The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-18, Page 11• The Wingham Advance -Times, Iturs., UVch 13, 19176—Page 11
MARCH lits rented them with a purse of average of over 4o books a day for products to C. E. NiacTavWl, dls- the new group were: president, J.
The Maitland River is on its an, money before their departure to each day the library is open. . tributor for BA products. P. McKibbon; vice-president, H.
mW rampage after a fLw days oU Lavern#, Saskatchewan. 0-0-0 Interested people met in the P. Carmichael; secretary, Barry
mild weather. The prairie is George Spotton, MP, presented council chamber of the toren hall Wenger; treasurer, Verne Dun-
Qooded and Lower Wingham re -:I ,petitions to several groups in the MARCHJohn1652 Hanna, Grade 13 student for the purpose of forming a fig- lop.
sembled a scene in Uncle 'tom's ' 4rea, to the hopes that legislation at the Wingham High School, has ure skating club. Elected to the John Hopper left town last
Cabin when Eliza crossed the ice. be passed to prevFnt the export of been selected Wingham rep- Board Of Directors were AU week to accept a position as in -
The sudden rise in the water intoxicating liquor to the United resentative for the Leader' Club, Lockridge, Mrs. H. Wild, Mrs. D. spector with the Department of
caught the people unaware and States. MacLennan, Rod McIntosh, Mr. Labor
many were isolated in their 0-0-0 sponsored by the London Free G. Scott, Lois Hamilton, Bet'nkee
Press among Western Ontario Plans have been made to start
homes and forced to the second MARCH 1941 High Schools. John was selected Crawford, H. Brooks, Mr. Al a series of programs over CKNX,
story. But the Volga boatmen, the Municipalities bordering on the Williams and Joyce Heal. Wingham, in which personnel of
Potter bdys, manned the lifeboat, right-of-way from Clinton June- on the basis a his athletic ability Bert Mitchell has taken over RCAF Station, Clinton will be
took b' chances with a swift cur- tion to Wingham and participation in school ac- �g agency featured. The program will con
ngham Junction of the the farm distribu ' cosy � 0'
tivities. He was awarded the A. P °g
rent and the small icebergs, and Canadian National Railways Paisleyfor Canadian Oils Ltd.
g y D. 14IacWilliam Trophy as the tinue foN13 weeks and personnel #
rescued the imprisoned. were disappointed to hear that and is now living in Paisley. from all across Canada who are +'
Robert Spotton of Wingham has the Board of Transport Commis- 1949. best athlete in W�am High 1n At a meeting held in the council stationed at Clinton, will part--
been awarded the contract of sioners for Canada has given apchamber a group of Wingham cipate. It will feature singing and
supplying the war memorial for proval for the abandonment of Murray Johnson and Sons Ltd. businessmen voted unanimously instrumentalists.
Teeswater. The monument will this section of the line, part of the have announced the sale of their to form what will be known as the Mrs. Cecil Wilson was elected
be laced on the main street at old Huron and Bruce. farm trade distribution business Wingham Business Association. z.
p ng president of the Gorrie Women's
the town hall plot. A. C. Ralph Baird, who is sta- of gasoline, oil and petroleum 'Among those elected officers of Institute.
Sparks from a chimney set fire, tioned with the RCAF at Trenton, 0-0-0
to the roof of Robert McLennan's was home on leave last week. MARCH 1962
brick house at Bluevale and des- Ralph is quite sure that he has a The Ontario School Trustees'
pite hard work of willing work- near record for hitch -hiking, as Gorrie Pand Ratepayers' Association
ers, the place completely burned. during the' past year he used the sponsored a provincial public
Seven scholars of the Sunday old thumb to flag rides that total- Mrs. Glad Edgar spent the attended the Zone Rally at Kin- speaking contest in which pupils
School of the Wingham Baptist led 10,400 miles. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don- sardine on Sunday. from the senior grades of the
Church entered the temperance In the recent table tennis play- ald Williamson of Thornhill. Mr.. and Mrs. Neil Graham and Wingham Public School were
contest, each receiving marks offs at the Public School, Mary Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, Michele of Sudbury are spending entered. Peggy Rae, daughter of s
entitling them to honorary cer- Forbes and Rose Ohm were win- Matthew and Peter of Tillson- a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mr.. and Mrs. Murray Rae, was
tificates. They were Lister Shiels, ners in the senior and junior burg visited over the weekend Alex Graham. Neil was able to chosen to represent the sehool
Ida Kelly, Beryl Mundy, Bernice divisions. Runners-up were Helen with Mrs. William Austin Sr. Mrs leave the Wellesley Hospital, and placed third in the trials held
Mundy, Louise Kelly, Marie Kel- Lockridge and Lois Lockridge. Earl Patterson of Fordwich spent Toronto, on Sunday. in Clinton.
