The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-04, Page 14I
Pole 4—The Wingham Advanco-Times, Tburs., March 4, 197({ Ernest (Lucinda) Eichboltz;
OBITUARY Mrs. Eckhardt (Emma) Huras,
both of Kitchener and Mrs.
MRS. ELEANOR MILLER mph (primo) Dietz of Clifford.
ti 'ti .;;- Mrs. Eleanor Miller, of Kit Silo was predeeeasffld by a
:y.4� :-.::...... •:�:.
chener, and formerly of Hanover, brother, Harold and a sister, Mrs.
C died Wednesday, Feb. 11, at St. George (Lorena) Hamilton.
1 1 Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. She
1 1 �� ID � ,t t, /�1was89 yeatr of age. The body rested at the
Pv V V - .,.,e w„s ! February 24, Richardson Allard Funeral
,�':;,•:.:,, ...... ,�`• ..
1906, in Hawick Township,.. and Hu1fie, tianovts, iida Pah is
•1. ,,�y w����•{:.':1t .'}\1♦y1} 1i\\•\• :.:.}[�1-y1\1.y�4 'ti'\�,•]y� :,:�•.'+• ,"��:ti��tititi•+••�•}•.{,::.•. :.Y::.•:,•}:¢. > was a daughter of the late Nicho- when a funWal service was con-
. �,1�A�,1L}Y:.•.\�•'.::\•::.tiVttl,,,,L,�.�:•: R.\1.Y,\ „� �\�,'.vA:: ,4�V.`�\ ,.,,..,ti::..•:.:'.s{::ti:�f:ti•:.........\ . ., .. Y'
las 'Foerter and the late Mary ducted by Rev. Fred McPhail of
Ries Foerter, Arthur.
For Sale Miscellaneous Notice Rgal Estate Notice To Creditors Mrs G M�(h�� �-' attended the Han- Pallbearers were Herschel
For Sale • e over Pentecostal Holiness b
BERG STABLE cleaners and IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rola- HAROLD KING'S Plumbing and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Church. Keller,, Mervyn Pfeffer, 14 et
stabling. Bunk feeders and water tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Heating, Gorrie now located in a DOCTOR'S RESIDENCE situat- IN THE ESTATE OF • • She was married to Nev. Henry Eichholz, Lyle Foerter, Lorne
bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow- Famil ' Grou may be able to new shop two blocks west of ed on rime parcel of land com 1 was active I n Miller on June 4, 1932, in Clifford. F�� and John Hill.
Family'Group y p p pa MAL,DPOII`TERFIELD
ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, help you solve your side of the Farmatic on Maitland Street. prising two large elevated river- ALL PERSONS having claims • She is survived by: her hus- Flower bearers were grand-
Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. problem. Please contact Post Of- side lots. 323 feet of river front- against the Estate of the above-her
band and a son, Harland, of Kit- children, Brian, Lori Anne, and
rrb fire Box 1.135, Wingham. age. Four master -size bedrooms, community chener; also a daughter, Mrs. Angela Miller, and Kendra Eck-
rrb 3 bathrooms, kitchen, dining of Tuckersmith, in the County ofKenneth (Lois) Eckhardt, of hardt.
2,000 BALES of hay; close to , room, lounge, study, laundry Huron, Widow, who died on A Belgrave area resident 'who Fergus, and five grandchildren. Interment was in Hanover
Wingham. Keith Fitzsimmons, REYNOLDS GOOD USED - ton truck in good room and fully -panelled and January 14, 1976, are required to was always active in church and Also surviving are sisters Mrs. Cemetery Chapel.
condition only; apply with all carpeted basement. Fitted shag community, Mrs. George Michie
357-1117. rrb REFRIGERATION AND Pe g file proof of same with the under -
particulars to Box 415, The Wing- carpets throughout remainder of of RR 4, Brussels, passed away at
APP.ble re repSERairs,
o ham Advance -Times. house. Interior decorated 5 signed 1 7 before the 20th day of Victoria Hospital, London, on
QUANTITY of choice ha and Dependable repairs, prompt March, 1976. LARGE CONSIGNMENT
y service. Phone 357-1085, 4-11 months ago at a cost of 11,500. AFTER that date the Execu- Monday, February23. Mrs.
