten days holi- Gordon read an address, which
Cris 51; Crackerjacks 47 and Games over 125 were: Byron Hospital on Friday afternoon of Miss Jana Gowdy spent the days in Florida where the
� � Y P Y weekend with Miss Mary. Beth y Y had been set to rhyme, to the We power polish your paint and
Cheerios 44. Thompson 137; Rance Willis 131; last week after being a patient visited Disney World, Sea World, coaches. John Smuck and Jef-
Sanderson.. Y chrome. Complete interior and
Margaret Robertson had the Robbie Willis 131; Andy Jarvis. there for one month. While in Gator Land, Daytona Beach and frey Coulter presented the p
Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon
182; David Scott 143; Denis hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Carter spent the weekend with Mr. and other points of interest. They also coaches with a gift. Glenn Coultes exterior super clean-up.
, �� Adams 134 and Ian Jarvis 07. quietly celebrated their 35th wed- Mrs. Richard White of Toronto. called on Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Wilfred fittingly replied and
""Straight tae etc For the ladies, Stephanie Gaunt ding anniversary on Monday, Miss Margaret Sach has re Smith, Holiday Lake Estate, thanked everyone for the eve -
rolled 147; Julaine Adams 148; March 22. Holiday, Florida. ung,
coining to Blyth Ellen Rodger 154; Debbie Hoy r The Hayden families held a The President of the Tri -County TEXACO TOMMY
"Straitjackets", a musical 135; Shelly Tolton 126 and Debbie surprise housewarming party for league, Harry Winkle, was on
comedy revue coming to Blyth Lee with 134. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hayden on hand to present the trophy to the 357-3368
Memorial Hall April 6 and 7, isByron Thompson rolled high Friday evening. team. The evening concluded
the story of a new friendship be- single and double for the boys Mrs. David Fenton, Mark and with a film — "Snookie, The for appointment
tween men and women, accord- with 215 and 352. Julaine Adams Paul of Orillia called on Mr. and Adventures of a Black Bear
ing to its authors. replied for the girls with high Mrs. Cecil Grainger on Wednes- Cub."
Kern Murch a young London single of 160 and high double of day.
t d t t' .-A Erna Van 308.
wn er an F_, an
Daele, a musical gomposer from Junior League
the same city, wanted to do Stephen Gaunt rolled high sin-
in At the Movies Your neighbour,
something to celebrate Inter- gle of 229 and double of 346 for the �' p
national Women's Year last year boys while Kim Zimmer had high ^kt , "Gone With the Wind," ac -
and so the play Straitjackets was single of 147 and double of 258. claimed worldwide as one of the
born. It goes beyond the usual Games over 150 were: Tim Bain ,%• great motion picture entertain-
ntertain-Women s Lib
rhetoric to show 170; Greg Laidlaw 174; Brian Hoy ments of all time, opens March 31 your ull agent,
how both men and women are 167, 164 and Steven Anger with ,T ii 4 at the Lyceum. Now presented in
trapped in roles which they are . 166, 152. ?' new Wide -Screen and Metro -
taught from birth to play. Along The Chicklets lead the play-offs $ ""` r `Z color, this marks the sixth re does ore than deliver fuel.the way the show provides a good with 1871 points, followed by lease since David O. Selznick's
deal of entertainment Doublemints at 1863. Lifesavers production of "Gone With the
have 1665, S earmints 1480;
•' ' �� 1
Ms. Murch and Ms. Van Daele P d" made motion picture his
first presented the play at Talbot Double Bubble 779 and Black. tory with its premiere in Atlanta, ---- - ----
Theatre at the University of Cats with 701 points. Georgia in December, 1939. �( -
Western Ontario last spring and Senior Juniors Starring Clark Gable, Vivian
it was a big hit, drawing favor- Red Hots are leading in the r Ireigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia
able reviews from critics from Playoffs with 1873, Big Macs at de Havilland, "Gone With the
London and Toronto. The reac- 1870, Footlongs 1445, Submarines Wind" won 10 Academy Awards
tion to the play was so positive 1435 and Big Boys with 1158. The and has been seen by more than
that fund -granting agencies were French Fries are in last place �;:; 295,000,000 persons. Margaret +
quick to provide money this year
with 1123 points. Games over 175
Mitchell's romantic novel of the
for a foto of the play. Betweenwere:
Greg Storey 208 and Barry
South during Civil War days has
March 30 and April 9 it will be
Haugh with 215.