ly and Edith Mundy. Darrell Biggs reported at the Saturday at the same home. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Ball, Walter Scott of Belgrave was It
The Radio Shop, next to the head office of the Dominion Bank Dr. and Mrs. Alex Strong, Elmer Farrish, Miss Margaret elected Deputy County Master of r
BrOnswick Hotel, has been suc- at Toronto to be assigned to one of Paula, Heidi and Peter of Wing- Dane and Mrs. Edgar Dane were Huron County Black Knights at a
cessful in securing the agency for the city branches. Darrell is the ham visited Sunday with the among those who have returned meeting held in Blyth.
the well-known products of His tenth Wingham youth to enter the former's mother, Mrs. John from a trip to the Holy Land. Appointment of R. W. 'Bob' ,.
Master's Voice Ltd., namely Vic- services of the Dominion Bank in Strong. Mrs. Robert Allan and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins Carbert as director of informa-
for VE records, the biggest set- the past, five years. Jamie of Beaconsville, Que., are visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tion for the Ontario Federation of
ling record in America, and the Mrs. Fred Newman and family visiting at the same home. John Wilson of Fordwich. Mr. Agriculture was announced by
well-known Victor Orthophonic of West Wawanosh moved to Mr. and Mrs. Donald McRuer and Mrs. Ross King and family of the secretary -manager, H. M.
Victrola. Wingham last week and have and Neil of Owen Sound visited Stratford visited at the same Arbuckle. Mr. Carbert will as -
G. R. Paterson of Clinton, who taken up residence on Shuter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gord- home. sume his new duties early in
has held the position of Agricul- Street. Mr. Newman has joined on Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson April.
tural Representative for the the RCAF and is stationed at St. Mrs. Margaret Hoey is a pa- and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ireland Bodmin bridge, on the fourth
county of Huron for the past two Thomas. 'tient in Wingham Hospital. Her have returned from holidaying in concession of Morris Township, Ci a gW
years, is being transferred by the An oil well was brought in by F. nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. North Carolina,_ USA: was officially opened b N. E.
Pe Y
Department of Agriculture to a L. Daivdson and son, Bill, who Harry Brunskill of Burlington Neilans, municipal engineer, De-
similar position in Peel County. have leased the 124 -acre farm of visited her on Saturday, and on partment of Highways, Stratford. i•
Hit; successor will be Mr. Mac- Lorne Eastabrook, five miles Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack At MOI@SWOt'tI1 WMS The new $52,000, three span
Kay, who has been Mr. Pater- east of Watford. Oil was struck at twood of London visited their The afternoon group of Moles- structure is the third bridge to be
son's assistant. 393 feet. aunt. g P erected at this site over 50 years.
Thomas Inglis, reeve of the Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Peter Atkins spent the weekend worth Women's Missionary So- At the annual meeting of the JAMES HINZ AND AGNES VOROS had 30 seconds to see which one was able to dribble
townshipof Howick, was the Edgar and family moved to the with his parents in Toronto. ciety of the Presbyterian Church the basketball, all part of the sports-a-thon competition held at Howick School last Wed -
met g Y P met for their March meet- in Belgrave Co -Operative Associa nesda
choice of the county of Huron for Holt farm on the ninth concession Jimmy Jones is a patient in tion, it was revealed that total Y'
the wardenship for the present of Howick last week. Wingham and District Hospital. the Sunday School room with sales for the year increased
year. Listswel is about to ass a cur- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins and Mr's. John Brush and Mrs. Wes
Y P E11,500 over the previous year.