straw; large bales ;.Joe King, 357 Michie was in her 57th year and
2459. rrb House built new in 1971. Land- tors will proceed to distribute the y •
4-11 WOULD LIKE to rent or lease 50 - scaped, large patio and swim- Estate having regard only to the death followed a brief illness. Auction Sale
100 acres of crop land. Phone 887- ming pool. River depth suitable claims of which they -shall then The former Margaret Eliza -
TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to 9481. for mooring motor boat. For beth Beattie, she was the daugh- of
HAY FOR SALE` Alfalfa and have more cents at ,.the North have had notice. ter of the late Robert and Eliza
Timothymixed. First and second 4-11 more details, write or phone Dr. DATED at Wingham, Ontario ,
Huron Credit Union. Deposit in- R. D. Wilkins, Wingham Medical this 1st day of March, A.D. 1976. beth Beattie and was born in Hul TRACTORS i MACHINE
cut. Phone 357-3637. terest rates at 9 per cent. Office lett Township.She attended Sea-
rrb For Rent Centre, 3572500. Crawfordinghall&Davies Saturday March 13
Sea -
hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, to 4 rrb forth and Clinton High Schools
p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday, 12 Wingham, and the London Normal School. /
HAY FOR SALE: no rain, ideal noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 4 to IN TEESWATER, a ground floor, Solicitors for the Following her graduation, she
for horses. Call Don Morrison, 7 p.m. Phone 357-2311. '2 bedroom. heated apartment, SERVICE STATION with at- Ex $ taught in Morris and Grey Town-
357-3166 evenings. rrb available April 1. Private en- tachedbad)- shoplocatedonmain ships and for ten years prior to LAKEVIEW SALES i SERVICE
trance and parking. Phone 392- street of Teeswater. Includes her death, she was the principal
BLOODHOUND PUPS, cham- INSTRUCTION, AVAILABLE 6982. rrb two, three bedroom apartments of the Blyth Public School. 14, mile North, v, mile East of Carlow and 7 miles North East
pion parents, very affectionate LEARN HAIRDRESSING—for above garage. For more inl'orina- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. Michie was a member of of Goderich, Ontario, Canada.
:ion call 392-6810 or 392-6729. IN THE ESTATE OF the Belgrave United Church, a Consignments Welcome
pets. Phone Kincardine 395-5578. more information on this career FARMHOUSE 4 bedrooms; �MURRAYg
26-4 write, phone or visit K -W ` modern kitchen and bath; nicely 26-4 JAMES FOUND MUmember of the former Women's Telephone Lakeview Sales a Service $24-6451
SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, decorated; available now. Phone AM S REEALL PERSONS having claims Missionary Society and the pres- Terms Cash Pick up canbearrangod
STANDING 150 foot heavy duty 407 Highland Rd. W, Kitchener, 357-2497. W1Ll.lAD against the Estate of the above- ent United Church Women. Lunch Booth on Grounds
communication tower, 2 foot 745-5641. Lodging available. mentioned, late of the Town of In 1944, in Burns'Church, she R.G. Gethke Gordon H. Brindley Richard Lobb
married Mr. Michie. He survives,
Wingham, in the County of Auctioneers
square, aerial and lighting kits rrb
attached. Ideal as base unit. Best Work Wanted Real Esf % Broker ger Huron, Retired Painter, who died with one daughter, Mrs. James Not responsible for accidents day of sale
offer. Phone 523-4455.General Insurance on November 27th, 1975, are re -
FOR YOUR Dial 357-2174 quired to file proof of same with (Ruth) Baker of London and one i
264 Insurance Needs in Automobile, WILL DO office cleaning. Phone WINGHAM, ONTARIO the undersigned on or before the son, Lloyd of RR 4, Brussels.
