The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-25, Page 15,..,
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SWING YOUR PARTNER—Square dancing is more popu-
lar now than it has been for years and people from through- brush up on their steps. Above is a scene from Saturday
out the area have taken advantage of weekly classes at night's graduation dance at the school.
Howick Central School to either learn the technique or (Staff Photo)
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"We are looking into .a
variety of schemes of-
fering alternatives to
reducing the cost of our
} health care plan, and I do
appreciate receiving your
Frank S. Miller
Minister of Health
Q n
Below are some
questions, some
J J .,4I J rr/ W o40 W J W 16./ W _WN W JI W Ji W u/I W ,J W r
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THURSDAY MIXED Over -300 doubles were recorded
Joyce Church had the high by L. Newman 325; Amy Ed -
single and high triple for the wards 304; Helen Casemore 331
ladies with M and 668. For the and W Lockwood 327.
men, there was a tie for the high The Special Ks added another
single, Dave Tiffin and Al Skelton five points and are now way out in
each recording a 268. Al had the front with 77 points. The Sugar
high triple of 712. Crisps, at 65, are not really any
Over -200 games were bowled threat. The Krispies have 60;
by Joyce Church 208, 235, 225; Wheaties 59; Crackerjacks 47 and
Gail Holmes 210, 232; Perrie Cheerios 41.
Holmes 223, 260; Don Mont- 0--4!`-0
gomery 224, 215; Al Skelton 268, LEGION LADIES
247; Jerry Smith 218, 227; Paul $etty's Bombers retain their
Moffatt 215; Doug Elliott 249; Lu- hold on first place with a slim I%
anne Kerr 210; Dave Tiffin 2F^ `.nts over second place Jean's
Judi Atkin 218; Doug Neil ly Beans at 88. Norma's Mules
Keith Moffatt 210; Janet C li-,ie 82 points and 72% points for
216; Cathy Edgar 204; Art Clanc last place Lila's Limpers.
208; Bruce Skinn 210; Dianne Games over 200 were: Betty
English 209. Morin 205, 224; Gladys Yeo 219;
Next week, the final standings Jean Tervit 208; Joyce Gaunt 203,
for this round will be made 231; Jean King 244, 243 and Peggy
known. Tervit 209. 211, 211. Jean King
0-4-0 rolled high single of 244 and 658
SENIOR LADIES high triple while runner-up Joyce
Velma Scott came up with the Gaunt bowled 231 high single.
high single, a nice even 200, and High triple runner-up was Peggy
the high double of 359. Amy Ed- Tervit with 631,
wards chalked up a 185 game.
We as
tel' i/ �eri
rest theirClint, ca reside
COS nt
Cd he/pts' sur � ut /.,3
GOderi Resp y the
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assure YOU Con -
canvery d
willthe lack . S
cerned overcilities it this
hospital Is allowedto
closureA M.P
throu9R.E• McW ddlesex
Huron -M
1`I think
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Mos rationshave had th °us
for ree
Pita/ and In Clint
I co , ton
Medical nursing ct ask
carWine °r Mea / re'
9ha�h s.
red some appeals. statements, a
er for the thenif
now ver- dla o Rea
„W of wcaus C l,bes many
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9 ro edea aY rich Res,dent am now nate hhos9%
h t� de tand - n ,Y
m C,o consider would a dkSta esPe _%a
tray trealmenenc"I . silent.
them• t an ern dericre
rthat we act upon GO
,,,are we so hell 1et them
can say, to
die,.. Coderich resident
How do you feel about Hospital closings?
to We
neel o t
keep K'°r
ur lives are less secure because of the cause our lin tontOgether
�•yyedo the closings. ClintoCare 91
County Open,
Closing ofd chill oppose thehOspita1n, at tti s
Cor"Munity eye smalle$ 's are more important than lives. �derich e
because ,,Of the
° s p i to I s resident
social an Medical,
Pact- a e economist ��_ P lease help us survive.
aside can't
red see and entitled
torn out of the heart
Munities.•� such corn erson is 1 feel
John 5 ' nitiative no& will assure us person
Flo pi al CarS'notit"i,n our
Sweeney M. p. of health later. we can able pew' with a
Kitchener -'Wilmot t 'comfort u corn'
T alk without action will feeling °t scongratulate
allow us to die. PlacencY an'
our hospital
ourselves by the
People of not touched Frank
"Mos of the l b back the Are you standing idly by? great axernansha11 we fold
,Wingham w,Clinton other Miller 'afld like Cain °
1e °t ° our hands ask God,
or a YMiller is istein to the comments the bible times brother's
Ch t of others ' Am I MY
hospital t ing resident' kee, ?0 m resident
closing W ham S AVE OUR HOSPITAL Wingha
Are we going to lose our hospital because you didn't let
the hospital board in your town know of your concern for - —
�I I the health care of your neighbours in Clinton and area?
I r received from our area
Read these quotes from letters Y _I
and from elected officials, then send in your own personal
Sponsored by (listen Citizen's Attie@ Committee - Pllsse 482-7812
The Winglum Advane&Tfillaar;'!Lacs., ]Larch 26, WN --Page s
ELAINE DEICHERT was the recipient of a $100 cheque
after being named the winner of the Kinsmen Booster
Club's monthly draw March 5. Mrs. Deichert of 352 Summit
Drive, was presented with the cheque by LeRoy Jackson of
the Wingham Minor Hockey Association.