The friends and neighbors of few law in an attempt to keep Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clayton of Moore the hostesses. There were Net earnings for the year were
Mr. and Mrs. ' George Deyell children off the streets at night. Wingham returned Tuesday from 14 ladies present. $8,077• Manager of the Co-0per- In brief. .
gathered at their home and pre- This has been decided by the holidaying at Miami and Fort Mrs. Lloyd Felker presided for ative is Ross Robinson. New
police committee, to whom auth- Lauderdale, Florida. the opening exercises and the directors elected were Mel Craig,
orit was given at the last council Mr. and Mrs. James C: Sander- business before the meeting.
R. W . BELL Y g John Taylor and Sam Pletch.
meeting. son of Rosetown, Sask.; visited Plans were made for the Easter �.� new members, Carol
That the people of Wingham Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Thankoffering service which will upland, Jean Sanderson and Of t e Nation
en'o the fireside with a book is George Brown. be on April 14 with Mrs. J. C. Anne Gibson were initiated into News
O►TOMETRIST Y Henderson of Harriston as guest shown by the annual report of Alex Graham, William A. g the Wroxeter CGIT group at their
GObECH Wingham Public Library. The Smith, Fraser Lynn and George speaker. last meeting. Zehr's supermarket will be the tempt of court charges against third largest employer. The r
circulation of books for last year Inglis of the Howick Branch No. The study, "Faithful Servants Elroy Laidlaw of Whitechurch major tenant in a new shopping another member of the cabinet. duct is automotive tail and ex -
The Square 524-7661 was 12,122 volumes. This is an 307 of the al Canadian ion in Taiwan.. was given by Mrs. laza planned for the town of Port However, Parliament was shock haustpipes, the
John Freeman and took the form has purchased the SS No. 14 El 1n The entire laza, project is ed when Prime Minister Trudeau president says that firm'splans are
of a radio broadcast. A number of school and the school grounds g P P Y
. . from the West Wawanosh Trustee expected to cost about $6 million. announced four hours later that under way for more diversified
Police look into he ladies gave news reports on Board. This school was closed The supermarket will occupy he would not accept Mr. Drury's products.
work there. Mrs. Mel Dennis read some 17 years ago and the pupils 20,000 square feet of the 94,000 resignation, and the PM's action
attempted fraud scripture from Matthew 25:19-30. have been taken to Fordyce available in the plaza: There will was brarided as "arrogant" by
NOTICE A poster from
by Mrs. Free School. be six other stores in the first opposition members.
The Wingham Police depart- man showed many different g Mrs. William Hardy was nam- building phase. 0-0-0 Some 8,000 secondary school
ment investigated two accidents aspects of the work there. ed superintendent of the Sunday 0 — 0 — 0 Land acquisition for the $15 students and 470 of their teachers
during the week of March 9-16. On The meeting was closed with a School ofnnybrook United Gotdon McGavin, widely- million Glengowan dam north of have been idled by a dispute over
IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL March 11, vehicles driven by short prayer and a social halfour-. Church. Secretary -treasurer's known Walton implement dealer, St. Marys will commence shortly. contracts with the Kent County
READS MAR., 9-5-7-6 Edna A. Foxton of 15 Bristol Ter- hposition will cshared as Mrs. died at the Seaforth Hospital The project is under development board of education. Teachers in
race and James Ste. Marie of RR Tom Armstrong and Miss Sharon after several months' illness. Mr. by the Upper Thames Valley Ridgetown failed to report for
YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE 2, Wingham collided on Edward Jefferson and pianists. are Mrs. McGavin had been,active in polit- Conservation Authority.. The duty on Tuesday and the board
Strf=eG.' said all teachers would be locked
Hilliard Jefferson and Mrs. Mur- -cal organizations and one of the nine -mile -long reservoir to be im
Another accident occurred Belgrave
most enthusiastic executive pounded by the dam will occupy out if the strike continued.