Farm Liability, Accidents and 357-2518. 20th day of March, 1976. There are three grandsons; and
SAVE MONEY. Buy oranges and Sickness {tome Protection „ 26-4 COMMISSION RATE — 3% AFTER that date the Execu- two brothers, Stewart Beattie of •
grapefruits by the case and Call four Co-op Agent— ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM trix will proceed to distribute the Wingham and Leslie Beattie of Business and Professional
.apples by the bushel. For special LLOYD MONTGOMERY Seaforth.
prices phone 357-3482. 53 Maple Street, Wingham PAJNTI.NG, interior and ex- Immaculate 3 bedroom familyEstate having regard only to the
Funeral service was conducted
terior, in are time. Call morn- home with living room, dining claims d which she shall then
rrb Dial 357-37:19 P 9 9 by Rev. John Roberts on Thurs- Directory
ins and evenings, 357-3170. room, modern kitchen, 4 piece have had notice.
g g ! � p day, February 26, in the Belgrave
PURE MAPLE SYRUP pro- CONCRETE septic tanks, 650 - rb bath, sunporch, oil furnace, at- df March,
at Wingham, Ontario, United Church. Members of the
ducts. For information phone 4,000 gallons available; backhoe tached garage. Good lot. Well this 1st ay oarch, A.D. 1976. deceased's Grade 8 class and her
Ibcated. Early possession. Crawford Mill & Davies fellow staff members at Blyth
Robinson Maple Products, RR 2, for digging holes and drains; Help Wanted Wingham, Ontario BRAY WINGHAM
Auburn, 357-3149. 26-4 vacuum pumper for cleaning Solicitors fdr the formed a guard of honor. Thee
septic tanks. Ronald Forster, RR 2 STOREY INCOME PROPERTY Belgrave Mens Choir led in the CHIROPRACTIC MEMORIALS
P Executrix
1, Lucknow 528-2346. CLASS A MECHANIC for trucks. with 2 self contained apart- singing of the hymns. Interment
each BALES Trefoil ha ;1.00 4 11 18 OFFICE
Y rr April 29 Apply Box •116, The Wingham Ad- menta. Five rooms down, fou► followed in Brussels Cemetery.GUARANTEED GRANITES
each. 367-2504. 4;11 vance-Times. up. Oil furnace. Good location. Pallbearers were Glen Van CEMETERY LETTERING
ANYONE wishing to have hand -
4 -11 Large lot. Mortgage available. Camp, Harold Keating, Graham 197 Josephine Street REASONABLE PRICES
USED MOBILE HOMES: 2 years saws, circular saws, tools, etc. IN THEESTATE: OF Yeats, Leo Sanders, James Buy Direct and Save
old,, double width 24 x 50, 3 bed- sharpened, call 357-3644. List now for early spring sale. We . Laurie and Bill Marsh. Floral tri- Wingham, Ontario
rooms, living room, family room, rrb APPLICANTS WANTED have several sincere buyers. NORMAN EDWARD KF:ATING Bus Ph. 357.1910
butes were carried by four mem- Phone 357-1224
ALL PERSONS having claims bers of her Grade 8 class, Shelley Res. Ph. 357-1015
dining room and kitchen, 3 -piece The Canadian Armed Forces have Y
Notice To Creditors against the Estate of the above
bath and lots of shag carpeting, to MEALS -ON -WHEELS immediate vacancies for training mentioned, late of the Town of Patterson, Debbie Dale, Doug
your lot for $10,000. J. Mathers, Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or and employment in a variety of Falconer and Brian Young.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ingham, in the. County of
357-3208 after five. Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. trades offering good pay, excellent Huron, Retired Electrician, who LET THE Frederick F. Homuth
rr training, 4 weeks paid vacation, AND OTHERS
died on Januar}' 6th, 1976, are re- Phm.B., R.O.
TWO CASH REGISTERS, one free medical and dental plans and IN THE MATTER OF THE - � - . opportunities to travel. ESTATE OF
quired to file proof of same with Announcement
manual, one electric. Phone 857 Wingham Carol E. Homuth, O.D.
SERA ICES �. JOHN SIMON PAUL the undersigned on or before the
3631. 4-11 -. The Canadian Forces Recruiting • Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D.