Report from Queen's Park
This week in the Legislature,
Opposition maintained that the
the two Opposition Leaders parti-
government has not proved that
The Attorney General has indi-
cipated in the debate on the
the savings claimed will in fact
cated that he does not think there
Speech from the Throne. Both
result from the hospital closures,
should be a public inquiry into the
leaders strongly criticised the
and they are being carried out
Ontario private lab industry, if
provincial government, parti-
with little apparent concern for
criminal charges result from
cularly for the policy of arbitrar-
the impact on the communities in
investigations into Abko Medical
ily closing down hospitals in the
which the hospitals are located.
Laboratories Ltd. The investi-
province. The government anti-
Based on figures issued by the
gations into Abko resulted from
cipated saving some 40-50 million
Ministry of Health, instead of
stories that the firm's records
a year by closing or cutting back
saving money there is going to be
indicate the Ontario Health In -
on hospital expenditure. The
a net loss of $527,000 in the closing
surance Plan had been billed for
of Goderich Psychiatric Hospital.
tests on patients which were in
It was also mentioned that, if the
fact never carried out,
province had held the private
There will be no report next -
medical laboratory industry to a
week, because the Legislatl8e
15 per cent increase in its annual
will be adjourned for the Easter
Miss Ruth Anne Oakley, Mr.
billings to the Ontario Health
and Mrs. Peter Shipman and Lisa
Insurance Plan, about 65 million
of Toronto were weekend guests
would have been saved, $35 mil -
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of
lion of it this year.
Friendship Unit
Wroxeter. Sunday afternoon,
Both Opposition Leaders put
forward amendments to the
Mrs. Jack Miller and Tommy and
Ian Oakley went to London to
Throne Speech criticising the
meeting of the Friendship Unit
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Peter
government for lack of responsi-
was held at the home of Mrs.
Kenneth Edgar, Wroxeter. The
Romphs, returning on Monday
evening. Ian has been accepted in
bility in forcing school boards
and municipalities to increase
meeting opened with the hymn,
the Armed Forces. He leaves this
property taxes to home owners
Time to Be Holy": Mrs.
Archie Miller read the scripture
Friday for Cornwallis, Nova
and tenants, for lack of financial
responsibility generally, and for
followed by the Lords prayer.
Scotia, to begin his basic train-
the cutbacks on hospitals and
Mrs. Edgar gave the meditation
on prayer and stressed prayer as
being a very personal thing and
that it often takes patience while
Howick Lions
waiting for God's answer. Mrs.
Miller read from the book "I've
Got to talk to Somebody, God."
The roll call was prayer.
cash a t weekly
Mrs. Ball gave a very inter-
Howick Lions' bingo winners
Moore, Wroxeter.
Share the wealth: first, Mrs.
esting talk on their trip to the
Holy Land, the beauty of the land,
for March 20 were:
McLaughlin, Harriston, 530; and
and trips they had taken, each
Regular games: Muriel Rit-
second, Pearl Angus, Wingham
day being well planned to visit so
chie, Lucknow, Mrs. Beattie,
many interesting places.
Listowel, Mrs. Bob Montgomery,
825 special to Fran Golley,
The meeting closed with the
Wingham and Mrs. Sarah An-
Brussels; jackpot of $100 to Nora
hymn, "What a Friend We Have
stedt, Wingham; Vie Hallam,
Finnegan, Wingham and Mrs.
in Jesus".
Lucknow, Mrs. Stuart Holloway,
Wyers, Listowel; stand up bingo:
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Wingham, Dolly Felker, Listowel
Mrs. Bates, Harriston; lap card:
Edgar and Mrs. Miller and a
and Nora Finnegan, Wingham,
Jack Felker, Listowel;
social time was enjoyed.
who also won the Purple Ball of
Dart game: names called, E.
$20: Pearl Angus, Wingham; Pat
McKinnon, Patty Gowing and
Thedorff, Listowel and Garry
Kathleen Hamilton, Listowel;
Larson, Listowel; Mrs. Zeigler,
Ilarriston; Mrs. Newman, Wing-
door prizes: Wilma Ducklow,
Listowel, Doreen Leek, Wrox-
Bridge results
ham; Ethel Montgomery, Wing-
eter, Louise Clark, Wroxeter and
ham; Tena Gardner, Lucknow
and Stuart Holloway, Wingham;
Kay Rich, Wingham;
Lucky draws to Laura Beattie,
First, Arthur Wilson and Far -
Mrs. Ducklow, Listowel and Dol-
Listowel, Mrs. Anderson, Luck-
ish Moffatt; second, Mary Porter
and Joe Martin; third, Hazel
ly Felker, Listowel; Ethel Mont-
now, Alice Caswell, Bluevale and
Weir and Rena Fisher.
gomery, Wingham; Karen
Mrs. Seiling, Wingham.
SWINGING GRADS—Elly and Terry Emmerton of Harriston were just one of approxi-
mately 18 couples graduating in square dancing Saturday night at Howick Central School.
Presenting the couple with their diploma Is their Instructor Egbert Jacobsfof Brunner.