March 13 at Alfred and Frances ray Wilson. 0 — 0 — 0
_ A shower was held for Bluevale members of the Ontario Plow- 2500 acres of farmland. Its ptu'-
Advanee Times
Street. Vehicles operated by men's Association. pose is to control flood levels in Opposition parties in the House
David L. Ackert of Holyrood and Friends and neighbours of Jack bride-to-be Miss Joan McFarlane 0 — 0 — 0 the Thames. of Commons are "working to
Alvin C. Alton of 100 for are sop Diagonal Y sorry to hear he is a at the home of Mrs. Mel Craig.
g Ta Works Minister C. M. (Bud) 0 — 0 — 0 rule" in an effort to frustrate the
Road collided, causing an esti- patient in Wingham and District Drury offered his resignation The federal anti-inflation board Trudeau government. The Pro -
mated $525 damage. Hospital. p� from the federal cabinet after has announced that it will police gressive Conservatives and the
The department also investi- Mr. and Mrs. 'Grant McBurney, Damage $8,850 adrr} tting that he had telephoned the activities of 41 more business NDP have seized on Trudeau's
gated an attempted fraud and Stephen and Renee of Missis- a judge who was hearing con- corporations and has also order- refusal to accept the resignation
questioned three juveniles sauga spent last weekend with his in car mishaps ed 31 companies to limit the of Abinet minister C. M. Drury
'hter'. regarding shoplifting, later parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. dividends paid to shareholders. or to order a full inquiry into
ckareleasin them in their arents' The Wingham detachment of
g P McBurney. Firms which paid unusually low alleged interference of cabinet
custody.Brian Leader of Wing- the On Provincial Police
ng- dividends in the year preceding ministers in the judicial process.
reports that eight motor vehicle Sh o o t results v Its Po Y
ham appeared in Goderich Court the �m sition of controls have It is unlikely the tactics of the two
R March 15 to answer to seven collisions occurred in the week of been permitted to pay as high as opposition parties will precipitate
charges of false pretences. One March 8 to t4 with d estimated
���Ck _ _ _ /l $8,850 in property damage and BELGRAVE —The Women's 25 per cent of their profits, but an election.
He \Rant, to IIIJkc it .111 on h�, charge was laid under the TCIGO Institute held a shoot parry on most were ordered to limit divid- 0—"
"� Criminal Code of Canada. �� injury M two persons.
own. Hc's'one of (�:ut:nla's cnhhlc�l Paul Moffatt of KR 4, Wingham Friday evening in the Women's end payments to 10 per cent of John Turner, who resigned his
The town police require adult —Mr. and Mrs. Russell uaun[ le Institute Hall with 10 tables in profits. post as Canada's finance minis -
children, tightinc hilyd Io crossing guards to supervise chil- spent the weekend with their son, car accident on the Turnberrwas injured as a result of a single play. Winners were as follows 0-0-0 ter a few months ago, spoke
overcome physical di,:rh441ty dren crossing against the lights Donald Gaunt and Mrs. Gaunt. Morris boundary line south of High lady, Mrs. Sara Anstett; The American owned Dear publicly for the first time of his
Some need %%hecichmr,. Some during regular school days. Any- —Weekend guests with Mr. and Highway 8s The Moffat vehicle high man, Edgar Wightman. low born Steel Tubing Manufacturing differences of opinion with the
one interested should contact the Mrs. George Fisher, Patrick went out of control into a snow- lady, Mrs. Jim McLean; low Co. of Canada has been pur- Trudeau economic philosophy.
nerd crutches or Iont tont �� Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
therapy. But thc,, ,ill \+,int the
department. ba k a d Iled over man, Norman Coupes; novelty chased by two Canadians. New Turner disagrees with the
chance to become e cnthntc
they can
Thai's \+h.\ thc�
need you
Easter Seals
cn�pPpled children.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sander-
son, Rosetown, Sask., accom-
panied by their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Everett Sanderson and
baby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Sanderson and other relatives
last week. Everett arrived later
in the week for a visit too.
Dawson and Cindy and her On March 13 vehicles driven hN ladv, `Mrs. Willard Armstrong; ow4rs are Bob Brown of Forest theories of John Kenneth Gal -
friend, Heather Walker, of Harold E. Lamont of RR 2, novelty man, George Mitchell; and John Funk of St. Catharines. braith, one of whose disciples is
Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs. Wingham and David W. Thomp lucky chair, Mrs. Clarence Han- The company operates two plants the prime minister. Turner terms
Gordon Fisher and family of Av- son of RR 1, Wingham collided in na, lucky cup, Norman Coultes. in Goderich and is the town's the present controls as necessary
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Turnberry Township. Mr. La- but dangerous if continued "one
Machan and Ross of Brussels, day longer than necessary".