Officer will be at the Manpower SCHARBACH 20th day of March, 1976. Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Cook of Advance -Times
200 GALLON oil tank, good con- INCOME TAX SERVICE: indi- Centres in Walkerton 9 Mar 76 and Late of the Town of Wingham, in AFTER that date the Execu- i Q61m ` ar"e, 'pteased" to an .. .... . . .
dition. 357-1846 after five. vidual, farm, business. Mrs. Owen Sound 10 Mar 76 from 12:00 the County of Huron, Real Estate trix will proceed to distribute the nounce the forthcoming marri-HELP YOU OptometriStS
e daughter, 4-11 Caroline McDonald at Elliott In- p.m. until 4:00 p.m. or drop in to Agent, Deceased claims of which she shall then Estate having regard only to the age of their g hter, Cind y Lee HARRISTON Ontario
surance Agency, or phone 392- the Canadian Forces Recruiting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Mr. Louis Laskis, son of Mr. PHONE 357-2320
6382. rrb Centre at 235 King Street West, pursuant to the Trustee Act that have had notice. and Mrs. Stephen Laskis of West- 338-2712
Snowmobiles all creditors and others havIn DATED at Wingham, Ontario on. The wedding will take place
Kitchener re i a.m. 4:30 p.m. g this 1st day of March, A.D. 1976. May 22, 1976 in Weston with the
daily for more information or phone claims against the Estate of the y'
Y collect 742-7511. If you want to Crawford Mill & Davies reception to follow in Toronto's REID AND PETERSON
SAWS SHARPENED b ma- late John Simon Paul Scharbach P 1971 YAMAHA 292 snowmobile, chine. Call 357-1291. are re uired to send articulars Wingham, Ontario Skyline Hotel.
serve in the Canadian Forces Re- q P
$300. Phone 357-3088. 19-26-4-11 of their claims, dui verified, to Solicitors for the
4-11 serves, the Grey and Simcoe For- Y
esters, call Warrant Officer Patter- Mrs. M. Scharbach, Wingham, Executrix In Memoriam
son at 376-1864. Ontario, on or before the 31st day 4-11-18 Chartered Accountants
1974 BOA SKI 340 SS; would con- McARTER MASONRY: brick of March, 1976, and that after
sider car on trade. Phone and block work, new houses, such dAuction Sale SHOBBROOK: In loving memory 218 Josephine St'., Wingham
ate the Executrix will pro -
335 -3273. foundations, chimneys built, re- seed d distribute the assets of the of Rae Shobbrook who passed Ph: 357-1522
paired, etc. Call 887-6325. CUSTODIAN said estate having regard only to AUCTION SALE away March 5, 1%9. J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A.
4-11 —Always remembered by his
Cars & Trucks CONTRACTTENDER the claims of which she shall then of machinery, livestock and feed, family. K. C. Lentz, C.A. Res: 357-1087
FOr Sale have had notice. will be held for
BROPHY TAXI, Wingham. All PLAINLY DATED at Wingham, Ontario, MK. GEORGE: ti1:1Rs{TALI. DIED
1972 PONTIAC Laurentian four- passengers fully insured. 24-hour marked sealed. tenders this 13th day of February, 1976. East half of Lot 2'2, Con. 2,
door sedan, as is, priced to sell. service. 357-1234. ' rrb will be received by the on. Messrs. Goodall & Campbell ('ulross Twp., 2 corner south of
dersicined up to FR-ees
I. MARCH Solicitors of the Estate of Twater, 112 miles west, on O'HAGAN—Passed awayat
Call Mr. Hayes at 357-3210 or 357- 12, 1916 for contracting
2835 evenings. rrb Notice custodial services at John Simon Paul Scharbach, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, Aberdeen Hospital, New Glas ALL STAR TOURS LTD.HOLMESVILLE PUBLIC Wingham\ Ontario. ATI:(III P.M. Sow, Nova Scotia, on Satur-
1968 PANEL truck, three-quarter SCHOOL. 19-26-4 Auctioneers: day, February 21, Herbert Pat ton. Reconditioned motor; new PLEASE NOTE --A gift ofmoney ALL tenders must be sub- WALLACE BALLACH, rick O'Hagan of RR 2, New
tires and exhaust; no rust; good will be given to Mr. and Mrs. Bob mated on the offical tender NOTICE TO CREDITORS Teeswater :392-6170. Glasgow. He was in his 75th
condition, $650 as is. 392-6772. Corrigan (Jane Bateson ).' Any- forms which are available at AND OTHERS u � GRANT NIcDONALD, year. and death followed a
one wishing to gNeplease leaven,- the Huron County Board of Ripley :195-5353. brief illness. Born in New P.O. Box 24 (Galt) Cambridge, Ont.
at Mathers Store, Bluevale by Education 103 Albert St. IN THE MATTER OF THE 9
Brunswick, Mr. O'Hagap lived �
1968 FIREBIRD 6 cylinder; over- March 11th.
head cam ; as is $400. Phone 357-
'14 MONTE CARLO'fully equip-
ped, maroon with partially white
vinyl top and complementary in-
terior. John Brown Motors,
Gorrie. Opening new radiator
1970 CHEV van, long box, 4 brand
new radial tires, $2,000. Certified.