- ,;;
remained a best seller over the
touring locations throughout
Richard Daugherty rolled high016
years in many languages.
southwestern Ontario, playing to
single of 249 and tied Barry
"Gone With the Wind" has 59
school audiences in afternoons as
Haugh for high double of 356. For
major speaking roles. Thousands
well as giving nightly per-
the girls, Kerry Thompson cap-
were used in the spectacle
formances. The Blyth stop is the
tured high single of 161 and high
scenes. The most elaborate and
only one in this area. Tickets are
double of 304. Richard Daugherty
still acclaimed as a classic of
now on sale for the two per-
received his 100 Pins Over Aver-
yr ',
film -making was the burning of
formances at Memorial Hall.
age Badge for bowling 249.
Atlanta for which 50 buildings
The show features 15 songs
i I''
were designed and erected, and
showcasing the music of Ms Van
Games over 200 were: Jay
burned. "Gone With the Wind"
Daele and. the lyrics of Ms.
MacLaurin 230; Jim Laidlaw 205;
has been re-released b Y MGM
Murch. Many in the area may
.Jamie Smith 221; Paul Cerson
over the years to new generations
recognize the work of Ms. Van
224; Spencer Burley 208; Steven
and growing audiences. Millions
Your Gulf agent knows your farm and
Cal Ernie Merkle y
Daele from her summers at the
Huron Country Playhouse, Grand
Thom Thompson 203 and Jeff Macl aur-
in 242. For the girls it was Brenda
haveAgain thrilled to the picture
each time it has been presented.
petrarleunl needs and has a full line of
Markley &Son)
Foxton with 218.
Today, it is an acknowledged
fuels and lubricants. And because
There are six actors and four
Jay MacLaurin captured high
classic of motion picture making.
he's tip ter date Irn eduiptnettt lubric'atilrn
musicians involved in the pro-,
�. gle of 246 and high triple of W.
Special children's matinees
specifications and has a wide range of
111 Alfred St., BOX 417
duction. All are under the direc
it Haag Nancy King all the way for
the with a 222 high single
. _ „
will be shown on Saturday and
Sunday, April 3 and 4. "Super-
�tlilrjic'atirm experiencc�he can recommend
tion of one of the most talented
the right Gulf ltfbricants to help pt's vent
people in Canadian show
and high triple of 577.
bug" is the story of a car that can
costly breakdowns.
business. Dean Regan, who
In the playoff matchup,
' ..W -
do everything, and should be fun
directs this production has made
Anonymous leads with 2920
for kids of all ages.
In't�rulf agent nt lives in this area. He
a na.m.e for himself in nearly
Points, Clue Klux Clan 2884, The
MARY F ELDSKOV of Fordwich is beginning her skating
Fans of the occult will want to
knows exactly what it takes.,to keep your
every facet of the business:"as an
Freaky Five 2473 and Pink
career early. Although only 13 months old, she donned a
see the shocker, "The Anti-
farttl equipment ninning smoothly.
actor, dancer, singer, television
Panthers at 2235 Crusaders are
pair of skates and eventually won first prize as youngest
christ", playing April 4 and e.
When you want some neighbourly
star, writer, choreographer and
in fifth spot with 1791 and Jaws
person on the ice. The event was part of the activities at
Starring are Mel Ferrer and
advice, call your Gulf agent.
Gulf. Not your aver'bse,faarm service,
are in last place with ISM points.
Howick Ice Carnival held Saturday night.
Arthur Kennedy.
+. ■
+. ■