The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-25, Page 16am Advance -Times, 'burs., March 26, 1976
41cyner edges Ironmen 3-2°
was a tie game, two all. mesmerized at times and cer- a
Ilei � flirt game is the best of g had the crowd standing in.
tNtter, Junior D finals, The third period was tense with tairily with the
quarter awe at his wizardry i4
ow �y� Siskins edged .he the tempo moving back Into the puck. He certainly was deserving
;roomer 9 to 3 in an a Lci tiouk hockey of the first �.
� cauof the first star award. ,
Pme at _tbe local ares last period. Throughout the crowd one The line of Gerry Wheeler,..
.hay night. heard the whisper "In this type of Doug Leitch and John Henderson
Both testas started out with game the next goal will be a big seemed to be the one line that
caution in the first as both ap
one." Well, the big goal came at gave Stayner trouble and John
De a little up -tight and
peered to16:42
n 16 : 42 as Stayner's Jim Halliday Henderson, second star, seemed
sounding out the opposition, At threw the puck back to Jack Ste- to be the catalyst that produced
14:05 ,Gerry Wheeler, who had phens at the point and Ironmen �b
Delle had that ed, that both Ironmen goals. Third stares
been, late arriving due to bad road g pegged, was Jack Stephens who got the
co-iditions, put the Ironmen is, until it caught the skate of one winning goal for Stayner.
ahead on his first shift on the ice of his defencemen and deflected The Ironmen defence did not ,
as he parked himself just off the the other way, just catching the play to their full potential in the c
crease and swooped a pass from corner of the net. loss and onlysome fantastic 41
Down 3 to 2 the Ironmen roared -- - -- -
John Henderson into the net. Two saves by Ironmen goalie Benny
minutes later, Stayner's Mr. back and with the goalie out in haWedtom
Yn Blackwell kept them in the game
Dangerous, Rick Gowan with his favor of an extra attacker, and ?t
through the first two periods. And g
team playing a man short picked only six seconds left in the period, talking of goalies, did you know ► Gold Medal tanker
off a bad Ironmen pass and skat flashed the red light behind the Stayner goalie Steve Baker is the �`. '
ed in alone and put one up high Stayner net in what appeared to y g �� _ 'a •
son of former Lucknow goalie, d
s1: arse
catching the top bar but clanging earning
be the tying goal but unfortunate Alvin ``Pee -Wee" Baker who also j �y .7
into the net to tie theThen ame. ly such was not to be the case as
g the referee, in consultation with caught for Wingham fastball *Q
as the period drew near the end, teams in the past? ' *.,,her 11il�IVA
with thwer lay Stayner got a the linesman ruled "No Goal". So The fourth game in this series•
p the game ended with the Ironmen �Q�
big go ahead goal again from the g will be Thursday evening at 8:30. _. on my savings,
stick of Rick Gowan and with on the short end of a 3 to 2 score. After this close, exciting game,
only 36 seconds left in the period, WHISTLE STOPS After walk- there's bound to be a packed LLOYD CASEMORE, vice-chairman of the Wingham Lions Club and Russell Zurbrigg,
it was a big goal. ing with ease through semi-finals house at the local arena. If you Lions president, presented gifts to Orangeville coach Jack White and his players at the
The second period was excit- and group finals some said the want a good seat you had better opening night of the Midget tournament Friday. Each out-of-town team will be presented
ing, some spectacular saves by ir'onmen were over -confident but plan on being at the arena early. with the gifts welcoming them to Wingham.
Ironmen goalie Benny Blackwell rather think the way they skated
keeping the Ironmen very much with care in the first, they had
in the game. Then with the power been oversold on the strength of
play moving, the Ironmen tied it Stayner goes two U p o n
up at 7:25. It was one of those opposition. These are certainly
pretty goals — the old get, give two evenly matched teams and it YBC i
and go goals as Gerry Wheeler should be a bang-up series.
got the puck gave it to Doug in other years the puck con- in best o seven
Leitch to John Henderson who let Go. n had
the Ir No. 8 Rick Irortmen
Let Gowan had the Ironmen-defence
it go from about 10 feet out and it Bowling
• Last Friday night before a some scoring from the other two Kevin Murray made the trip to
large crowd in Stayner, the Sis- lines. Stayner and made a game effort
Re Bantam League kins treated their fans to a 4 to 1 Stayner's coach, Pearson to suit up for pre -game warm-up
Recreation Season winners of the league victory over the Wingham Iron- Spellman was put out of the game but had to give in to the flu and
are the Kangaroos with 84 points. men to take the first two games in in the third when he 'protested a severe sore throat,'Coach George
The Tiger Cats captured second the best of 7 series. bench penalty with the wrong Skinn inserted Gord Kinahan, up
place with 74 points, Wild Cats 65, Stayner struck early with one choice f words thrown in the ref- from the Midgets into Kevin's
Chimps 55 and the Monkeys at 50. of those embarrassing 'goals, as eree's direction. Ironmen Greg slot and Gord was certainly one
TENNIS Tournament committee. There is The Parrots ended up in last playing a man short Rick Gowan Hamilton came out of the game of the few shinning spots in this
Don't forget the meeting to be an executive committee of nine place with 47 points. flashed the red light at 2:51. Then with rib injuries and as we go to loss.