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Este • of moot was treated for facial and .�, f►--ff`-0
y mouth injuries and later released
Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Williamfrom Wingham and District Hos `
s new w a 1
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
pital. What
Gibson and family of White- of Great Britain took his nation
church and Mr. and Mrs. Bertand the rest of the world com-
During the same week officers •
Bef,esford of Ayton. pletely by surprise on Tuesday
conducted 22 investigations and
morning when he announced he
22 charges were laid uHuronview nder the 'would retire as Labor party
Highway Traffic Act cine charge leader. His successor will be
was laid under the 4%iquor
Licence Act, I Sc% cn new residents were wel dies and Mrs. McGratten ex named within two weeks and will
Consumer and Consommation
Corporate Affairs at Corporations
A-" O.OtO MMx,Nr Ar O,MW r,Yr,l,ln
New improvements in Canada's competition Our ideal is a fair marketpwe for everyone.
„_ , J.. For f,nn literature on ranada's competition
policy are helping to ensure more iiu,ii i.. auv@ttiaiity, For ��� •••--•
clear and vrcll defined guar ^. , CC J and ~vic�t ;cilIng policy andIiuw ii works for you, Y
practices that protect both business and consumer. write to: Box 99, Ottawa K 1 N 8P9. t
t err.
corned to the home at 'Monday s
pressed the appreciation of the
become prime minister of Br3-
$2,868. pledged
program. Mrs, Mary Appleby,
Miss Sander sop., Mr iullard,
Mrs. Evaline Appleby, John
^^� �„n.nt,n c tn-
The nippy.,, East ,. -...
NnP Leader St phen I,ewds has
at skate-a-thon
Gnay and Russell Holmes. Volun-
stitute was host for the March
moved a motion of nonconfi-
teers from the Clinton Christian
birthday party on Wednesday
dense in the Davis government of
BELMORE One hundred
Reformed Church assisted with
afternoon. Mrs. Marjorie Hog-
Ontario. The motion will be put to'
and four skaters participated in
the activities and the old tyme
Barth was emcee for the pro-
a vote in the Legislature on April
the annual skate-a-thon which
music was provided by Marie
gram with musical numbers by
5 If the Liberals vote with the
was held Saturday in the arena.
Flynn, Frank Forrest and Nor-
Mary Broadfoot and Norman
NDP the minority Davis regime
Seventy finished the event with a
man Speir.
Speir, a reading by Rena Cald-
will be toppled and an election
total amount pledged of 52,868.10
Dave Kemp• a teachef at the
well' a skit by Mona Alderice and
will follow.
This money will be used for com-
Robertson Public School, God-
Marjorie Hoggarth; a sing -along
munity projects
erica. showed colored slide pic-
led by Ruby Treibner accomp-
Egypt has cancelled its treaty
Snacks were provided through-
tures of Frobisher Bay at the
anied by Francis Kinsman.
of friendship and cooperation
out the day by the Belmore
Family Night pYogram Mr..and
Twenty-two residents received
with the Soviet Union. The
Women's institute.
Mrs. Kemp had taken the pic-
gifts from the institute and birth-
Soviets provided the materials
The oronni7nrc of the 0,afe n
}urns of !he north urhiln teachinlg
da cake and fro were Eerved to
fn,• Ti`[TVT1f C wAr with Israel Now
c+� r
thon would like to thank all those
in that area. The residents enjoy-
150 and guests. One of the cel-
it appears the U.S is willing to
••.,ho sponsored skaters and arr
cd the .cry inter csting com. -
u1n anis, Mrs. Beiiy xraich..
provide weapons in return for
also grateful to those who cleaned
mentary and seeing the way the
thanked all those responsible for
Egypt's assistance on negotiating
•-•,.^ ,-^tom•..,
G`ob:mnc li..o Mrc Fleio Nonrior-
fhn nart_v on 1wui,u ,. 1hr ren;
-. ....rr+n„fa avifh nfhK
in the kitchen.
son entertained with piano melo-
Middle Fast countries.
t err.