Phone 357-2407.
'72 DATSUN pickup, 47,000 miles.
Phone 357-1356.
COLLIES, champion sired pure-
bred peis: 14 months sable
female, 9 months tri male, $75.00
each. Also 2 months sable male,
$50.00 Walkerton 881-4145.
One female Siamese Blue Point
one year old, one female Siamese
Blue Point 5 months old: one
male Siamese Blue Point 5
months old. Phone 357-23.54.
SMALL short -haired part Collie
male dog, light brown with white
markings. Phone 357-2829.
one 750 x 16 truck tire and rim,
reward, phone 1187.6706.
Clinton, Ont. NOM 11-0.
THE lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
R.B. Dunlop
Superintendent of
Bus Affairs
Huron County
Board of Education
H. Turkheim Chairman
D J. Cochrane Director
requires a
The successful applicant will have a mini-
mum of Grade 12 and experience in gener-
al office procedures, payroll, bills payable
and receivable and reasonable typing
Salary negotiable normal company
fringe benefits.
Apply in writing to
Box 1639
P.O. Box 97
Listowel, Ontario
Late of the Town of Wingham, in
the County of Huron, and Prov-
ince of Ontario, Deceased
pursuant to the Trustee Act that
all creditors and others having
claims against the Estate of the
late Lawrence Alexander Willis
are required to send particulars
of their claims, duly verified, to
Mrs. Mary Willis, Wingham, On-
tario on or before the 31st day of
March, 1976, and that after such
date the Executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the said
Estate, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall have
had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario
this 13th day of February, 1976.
Messrs. Goodall & Campbell
Solicitors of the Estate of
Lawrence Alexander Willis,
Wingham, Ontario.
on Highway 86
Midway between -Wingham
and Listowel
LISTOWEL 291.4159
GORRIE 335.3314
MATHERS—A girl, Dana Chris-
tine, to Ken and Pat at Kitchen-
er -Waterloo Hospital on Febru-
ary 29, 1976.
HERSHBERGER—At the -Wing -
ham and District Hospital on
Friday, February 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hersh-
berger, RR 1, Wroxeter, a son,
La Mar Lynn.
GALBRAITH—John and Marilyn
( Campbell) are happy to an-
nounce the birth of a daughter
on Sunday, February 29, in
Oshawa Hospital, a baby sister
f?r Michael.
M. C. McDonald
most of his life in the Mari-
times, with the exception of a
year or two spent in Hamil-
ton, Ontario. He had visited
Winghamoral times.
Surviving is wife, the
former Aar ote of New
Brunswick; five sons, Quincy,
Joe and Theodore of Nova Sco-
tia, Medric d1l Oakville and
Reg of Wingham; several
grandchildren and great-
grandchildren; two brothers
and a sister. The funeral serv-
ice was held at the Porter Fun-
eral Home, New Glasgow, on
Monday, February 23. Inter-
ment followed in Our Lady of
Lourdes Cemetery, Stellarton,
' Nova Scotia.
SWAN—Passed away at the
Wingham and District Hos-
pital on Sunday, February 29,
Mrs. Jim Swan in her 37th year,
beloved wife of Jim Swan of '
Wingham. The former Gwendo'
lyn Brown, she was the dear
daughter of Walter and Hilda
Brown of Wingham; mother of
Jay and Jeffrey, both at home;
sister of Mrs. Robert (Sharon)
Jones of Walkerton, Wayne of
Wingham and Bill of Owen
Sound. The late Mrs. Swan rest-
ed at the S. J. Walker Funeral
Home where funeral service
Was conducted on Tuesday at
two o'clock. Interment followed
in Wingham Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Canadian Cancer
Society are being accepted by
the family as expressions of
BOX 733
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POSTAL CODE .......................... .
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