held at the Wingham Public people, chaired by Dr. Mc- Games over 125 were: Andy at 14:41 with the teams playing press extent of injuries are un- Don't forget the fourth game in
School on Thursday, March 25, at Gregor. This executive met on Jarvis 140,150; Willie Rodger 125, five aside Brian Dickey on a fine known. Let's hope nothing seri- this series at the local arena this
7:30 p.m. This meeting is meant September 27 for the planning of 146; Denis Adams 130; Iah Jarvis solo effort put the Siskins ahead 2 ous as defence is one spot where Thursday night — should be a
for all interested in forming a this year's tournament which is 134; Ellen Rodgers 126; Julaine to 0. Ironmen cannot afford injuries. good one.
tennis club and working as a being held over two weekends. Adams 149; Debbie Lee 126; Near the mid point of the sec -
group to further the interest in Thirty-six teams with more than Sheri Walden 143 and Debbie Hoy ond, with the man advantage
and formation of new facilities. It 600 players, are participating in 125. High single of 158 was cap- Gerry .Wheeler combined with
appears as if there is a lot of the tournament. tured by Billy Gaunt with Andy linemates John Henderson and
interest in tennis. We are looking In order to operate the tourna- Jarvis bowling high double of 290 Doug Leitch, at 8:12 to put the
forward to a good turnout. Make ment, men, women and teens for the men. Julaine Adams had Ironmen right back in the game.
sure you bring your ideas with give of their time—hundreds of 173 high single for the ladies and As the period neared an end be -
you. hours to make it all possible. Be- 322 'high double was bowled by fore the Ironmen could even the
sides the executive committee of Julaine Adams. count Stayner's Rick Hannon put
VOLUNTEERS IN nine, there are 45 ladies and teens i the Siskins ahead 3 to 1.
OUR PROGRAMS who prepare and serve the food to Junior League Third period action was excit-
To make a program successful, the players; 24 rink rats who John Leedham captured high ing with the lone goal of the
volunteers are a necessity. Their clean and sweep the arena and single of 206 and high double of period an unassisted marker, by
help to a recreation director is help in moving nets while clean- 378 for the men while Judy Anger you guessed it, Stayner's Rick
immeasurable. In Wingham we ing the ice; 12 boys were assigned rolled high single of 146 for the Gowan at 17:15 to give the Siskins
have many volunteers participat- to look after the penalty box; 42 ladies. High double of 252 went to the 4 to 1 win.
ing in many capacities in various oeople are looking after the sell- Karen Casemore. Games over _ WHISTLE STOPS: For the sec -
aspects of programs. ing and taking of tickets; 46 150 included: Allan Jackson 160; and game in a row that puck just
At this time I would like to pay referees officiate for the 46 Tim Bain 160; Greg Laidlaw 167; wouldn't bounce in the right
tribute to the Midget Hockey games; 30 ladies and teens are Stephen Gaunt 151; Brian Hoy. 187 direction for the Ironmen. Even
helping with the refreshment and John Leedham 172. though they out -shot the Siskins
booth in the lobby. Final standings show Chicklets in the second they just couldn't
Ten there are the kind towns- in first place with 77 points fol- get the big equalizer in that
At the MovIeS folk who open their doors and lowed by Lifesavers at 68. Spear- period. For the second game in a
billet the out-of-town boys. Ap- mints have 61, Double Bubble 60, row Stayner's No. 8, Rick Gowan,
One of the biggest gambles -in proximately 40 homes have Doublemints 56 and last place always a,threat every time he
Hollywood history was Walt Dis- agreed to host the boys. Most of Black Cats with 53 points. touches the puck, proved a thorn
ney's decision to produce the first the billeting will be done on the in the sides of the Ironmen with a
full-length cartoon feature, second weekend. Senior Juniors pair of goals —send for the second
t'll ed for more 75 re Richard game in a row the only Ironmen
Good t11111r;tihaps elivvith a
Gold Medal Baler. Let s talk.
The First Canadian Bank
Bank of Montreal
"Snow Wtute and the Seven There is s t ane Games over i we
Dwarfs". Despite the warnings of room. If you have room for a Daugherty 186; Daryl Holmes 181 line producing was the hard Extra Comfort at no extra costiour
the critics, Disney produced what couple of players for a night, give and Robbie Grove 181 for the working line of John Henderson, �• Alneric:an Motors' Dealer now has 1976
is now considered an animation Al Harrison a call, either at home men. Kerry Thompson rolled 180 Doug Leitch and Gerry Wheeler.SAVE
Pacer Polar Bears in stock.Thaes our name
classic at the then -unheard-of fig- 357-2646 or at the arena 357-1208. for the women. Barry Haugh If the Ironmen are to beat this for the AMC, Pacer with a factory installed
ure of nearly two million dollars. We must mention the goodwill rolled high single of 228 and team they're going to have to get
Disney gambled everything he receptionists of the Lions Club. double of 378 for the men while additional
Air Conditioning System a[ no
had on "Snow White", and his Surprise packages were made Kerry Thompson replied for the additional charge to you.
faith paid off. When it opened in for all the boys, the coaches and Panthers trailing behind with 89.
Pe Y ladies with high single of 201 and g Now is the time to take advantage 0
Los Angeles in 1937, it was an in- managers. 381 high double. He received his Jaws have S0, Anonymous 82, Freaky Five 79 and lthis offer
stant success, and through the Then there are the merchants 100 Pins Over Average Badge last place
Pacer is a compact with outstanding
years has become the most suc- who put signs in their windows after bowling 228. The manufacturer's suggested retail interior roominess and seating comfort
cessful cartoon feature ever pro- and who bcrusaders with s7 points.
buy ads in the program. The Submarines captured top Games over 200 were:. Robert (,
du. ed. rice felt factory air condirionin
spot in the standings with 8o Wharton 215. High single of 229 P �- (;heck Pacers width and stance. Its wide
"Snow white and the Seven BALL MEETING and high triple .of 582 was rolled stance gives Pacer a smooth stable ride.
Speaking of volunteers, we are points, with Big Macs in second
Dwarfs" opens March 24 at the b Jay MacLaurin while Sheila And check what air conditioned comfort
looking for a committee to be place with 79. Footlongs have 66, Y
Lyceum. It will delight a new formed too rate our minor ball Red Hots 50, French Fries 48 and Burke captured high single for will feel like when you face those long
generation of movie-goers this the girls with 218. High triple of
Bi Boys with 42. ` ho[ SUrl7r11eI days.
time round, as well as many leagues this upcoming summer. g Y 521 was captured. by Peggy Ter- � !
A meeting has been planned for vit. Bill Ohm received his too
adults who will want to see it
Tuesday, April 6, at 7:30 at the Senior League
again. The Clue Klux Clan ended their Pins Over Average Badge with
Opening March 28 at the Lyc town hall. Won't you come out 265 sin le with Tom Remington
and help the boys and girls? They regular season with an over g `
eum is an Adult double bill — whelming 105 points with Pink winning his with a score of 243. \
"Nashville" and "Posse." Rob- need your support. \
ert Altman's "Nashville" is an # n \
explosive drama and a human~t
comedy that, explores the lives of
24 major characters during five
days in the country music capitol
of the world. Although its setting
is Tennessee, "Nashville" is a
much broader vision of our cul- %
ture and a penetrating examina-
tion of dreams and hopes — ful-
ul filled, sought after and discard-
iscard ed.
"Nashville" was filmed on
location in Music City, home of ?"
the Grand Ole Opry, during July 1
and August -of 1974. Most of the -
actors who have singing seg- q
ments in the film composed their { t, hd
own songs. Among them were
Henry Gibson, Lily Tomlin; 1 s
Ronee Blakley, Dave Peel, Karen is
Arrive at your destination relaxed and
refreshed in a Pacer Polar Bear It's the
only way to go.
And; vfcourse, the'76 AMC Pacer
Polar Bear is backed by the exclusive AMC
Buyer Protection Plan.
The manufactigees suggested retail
price for the'76 AMC Pacer Polar Bear
with a factory installed All -Season Air
Conditioning System is:
C,"uin items inustrated are optional n otm cost.
•Destination charger, dealer prep, other option,
and Provincial taxes not included
I-lect buyers exempt.
Black and Keith Carradine.
"Nashville" has been nominated
for five Academy Awards this
year, including . the award for
Best Picture. '< IR
cer ar ear,
"Posse" is -a Western with a
new look starring Kirk Douglas
and Bruce Dern. It is a story of
greed, power and a town. Kirk
Douglea yia, M na n , uUnea8 U. S. '
marshal who will do anythii,g in
his maniacal ambition to become
:.,,a c#..#..
President of lite iiiu�cu a by In.•ai MPPs, town and hockey officials, reads
Bruce Dern has the role of a train MAYOR JACK R clay i c, accompanied
robber pursued by the marshal• the proclamation when#he official opening of the Wingham Midget hockey tournament 670 Main Street. East, Listowel, Ontario
"Posse" was produced and took place last Friday evening. More than 30 teams will compete in the tournament during
directed by Kirk Douglas.the weekends of March 19 and March 26.